I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 271 If I think it makes sense, then I will kill you now.

Chapter 271 If I think it makes sense, then I will kill you now.


Fu Nian looked at Liuli Kazama, and to be honest, he didn't see any excitement or even related mood swings in the other party.

He seemed to be reading a speech on the stage, and he said the exciting and generous speech below, and he himself bore the cruel consequences that no one knew.And the aftermath is about the life and death of this world.

"So?" Fu Nian looked coldly at Liuli Kazama on the opposite side.

Although he is slow, he is not without brains.Up to now, the other party has basically told Fu Nian all about the No. [-] character of his fierce ghost group and the No. [-] plan of this operation.He even had an attitude of answering everything about Fu Nianzhi.

He didn't think it was the other party's whim, and felt that his secret plan was seamless, perfect, and he was in a high position, but others didn't know it.I just want to find an enemy to talk about my inner desire to express.

On the contrary, the other party showed himself in front of Fu Nian basically as if he had revealed everything, and he must have his own absolute purpose.Even this purpose is so big that... I may not be able to refuse it.

at last.

Kazama Liuli slowly raised her head to look at Fu Nian.

"I want to cooperate with Your Excellency. Let's kill God together."

Fu Nian was taken aback for a moment, then repeated Kazama Liuli's voice with a bit of aftertaste, and finally confirmed that he heard correctly.

"Huh? The leader of the ghosts wants to cooperate with Kassel College?"

"Isn't the purpose of you fierce ghosts not to resurrect God?"

Kazama Ruri nodded.

"Then our Kassel College organization exists exclusively for dragon slaying. The relationship between us is like a spear and a shield. There is no basis for any cooperation." Fu Nian stared at Feng Jian Liuli with a cold expression There was no sign of wanting to restrain himself.

"I'm cooperating with you, not the ghosts and you, and this matter has nothing to do with the ghosts. Of course, the king will not know about our affairs." Kazama Liuli's voice paused, Continued, "I actually said just now that your Excellency is beyond the scope of Kassel College's strength. I have always believed in this, so I believe that you will not consider issues from the standpoint of Kassel College. of."

Fu Nian stood on the spot and looked at the other party with his head tilted. He didn't deny it. He never liked hypocrisy. Yes or yes, no or no. As a king, he would never compromise on anything.
(Fu Nianqiao Mimi: Miss Xia, please ignore this one automatically.)
Fu Nian will do the things of Kassel College, which is where the two parties have a common interest relationship, but once the other party's interests conflict with his own, Fu Nian will not hesitate to show his sharp teeth at Kassel College.

"You may have overlooked a question." Fu Nian looked at Liuli Kazama and raised his eyebrows.

"Since you think you are a sober person, you should know that you don't have the basis to cooperate with me now. Your current identity is a victim of my invasion, although I am now in your words , but you don't have the ability to escape from my palm." Fu Nian slowly stretched out his palm ahead, and the slender white fingertips shone with a faint golden light.

That is the trace of Kazama Liuli's golden pupil falling on it.

Kazama Ruri nodded, "We can do the things of gods, and the Sheqi Bajia can naturally do it too. In comparison, the Sheqi Bajia will be more in line with your choice. The goal of the fierce ghosts is to resurrect the gods. I As one of the top executives, it is difficult for people to understand the decision to kill God.

Secondly, although we are well prepared for the resurrection of gods, we are naturally not as good as the Saki Hachiya, who have ruled Japan for thousands of years, in terms of preparations for killing gods. "Kazama Liuli slowly approached Fu Nian, pros and cons.

"No, compared to the Sheqi Bajia, you are actually more suitable for my cooperation." Fu Nian looked at Kazama Liuli and said slowly.

"Oh?" Kazama Liuli was obviously taken aback.

"If I say, I also want to resurrect God. What do you think?"

Kazama Liuli suddenly froze,
The air also froze.

Even time stood still at this moment.

He has always thought that it is difficult for people to understand that he voluntarily said that he wanted to kill God. It was because he didn't care about God's life or death. Now his life has only one and a half purposes. Before this one and a half purposes, everything else None of it matters.

It doesn't even matter who you work with.

But when he heard the answer of the resurrection god from the mouth of a half-breed from the dragon slaying camp, he felt that it was more terrifying than hearing the answer of killing the god from the camp of the resurrection god.

At this moment, Kazama Liuli was really stunned.But at the next moment, a thing that he had just held in his heart, which he thought was impossible, reappeared in his heart.

He or he?

"Give me a reason why you want to kill God. If I think it makes sense, then I will kill you now." Fu Nian's eyes slowly followed the air from Fengjian Liuli's eyebrows to the opponent's. neck position.

