I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 266 The Battle Between Dragon Kings

Chapter 266 The Battle Between the Dragon Kings ([-])

"He's my brother."

A vague smile flashed across the corner of Yuanzhinv's mouth, and looking at Fu Nian who was stunned opposite her, the movements of her hands became faster and faster.

Different from Yuanzhisheng's fierce and domineering swordsmanship, Yuanzhinv's swordsmanship is more of a continuous effort, and there are countless killer moves behind each move.

Just like a game of chess, the opponent, as the owner of the chess game, has absolute control over the game and the concept of the overall situation.At this moment, the cherry red long knife in Yuan Zhinv's hand swung quickly.The whole person is like a red maple leaf spinning in the white moonlight.

The crimson kimono quickly fluttered like flowing water between waving movements, and between the movements of the wrist, silver-white sword lights flashed continuously in the air.

The short blade in Fu Nian's hand collided fiercely with it, and the explosive sparks splashed on everyone's faces. Fu Nian's exquisite outline expression was still so elegant and calm, as if it was not the one who fell into a defensive disadvantage. he,
At the same time, the flames reflected Yuan Zhinv's face. On the blood-red robe, his face was ferocious like a ghost crawling out of the abyss of hell. His delicate face was so fair, but the eyes that fell on it But it was so terrifying.

Yuanzhinv wantonly swayed the cherry red long knife in her hand, and the alchemy weapon burst out with absolute power in his hand.

Every time the two sides collide with each other's attacks, there will be a violent tremor wave in the center of each other's ninja knives, mixed with the sparks that burst and splatter like fire trees and silver flowers that burst on the water.

With each impact, the surrounding air trembled endlessly, but before the impact ripples spread towards the surroundings, another more violent impact ripples came from the air again, and they cycled back and forth, colliding endlessly , the flames continued.

This is an extremely evil ghost born of the same bloodline as the supreme emperor of the super hybrid. The advantages of the super hybrid are vividly displayed by the opponent at this moment, and even the extremely evil ghost can still explode without any worries. A more exaggerated and tyrannical force than the Supreme Emperor.

At this moment, phantoms have appeared in the battle between them. Every time they slashed, the light of the swords that they slashed came and disappeared in an instant like lightning. Open ripples texture.They surrounded the two of them like a folded protective barrier.

If Inuyamaga is lucky enough to watch this scene, he will be shocked and speechless. He once tempered it for decades, and the fastest Iaizhizhan has been tempered. At this moment, the two of them are swinging like an ordinary attack. Cut it out, swing it out frantically.

Every time two people attack, they will concentrate on the center of the opponent's blade without any mistakes. The cherry red long knife is as stable as Mount Tai and remains motionless, but the short knife that collides with it is trembling crazily. Every time I feel that the opposite short knife will be broken into pieces in the next attack.

But it's a pity that every time and next time, Yuan Zhinv will watch the intact short knife appear in the middle of her long knife, and the power carried by each other will collide with each other, carrying a vast and surging power.

This once became a little doubt in Yuanzhinv's heart at the moment. The cherry red long knife in his hand was an alchemy weapon, but the jet black short knife in the opponent's hand was an ordinary fine steel weapon that can be seen everywhere on the street.

The material between the two has determined the different strength bearing contrast between each other.

However, the two weapons that had been separated by a gap for a while, now confront each other as if they were evenly matched.

Although during the process, Yuan Zhinv always felt that she was suppressing the other party's feelings, but the most outstanding feeling was not caused by the gap between the weapons, but the gap caused by the complexity of the sword skills between each other .

Fu Nian waved the black dagger in his hand with one hand, and he had repeatedly slashed out the Iai no Slash, which Inuyama Ka thought was a nirvana full of profound meaning, but it became useless because of the opponent's extreme speed.In the opponent's complicated and lingering saber attack, after all, it seemed powerless.

And because of the advantage of the opponent's alchemy weapon, the dagger, which usually seemed extremely tough, showed a tendency to be broken at any time under the collision at this moment, like a scrap of paper fluttering in the wind, and a section was fixed between the door frames. , a section swaying wantonly in the strong wind.

But Fu Nian didn't seem to notice this. Not only did the speed of wielding the dagger in his hand not decrease by half, but it continued to accelerate with the continuous follow-up attacks from the opposite side.

Fu Nian did not bring his own Han Bafang this time, the weapon in his hand was just casually brought out from a bodyguard.

How long this weapon can last, Fu Nian actually doesn't care, it can last until now, it's all because Fu Nian transferred the power carried on it to himself, and the majestic force in the air was impacted again and again. , He Feifan didn't feel much pain, instead, he enjoyed the trembling feeling transmitted by the blade of the blade with joy and ease.It's a very comfortable feeling.

Unlike normal people, this is a comfortable feeling that he can't even feel in a massage shop.

But this weapon is an ordinary fine steel weapon after all.Normally, this kind of weapon would become as fragile as paper when Yuan Zhinv waved it casually.It became fragmented in an instant, let alone a crazy output duel like now.

Feeling the opponent's repeated saber attack, Fu Nian's brows lost interest for a moment.

The moment he saw the other party, he was actually planning to have another simple exchange with the other party, but what Fu Nian did not expect was that the other party actually took the lead in attacking him. This kind of attack was different from the usual tentative exchanges.

The opponent appeared completely in the posture of fighting to the death. From the beginning of the battle to the present, the long knife in the opponent's hand has never calmed down for a moment.

Moreover, during the battle, the speed of the opponent's swinging the sword is also accelerating. To deal with this guy not only requires absolute reflexes and strong physical fitness, but also requires an absolutely broad and profound understanding of Japanese sword skills.

In other words, it was Fu Nian and Yuan Zhisheng who invaded them, and any other mixed race would be defeated by the opponent in a short period of time.

No, it was a kill.

The opponent is different from Yuan Zhisheng. In the battle with the opponent, you will find that the series of attacks of the opponent have extremely strong purpose.Every attack will guide your next move. In addition to the instant crazy attack, there are very few hybrids who can withstand this stormy attack without relying on their instincts.

Even if it is Yuan Zhisheng for a while, I am afraid that he will only end up with the other party in a mutual loss.But unfortunately, he met Fu Nian.

A goal pursued by the ghosts all their lives.

Fu Nian's body catapulted backwards and started, and at the moment Yuan Zhinv's body rushed forward, the whole person suddenly squatted down.

This moment was only one-tenth of the blink of an eye. Fu Nian paused and slashed forward with the short knife in his hand towards the opponent's abdomen.

In Yuan Zhinv's hand was a long knife with a sword flower, she held the handle of the knife with her backhand and cut down suddenly,
Startled! !

The dagger in Fu Nian's hand trembled frantically from side to side, and the crisp sound was like countless swarms of bees flying in the air.

Just as Yuan Zhinv, the long knife in her hand changed direction again for a split second.

Yuanzhinv's eyes suddenly froze, and he found that Fu Nian in front of him had disappeared.

Immediately there was a howling gust of wind.The gust of wind was also mixed with the trembling of the blade that had just risen and had not yet fully reached its climax.

Yuanzhinv twisted her body suddenly, and swung the cherry red long knife in her hand towards her back in a wild and extremely fast posture.

From the battle to the present, he has already made an assessment of Fu Nian's ability from various aspects in his heart.This assessment will cause a huge change in his fighting style, which will directly touch the ceiling of the next battle.

This ceiling will lead directly to...


The long knife that Yuan Zhinv was waving out collided with the short knife in an instant.

An indescribable force swept across...

(End of this chapter)

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