I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 282 Xia Mi: Let's go together, okay?

Chapter 282 Xia Mi: Take us along, okay?


A group of macho men looked at the huge door suddenly torn apart with horror on their faces.

Because just now, they appeared on this floor with the goal of destroying everything, staring at the heavy giant door, but with all the TNT high explosives on their bodies, they just left a scorched black mark on the door.

Not to mention opening it, even a box of large-caliber Magnum bullets landed precisely on a certain position, leaving only a shallow mark on it.They have given up their illusions about this door, even if they know that the opposite may be a relatively important small treasury or gene bank of the Snake Ba Family.

But if this door cannot be opened, all fantasies behind it will be empty talk for them.Even miss the best time.

But just when they cleaned up the mess and were about to leave.The door next to it was cracked "quietly", the same kind, the head cracked, the leg cracked, the kind that was torn apart, and judging from the smoothness of the crack, it seemed that it was split by a knife.

What kind of knife can cut this kind of thing! !This sharp contrast made the burly man next to the giant gate subconsciously turn his head.

In his attention, two beautiful girls appeared in his field of vision, they are so dazzling,
It's like a white angel walking out of the holy light, like a fire goblin stepping out of the ashes.They have the most delicate faces.Possesses an unrivaled temperament for women in the world of mortals.

But at this moment, the burly man couldn't think of the slightest bit of blasphemy, not only his brain didn't, but even his body instinctively flinched back.

It seems that what I met before was not the beautiful girl I usually met on the street, but a humanoid monster I met at the gate of the monster's house.It seemed that the next moment the monster would open its huge mouth and swallow him in one gulp.Infinite darkness engulfed him.

In fact, men's instincts are right, not just the ones closest to them.

Even all the mixed races walking with him instinctively felt that something was spreading towards the air.

These two girls are very dangerous.

In other words, the girl with black hair and angelic white casual clothes is a little bit more dangerous.

"Team...Captain." The man closest to Xia Mi wanted to remind him to back off, but what he didn't expect was that his voice was trembling, not only his voice was trembling, but even his The whole body is shaking.

It seemed, as if he had really encountered something so terrifying that even a usually vicious ghost would be terrified.

Xia Mi looked at the trembling man standing in front of him, propped his chin and looked thoughtfully at the group of macho men standing in front of him in a daze.

The man's performance, as well as the invisible and instinctive performance of the surrounding group of people are caused by her deliberately exuding a little dragon prestige.

As for why they did this, of course they didn't look like good people at first glance.

All of them were vicious, big and strong, with blood on their hands, and there were a group of doctors' corpses lying on the ground. She had seen these doctors before, and they were the ones who treated Erika before she came in. The group of doctors.

They are members of the Sheqi Bajia, and they are also professional doctors specially trained by the Sheqi Bajia.

But now they are randomly thrown on the ground, on experimental instruments, and on hangers like garbage.

Scarlet blood dripped down the ground along the air, and a gurgling tributary slowly converged into a small river.

Those who can kill them at will must be enemies, and the outside world is so chaotic, Xia Mi guessed that someone must have entered the Genji Heavy Industries of the Snaki Bajia.

Then who would they be...

Xia Mi shook her head,
"Although what they came in for has nothing to do with me, they seem to be useful." Xia Mi refocused his eyes on the face of the man closest to him.

At close range, Xia Mi could clearly see the cold sweat on the man's face dripping down his neck like a rainstorm.He has completely lost the most basic thinking ability, and has even lost the ability to fight.

Xia Mi glanced at the black windbreaker behind the man behind his companion, on his windbreaker, the hideous ghost characters lay quietly behind him.Not daring to move.

The man didn't dare to move either.At this moment, he felt like a dragon appeared behind him, and the suffocating force compressed the surrounding air.

"Are you a group of fierce ghosts?"

Xia Mi looked at the man and suddenly spoke.She knew about the existence of this organization in Japan, and she knew it from the train to Otaru that day.But never actually seen it.The words on the other side's back today reminded her of this.

No one spoke, and the air was as quiet as if it didn't exist.


Xia Mi raised his finger and pointed to the burly man in front of him who was completely drenched in cold sweat and said,
"answer me."

At this moment, the cold sweat pouring out of the man's body like a small spring suddenly accelerated, and he let go of the gate like a burst faucet.

The clothes that were already wet doubled again in an instant, and the whole person seemed to be lifted out of the spring water, and the body was sweating crazily in a completely unreasonable posture.

But the man's voice still appeared in the air, trembling with firm affirmation.


This word seemed to consume all the strength of the man, and the moment he finished speaking, his whole body fell to the ground like a plank toppled over.

stopped breathing.

The sound of the landing became a sharp blade that broke the frozen air around them, and the air that was suffocating and pressing on them quickly dispersed towards the surroundings.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and they found that the oppression that was imprisoned around them disappeared, and no one hesitated, not even the captain's order to retreat.

Everyone rushed outside without hesitation at this moment, even ignoring the stone-like wall behind them.

