I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 276 The evil ghost that crawled out of the depths of hell!

Chapter 276 The evil ghost that crawled out of the depths of hell!


The moment Fu Nian's voice just landed.

The communication equipment in Yuan Zhisheng's hands was suddenly covered by an urgent red signal, which was a way for the Eight Snake Qi Family to transmit information urgently.Kaguya Hime is in charge.

Yuan Zhisheng clicked on the sent intelligence message without any hesitation.

On it was a black photo, which appeared in front of Yuan Zhisheng the moment he clicked on it. It was the photo sent directly to Yuan Zhisheng's communication equipment by the supercomputer Kaguya Hime of the Japanese branch via satellite.

In the photo, the sky was covered with dark clouds late at night, and Genji Heavy Industries' dark, deep and huge figure stood like an Optimus Prime in the middle of many tall buildings.

But when Yuan Zhisheng saw the photo, his eyes changed instantly.
Seeing Genji Heavy Industries without a ray of light at the moment, the whole person's heart quickly sank into the deep sea,

Sure enough, something went wrong! !

Usually, Genji Heavy Industries is the main place of the Sheqi Bajia, and it is a huge landmark building with uninterrupted power supply throughout the year. But in the photo at this moment, only Genji Heavy Industries has no light.

The only color except the black covering the sky is the crimson fire at the bottom of Genji Heavy Industries.

It was the flames of the explosion. Yuan Zhisheng could clearly and even judge it with certainty. In the shadow of the flames soaring into the sky, Yuan Zhisheng even clearly saw the back of one of them wearing a black windbreaker.
The other party stood in the wrong position between the firelight and the darkness.The black windbreaker swept across the flames.

The moment the flames jumped up, a hideous "ghost" was set off against it, which was as red as blood.

The moment he saw that word, Yuan Zhisheng could hear a ghost-like shrill sound in the wind just through the photo, and the sound pierced into his mind through time and space.

Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were squeezed by a frown in an instant, and the golden pupils in his eyes that had just calmed down suddenly lit up amidst the stimulation.

Genji Heavy Industries has been invaded! !
Yuan Zhisheng's eyes fell firmly on the figure standing in the firelight.

In his windbreaker that was leaning back along the waves of fire, the hideous ghost characters looked like thick blood flowing down the wall.

Bring people daunting, suffocating oppression.

The figure stood quietly at the door of Genji Heavy Industries, TNT explosives, and unscrupulous flames shot up into the sky in front of it.

She held the knife with one hand, and the scarlet blood condensed along the air at the tip of the knife, dripping, dripping... crazy dripping.

The blood flowing on it seemed to have no end, forming a pool of blood like a stream at her feet.

Behind the light of the fire, one after another corpses were dumped behind her.That was the tenth team of the executive bureau that the Sheqi Bajia had just sent out to support.

But what no one expected was that they would encounter an ambush at the gate of Genji Heavy Industries, and what made them even more unexpected was that,
The person who ambushed them was actually just one of the fierce ghosts.

But the world never gives any chance to be careless. When the real evil spirits come, even angels can't do anything.

At this moment, she was really like an evil ghost who came out of hell. One after another, they fell under the unknown knife and fell into a pool of blood. One after another, their names were marked off from the list of living beings by the god of death.

In the end, the evil spirit didn't seem to have finished venting his tyrannical emotions, and used TNT to blow up the gate of Genji Heavy Industries in the most high-profile form.

Use the brightest fireworks to pay the highest respect to the Japanese underworld master family!
The violent explosion sounded like an alarm that alarmed the entire Genji Heavy Industries. However, at the moment when their actions just started.

power cut.

The night shrouded their heads like a boundless curtain, but the Snaki Bajia was the master of the Japanese underworld after all, and the majesty of the masters did not allow any violation.

The emergency channel was quickly opened, and Kaguya Ji quickly mobilized the cameras prepared around Genji Heavy Industries.

At this moment, all eyes gathered in the direction of the door.

There, a slender demon wearing a black windbreaker stood quietly in place, holding a blood-red ninja sword in one hand and wearing a blood-red demon mask.

At a certain moment, the evil ghost mask who was looking straight ahead slowly turned around, looked at the camera behind him and suddenly moved and turned to look at this side.

Behind the camera, while quickly describing the image of the intruder, the director of the family who made an emergency call suddenly paused.

