I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 285 The Law Enforcer With Heavy Casualties

Chapter 285 The Law Enforcer With Heavy Casualties

The tunnel was instantly blown apart by the force of the eversion, and countless rail debris spread across the sky like a torrential rain, roaring and spreading in all directions.

The dense fire waves are released towards the surroundings with a center of a circle, and the monstrous flames roll towards the surroundings from the thick smoke erupting like a volcanic eruption.The destructive power is like a thousand tons of steel hitting the ground heavily, shattering everything within the domain.

The scorching temperature instantly turned everything around it crimson, and the surfaces of the buildings on both sides of the tunnel were eroding away like grains of sand around the rear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That's right, it's corrosion. The temperature here has reached a point where it's hard for humans to stand. The ground is so hot that it's like standing on boiling lava.

Breathing in and out is like pouring sulfuric acid down the throat and pouring flames into the lungs.

The nearly [-] mixed races who were wrapped in the field felt so tormented with every breath. The tunnel connected at both ends seemed to suddenly become a chimney mouth, and thick black smoke rolled out along Genji Heavy Industries. diffusion.

Even the hybrids outside the domain were dizzy from the shock of the violent explosion.

On the road one kilometer away from Genji Heavy Industries, the walking citizens stopped one after another, pointing at Genji Heavy Industries who suddenly emitted black smoke and screaming, and even dialing the emergency number of the police station.

However, the receiver received a busy tone after the connection, and the phone number of the Japanese Police Department was extremely rare and could not be dialed out.

In the Japanese room of Genji Heavy Industries, Tachibana Masamune's brows were completely gloomy at the moment, as if water could be wrung out.

He is the head of the Snake Ba Family, and when he knows that a major crisis has occurred, he must remain calm.

But the matter of Erika's disappearance gathered above his head like a dark cloud, the importance of Erika was only known to him in the room at this moment.

The appearance of the ghosts at Genji Heavy Industries tonight was beyond Tachibana Masamune's expectations, but what happened now completely broke through the range that Tachibana Masamune could bear.

Because of this incident, the Sheqi Bajia has completely blocked the surroundings of Genji Heavy Industries. As long as the ground, the sky, and the ground are places that can accommodate human bodies, they have sent a large number of operatives to block the exits of the scene.

Even Patriarch Sakurai, who had just appeared in the Japanese room, was sent out by Tachibana Masamune to personally direct the operation.

Tachibana Masamune, who is usually steady, was completely torn apart because of this incident, and his usual kindness was truly revealed as a domineering head of the underworld.

Because this matter really exceeded his expectations.Whether it is from the perspective of the Bajia of Sheqi or from the direction of the ghosts.It's like an important chess piece suddenly disappears in an anxious chess game.Chess pieces have been the key to the victory of the game.

Tachibana Masamune stared at the scene of a fierce battle on the screen.

It was the encirclement and suppression battle by the law enforcement officers of the Snake Eight Family against the scavenger leader Wanko Sakurai of the Ghost Clan.The battle that should normally be his focus has become dull at this moment.

Even the constant casualties of law enforcement personnel above could not cause a ripple in Tachibana Masamune's eyes.

At a certain moment, a sudden burst of bright white light spread from a point on the screen to the surroundings.The red flames that were so thick that they were almost black were swirling in the dazzling white. Under the flames soaring into the sky, the picture on the screen disappeared in the next instant.

The camera is etched away.

The faces of Patriarch Feng Mo and Patriarch Ryoma in the room suddenly changed, and their excited bodies stood up from the ground in a jerk.

They don't know what Erika means to the family, and what it means to Tachibana Masamune.But they know what this word spirit means.

Among the many hybrids of the Eight Snake Clans, to be able to become the existence of the head of the family, everyone will not be as harmless as humans and animals on the surface. They not only need a deep city, but also a Tai Chi cloud for political management. Hands, more importantly they need to be strong enough.

The master of the Fuma family is the king among the ninjas of the Fuma family.The bald, middle-aged owner of the Longma family is also the strongest of the Longma family.

Each of them has an absolute supreme understanding of the word spirit and the battle.

