I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 284 Xia Mi's Little Emotions

Chapter 284 Xia Mi's Little Emotions


The trembling flames exploded on the corridor of the passage like thunder.

The camera at the end of the gun shattered.

The captain glanced at Xia Mi in front of him.

"Sharpshooter." Xia Mi gave a thumbs up, with a big charm at the corner of his mouth.

The captain only felt his whole body tremble, and the cold sweat of fear flowed from head to tail.

Xia Mi turned her head and glanced at Erika who was curiously looking at her puzzled,
Shaking his head, he turned and glanced in a certain direction behind him,
The captain immediately nodded with relief.He hurriedly commanded the fierce ghosts behind him to explore the way forward.

The gunshots here quickly attracted a large number of law enforcement officers who were looking for the remaining ghosts. At this moment, when the whole machine of Snake Bajia was in operation, the ghosts who entered here followed the tide like duckweed. Starting, when a large area of ​​law enforcement personnel began to counterattack in an organized and orderly manner.The only thing they can do is do their best to destroy.

The captain at this moment knows these truths very well. As the captain of a small team of the ghosts and scavenger groups, he has always seen these things very thoroughly.

This is also the case, knowing that there will be no return this time, he will charge forward, facing a kind of snake Qi Bajia, appearing on such a high floor with a decisive attitude.

The task they received was just two words, destruction.Use the greatest efforts to destroy, to vent the humiliation that the Snake Ba Clan once suppressed in their hearts, and use brutal killings to roll out the red carpet for the coming of God.

They are indeed ghosts, and they are indeed venting the shadows that once shrouded their hearts from the Bajia of Snake Qi, so many ghosts who knew that entering here would be a dead end still entered here without hesitation.

Of course, this is only part of it. The other part, and the most important part, is that they have no choice.Or to be more precise, their human consciousness has no choice.

They are ghosts, split bodies of dragons and humans. Although all hybrids are like this, hybrids with stable bloodlines can rely on human emotions to suppress the influence of the thin power of dragons on them.

But they can't, in the face of killing, tyranny, or even temptation, they will be quickly occupied by the dragon's desire rising from the depths of their souls.They will become extremely extreme, and at that moment, the absolute brutality of the Dragon Clan will come to them.Completely destroy their sanity.

The human consciousness in their bodies is asleep, and the negative emotions of the whole person are stimulated by the dragon's blood. They will not have any resistance to temptation.

They will enjoy this kind of pleasure in the fall again and again, and even take the initiative to let themselves take the initiative to find that pleasure.This is also the reason why the fierce ghosts will become the enemies of the Eight Snake Clans. Their existence destroys the order maintained by the Eight Snake Clans.

So when the order was issued today, at the beginning of the battle, when their emotions were aroused by a certain emotion.

They are no longer mixed races, and using ghosts to describe them would be extremely appropriate.

But the current captain feels that his consciousness has returned to his body. Although he is terrified of what he just did, he is even more terrified of the two girls in front of him.

I'm glad that my irrational self didn't make a move at that time, and I'm still glad that the one who was closest to me was not me.Otherwise, I might die together like that guy.

While everyone tensed their bodies and moved down the floor step by step.

Xia Mi, who was advancing ahead, suddenly stopped.

The captain also stopped at this moment, and all the mixed races behind him stopped.

But all the mixed-races lowered their heads and looked at the floor without any doubts. In the face of order, they were more professional than the trained Sheqi Bajia at this moment.

Except for Erika who was at a loss and didn't know why, no one set their eyes on Xia Mi.

Xia Mi turned his head to look at the surrounding environment at this moment. They are currently in an office on the first floor. This seems to be an office for the clerical staff of the Eight Snake Qi Family. There are small cubicles everywhere. son.

Although this office is now empty, there are paper scraps scattered all over the ground, and there are corpses under the documents.

There are mixed-race corpses all around them, among them are the law enforcement officers of the Bajia of Sheqi, but more are the evil spirits of the fierce ghosts,

The walls of the room were covered with bullet marks pierced by bullets, the walls were blasted, and shattered glass shards were everywhere.

Along the way, they walked from the back door to the middle of the room, preparing to go to the exit of the stairs.This is the only way to leave this floor.

It is impossible to go to the elevator. Although the power has been restored now, the elevator is definitely an area that Snaki Bajia focuses on guarding.

It doesn't matter to Xia Mi and Eri Yi, they are members of the Snake Eight Clan, and now they are captives held by the fierce ghosts.

But the group of fierce ghosts is not the same. They and the Sheqi Bajia are enemies on both sides of life and death. It was used by the Sheqi Bajia to vent their anger for tonight's raid,
The escape plan planned by Erika dissipated like a bubble.

That's why Natsumi planned the route out so carefully. Under the supervision of Genji Heavy Industries under the supervision of Kaguya Ji, he forcibly found a route that was expected to leave quietly by relying on his strong reasoning ability and almost bug-like ability.


Xia Mi frowned suspiciously and looked at a certain direction on the floor, as if his eyes could see through the floor to see through the environment below.

In fact, it was true. Although Xia Mi couldn't see what was going on underneath, relying on the powerful hearing of the Dragon Clan, she could clearly feel the collision between forces and the catharsis between elements.

A fierce battle was going on on the floors below.

But this is not the point at all. Xia Mi heard more than one scene like this. In the underground floors, there are at least five batches of ongoing battles.

But the reason why Xia Mi noticed this place was entirely because of his throbbing.

The throbbing of my own blood.

This is a familiar and strange feeling.

Familiarity is because she used to often feel this different feeling, which is an invisible blood link between master and servant.

The strangeness is because, in the conquests and wars, her attendants have completely disappeared in the long river of time.She hadn't felt this way for a long, long time.

But at this time, in Genji Heavy Industries, this feeling is so familiar, and the distance between the two parties is so close.

who is it?

Xia Mi frowned, was it the attendant who was lost on the battlefield?But this is the fiefdom of King Bai, why did the other party appear here?And the other party still feels so strange to her.

Xia Mi shook his head slowly, frowning in doubt for a moment.

She recalled her former attendant, and she couldn't remember when she remembered this strange power fluctuation, and the other party's speech spirit was not close to the speech spirit of the Earth and Mountain series.

Suddenly, when Xia Mi was thinking about something, a picture suddenly appeared in her mind.

That was when BJ went down the tunnel, Fu Nian looked at himself and proudly told him about using the Dragon Slave Order.

Order of Dragon Slave.

No way.


Xia Mi began to listen carefully to the battle below. From her feeling, the other party seemed to be in a very disadvantaged state, and this state in Genji Heavy Industries was obviously the hostile side.

A member of the Ghost Clan.

How could Fu Nian think of arranging the other party in such a place.

What is he doing?
For a while, Xia Mi's mind was filled with all kinds of doubts and curiosity. It wasn't that she didn't believe that Fu Nian would use his brains to arrange a gorgeous performance with his own people.

But Xia Mi didn't believe that Fu Nian didn't tell him about it.

But the reality is that Fu Nian really didn't describe this matter to him in detail, and he didn't even know why Fu Nian sent his subordinates to a corner of the territory where King Bai was.

What's more, don't tell yourself!
For a while, Xia Mi recalled Fu Nian's face with a little emotion.Grab it with one hand!
"Hmph! Go there."

Xia Mi looked up at the group of people in front of him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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