Kazama Liuli was startled suddenly, at this moment, the person opposite was still saying these words calmly and unhurriedly,
But he inexplicably felt a chill on his back, and every hair on his back stood on end at this moment. He knew that this feeling was true, because he, a mixed race with few human blood, could produce a cold feeling on his back. The instinctive reaction of chills is basically an unlikely event.

But it had to happen.

For a moment, Kazama Ruri's eyes finally changed, and she began to look at each other in awe.

"Actually, I still have to thank you. Having said so much, at least let me know that there is such a giant as God in this small place of yours. I thought this trip was just to relax my mind. Seeing the cherry blossoms in spring would be a good idea." I was going to return to the academy, but now I suddenly changed my mind." Fu Nian stared at Kazama Liuli and continued,
"Looking at it now, it's obvious that your ideas are in conflict with mine. On the contrary, I think your general might be more suitable for me." Fu Nianchu nodded earnestly, stroking his chin.There is a light of wisdom in the eyes.

The air fell into silence again, but Fu Nian didn't urge anything, but enjoyed the silence very much.But in his mind, he was thinking about the scene of throwing a grand dinner party for Xia Mi. He wanted to start with the western style and take the red carpet as the god...


"The life and death of gods doesn't mean much to me. One of the reasons why I want to kill gods is because I don't believe that human beings have the ability to control gods." After a long silence, Kazama Liuli still slowly Open your mouth.

Fu Nian nodded, "You're still awake, the skeleton was taken from King Bai, so it must be his bone bottle, and the one who woke up from a deep sleep must be King Bai.

Different from the four dragon kings of Kassel College, the White King is the most powerful Dragon King after the Black King. His resurrection is far from being stopped by humans, even in his weakest stage, it is not like dealing with the four great kings. The monarch's nascent state can deal with it.

The king you mentioned wants to resurrect the god, there are only two possibilities, one of which is that he is really stupid, delusionally trying to grasp the power of the dragon king through the holy skeleton through the myth of unknown authenticity,

Of course, there is another possibility that he has his own purpose. Although it is not clear how huge this purpose is, but trying to implement this plan with the remains of the White King, he must bear absolute risks, but even so, he still Going forward in that direction also means that the purpose has a fatal attraction for him. Of course, there must be some unknown grasp in the fatal attraction.

So which one do you think your king will belong to? "

"The second type." Kazama Liuli said without hesitation.

"One of the reasons for killing a god is because of the terrifying power of a god, which is not something humans can bear, but the more important reason is because I don't trust the king.

Although General Wang is my teacher, he is also the supreme leader of the demons, and he is the one I need to pledge my allegiance to.But I have never seen the real face of General Wang. General Wang wears a mask all the year round. No one knows his real name, nor his real appearance.

Just like the code name expressed in shogi, we are all his pieces in the hands of the king.He is a ghoul, the only reason he cultivated me is my blood, my blood is of great significance to his research.

But once I find God, I will lose the most fundamental value to him, and the pawns that lose their value can be sacrificed at any time.All the pieces on the chessboard are his food.I am the food he stored, and we ghosts are all the food he stored, the only difference is that some have been put on the table, and some have not been put on the table. "

"The guy who can be called a ghoul is not a weak character." Fu Nian's eyes lit up.It's like seeing a dessert you are interested in in the snacks before the main meal.

"No!" Kazama Liuli was decisive.

"Then what is a ghoul?"

"This is the theory that Wang Jiang has always followed. He firmly believes that this world is a world of cannibalism, but what is eaten is not the flesh, but the value of the other party.

Gangsters on the street collect protection money from shops, prostitutes, and drug dealers. The gangsters live on the ointment of those people.

The same is true outside the underworld. Business owners recruit workers and eat their oil to get rich. Consortiums eat business owners, banks eat conglomerates, and politicians are the biggest gluttons in society. They eat everyone.He said that the world is so cruel, if you don’t eat everyone, you can eat you, so you have to try your best to eat people to make yourself stronger, and the higher you climb, the more you can eat. "

"It's really cruel." Fu Nian nodded.

"Then why don't you choose to be a chess player when you don't trust the opponent, when you know that the opponent will abandon you as a pawn? According to your strength, resistance should be very easy for you thing."

"I did." Kazama Liuli stared at Fu Nian and said slowly, her voice paused every word.

 Thank you very much for the 30000 point reward of [Sakura Flying Leaves and Falling Flowers]! !

  Another big mountain was carried on the road of debt.The author Sha Leng trembled on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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