I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 269 Does Your Excellency Know God?

Chapter 269 Does Your Excellency Know God?


Fu Nian quietly looked at Kazama Liuli without speaking.

"Your Excellency is the most powerful existence I have seen so far." To Fu Nian's surprise, Kazama Liuli didn't immediately get into the topic.

Fu Nian still looked at Kazama Liuli quietly without speaking.

"My word spirit is a nightmare," Kazama Liuli flickered the pupils in her eyes, and the golden mandala patterns in them were so noble and dazzling.

"Nightmare tapirs are legendary creatures. In mythology, they have the ability to feed on nightmares, devour dreams, and reproduce dreams.

They will appear in the world of nightmares when night falls, they turn nightmares into food, and relieve the pain of the dreamer, but nightmares are a kind of food that cannot be digested, and they will always be stored in the Within the body of the nightmare, follow the nightmare and wander among the various dreams.

The moment the nightmare tapir dies, the nightmare it has devoured in its life will tear its body apart like a swarm of bees, and the huge nightmare group will devour everything around it again and again.At that time no creature will escape from the nightmare.

My Speech Spirit Nightmare is similar to the nightmare stored in the belly of the Nightmare Tapir. This is a legendary mind-controlling Speech Spirit. There is no escape from the layers of nightmare, even if he realizes that it is only a dream.

Of course, the strength of the word spirit will be affected by the bloodline strength of the mixed race.The strength of the lineage is directly proportional to the number of nightmares in the stomach of a nightmare.The bigger the bloodline, the stronger the dream created by the "Yanling Nightmare".

Although I am a ghost, I also have a strong bloodline that 90.00% of the nine mixed races in Japan do not have.After the dragon blood in my body exceeded the critical value, it almost turned me into a pure-blooded dragon.I have almost the power of a pure blood dragon. "

"Impossible." Fu Nian shook his head, "Relying on human beings' current understanding of dragons, there is no way to master the blood in the body to directly evolve into pure-blooded dragons.
Even if the last step is taken, what will appear will not be a pure-blooded dragon, but a dead waiter.Even if you are the blood descendants of the White King, the final step will be the same after all.The gap in combat power between Deadpool and the pure-blooded dragons is unimaginable, and the gap between humans and dragons is beyond your imagination. "Fu Nian looked at Kazama Liuli and shook his head.

"It is indeed the case. Not only is your bloodline stable with the Black King bloodline, but even with the White King bloodline, which is extremely easy for us to cross the critical line, this is a general theory of truth. This is also the reason why we ghosts exist. We are all mixed races, but because the critical line is easy to cross, we don't have the corresponding spiritual power to control, which causes the instability of our bloodline.

We are doomed from birth, some people are born with unstable blood, we are born ghosts. "Kazama Liuli spread her hands and looked at Fu Nian. There was no such pity in his eyes.

"However, we are stronger." Kazama Liuli looked at Fu Nian, "Almost all of us are hybrids whose bloodlines exceed the critical line. The concentration of dragon blood makes us stronger in battle and will explode Show a more crazy will to fight.

So do I.The fighting power that the Yanling Nightmare can erupt on me is completely different from that on my brother.In the case of the emperor, no one can stop my speech.

The moment the nightmare appears, it will cover everything destructively, just like the nightmare stored in the stomach of the succubus for a lifetime, it is layer upon layer, and no one can get out.Neither can the emperor! "

Kazama Liuli looked at Fu Nian seriously.

"However, today, my speech spirit has failed on you."

"It's not considered invalid." Fu Nian turned his head and looked around at the ink-like black and white pictures around him. In the pictures, they were the only colors in the whole world.

"At least I'm in, right?"

"But you just came in."

Kazama Liuli stared at Fu Nian with a ferocious light in his eyes.The pair of golden mandalas in the light seem to be covered with a layer of golden sand, which is sacred and magical.

"You said that you are a student of Kassel College. But I know that you cannot be the existence they can cultivate!! Your strength has already..."

Kazama Liuli stared solemnly at Fu Nian who was opposite, he was ready for the other party to kill and silence at any time.

"Although I haven't been there, I have seen the executive commissioners from Kassel College. They are all mixed races who have not broken through the critical line, and the highest bloodlines are only at the level of A-level mixed races, but this level , our ghosts are everywhere!!"

"You may not know that we also have a pedigree rating called S-class."

"Brother has been to your Kassel College." Kazama Liuli suddenly turned to look at Fu Nian.There was a trace of firmness in the eyes.

