I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 286 Passive Word Spirit

Chapter 286 Passive Word Spirit


Sakurai Wanko's eyes lightly fell on him and then moved away, looking further outside.

There was a handsome man in a black windbreaker, on the edge of the somewhat embarrassed field.

He was the only enforcer who escaped from her domain, or to be more precise, near the edge of the domain, escaped in the big explosion.

The man's face is a rare tough handsome guy among this group of people, he seems to be of Japanese-European mixed race, with a high nose bridge and thin lips in his well-defined face, but his eyebrows and eyes are still Asian Black pupils, black hair.

Coupled with the black leather windbreaker that he is now a law enforcement officer, the whole person reveals a sassy, ​​tough and handsome image invisibly.

If he goes out to participate in the European model spokesperson campaign, he will definitely easily compare with the most charming local stars, and then live glamorously in the human society. (if the star wasn't of mixed race).

But at this moment, he was half-kneeling in a mess among the debris of steel dissolution, and fragments of broken rails were everywhere.The burning flames burned silently along the ground and spread into the midair.

He held the Taidao with one hand, and his loose hair fluttered between the coats that had just extinguished the flames of the lake.

He is the strongest law enforcement officer of the new generation of the Executive Department. Although his record is completely incomparable with Yuan Zhisheng, who ranks first above him, he is still the elite among the elite.

A huge gap left the third man behind him.

He once thought that he was invincible among the fierce ghosts, but in Genji Heavy Industries, he met an opponent who almost seriously injured him in an instant.

Sakurai Wanko tilted her head and looked carefully at Ryoma Yizo at this moment,
At the same time, Ryoma Yisan is also watching Sakurai Wanko carefully. The evil spirit on Sakurai Wanko's mask has become more ferocious after the release of Yan Ling. It seems that she just sent the real evil spirit from the gate of hell released in.

Since the outbreak of the battle, too many of their law enforcement officers have died under the knife in the opponent's hand.

Their blood fell in mid-air, on the mask of the female ghost, and the already bright red mask was now rendered with a layer of black red. In the uncertain emergency lights around, the other party was like Putting on a phantom of death.

With sanctions from hell death.

"Your word spirit is actually a high-risk fire attribute word spirit! Jun Yan!!"

Long Ma Yisan stared at the woman and said slowly, he needs to buy time for himself now, the injury on his body needs a certain amount of time to adjust, otherwise his condition will become extremely bad next time.

But he doesn't want to use his companion's life to buy himself time, so now he can only try to talk to women,
Although he didn't know if this method would work, he wanted to give it a try.


The woman ignored Ryoma Yisan's voice, looked him up and down, and then slowly took off her high heels.

The sound of crisp footsteps tapped lightly on the mottled tiles, and the ethereal sound slowly diffused in the surrounding air.

"Yan Ling! King Kong!!"

Behind him, a law enforcement officer who had just climbed up from the corner of the ruins was instantly enveloped in a pale golden light, and then his body began to swell rapidly, and his originally burly body swelled to two meters three four in an instant. height,
Holding the Taidao in one hand, the enforcer made a vertical jump and headed towards Wanko Sakurai who was walking.

The short intermission caused by the eruption of Yanling has reached the final time. After a short period of horror, the law enforcement officers became even crazier.

They knew that in many cases, the hybrids would experience a short period of weakness after the word spirit was released.

They must seize this time and give each other the most fatal blow.

The man's speed reached an extreme sonic boom, Yanling King Kong strengthened his body in an all-round way, and in his current state, he can punch through the surrounding railroad walls without hesitation , directly resist the opponent's attack that can pierce the bulletproof armor.

Then take advantage of the weak time of the opponent to directly block the opponent's attack, and fight for the release and attack of the companion behind him...

puff! !
Ryoma Yisan felt that his forehead was instantly covered by a warm sticky substance, scarlet blood drops slid down between his brows, and the rest of the scarlet splashed in the air like a rainbow.

The iron block, which was falling from the sky with ten thousand tons of force, was suspended in midair motionless, and was inserted upside down in midair by the opponent.

The dark golden skin quickly dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the muscles full of strength shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.Bloody beads dripped down the man's chest like water.

The dripping speed is getting faster and faster, the strength condensed on the muscles of the man's body is getting looser, and the burly body is also getting smaller and smaller.

The ghost mask became extremely hideous at this moment. Although none of the blood dripping from the man fell on the red color of the mask, in their eyes, all the blood melted into the mask along the air, making the original The scarlet color becomes even more breathless.

Ryoma Yisan was also a little surprised to see the woman who was strong and relaxed at the moment. The straight arm of the other party was obviously only the size of a normal human being, but she was able to do this kind of behavior in a weak state. This is an extremely important thing. Unbelievable thing.

"Yanling! Blazing Sun" showed no sign at all, and the surrounding space was instantly covered by a dazzling white light.

It was another law enforcer who released his speech spirit. The moment the speech spirit was released, more than a dozen law enforcers attacked the woman together from different directions.

But in the dazzling white light, an even more dazzling golden pupil suddenly lit up. The light was like a red sun. While shining around, icy cold light appeared in every corner of the space. With extremely fast speed to block attacks from all angles, and at the same time relying on extreme speed, they put the long knife in their hands on their necks in the form of spinning picks.

Red blood gushed out from their wounds, but the woman's body was no longer there, and she was one step closer to Ryoma Yisan who was squatting in place.

She can also see that the other party's strength is different, but in a more sense, she doesn't want the other party to break the curse of her [-]% death.

Although the opponent relied on his own talent to jump out from the edge of the explosion of the speech spirit, but the one who jumped out finally jumped out,
If she can do it, just kill it.

Ryoma Yisan looked at the rapidly blooming blood lines around him, and his whole body became bad in an instant, without any hesitation, he suddenly stood up from the spot.

The power flowing in the body surged rapidly along the limbs and bones towards the chest.He's going to start fighting back.

There is still one step or two steps away from the opponent,
what! !

Ryoma Yisan's eyes shrank suddenly, and the pupils of the whole person stared at the figure that disappeared in front of him.


The sound of ninja knife piercing into the body was as crisp as cutting watermelon.He heard the thump of his heartbeat starting to speed up, and heard the sound of his body releasing adrenaline at a high speed.Hear the sound of adrenaline rushing through the blood.

The not-so-bright golden pupils flashed a flash of light quickly, without the slightest hesitation, the ninja knife in his hand stabbed back in an instant.

He is different from other law enforcers, his speech spirit belongs exclusively to the White King Throne, and also belongs to the passive speech spirit.In a short period of time when death is approaching, the body can reach the level of extremely rapid improvement of combat power.

But that climbing power has a time limit, and now his body can bear it for only three seconds.

He must use brutal force to completely kill the opponent here within three seconds, in a relaxed state where the opponent does not know his own words.

Shame on the bloodbath tonight! !
(End of this chapter)

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