"Who told you to leave." A clear and ethereal voice suddenly enveloped their minds.

That's right, it's in their minds.

Standing in the quiet air around her, Erika looked inexplicably at the members of the fierce ghosts who turned their heads collectively.

Without exception, their pinched eyes were trembling crazily in their eye sockets.

"Take us along, okay?"

The voice suddenly became gentle, and Xia Mi tilted his head to look at the group of men in black in front of him, with a girl's pure and bright smile on his mouth.

Erika looked at the smile on the corner of Xia Mi's mouth.The corners of the mouth raised slightly as if they were also infected.

The surrounding air was instantly warmed up, and with the smiles of the two girls, they seemed to start to smile too.



Genji Heavy Industries
and indoors.

Patriarch Sakurai stared at the situation slowly turning around on the screen.The white skin that was tense at the brows slowly eased a little.Calm down between the smooth friction of each other.

Although the fierce ghosts appeared too suddenly, they even appeared between every floor of Genji Heavy Industries without making a sound.Moreover, all these ferocious ghosts who appeared were feeding ghosts with their bodies, and they all had the belief that they must die.In a short period of time, it has caused great pressure on the Sheqi Bajia, but this kind of pressure is like fireworks blooming in the sky, which is extremely brilliant in a short period of time.But after being brilliant, what he faced was the law enforcement officers from the Eight Snake Qi Family.

Although a single law enforcement officer is a bit weak in front of Deadpool, there is a gap between ants and elephants.Quantity can always be used to make up for it.

After all, Genji Heavy Industries is the base camp of the Snaki Bajia. When this huge machine reacts quickly and starts to rotate, it is the moment when the fireworks cool down and the darkness shrouds.

Fuma's ninja family is rapidly wandering around every corner of the stairs. Relying on their vigorous postures and crawling figures, they appear like shadows behind the lonely demons.

At the most intense moment when the law enforcement officers of the Executive Bureau were fighting with him, the kunai with a dark luster in his hand would suddenly be inserted into the opponent's heart.

Their figures disappeared a second before the blood splattered.

"The scene has reversed, and it will only be a matter of time before they are completely wiped out here." Patriarch Sakurai said slowly as he looked at the scenes on the screen.

Patriarch Longma nodded, this is currently obvious.He very much agrees.

But when he turned his gaze to Masamune Tachibana, who was sitting in the main seat, he found that the other party was still frowning and sitting there motionless.Not only did the seriousness on his body not disappear, it seemed to be getting stronger gradually.

"Master, is there anything we haven't considered properly?" Patriarch Ryoma looked at Masamune Tachibana and asked slowly.

The moment Patriarch Ryoma's voice fell, Patriarch Fuma and Patriarch Sakurai in the room turned their gazes to Tachibana Masamune,

As the head of the family, Tachibana Masamune is completely convinced of their existence, and in addition to being in power for so many years, his prestige within the family is definitely the highest.

He led the Sheqi Bajia from a falling abyss to the road of revival step by step. Although his style is different from the previous emperors of the Sheqi Bajia, his prestige is not much less than them .

The reason why Tachibana Masamune didn't speak too much tonight was entirely because of what was happening now, and the various Patriarchs who appeared now could completely solve it, and he didn't need to make any decisions.

He just needs to nod and think about what they can't think of.

Now, he did think of something they couldn't think of.

In other words, they saw something they didn't know.

"Tell Kaguya Hime to switch the monitoring out of the monitoring in the medical room." Tachibana Masamune's voice was very deep, which was a very rare deep voice.On this man who usually sees people with gentleness.It is an extremely obvious signal.

Patriarch Sakurai was taken aback for a moment, but without the slightest hesitation, he began to dispatch the surveillance in the medical room.

The medical room is a very special existence in Genji Heavy Industries. It is different from other places. There are two medical rooms in Genji Heavy Industries. One of them is the Sheqi Hachiya Medical Department that they are often familiar with, which belongs to the branch of the Yanliu Research Institute. Specially responsible for the physical condition of the operatives of the Eight Snake Qi Family.

But the other medical room is a very special existence. Although the other party is still affiliated with the Yanliu Research Institute, none of the patriarchs present have the authority to understand it.
Even the director of the Yanliu Research Institute, the head of the Miyamoto family does not have the authority to manage it, and its existence is like a separate institution independent of the eight institutions of Snaki.
The person in charge of the institution is the direct responsibility of the contemporary patriarch.

No one knows what the infirmary exists for,
In the presence, the moment Tachibana Masamune's voice fell to the ground, only Patriarch Fumo looked at the screen thoughtfully.

He has the authority to act as the head of the house, but even he doesn't particularly understand what this place does.

The only thing he knew was that every year Masamune Tachibana arranged for a group of professionally trained medical talents to enter that department.

The monitoring soon appeared in everyone's sight, and it was Kaguya Ji who manipulated the monitoring that was independent of Genji Heavy Industries' power system and appeared here.

The moment the picture appeared, the air in the room was instantly filled with a low pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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