In the line of sight, the red mask that suddenly appeared made his whole body quickly swept by coldness.

The officer froze in place in an instant, staring at the mask of the red and ferocious ghost, as if seeing great fear, his body began to tremble slightly,
Just when the officer thought of something and was about to scream, a pair of golden pupils pierced his eyes instantly.

What followed was a dazed and dazzling golden world, and the monitoring room behind him was suddenly swept by a violent force, and the iron door was pierced through.

The sound of dense and hurried footsteps appeared in his ears, the sound of exclamation, and the sound of anxiously drawing a gun and loading it.

And the sound of the final bayonet entering the body.

He felt that his world was falling, like the end of the world, the tsunami swept across the continent, and all living beings were shattered, and his vision was also shattered. In the faint light and shadow pictures around him, he saw men in black trench coats one after another step into their room,
Without exception, on the windbreaker behind the man, the hideous ghost characters are so terrifying.

"Team leader, all monitoring rooms have been cleaned up."

Five minutes later, a man stood in the lobby of the monitoring room and stared at a picture on the screen, where a woman wearing a red ghost mask was walking forward gracefully with model steps.
At this moment, she has completely disappeared in the direction of the door of Genji Heavy Industries, and has appeared along the stairs in the
Locations on the fifth and sixth floors.

However, the fifth and sixth floors of this building do not exist, and are replaced by road tunnels. There is actually a serpentine elevated highway between the high-rise buildings in Shinjuku District.That is the expressway built by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.The weight of tens of thousands of tons above the six floors is pressed on the twelve load-bearing columns.

The highways have constant traffic between each other, and one of the elevated highways runs across Genji Heavy Industries.Tens of thousands of vehicles pass through the building every day, while other floors are completely unaffected.

They just appeared in Genji Heavy Industries in this way.To a large extent, it has avoided a large wave of executive department officers who are entrenched under the Eight Snake Qi Family.

But the woman now walked from the first floor to here step by step.

The man turned his peripheral vision to other directions on the screen. Between the stairs from the first floor to the sixth floor, without exception, there were corpses of Snake Bajia everywhere, and scarlet fever flowing down the steps everywhere. flow.

Every step she moves forward is accompanied by the death and tyranny of the Snake Bajia.That was their team leader, an existence who was extremely ruthless but invincible.

She was a real evil spirit in their hearts.

He is the god of death who climbed up from hell.

"Prepare TNT, move on."

The woman stepped forward slowly, and the high heels made a pleasant sound on the crisp marble floor, just like notes floating above the piano, but the combination was a death movement of blood and fire.

There are no stops in the high-speed tunnel on this level, so the Bajia of Snake Qi should not regard this place as a key monitoring area. In addition, the underworld masters are very powerful. After so many years, basically no one will believe that there will be people to invade them.

To a certain extent, this also took advantage of the ghosts who got the task.

But this loophole can be said to be dispensable, and it is this woman who really plays a decisive role, the leader of the scavenger team, the woman wearing the hideous red ghost mask.

Genji Heavy Industries is a semi-commercial building integrating commerce and offices. Although many important industries of Snake Bajia are here, they are not on the ground floor.

The woman knows that she has only just finished stepping into the fringe area of ​​the eight Snake Qi family industries. Although there are many officers of the family at the bottom guarding them, the strength of guarding is not at the same level as the strength of the upper level. .

But she still walked here slowly and arrogantly, with only one purpose.Invaded the Bajia of Sheqi openly and aboveboard.

As fierce ghosts and evil ghosts.

This is the order she just got.This order was ten times, a hundred times more difficult than the orders she had received before, and even... was basically an impossible task.

But the fact is true, the task she just received was to stop the reinforcements from the reinforcement protection agency of her family.

Although this is a very difficult task for many people, the reinforcements of the Bajia of Sheqi are destined not to be a small number of troops.

Stopping them requires not only strength, but even brains.

But women don't really care. When the task is entrusted to her, she will not only complete it easily, but also complete it excessively.

This has been proven in countless actual battles. As long as she is on this road, there will be no reinforcements from the Sheqi Bajia to pass here tonight, and it is useless for the operators of the Sheqi Bajia to return from here. The moment she fell in love with her was already doomed.

Just like her mask, she is an evil spirit, an evil spirit crawling out of the depths of hell!
 Thank you very much for the 100000 point reward from our second leader [Sakura Flying Leaves and Falling Flowers]! !thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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