I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 277 Patriarch Meeting

Chapter 277 Patriarch Meeting

But when they are ready and ready to start action with the group.

The task has changed.

The task conveyed by Ryoma turned into an attack on Genji Heavy Industries.

This once caused the passionate emotions in the team to fall into the ice valley.

They are ghosts, but they are not fools.

Although the fierce ghosts are arrogant, they are also self-aware guys. They are all ghosts who broke away from the Sheqi Bajia. They were also part of the Sheqi Bajia in the past. They deeply know how terrifying the Sheqi Bajia is. Perhaps the rapid growth of the ghosts over the years has given them an invisible boost of self-confidence.

But this kind of self-confidence is not blind arrogance, they are the elite of fierce ghosts, not seventeen or eighteen-year-old hot-blooded gangsters on the street, not blindly arrogant enough to point at wild dogs in the distance with a bottle of wine roar!
Come and bite me! !

They are hyenas now, maybe they have the potential to become lions, or even surpass lions, but the moment when that potential explodes must not be now.

This crazy thing about hacking Genji Heavy Industries is one thing that is hard for them to understand.In the eyes of women, this seems even more incomprehensible and stupid.

Although she was never from the Eight Snake Qi Clans, she has never experienced the fear that most members of the Ghost Clan will be dominated by the family's law enforcement officers.

Or maybe the Bajia of Snake Qi is very powerful, so powerful that he is the overlord of the whole Japanese, a ruler-like existence, who can wipe out the fierce ghosts with a backhand in an instant.

But she doesn't care, because there are basically no hybrids here that can pose a threat to her, or there are very few threats to her in Japan.

In the past six months, although she has been performing various tasks among the ghosts, she has a deeper understanding of the mixed-race forces in Japan.

Of course, there are things that surprised her the first time she knew about it, for example, the huge threat from the aura when she met Kazama Liuli for the first time, such as witnessing Yuan Zhisheng's resolute and brutal power in Ghost Slaying.

She knew that they were not ordinary mixed races, and she didn't know whether she could kill them with her own strength in the battle, or whether she would even be killed by the opponent.

But it doesn't matter, she is a proud person, or to be precise, she is a dragon species that is relatively indifferent to life.The power of the dragon clan brought her strength beyond the limit, and also brought her a different perspective on the world.

But she is a person who knows how to cherish life, maybe you can say that she is afraid of death.

But she didn't think so, because her life never belonged to her, and of course she didn't bother to explain anything to those who refuted her.

She is indeed a person who values ​​life, indeed to the point where she has to be sure.

Therefore, before each mission, she would orient the two mixed races that Japan could threaten her.to make sure I don't run into any of them.In other words, they would not run into Yuan Zhisheng.Including this time.

Kazama Ruri is her boss, so naturally she won't become her enemy while working hard for her.

The only Yuanzhisheng still entered the interior of their Bliss Pavilion.Although the current Genji Heavy Industries is still dangerous, it is still a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, but she has the confidence to come out of it.

Now, she even came with her ghost crowd, advancing step by step from the direction of the first floor of the main entrance in a high-profile manner.

One step at a time, one step at a time, one corpse at a time, she walked upstairs with a calm and elegant posture, attracting the most concentrated firepower for the ghost crowd with the most high-profile posture.

she succeeded,

She stood quietly on the edge of the high-speed tunnel and looked at the law enforcement officers of her family who efficiently surrounded her in the distance. Each of them was looking at her in full battle,

But everyone's eyes are not looking at humans, but looking at monsters.They held the pistols in their hands tightly, and the large-caliber pistols that were usually full of security seemed like toys at the moment, which made them unable to have the slightest confidence.

There are more and more law enforcement officers appearing in the high-speed tunnel, and they quickly go down the stairs from the upper floors and down the high-speed elevators in large numbers.They surrounded the high-speed tunnel spanning six floors and prohibited any vehicle from passing.

Everyone is fully armed, especially the law enforcement officers who are close to the innermost layer of women. Each of them is wearing double-layer body armor, armed from head to tail to teeth.But even so, they were not sure of surviving the moment they attacked the woman.

There were more and more law enforcement officers surrounding the woman, but the surrounding circle did not shrink at all. They instinctively kept a certain distance from the evil ghost woman in the center of the circle.




Everyone shouted and appeared in the room.

Different from the chaotic noise outside, it is in a certain Japanese room at the highest level of Genji Heavy Industries.Everyone knelt and sat in their seats quietly.

The door opened, and a man in a black kimono stepped in. Everyone in the room quickly stood up and showed the most respectful etiquette to the man.

"Sorry everyone, I'm late." Tachibana Masamune walked quickly to the main seat in the room.Although the speed was fast, there was no sign of panic at all, and his steps were very steady.

