I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 268 More sincere goals

Chapter 268 More sincere goals


"Excuse me, who is your Excellency?" Kazama Liuli looked at Fu Nian and spoke slowly.

"Fu Nian,"

"Your Excellency doesn't look like someone from the Japanese branch."

"Cassel College students." Fu Nian said indifferently.Simple and direct, without the slightest self-cultivation of terrorists to hide their identities.

Kazama Liuli narrowed her eyes slightly.Kassel College, he is not familiar with this, but it is not unfamiliar either.Looking up and down at the man in a suit standing opposite him, a certain thought in his heart finally settled down.

Fu Nian stared at the opponent and slowly threw the half-cut blade in his hand to the ground.

"This is the only weapon you can use." Kazama Ruri said.

"A weapon is a carrier of strength. When it loses its own ability, it will not only fail to become a qualified product to own, but will also become a burden for the holder." Fu Nian stared at the other party's golden pupil , A coercion from the king slowly descended on the opponent.

The smile on the corner of Kazama Liuli's mouth suddenly disappeared. It wasn't because he actively controlled the muscles to dissipate, but because of the invisible forces around him that forced him to dissipate.Even with the other party trying to look directly into Fu Nian's eyes.

"Your personality is a bit different." Fu Nian stared at Kazama Liuli who was looking up and down at the moment.

"Your personality is too purposeful, with extremely negative emotions." The golden pupils in Fu Nian's eyes slowly dimmed, and finally returned to the appearance that a normal mixed-race should have. With an undisguised arrogance.

"I don't like it. Let Yuan Zhinv come out and talk to me." Fu Nian looked down at the other party, his eyes full of undisguised indifference.

The air suddenly stagnated.

"I'm sorry that I can't satisfy your wishes, this is not something I can completely lead."

"I can help you."

Fu Nian raised the corner of his mouth.The black-and-white picture scroll imprisoned around was torn rapidly towards the surroundings at this moment, like a wrinkled paper, revealing the looming reality inside the folds.

It seems that the other party's speech spirit is really as fragile as paper and can be easily torn.

Kazama Liuli stood on the spot with her expression unchanged, staring at Fu Nian's neck without moving or speaking.

But Fu Nian clearly felt that the ferocious emotion in the opponent's eyes was dissipating.

What surprised Fu Nian even more was that the next moment, Kazama Liuli slowly saluted Fu Nian, which was a very sincere bowing etiquette.

This change made Fu Nian stunned.

Pulling me into his own spirit of speech, he also showed a low-level status.What does this mean?
Are all Japanese like this?
You are a gangster, brother, oh, no.You are the underworld of the underworld!

You wake up, brother.

Shouldn't your reaction be to see me so unscrupulous, shouldn't you be angry, shouldn't you be angry and make big moves? ! !
Then I punched you half to death, and then called the boss behind you?
Your boss took you fierce ghosts and a group of high-level ghosts to find a place, and then I punched a kid, and finally found himself kicked on the iron board, so that I can take all of you high-level ghosts alone. , there is wood there.

Shouldn't the plot be played like this? I remember that's how the domineering president acted. Don't go against the script.

Fu Nian stared blankly at Kazama Ruri who bowed ninety degrees after saluting.For a moment, the whole person stood there a little at a loss.

The intruder bows to the intruder. What kind of Stockholm syndrome is this? Will the brutal ghosts of mixed races also have this complex?
"Actually, there is not much essential difference between us. I am Ruri Kazama, but I am also a source of hatred. We have past experiences with each other, and there is no difference between me, him, and Your Excellency. Your Excellency probably doesn't want to see my ghostly hideousness, since I don't like it, I'll just restrain myself." Kazama Liuli looked at Fu Nian sincerely, and for a moment he seemed to have the same feeling as Yuanzhinv .

"What do you mean?"

Fu Nian frowned slowly, looking at Liuli Kazama who showed great respect to her.This is completely different from the hideous ghost that the opponent awakened from his body before.

"I would like to speak to Your Excellency."