The moment the speech spirit erupted, the faces of the two Patriarchs in the room changed. Sometimes a high-risk speech spirit is not only judged by its power, it is like gold.

Although the best way to identify it is to see if he can accept the sanctions of high temperature without any harm.But in the hands of top professionals, there is no need for such a complicated method. They will know the gold's location in a moment according to a series of details such as the color, material, hardness, and even smoothness of the gold. at what level.

The same is true for Yanling, at the moment when Yanling erupts, or even before it erupts.They knew exactly what level this speech spirit was at.

But this speech spirit is obviously a high-risk series of speech spirits, and even an extremely terrifying high-risk speech spirit.Under the extremely high temperature flame, it is difficult for life to survive in it.

Even the camera, which is made of special materials that can withstand a high temperature of [-] degrees, erodes in an instant, which shows what level the temperature of the innermost layer will reach.

They couldn't imagine what kind of casualties this speech spirit would suffer after it erupted! !
You must know that in order to intercept Sakurai Wanko, they arranged [-] excellent law enforcement officers around, and even Patriarch Ryoma sent the second strongest person in the executive bureau,
Longma Yisan.

When Yuan Zhisheng was not in the executive department, he was the strongest of the younger generation here.

In fact, the situation is indeed as the two Patriarchs dare not imagine.

When the violent lava gradually cooled down, and when the surrounding crimson air gradually became transparent, scenes within the scope of the area gradually appeared in front of the law enforcement officers of the Eight Snake Qi Family.

The law enforcement officer who was fortunate enough not to be covered by the field got up from the ground in horror and looked at the woman standing in the center, and there was a black coke everywhere around her.The law enforcement officers who had surrounded the other party so tightly that they could not get through had completely disappeared at this moment.Even the body of the law enforcement officer who died in the hands of the other party disappeared completely.

Countless residues deformed and shapeless under the high temperature piled up in every corner of the tunnel under the impact.

The solid rails have completely lost their previous shape. From the center of the circle outward, it twists and bends towards the surroundings like a TNT explosion.

It was not only the law enforcement officers who were horrified at the scene, but even the ghosts hiding in the shadows were watching the scene in horror.

They have never seen their team leader release the spirit of speech, never, this woman seems to have never needed this kind of extra thing in the memory of the past, and the enemies who fight her are rarely more than her ten rounds of undead enemy.

In their eyes, she is proficient in Japanese kendo, and has been granted permission from many schools.She is proficient in ancient Greek martial arts and is the oldest and best Pancrasin killer in the world.She is also proficient in ancient Chinese martial arts, a master of Tai Chi, and at any time in the past, she has faced any enemy with one enemy ten.She has always been so calm and elegant.

But today she is equally elegant, elegant releaser of the most terrifying words.

The captain's gaze fell hesitantly on Xia Mi who was not far in front of him. At this moment, the girl was dressed in white casual clothes, and she was as bright as the white moonlight wherever she went, making it hard to ignore.Even in the blood and darkness of the moment.She is like a light bulb in the dark.

But to the captain's horror, no one around noticed their existence. The girl just stood here, and all the space behind here seemed to be non-existent, making it difficult for the mixed race to notice their existence.

The captain followed the girl's eyes and looked at the battlefield ahead.

The girl's gaze was now on Wanko Sakurai.

Sakurai Wanko's eyes fell on Yan Ling in her own domain.

It was a clean land.A shattered dust-free place.

The words of the White King series not only contain their own words, but also accommodate the words of the Black King series.The mixed races of the Sheqi Bajia naturally exist in a dust-free place of defensive speech.

At the moment Sakurai Wanzi released his words, the law enforcement officers who fell in the field also released their words one after another.

But without exception, their speech skills without defensive speech skills will not play the slightest role.Not even the Clean Land produced any real results...

Sakurai Wanko stared at the broken blue mask in front of her. It was supposed to be a bright blue light curtain, but at this moment it was in a dark state.

Like charcoal being baked.Solidified and broken cavities are densely scattered on it.

The dust-free land was blasted to pieces by her word spirit with the power of destruction.

Among them, the master who was released was even more so, only the ferocious skeleton remained after being swept by the fire wave.

(End of this chapter)

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