Chapter 281 Duck

"Tachibana Masamune?" Xia Mi was slightly taken aback.

Although she didn't know much about the situation of the Japanese branch before coming here, because the Japanese branch is separated from the European mixed race, and information about them is extremely scarce.

However, during the period of entering Japan, Xia Mi still had a relatively systematic and general understanding of the Snaki Bajia.

Although this still kept her on the surface, it was enough for her to deal with many things.

Who is Tachibana Masamune?
The head of the Tachibana family of the three families in the Sheqi Bajia, the head of the contemporary Sheqi Bajia Meguro family.In Japan's underworld world, this is a man who holds the absolute right to speak.

After Xia Mi finished reading Erika's small book, she sat quietly and looked at the small book.There was a faint light in his eyes.

Erika didn't seem to be in a hurry, she just looked at Xia Mi quietly, her eyes were gray and dull, as if she was in a daze.

After just getting to know each other for a short time, Xia Mi directly obtained the most important information from the other party.In her original guess, Erika was just a big monster protected here by the Snake Eight.What she didn't expect was that this big monster was actually the princess of the Sopranos family.

This news made Xia Mi think a little more.She is not Fu Nian, and she would never choose to take this girl out before knowing her true identity in Sheqi Bajia.

If you just didn't get the answer you wanted,
Xia Mi seemed to take her out as well.But only to take it out.

The main reason why she entered here was actually that she inadvertently felt a wave of power that did not match the mixed race suddenly erupted inside Genji Heavy Industries.Following the fluctuations, she came to Erika's room.Saw the little girl who had just been treated.

The little girl was lonely and she felt very poor.Thinking of fulfilling a little wish for the other party.

Although the girl's request has actually exceeded Xia Mi's target range.

But it's not impossible to take her out, it's just that it will cause a series of unnecessary consequences.Any decision in this world has a price, and it is an irrational behavior when there is a conflict with the Sheqi Bajia.

Given the choice...

Xia Mi, who was thinking about something, suddenly felt the gaze focused on him, and when he looked up, he met a pair of bright red pupils.

The pupils reflected Xia Mi's eyes like a clear small lake, reflecting her thinking figure.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, just go out and play. I promised you."

At this moment, she suddenly made a decision.It was a very inexplicable decision.Xia Mi suddenly jumped up from the ground.

"Let's go, go out to play. Anyway, that guy will be carrying the accident, and he will die if it happens."

Xia Mi's voice was very ethereal.

The moment the voice fell, Xia Mi found that his reflection in the opponent's eyes disappeared.

It was replaced by a bright red.Those were the red pupils that brightened under the expression.This scene is like polished glass.Outside the glass is the starry sky beyond the sky.The tenderness of the moonlight flowing in the starry sky.

Erika got up quickly and ran to the closet in the distance. There was a big box in the open closet.

Erika opened the box, and inside were all kinds of toys,
There are plastic Ultraman and little monsters,
There are also flannel Rilakkuma, and each toy has a small label that says "Eriyi の Ultraman" and "Eriyi の Rilakkuma"

This is a little girl who has a strong possessive desire like ordinary girls. She writes her name seriously on every toy. There are Chinese, Japanese, and English on it. Xia Mi You can even imagine her excitement when she learned the language.Get excited about dolls.

like a normal girl...

It's just that the only one who can witness all these emotions may be her alone, and her dolls.

She seemed eager to take them with her.He stretched out his arms and hugged a cardboard box that was a circle bigger than her, and looked sideways at Xia Mi and blinked.

"Do you want to take them all away?"

Xia Mi finally asked the voice in her heart, she knew that this was all the girl's possessions, in other words, this was all the girl's belongings.

Girls want to take them to wander the world, wherever they go, there is their home.She doesn't have much, but it can be seen that the girl cherishes them very much.

But we are going out to play. Going out to play is not running away from home, my eldest lady.

Xia Mi looked at Eri Yi wanting to cry but without tears.

After hesitating for a long time, I still haven't figured out how to reject this girl who doesn't understand these things.

But Erika seemed to see the hesitation in Xia Mi's eyes.They stared blankly at each other.

Gradually losing spirit.