"But you don't seem to be talking now!" Fu Nian looked at Kazama Liuli who was standing opposite him, with a cherry red long knife stabbed diagonally in the direction of his chest.

"Although I don't know what we can talk about between an intruder and an invaded person, you must at least show your true attitude. Things like false dreams cannot stand on the table in the face of absolute power. things." Fu Nian stared at Kazama Liuli on the opposite side.

For a moment, Kazama Liuli, who was the same height as Fu Nian, had the illusion of being overlooked again.

The corner of Kazama Liuli's mouth smiled, as if the spotlight was shining on the corner of the opponent's mouth again, the soft temperature had just the right arc.

"After all, I can't hide it from Your Excellency."

Another voice slowly appeared in Fu Nian's ear from another direction.

Fu Nian turned around slowly, looking at the door in the direction of the bedroom behind him.There, a man also wearing a blood-red robe and kimono stood there, leaning lazily on the edge of the door.

The moment Fu Nian's gaze came over, his whole body froze for an instant, and then slowly straightened up under the huge and solidified force around him.

This Kazama Liuli is different from the Kazama Liuli in front of Fu Nian. He is in a lot of distress at the moment, and there are many broken marks in the blood-red kimono.

The broken ones were neat and messy, as if they had been slashed by dense blades, and the scattered petals on the other side showed a withered and poignant beauty in the opponent's floating body.

This is the damage that Fu Nian brought to Kazama Liuli at the moment of the final burst of power, and the Ninja Sword was broken by Fu Nian on purpose.

It can't be regarded as breaking it intentionally. According to the offensive of the Fengjian Liuli cherry red long knife, the short blade in Fu Nian's hand will be broken into pieces in the first contact between the two sides.

It's just this kind of result that Fu Nian refused.

But in the last impact, Fu Nian did not refuse, but injected a little bit of his own strength into it.Blast the opponent out.

The remaining strength of the broken ninja sword was still there, and it caused a second injury to the opponent.

"You are the most powerful existence I have ever met." Kazama Liuli looked at Fu Nian and said slowly.

Fu Nian stood still and looked at the other party without saying a word.Now the other party's expression gave him a relatively satisfactory result, although it was still not as gentle as the previous girl named Yuanzhi, which made people feel comfortable.But not too bad.

"I brought Your Excellency into the scope of my speech spirit, so there is no hostility in the first place."

"For that woman?" Fu Nian glanced at Sakurai Kogure, who was still outside and kept stabbing.

Yan Ling also pulled the other party in, but was blocked by Kazama Liuli within another range.

"Not all." Kazama Ruri glanced at Sakurai Kogure.There was no rejection in the voice.

"I didn't use too much patience. Even time is precious. If you don't satisfy me in a short time, I will choose to take you to the Sheqi Bajia." Fu Nian looked at Kazama Liuli and said, "Then The identity of the trophy."

"I believe Your Excellency can do it." Kazama Ruri nodded.

This made Fu Nian take a look at Kazama Liuli in surprise.

"But you don't have to do that yet. Your purpose here is for the dead servants of the Noda family and the things the ghosts got from the Sheqi Ba family. Naturally, I can satisfy what you want."

"That's Yuan Zhisheng's purpose."

Kazama Liuli was taken aback. "Your Excellency?"

"I want you guys." Fu Nian looked at Kazama Ruri, then at Sakurai Kogure behind him.

"To be more precise, there are your Jade Generals."

"It's the king general. There is indeed a leader named General Wang in our ghost crowd. He is the real leader of the ghost crowd. From the perspective of your cognition, he is everyone among our ghost crowd. Long." Kazama Liuli explained.

"It's the first time I've seen the second in command who took the initiative to disclose his own information to the gangsters."

"If your goal is only this, I think your goal is a bit small." Kazama Liuli ignored Fu Niangang's answer.

"Oh?" Fu Nian looked at Kazama Liuli in surprise.

"If you trust me, then I will bring you the most sincere goals."

(End of this chapter)

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