There were only three people in the room, and including Tachibana Masamune who came in at the moment, there were only four people.

"The time is short. It is very difficult for us to hold this Patriarch-level meeting in a short time. Only our three Patriarchs who are at Genji Heavy Industries appeared on the scene."

The moment Masamune Tachibana was seated, a female voice appeared in the room.It was a woman's voice.And she was a woman with a voice full of temptation.

Tachibana Masamune raised his head to look at the Patriarch who was facing him. The other party also had an amazing face. It was a young woman who was only about 30 years old.

Although she was deliberately conservative in her clothes at the moment, the suit skirt could not hide her fiery curves at all. The pair of dark red thick-rimmed glasses were worn on her face, adding a little color to her plain face like full makeup.Like roses blooming on the top of a mountain, the coquettishness is threatening and suffocating.

She is the head of the Sakurai family, Sakurai Nanami.

At the same time, he also serves as the inspector of the Japanese branch of Kassel College.

"Everyone has worked hard. The incident happened so suddenly. The fact that everyone came here as fast as possible has already moved me as an old guy. The number of people who can attend has far exceeded my expectations.

I'm sorry to disturb everyone at such a late night. "Tachibana Masamune spoke very fast, but his etiquette was in place.

"This is a common matter of the family, and there is no need for the parents to apologize. We should get straight to the point now. The invasion of us by the ghosts has touched our inverse scales. This is something that the family will never allow. Retaliation must be carried out at all costs!!"

A piercing male voice appeared in the air, this is the head of the Fuma family, Fuma Kotaro.

The "Wakatou" of Snaki Hachiya has a detached position in the Japanese branch.When the head of the family is away, the affairs of the family are decided by Fuma Kotaro.He did not work in the Japan branch.

"Of course, regarding the issue of revenge, we need to discuss with the Eight Great Masters after we have settled the matter tonight.

As the head of the Fuma family, I have issued an order to the Fuma family. The ninja group will appear at Genji Heavy Industries within 10 minutes. None of the fierce ghosts who entered our Genji Heavy Industries today will walk out alive! ! "

Fuma Kotaro's voice was full of bitter strength. At this moment, the domineering aura of the underworld brother was vividly displayed on him. This old man in black kimono seemed to be forged from fine iron.
His gaze was as cold as a knife, and just sitting there felt like a knife was pointed at the center of his brow.The invisible and powerful aura quickly weaves the shape of the knife mountain behind him.

The originally relaxed atmosphere instantly became chilly.It seemed that an invisible storm was brewing in the old man's anger.

"According to the current intelligence team of the executive bureau and Kaguya Ji's intelligence, it has been confirmed that the intruders are the fierce ghosts, and they are also the elite scavenger team of the fierce ghosts. The number of intruders is still uncertain, but this time the other party They have sent out a tricky person that is causing us a lot of headaches." A relatively gentle male voice appeared behind Patriarch Feng Mo,

That is a relatively gentle man, he does not have the piercing eyes of the underworld patriarch of the Fuma family, nor does he have the coquettish danger of the patriarch Sakurai from beginning to end.

He is like a middle-aged uncle who is going through a midlife crisis, wearing a meticulous suit and combing his hair meticulously.

But the whole person feels lacklustre, it seems to be written all over my face, I have to work overtime at work, the pressure is high, my boss has no hope of getting promoted, the price of vegetables has risen and I have no gas pedal, my daughter is disobedient and my wife won’t let me keep a cat... ...'s life is helpless.

But such a man with dull eyes is the head of the Japanese branch of Kassel College.

He is the head of the Ryoma family, Genichiro Ryoma.

"Who is it?" Tachibana Masamune frowned inadvertently.

"The leader of the scavenger group, Wanko Sakurai. We are a woman who is second only to Ryoma in terms of internal difficulty."

Genichiro Ryoma also spoke very fast,
Patriarch Feng Mo took over the topic, "Is it that ghost that appeared in our field of vision half a year ago?!"

"Yes!" Patriarch Longma nodded firmly.

"It's really tricky!" Patriarch Sakurai frowned.

"The officers of the executive bureau have been completely mobilized, the second and third teams of our executive bureau, and the fifth and sixth teams that are on their way.

Now half of the power left by Genji Heavy Industries in the Executive Board has gone there. ”The Patriarch Longma continued,

"We didn't keep her half a year ago, we must keep her here today!!"

Patriarch Longma rarely revealed the gentleness in his body, his whole body seemed to be infected by Patriarch Feng Mo, and his eyes revealed a coldness.

At this moment, it seems that the middle-aged uncle has found his own direction in life, and even his bald head is reflecting the light that I have to work hard.

 Thank you [Du Fu does not sell tofu] for the 500 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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