I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 275 God is resurrected, just kill it

Chapter 275 God is resurrected, just kill it

The water tank exploded and was split in half, and the sound of rushing water flowed in every corner of the room.

A stream of streams converged from the high steps to the low floor.

Under the flickering lights, a human silhouette was slowly drawn on the ground. From the head of the silhouette to the toes, the orange-yellow turbid liquid was once again stained with scarlet color. They converged one by one, and then slowly encountered obstacles. separation,

Gather again, separate, gather, separate...

When the slow and calm liquid finally stopped at the man's feet, there was only a pool of scarlet blood-like liquid left on the ground.

Gudong seemed to be mixed with the stench of the air in the boiling liquid, which was a mixture of formalin and blood.

The slowly wriggling liquid was suddenly trampled hard by a big foot, and the splashed blood was more coquettish and beautiful than the Bana flowers blooming on Huangquan Road.

The darkness that shrouded the room was instantly covered by a bright red light, which was blooming sparks, and they bloomed in every corner of the room like a waterfall.

Before the previous row of fireworks fell completely, the other row of sparks appeared in the air again.

That was the spark of the collision, the spark of the collision of Spider Cut and Deadpool Blade.

At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were completely covered by golden light, making it difficult to look directly at him like the scorching sun at birth in the dark laboratory.At this moment, he has completely transformed into Amaterasu's life in the legend of the Eight Snake Schools, with the spider cut in his left hand and the boy cut Anzuna in his right hand.

The golden light covered the sword inscription, and in the outline of the words, every time Yuan Zhisheng who cut a knife was shrouded in red golden light.

Yuan Zhisheng's one-handed spider knife suddenly collided with the sharp blade of the nearest ghost. Between the metal and iron clashes, sparks splashed in all directions like a torrential rain.
The firelight reflected Yuan Zhisheng's resolute and calm expression, and at the same time reflected the ghost's ferocious but cruel eyes.

It was a fully-formed Deadpool, and all that was left on the opponent was brutal but full of killing power. With the confrontation between the power of the two sides, the spider holding a knife in one hand moved slowly but firmly,
Yuan Zhisheng amazingly single-handedly crushed a complete Deadpool in terms of strength,
This is simply beyond the imagination of the hybrids. Perhaps the hybrids can rely on various means to kill the waiter alone, but in terms of pure strength, as long as the hybrids do not have the land and mountain series of words, they are absolutely impossible In terms of strength, it directly collided with Deadpool.

Even Chu Zihang can only feel the collision with Deadpool's power when he is in the state of exploding blood, but even then, Chu Zihang will not achieve the terrifying power to directly suppress Deadpool.

But now, Yuan Zhisheng, without the release of his words and without the blessing of bursting blood, actually directly suppressed Deadpool's power with one hand.In this dark laboratory, he silently released the power of the emperor and his inviolable dignity to the dead servants.

Yuan Zhisheng's eyes suddenly brightened, and the arm that was slowly suppressing the opponent was suddenly swept by a force visible to the naked eye and soared, and the ferocious ligated muscles shook the surrounding air into trembling ripples.Makes a low, powerful sonic boom.

Huge power surged towards him in an instant, and the body that was suppressed by Yuan Zhisheng staggered backwards.

Taking advantage of this time, the ancient blue spider suddenly disappeared from the spot, under the golden light, it disappeared like a shooting star.

The air on the opposite side was cut instantly, and the violent tearing sound of steel colliding with steel reached its peak at this moment.At this moment, in the hands of Yuan Zhisheng, the spider cut seems to have truly incarnated the invincible artifact in mythology.

The sound stopped in Yuan Zhisheng's arms that suddenly stopped.

But the sound of violent friction in the air was getting farther and farther away from the surroundings.It crashed to the ground with a pair of separated corpses.

Yuan Zhisheng turned his body slowly, his red golden pupils stared intently at the Deadpools in front of him who were trying to attack.They cowered in front of his pair of golden golden pupils and dared not go forward.

As if evil spirits fear living under the scorching sun.

He is the ghost slayer of the executive bureau, and he is the order of Amaterasu of the Bajia of Sheqi.He walked on the edge of hell and the present with the emperor's righteousness,

The evil spirits are endless, and the battle is endless!
The laboratory floor of the steel alloy was suddenly crushed into mud by a huge force, like a white paper ravaged by a huge force, and the wrinkled ferocity spread towards the front with the opponent's advancing steps.

At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng seems to have really incarnated the mythical Amaterasu, and the golden light shrouded a grand miracle behind him. The ancient blue spider cut and the short-bladed boy cut Anzuna were like a punishment from the sky. Blooming again in the laboratory.

Every time God's punishment comes, the cruelty of Deadpool will be vented on the steel alloy floor.Like a strong man forging iron, he waved his arms over and over again, and the crackling sound appeared and disappeared like thunder...

When Yuan Zhisheng slowly stood on the ground with his feet again,
The laboratory in front of it has been completely turned into ruins, and the scarlet black corrosive liquid mixed with the orange liquid slowly flows from the high place to the low place.

One after another human silhouettes were left on the broken steel alloy floor.

Yuan Zhisheng leaned the spider in his hand against a corner, controlled his whole body and slowly sat on a fairly flat raised place.The heavy breathing is like a bellows with extreme power...

Although the state of the keel can make his body so tyrannical that even Deadpool can hardly resist, strength and cost are sometimes the same as risks and opportunities.

A super fighting state will inevitably lead to super high physical exertion.Even in the state of not opening the spirit of speech, his body was once on the verge of exhaustion.

Looking around, under the flickering light, there are broken large experimental test tubes everywhere, and each test tube is a complete deadpool culture vessel. Under the area of ​​nearly half a football field, except for the experimental equipment , is this kind of large vessel filled with culture liquid.

What is now broken on the ground is the body of Deadpool.Under the unscrupulousness of Spider and Boy, they completely lost their previous arrogance.

What Fu Nian told him was right, this place is indeed an important place for experiments.In addition to the mixed race, it is Deadpool.

The only small omission is that the number of mixed races here is not as many as expected. With the same number of people, the only two mixed races are indeed bodyguards standing guard at the door.

The moment Yuan Zhisheng opened the door, he was completely placed in Deadpool's lair.

But fortunately, he found their target this time, Noda Daikichi was also sent into the vessel as a sample by the other party.

During the battle, he was cut in half by Yuan Zhisheng.

The experimental data stolen by the ghosts from the Bajia of Snake Qi was also placed somewhere on the experimental table, as if forgotten by some careless experimenter.


"It's me, Yuan Zhisheng."

Yuan Zhisheng sat on a fairly clean raised object, holding a mobile phone in one hand and a spider knife handle in the other, stepping on the blood-stained alloy floor recklessly with both feet.

He dialed Fu Nian's secret phone device, which was specially prepared for them by the Bajia of Snake Qi before the action.

As long as the signal is not captured by the opponent face to face, they will be regarded as their own signal by the ghosts.Kaguya Hime will cover them silently.

Fu Nian stood on the edge of the window sill in the room, looking at the deep forest shrouded in darkness in the distance.

The communication equipment was placed on the small round table behind him, and beside the table was a plain white vase with a spring peach blossom that had not yet bloomed.

A white finger slowly stretched out on the wooden branch of the spring peach blossom.But his gaze was fixed on the black communication device in front of him.

It seems that it is a human treasure that is more charming than spring flowers.

"Yuan Zhisheng." Fu Nian looked into the distance and said slowly.

During the face-to-face call, Yuanzhi took a heavy breath.

"problem occurs."

(End of this chapter)

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