Chapter 287 Three Seconds

The moment the surrounding air compressed, Wanko Sakurai, who was standing behind Ryoma Yisan, frowned.

The invisible oppression spread from the man to the surroundings. At this moment, the man's reaction was beyond her expectation, or a bit beyond the common sense of the human body.Her attacking angle is extremely tricky, with the sharpness of a poisonous snake, she penetrates the sharp blade along the spine and into the back of the head, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is a one-hit kill.

Even a mixed race has no possibility of escape. From the moment Wanzi appeared behind him, the shadow of death had shrouded him into the gate of the dead.

But now the man's physical reaction is clearly contrary to this,
Wanko Sakurai was keenly aware of the high-frequency vibrations in the surrounding air through the eyes under the mask.A high-frequency vibration that almost broke through the speed of sound.

This power.

Wanko Sakurai frowned slightly on her delicate brows, but her body moved backwards at another speed.

At this moment, countless phantoms appeared in a short space in the bodies of Ryoma Yisan and Sakurai Wanko in front of them.

The phantom squatted down, jumped up, swung its arms, and the long knife flashed away.

The whole series of movements appeared suddenly as if in a dream, and disappeared in an instant.

speed, power.

In this short moment, the comprehensive power of Longma Yisan rose from the ground like a rocket into the sky.

Sakurai Wanko's eyes instantly burst into a more dazzling light, and the light descended on the ripples of the air through the mask of the evil spirit.

In the ripples, her figure is also illusory, but there is a slim tone in this illusory.Long arcs appeared in the air and disappeared into the air, and the sound of steel colliding with each other was sharp and piercing,
Suddenly!An unusually bright light shone in the dark air.

Longma Yisan felt his eyes light up.

The sharp sound of long blades piercing the vacuum appeared in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, dense phantoms of swords and swords appeared in Ryoma Yisan's field of vision like a thousand arrows in the sky.

However, the body blessed by Yan Ling made him extremely calm and calm. The long knife in his hand swung at a high speed, and his whole body resisted the intensive attack and moved forward crazily.

Is this the opponent's full attack?Ryoma Yisan waved the long knife in his hand, frowning again and again staring at the ghost mask that was retreating.

The other party seemed to see that he was unusual, and in a short moment broke out all of his fighting ability, and stopped his sudden burst of power, although he still had a short-term upper hand.

But he was running out of time.

The golden light in Longma Yisan's eyes dimmed, two seconds was very short, but it was also very fast.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and walked towards the crowd of law enforcement officers on the other side.His time is coming!

"Only three seconds?" Wanko Sakurai stared closely at the opponent's movements.At this moment, she found that all the strength of the opponent's body was concentrated on the legs.

At the same time, relying on the remaining strength of his body, Longma Yisan quickly took out a communication device with his arms and stared at the red button on it.

Their hearts sank suddenly. This was their original method to deal with this fierce ghost crowd. The strength of this fierce ghost crowd was the object of great concern to the Patriarch. In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, they planned to use heavy firepower and precise strikes.

Although this would have an extremely serious monetary cost, it is the one with the fewest casualties.

But at that time, he took the initiative to ask for help and applied to lead law enforcement officers to kill him.When Yuan Zhisheng was away, he was the strongest one-on-one hybrid of the younger generation.

Patriarch Longma gave him a chance to show himself, but now, the chance failed.

At the moment when Yan Ling suddenly broke out, he just put the opponent at a disadvantage, and he couldn't kill him instantly.

He saw the huge gap between them. In order to avoid further casualties, he took the initiative to take out the original plan, just press the red button.

Kaguya Ji will mobilize the fire control system of Sheqi Bajia in a very short period of time, and the precise fire control attack will explode densely on this floor in an instant.

No one can escape the heavy firepower of this modern technology, no one, not even the powerful hybrids...


The movements in Ryoma Yisan's hands suddenly stopped, and his body, which was already heavily injured, froze instantly. His pale golden pupils stared fixedly at the arm that was falling rapidly. On the palm of the front part of the arm, a red button on the remote control was so Clear and eye-catching.

Suddenly, Ryoma Yisan found that the arm was moving upward again strangely.

How does the arm move upwards?Ryoma Yisan stared at this strange scene in horror.


The arm fell heavily on the floor, and the sound of vibration caused the arm to rise and fall on it.

