I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 274 God is resurrected, just kill it

Chapter 274 God is resurrected, just kill it

The name Sakurai Wanko instantly reminded Fu Nian of the time when he was on mission at Kassel College.

This was the first S-level mission he performed at that time. At that time, he met two people, no, it should be two high-level dead servants,
The other party was a subordinate sent by Odin, but Fu Nian didn't know this at the time. He only knew that there was a very powerful Dragon King who was looking for the clues left by him.
At that time, Fu Nian was in a state of ignorance and ignorance about the world. In order to have an accurate control over the identity of the other party and what was going on, Fu Nian used the Dragon Slave Order on the two of them, turning them into his own. slave.

They are a little girl and a woman in a beautiful cheongsam. The little girl is called Wanzi, and Fu Nian took them to Kassel College as a trophy.

He played the role of the main culprit in the once-in-a-century incident of the theft of Dragon King Norton's keel cross at Kassel College some time ago.

He has made an indelible contribution to the power and power of the throne of the earth and the mountain.And also hit Angers hard.It played a vital role for Fu Nian to fade out of the turbulent center of Kassel College.

The noble beauty is called Sakurai Wanko. When she met her, she was wearing a luxurious black cheongsam.Wearing a lady's bun.Although the other party looks like a young woman, the other party is actually an old hag with a lifespan of nearly a hundred years.

She was one of Odin's law enforcement officers who walked the world at that time, and she was also the main planner of that incident.After abandoning the dark and turning to the bright, and surrendering to the earth and the mountain throne, in order to avoid Odin's revenge, Fu Nian sent his opponent away from himself who was in the center of the storm at that time.

In fact, one of the most important reasons for sending the other party away at that time was that I didn't need the other party at all. At that time, I had just entered Kassel College, and when my eyes were darkened, the most correct choice was to act cautiously.

In fact, at that time, the other party told me where she wanted her to go, but he forgot.

It wasn't until Fengjian Liuli mentioned this name that Fu Nian suddenly woke up, and his attendant was here.

And the status of the subordinates does not seem to be low.He has achieved the position of leader of the group of fierce ghosts.Although the high-level Dragon King no longer intends to continue to give her a promotion and salary increase.

But according to the opponent's strength and experience, these are simply insignificant things.All she needs is a hiding place, a place that can hold her waiting for the Lord's order.

Fortunately, the Ghosts are indeed such an extrajudicial place, and the White King's territory is a very unique place, so unique that Odin and the blood of the Black King will not take the initiative in matters that are not crucial Set foot on this place.

And the ghosts are a place where evil spirits gather, here she will see the darkest human nature in the world, greed, tyranny, desire... But this kind of place is exactly what she needs, she has the power of the dragon clan and at the same time She also has the dragon heart bestowed by the Dragon King, so she is a dragon different from humans in a certain sense.She is more brutal and crazier than the prepared dead servants around him who are manipulated by the dragon's emotions.

If the ghosts of the fierce ghosts are human beings who are ready to step into hell, then she is an evil ghost who has completely fallen into hell.

Perhaps the evolutionary medicine can give the hybrids great power. When this kind of evolutionary medicine reaches the extreme, it can allow them to have the power of dragons and at the same time have human consciousness, and it will not completely turn them into a person who only knows how to kill. Crazy Deadpool.

But what they exist is human consciousness after all.Human beings are human after all, and between the great gulf of blood with dragons,

Even human beings with power, in front of real power, are after all like a child holding a weapon that does not belong to them. They do not have the way of thinking of dragons, they do not have the heart of a real dragon king, and they will only see The cruelest darkness in this world.

But the power bestowed by the Dragon King is different.The attendants appointed by the Dragon King will completely break away from the low-level tastes of the past. They have a higher level of thinking, and even in terms of emotional expression, they are not incomparable to those deadpools who are forcibly piled up with drugs.

But to have power must bear the meaning behind it.From the moment they become attendants and possess the power bestowed by the Dragon King, they will also become staunch supporters of the Dragon King's Throne and undertake missions for the cause of the Dragon Clan.Even across the cliff volcano.

According to Wang Ling, there are thousands of troops and horses, and the landslides and fires roar.

End to death!

Every attendant of the Dragon King is selected with great care. Of course, the highest level of guardian is actually the Dragon Attendant. Generally speaking, there will only be one.Just like the Dragon Attendant Samson, the King of Bronze and Fire.The opponent has guarded the Bronze City for thousands of years.

When attacking Kassel Academy, Norton also had a large number of high-level dead servants, but they were different from the dragon servants, and could only be regarded as servants hand-picked by the bronze throne.The difference between them is not only in terms of combat power, but also in terms of identity, bloodline status, and the Dragon Clan has always been a civilization with strict hierarchy.

The Four Great Monarchs, and not only the Four Great Monarchs, actually have Dragon Attendants on each of their thrones, and the Earth and Mountain Thrones are no exception.

But it is a pity that in Fu Nian's memory, the dragon attendant who guarded the earth and the king of the mountain had already died on the battlefield in the battle with the king of the earth and the mountain in previous generations.

At that time.

Dark clouds overwhelm the city, torrential rain pours down, and the giant dragon bleeds on the top of the mountain.

That was the battlefield of the dragon clan. In order to tear apart the fate of the once-cursed abandoned clan, countless dragons raised battle flags again and again, vowing to break through the wasteland...

The Dragon Attendant of the Throne of the Earth and the Mountain died in battle on the wasteland. He did not have the fate of being reborn as a monarch, so he could only fight for the Throne to the last drop of blood under the curse of fate...



"Your Excellency?" Kazama Liuli looked hesitantly at the expression on the other side with deep eyes.

For a moment, he actually felt a strong smell of killing iron and blood from the other party.

"Sakurai Wanko..."

Fu Nian suddenly raised his palm and interrupted Kazama Liuli's voice.

"Since I said that I want to help you exterminate the demons, then tonight is definitely the best time." Fu Nian turned to look at Kazama Liuli,
"Send your people to Genji Heavy Industries."

"Send it to Genji Heavy Industries." Kazama Liuli slowly moved his wide red sleeves, revealing his white jade-like arms, and he slowly walked towards a certain direction in the distance.

"You want to use this matter to ignite the anger of the Sheqi Bajia and let them target the fierce ghosts, but this is equivalent to actively declaring war on the Sheqi Bajia."

"But what you did tonight was to turn around and ignite the anger of the Sheqi Bajia. I just want to make your fire even hotter." Fu Nian tilted his head and looked at Kazama Liuli,

"The more the fire burns, the king will take the initiative to come out to see you."

"You are not afraid, but this behavior will make the king completely afraid to come to see me? In that way, we will lose the chance to kill each other completely." Fengjian Liuli looked at Fu Niandao.

"That's okay, his goal is the resurrection god. My goal is also the resurrection god. On the way to the end, we will meet eventually." Fu Nian looked at Kazama Liuli and said slowly.

"And ah," the corners of Fu Nian's mouth rose inexplicably, "If the general dare not show his face, then you are the only one with the greatest authority among the ghosts, and God's plan is more conducive to our development.

I am afraid that the fire is not strong enough.Let him shrink back and dare not go forward.

God is resurrected, just kill it. "

(End of this chapter)

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