Fu Nian: "But he will not reveal his identity to Kassel College. If the fact that there is a super hybrid in the Japanese branch is known to the headquarters, Angers will never let you be so peaceful."

"It's them, not you."

"It's all the same. There is no essential difference between you and them. In Angers' eyes, you are all the Japanese branch."

"You're changing the subject." Kazama Liuli narrowed her eyes slightly.

"You are insane!" Fu Nian glanced helplessly at Kazama Liuli, "Why do you ask me to confirm the answer you have already determined in your heart.

Could it be that if I say no, can you dispel your doubts about me?Ever since you pulled me into the Word Spirit, you have always regarded me as an existence.

This thing that exists has exposed your inner thoughts.What a childish brat. "Fu Nian stared at Kazama Liuli boredly,

When the eyes came into contact, the red-gold mandala pattern in the pupils of Kazama Liuli instantly dimmed.

This is a very smart guy, or a very clever guy, but he has a kind of childishness as a kid. He obviously has a firm answer in his heart, but he still has to ask the person to say it directly from various details step by step. The answer from his heart.

He really didn't hide his strength too much today. From entering this room to now, he has always faced these two guys with a crushing attitude, but his exposure of strength also has a certain reference.

Although it is exaggerated, but to a certain extent, it is possible for mixed races to reach the level.
For example, Lu Mingfei who is currently at Kassel College,

In fact, the strength that Fu Nian had just exploded was at least somewhat different from the strength that appeared when the opponent was slaying the dragon at that time.The combat power that the pervert showed at the beginning was approved by Angers.


At the same time, Chicago.

"Ha Qiu." Lu Mingfei sneezed loudly and sprayed it out towards the lower berth.

"Hey, hey! Junior brother, you are willing to treat me to a foie gras meal. You can't take revenge on senior brother just because you lost the bet!!"

Fingel guarded the foie gras meal that had just been delivered by the waiter in the posture of an eagle guarding the chicken, and turned his head to stare at Lu Mingfei who was sitting on the upper bunk.

"No way." Lu Mingfei rubbed his nose, "Maybe someone missed me. I sneezed out of nowhere."

"You liar! Who would miss you, you should work hard with your senior brother and be alone. I heard that Caesar has taken Nuonuo to Rome for vacation..."

"Ha Qiu!"

"I'm sorry, I'm leaving, junior brother."


"I lost my temper." Kazama Liuli said slowly.

Fu Nian shook his head slowly, glanced at Kazama Ruri, and said, "You may not know much about the headquarters, the century-old heritage of Kassel College, and the thousand-year history of European mixed races are not what you seem to be. Weak."

Looking at Kazama Ruri's still indifferent expression, "Let me give you the simplest example. Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, who broke out in the Dragon King Invasion incident at the headquarters of Kassel Academy some time ago was killed by another S-level student of ours. Beheaded. Do you also think you can contend against the King of Bronze and Fire?"

Kazama Liuli narrowed her eyes.

"I don't want to hear what you say without evidence. If you want to use this as an excuse to provoke and try to threaten me, then I'm sorry. Not only is this threat meaningless, even before that, this threat will not leak from here Get out." Fu Nian looked up and down Kazama Liuli.

"No." Kazama Liuli shook her head. "I'm just confirming my next thought."

"You don't look like someone who would hesitate."

Kazama Ruri: "But I am a person who will give full consideration before making a decision."

"Is it because I didn't give you enough time?" Fu Nian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Enough." Kazama Ruri nodded.From the moment the opponent hit him directly, he confirmed his inner thoughts.

When the release of his words was hindered, he hesitated instead.

Because this matter was so terrifying, it was so terrifying that what he said seemed very insignificant the moment his thought arose.

If the other party is not a mixed race.

If the other party is a certain myth! !For a while, Kazama Liuli had to use some methods to prove a certain thought in her heart.

But the more he proved, the more terrified he was about what he discovered.

At that time, he looked at the other party's indifferent Fu Nian, and felt that the other party was standing in the middle of his speech spirit, but it seemed that he had never entered his speech spirit's Fu Nian.

It can block the existence of a super hybrid word spirit with spirit as the dominant element.

What will it be? ! !
Ancient, strict...

This is all the images in his mind.

However, the other party's answer seemed to weigh on his turbulent heart like a huge boulder.Instead, he calmed down.

"I hope you can give me an answer that satisfies me." Fu Nian stared at Kazama Liuli and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if if I was not satisfied, today's mission would be over here.

Kazama Liuli hesitated for a moment, then let out a long breath, her eyes gradually became firmer.

"Do you know God?"

(End of this chapter)

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