Chapter 267

That's not a knife.

It is a force, an indescribably huge force, without the sharp edge of the knife itself, at this moment it seems to be an incomparably thick stick of fire, and the edge of the stick carries the power to move mountains and seas.

He seems to have appeared in the vastness at the bottom of the giant mountain, with a heavy and unbearable oppression on it, and an unparalleled strength.

Along the blade, along the hilt, it appeared directly on Yuan Zhinv's wrist.

His brows finally knit together.The ferociousness in the eyes reached the extreme at this moment, thousands of bones all over the body intertwined violently, and the power rushing in during the period rushed like the flow of Huixi.The cherry red long knife tore deep cracks in the surrounding air as it swung at extreme speed.

Sakurai Kogure only felt a deafening breaking sound in the air, the sound seemed to come from the collectively broken windows of the Bliss Pavilion.There is infinite power in the piercing voice.

She suddenly turned her head to look at the window glass in the room, and everything on the glass was still intact and motionless.

But on the other side less than ten steps away from the window, a swirling hurricane appeared in the frozen air, and the hurricane was mixed with suffocating oppression.And the ferocious sharp blade that shattered into pieces.

Sakurai Kogure suddenly took out the long knife behind him, and blocked all the broken blades that appeared in all directions in front of him.

The hurricane appeared in an instant, but it was fleeting. When Sakurai Kogure stopped all the weapons that appeared in the air, the hurricane and everything around it calmed down.

Sakurai Kogure wiped away the obstacle in front of her eyes, and when she opened her eyes again,
It was found that there was only one figure left on the huge open space in front of him. The other figure stood tall and straight in place, motionless, and his black suit was slowly raised in the floating air around him.

The moment she saw the opponent's figure clearly, Sakurai Kogure suddenly jumped up from the spot, and the temperament of her whole body changed completely. If she was a lioness ready to go, now she is facing The furious lion of the abyss attack.

Fu Nian's ears shook slightly, and he turned his body sideways, feeling the attack that could appear in front of him in an instant behind him,
In the cold eyes, the eyebrows are pressed down.

He felt an indescribable anger and murderous aura from the other party, although he could understand this kind of anger very well.

This is also a kind of power that even if you burn yourself, even if there is an abyss in front of you, you still have the power to forge ahead.And what supports the outbreak of this force is either family affection or love.

But the Dragon King told him not to accept anyone's killing intent.

Fu Nian's slightly sideways eyes were completely covered by golden light at this moment, like flowing water overflowing a pool.

Sakurai Kogure, who was stabbing at him at this moment, was really like a moth to a flame in his eyes.

The golden golden pupil suddenly flashed a ray of light, and a phantom of a condescending golden dragon suddenly appeared in the golden light curtain.

But in the feeling of Sakurai Kogure, the surrounding world suddenly lost his true color at this moment, and everything around him seemed to have stopped, including the enemy opposite her, who was holding a half-broken dagger, Standing there gave her an extremely strong sense of oppression.

She couldn't move her body either, and she still maintained a forward stabbing posture. The ninja knife at the end of her right hand had no luster in the black and white world.The whole person is like being framed in a black and white photo, the only thing that can move here is her thinking and her consciousness.

She twisted her mind frantically, searching for something, and finally she saw Yuan Zhinv in the corner of the room, lying quietly among the broken sawdust, her blood-red robe undulating upwards in the surrounding space , a cherry red long knife was inserted vertically in front of him.

She tried hard to get closer to this person, but suddenly found that her consciousness became faster, and she actually found that she had rushed out of the scope of the room with just one thought.

She looked at herself stranded in mid-air with a little horror, she seemed to understand something, this is the spirit of speech, is this the spirit of the other party's speech? ! !
The other party's speech spirit actually speeded up his own speed, but this speed only speeded up his own thinking speed, but this also caused his body to be unable to keep up with his own thinking.

This is where the problems start to arise.

At the moment when Sakurai Kogure was surprised, Fu Nian was also surprised to see that his arm suddenly moved out of his body. This was the moment when he was about to swing his arm forward.

But the movement of waving his body did not appear, but the consciousness of waving his body appeared outside his body.

Although it was only a little bit, it had to surprise Fu Nian, and it could even be called a horror.

They don't know what they are, but they are quite self-aware, they are dragons!
Although I do have a little disadvantage in terms of mental power, this disadvantage is not something that a simple mixed race can fall into by relying on the spirit of speech.

But now what Fu Nian thought was impossible happened in front of him.

Fu Nian stared blankly at the changing world around him, and at a certain moment, he actually had a feeling that he didn't exist in reality.

Fu Nian knew this feeling was real.


Fu Nian suddenly turned his gaze to Yuanzhinv who was thrown out by him, and at this moment, the other party was still lying motionless in the ruins.The open blood red robe, the cherry red long knife inserted obliquely.

Everything was exactly the same as the scene I had just seen at first, but Fu Nian knew it was not real anymore.

Now there are fluctuations of elements everywhere around. This element is different from Earth Fire Feng Shui, but the fifth element apart from these four elements, spirit!
White King's spiritual element?

Fu Nian narrowed his eyes slightly, and floated in the air with one hand, stroking the air quietly like stroking silk, feeling the changes of elements flowing in the air.

It's been a long time since he felt the flow of this element so clearly. It's been so long that he has to forget that this element still exists in the world.

But today he was pulled into the speech spirit constructed by this element.Although he could completely disband the gathered elements with just one thought, Fu Nian did not do so.Instead, he carefully looked at everything in this world.

Everything around is so real, as if this is the real world, except that most of the world is black and white.

As for why it is mostly black and white tones.

Because in this world, besides him who still maintains the original color, the Yuanzhi girl lying in the pile of sawdust still maintains the original color.

Besides, the room is still the same room, but everything is black and white, even the tip of Sakurai Kogure's knife that is only half a meter away from him is black and white, Sakurai Kogure looked at him angrily, The delicate face is in a state of gnashing teeth.

He and Yuanzhinv are as abrupt as oil paints appearing in an ink painting.Like two different species.

Oh no.

It's him who is as abrupt as an alien.

According to the density of Fu Nian's observation of the surrounding elements, more than 80.00% of the surrounding elements have gathered on him.Only a small part is crocheting the surrounding environment.They try to integrate themselves into the world of black and white.

But he found that the word releaser didn't seem to be able to do it.The only thing he could do was pull himself into the other party's words.But there was no way to fully integrate himself into the spirit of words.

What is this? Pulling myself in, but not completely pulling in.

While Fu Nian was curiously feeling the essence of this language structure.

Yuan Zhinv lying in the ruins suddenly moved.

The red robe frozen in the air suddenly floated up, and the white palms hanging on the ground were slowly injected with strength, supporting the body and slowly standing up from the ground.

Yuan Zhinv twisted her neck, came to the front of the cherry red long knife, and clenched the handle of the knife with one hand.Suddenly mentioned.

"You are the first existence whose effect of my speech spirit fails."

Yuanzhinv's voice completely lost his previous gentleness, and there was a hint of ferocity in her voice.

"Who are you now?" Fu Nian tilted his head and looked at Yuan Zhinv, frowning, the current Yuan Zhinv gave him the feeling that he was completely different from himself.

In other words, Yuan Zhinv from the beginning of the battle is no longer the same person as before.

"You can call me Yuanzhinv now, or you can call me Kazama Ruri."

"Dual personality?"

Kazama Liuli looked at Fu Nian with a smile and said nothing.

But at this moment, Fu Nian could no longer see the tenderness mixed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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