I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 272 The king's promise has always been one word.

Chapter 272 The king's promises are always promises.


"But all of them failed." Kazama Liuli's voice trembled inexplicably with Fu Nian.To be honest, it is really difficult for him to understand the emotions shown by Kazama Ruri at this moment.

A second ago, the other party seemed to be a high-ranking person in power. Even in deep crisis, with a cliff behind him, his eyes were still calm and calm, like a refined kabuki performer, never showing any negative emotions.

But now Fu Nian saw fear in the pupils of the other party.

It was indeed fear. Although the other party concealed it well, Fu Nian had seen too many such eyes. When the other party showed a little trace, he was easily caught by him.

"In the beginning, after I knew the essence of this matter, I didn't want to be manipulated by the other party. I didn't want to obey his orders. I resisted him, and I resisted him fiercely. I pierced his chest, wiped his neck, and even I once dismantled him into pieces, I have killed him countless times, and thought of various methods, poisonous gas, explosion..."

"Never killed the other party?" Fu Nian asked.

"No, I killed it every time, I killed it thoroughly. Even my simplest sword pierced the opponent's neck, and the opponent lost his breath in a short period of time, and his body gradually became cold.

But when I walked up to his corpse and tried to take off his mask, I found that I couldn't do it. I tried my best, but the mask seemed to grow on the other person's face. Under the mask I took off was A piece of bloody flesh, he has no face, his mask is his face! !
I ran away in horror, but the next day when I opened my eyes next to the bed, I found that the general was still safe and sound standing in front of me, greeting me and smiling at me, as if nothing happened yesterday Same. "

"Not dead?"

After Fu Nian finished listening, he frowned slightly. He didn't realize that there was any language spirit that could do this. If it existed, it must be a mental hallucination. Every time the hallucination made the silent Kazama Liuli Being within the opponent's speech spirit, Kazama Liuli killed the opponent within the opponent's speech spirit.Time and time again, Kazama Liuli saw the facts that his son, Bingge, saw.

However, Kazama Liuli's speech spirit is a nightmare, and it is also a rare spiritual power speech spirit. On the premise that the other party has the top blood of human hybrids, it can make Kazama Liuli indulge in her best field. It is basically impossible to feel nothing at all.

The reason why it is said to be unlikely is that it is naturally possible. That situation is a more powerful existence than Ruri Kazama, but Ruri Kazama has reached the highest possible level of human hybrids in the realm of dreams.

Can be stronger than him?

Fu Nian narrowed his eyes slightly, hesitated and shook his head.He does not rule out this possibility, but this possibility is very small, and if it is a dragon that can hide in human society for more than 20 years, it must have his absolute purpose.If that's the case, the trip to Japan might be a bit of a foodie for Long.

"General Wang, General Wang." Fu Nian muttered to himself, but his eyes still fell firmly on Feng Jian Liuli who was facing him.

"I've said so much, but you just let me give up the idea of ​​cooperating with General Wang, but you still haven't found a reason for me to cooperate with you." Fu Nian carefully looked at Liuli Kazama in front of him in his mind, his eyes Still as cold as snow and frost.

"Can I ask you a question?" Kazama Ruri asked.

"Just ask."

"Your Excellency resurrected God, why?"

"Kill God."

The air became quiet in an instant, unlike the silence before, at this moment, Kazama Liuli could hear her heartbeat very clearly, like a cowhide war drum beating.The sound is linked to his blood, the blood is linked to the heart, everything seems to jump out of his throat.

At a certain moment, Kazama Liuli stared at Fu Nian on the opposite side and said slowly, "As Your Excellency said, that is the White King, the supreme existence second only to the Supreme Black King."

"That's not something you should worry about."

"I can help you resurrect God, and I can also help you kill God. As I just said, I have no interest in the life and death of God. Everything I have can be your help, and it is the only one in Japan. With me, I can truly be Your Excellency's help."

"Tell me what you want." Fu Nian hesitated and said.

"Help me kill the king general and all the ghosts."


"Kill him and I will be free. For freedom, I dare to kill God!!" Kazama Liuli stared proudly, her pupils under her long eyebrows gleamed like maple-red blood.

"I'm different from my brother, I don't know if there is justice in this world, and I don't want to know if there is justice in this world, but I want to be free, I want to sing and dance freely in this world, I was born for this thing! I can die for it too!" Kazama Liuli's eyes shone brightly.The whole person rarely showed an impassioned temperament that did not match the elegance.

"What I'm talking about is, why do you want to kill the demons?" Fu Nian said without changing his expression, staring at Liuli Kazama opposite him.

Kazama Liuli was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a moment and said, "The fierce ghosts are maintained by the king alone. Relying on the infinite temptation of power by the evolution medicine, he has accumulated a lot of prestige in the fierce ghosts. He has been here for 20 years. During the time planning, it can be said that the top management of the fierce ghosts is entirely his own power. Although I am one of the leaders of the fierce ghosts, I am completely worthless in front of the king.

If you want to destroy the king, you must first destroy his minions, and his minions are the high-ranking members of the fierce ghosts who are now unconditionally convinced of each other. It is because of their existence that my freedom will be as it is now. A bird in a cage. "

"But you are also a bird with power. Although the king imprisoned you, he also gave you the right to match him."

"You don't understand a caged bird's longing for freedom." Kazama Liuli looked directly into Fu Nian's eyes. Although he had a horrifying guess about the other party's identity, he was helpless in the face of his pursuit. feared.

"Although your previous request is mediocre, this request is actually in line with my wishes. I forgot to tell you that the main purpose of my coming here tonight is you." Fu Nian reached out and tapped Kazama Liuli, and then glanced at Sakura next to him. Well Kogure,

"But I've changed my mind now, because God saved you." Fu Nian looked at Kazama Liuli and smiled slightly, "But I also need this little snack from you ghosts, so I didn't want to give up on you at first.

But the king will save you again. "Fu Nian looked at Liuli Fengjian and smiled slightly.

"I will help you kill the king, no matter who he is." The corners of Fu Nian's mouth rose, but his eyes were as cold as frost.

"Similarly, I will also help you reorganize the fierce ghosts. This will look a little easier now." The smile on Fu Nian's face continued,

But Kazama Liuli frowned. "You want to imprison me like a general?"

Fu Nian keenly saw the resistance from the other party.

"You're very smart, it doesn't seem like you should face what I said." Fu Nian looked at the other party and shook his head.

"That's my freedom!!"

"I won't imprison you like the general. You want me to destroy the ghosts, but I choose to help you rebuild the ghosts. It's not because I sympathize with you, but because I need the ghosts." Fu Nian looked at Kazama Ruri.

"But I don't necessarily need you."

Kazama Liuli frowned, but she also understood something.The whole person slowly returned to a normal state.

"For this reason, I can help you with one more thing. I know that you don't pursue freedom too much. That kind of thing is not what you desire most in your heart.!"

"No need." Kazama Liuli shook her head firmly.

Then slowly raised his head and looked at Fu Nian.

"Can I trust you?"

"The king's promises are always guaranteed." Fu Nian's icy coldness became more and more intense, so strong that Fengjian Liuli couldn't help but knelt on the ground.

"My promise is also worthy of your trust."

"It doesn't matter." Fu Nian looked condescendingly at Liuli Kazama opposite, "In the face of absolute power, your choice is insignificant."

(End of this chapter)

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