Followed by a horrifying head that rolled down, the eyes of the head were fixed on the arm not far away, with an expression of disbelief in the eyes.

Arms at eye level?


Wanko Sakurai appeared behind the headless body at the next moment, staring at the other's mutilated body that was still standing.The brows subconsciously wrinkled together.

Gently pushing the opponent's back with tender fingers, during the fall of Ryoma Yisan's body, a burly body stood in front of him at the end.

The body fell heavily on the floor.

But Wanko Sakurai stared at the familiar yet unfamiliar man standing in front of her.Instead of soothing the frowning brows, they became even more wrinkled.

She was indeed very familiar with the face of the other party, that was her subordinate, the captain of the second team of the Demon Scavenger Team, Fuma Ichiro.

Fuma Ichiro is an evil spirit who rebelled from the Fuma family.Among his subordinates, he has always been a guy with strong body and ability who doesn't talk much.

I still value him more.but now.

Sakurai Wanko stared at the other person's eyes, but felt strange.

No, it was scary.It had been a long, long time since she had felt such oppressive power fluctuations.

This made her inexplicably think of the night when she met her Dragon King in North America that night.Although the current oppression is not so extreme.But not extreme does not mean that there is no threat to her.

And it's not normal to feel this way.

"Team leader, I'll take care of him for you."

Opposite Sakurai Wanko, Fuma Ichiro spoke with a stiff voice.Not only his figure, but also his eyes and movements are so unnaturally stiff.

He stood there like a pillar.

"And them."

Sakurai Wanko turned her head to look at the angry law enforcement officers around her. At this moment, they rushed towards the two people in the middle from all directions.

Wanko Sakurai held the long knife in her hand, and didn't seem to have any intention of asking Fuma Ichiro why he suddenly appeared. She jumped up and disappeared from where she was.

Fuma Ichiro also did not hesitate, his whole body instantly appeared in the other direction of Sakurai Wanko, the long knife in his hand erupted with extremely tyrannical power fluctuations, and the power of the earth and mountains supported the opponent's attack at this moment

Two huge gullies appeared on the surrounding ground, and spider web-like debris spread rapidly towards the ground. Fuma Ichiro appeared behind one of the law enforcement officers in an instant like a giant humanoid beast.

One hand appears directly under the opponent's long knife, and the bulldozer usually appears on the opponent's chest with a weapon attached.

Clenched with one hand and lifted the opponent from the ground.Under the huge force, it slammed on the rushing law enforcement officers.

The movement of the whole person was done in one go, and before the law enforcement officer had time to react, he disappeared from the spot again and attacked the law enforcement officer again.

On the opponent's fist, there is an unparalleled power fluctuation.Usually, a punch might not be able to hit the fist of the body armor, but at this moment, it is swaying wantonly in the air. Every time the curtain ends, there is a figure of a law enforcement officer with a double layer of body armor pierced through him flying upside down.The whole person shows the bowling ball being thrown, and the enforcer is the bowling pin at the end.



Wait until Wanko Sakurai completely solves the surrounding enemies.

Fuma Ichiro was already standing there motionless, as stiff as if it wasn't real.

Sakurai Wanko wiped the ninja knife in her hand unhurriedly, the blood-colored scarlet slowly dripped down along the blood groove of the blade, she took out a high-quality floral embroidered handkerchief from her windbreaker pocket , seriously wiped the weapon in his hand.

The high-heeled shoes splashed a little in the pool of blood.

"Who are you?" Wanko Sakurai stood still in front of the other party.

But her attention did not look at Fuma Ichiro opposite, but completely fell on the long knife she was wiping in her hand.As always, the randomness of assigning tasks.

"Fuma Ichiro." Fuma Ichiro said.

"who are you?"

Wanko Sakurai still lowered her head and wiped the ninja knife in her hand.But when the voice fell into the air again, the loose and flowing air was injected with a thick and suffocating murderous aura.

It seems that if the other party answers her answer again at this moment, she will attack with a knife without hesitation!

"Fuma Ichiro." Fuma Ichiro's voice was still stiff and stiff.

The bloody smell in the air suddenly froze.

The viscous air seemed to be frozen on the mask on the woman's face at this moment.Frozen in the surrounding air.

(End of this chapter)

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