Finally, she obediently put the box in her hand back into the cupboard.Turning around, he looked back at the dolls still reluctantly.Immediately, he put his hands in front of his body, and against the backdrop of the maiden costume, he felt an inexplicable tranquility.

It's just that this kind of tranquility is full of grievances in Xia Mi's eyes.

"You can bring one or two small items. There are too many of these things, and they will affect us." Xia Mi looked at the girl and finally spoke.

Carrying a big suitcase does affect them.Not only does it affect them, I'm afraid Fu Nian will become the most beautiful boy on the street even if he carries a cardboard box bigger than him.

Xia Mi's voice brightened Erika's eyes, and she suddenly turned around to look at the things in her box, picked and picked from inside, and then took out two little yellow ducks, which also had a crooked small label that says,

Painted pear clothing の Duck.

Xia Mi nodded, watched as Erika stuffed the duck into her pocket, and then thumped and ran towards the passageway when she came.

After a while, when Xia Mi saw each other again, a long crimson knife was straddling Erika's waist, like a little girl with a small schoolbag on her back when she was going to school.

The little girl is still looking at you seriously.

Xia Mi smiled helplessly.

"Let's go."

Erika nodded, but still stood there motionless.

Xia Mi also stood there motionless.

The air suddenly quieted down.

Suddenly, in the next second, a thought inexplicably appeared in Xia Mi's mind.

"You don't know how to get out, do you?"

Erika nodded obediently.

"I was careless, I'm sorry." Xia Mi's face was full of black lines.

He sighed helplessly, although this girl looked dumb, but Xia Mi felt that she was still very clever in some respects.Like running away from home.

Originally, she thought that the other party would take her through a certain route that she had never been before, so that they could largely avoid the noisy crowd outside.

But now this plan obviously cannot be counted on.

Girls really look like I don't know.

"Then we can only go the original way." Xia Mi walked slowly towards the direction he came from.

Erika followed closely behind.By the way, he also hugged a little bear from the box.

Beside the little bear was a long crimson knife slung across his shoulders.


Within 5 minutes, the two walked to the place where Xia Mi came in.

The two stood in front of the wrinkled alloy door that looked like rotten paper.stopped.

It wasn't because Xia Mi felt that the location of the bad door blocked their way forward.

It was the alloy airtight door behind the rotten door that blocked their way out.

Natsumi looked at Erika,
"Come and open it."

Xia Mi felt that since she often lived here and had a few times of homelessness, she should have the method to open this door.

Otherwise, the lock on the door is...

Clang! !

Xia Mi's ears suddenly heard a sharp and piercing sound of knives, followed by silver-white arcs of light flashing across Xia Mi's side like lightning.

The tearing sound between steel and alloy suddenly filled every corner of the room, and the ear-piercing noise made Xia Mi's eyebrows frown instantly.

The alloy steel that stood quietly in front of the two of them immediately began to expand from the middle.The snowflakes are generally crumbs and bloom from the front of the two of them towards the surroundings.

It was a picture of pieces of alloy steel plates falling towards each other.

Finally, the moment the giant door shattered, the white world was invaded by various colors, various sounds, and various smells... The things outside seemed to emerge from Pandora's box The virus that came out generally quickly spread towards the white world where the two of them lived.

Erika stood there quietly, and the deep red long knife that she had held tightly in her hand slowly fell beside her as if it had been pulled out of its strength.

She stood there quietly feeling the breath that enveloped her, which was a breath that she had rarely felt before. In her eyes, this was a colorful world. This world had light, flavor, and... …

Even in that world even the air is so clean and fresh.

They are no longer white, no longer full of the smell of medical disinfectant.

She likes this kind of world, even the red blood droplets floating in the air, she has to watch for a long time.

Appreciate their true color, taste, touch...

Xia Mi's gaze also looked at the red blood bead, it was indeed a red blood bead, red blood to be exact.

Next to the blood are fallen bodies one by one. The body is covered by a white doctor's robe, and the white is soaked in the flowing blood, just like rose petals scattered among the white tulips. There is a strong contrast in the colorful colors .

Xia Mi finally set his gaze on the distance.

There, figures in black trench coats were looking in horror at the huge door that suddenly fell apart.

(End of this chapter)

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