I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 288 Welcome to the King!

Chapter 288 Welcome to the King!


The surrounding air changes slowly like the pages of a book being turned.

The viscous texture covered Sakurai Wanko's raised mask towards the front of her body a little bit.

In the dark corner not far away, a group of ghosts stared tremblingly at the team leader at the moment, and now they are not far behind Fuma Ichiro, the pressure that Fuma Ichiro can feel, at this moment they can clearly understand felt.

In their feeling, the group leader in front of them became so strange, so strange that it seemed that a terrifying monster was recovering from her body.A completely different aura rose slowly on her body like pulling out a mountain.

The bitter will to fight is awakening in the opponent.

The viscous air, like a huge mountain rising from a sea of ​​blood, permeates the surroundings with her slowly raised mask, and presses down on the top of her head.

Slow but firm.Thick and full of coercion.

They have never felt this power from the team leader at this moment, it is not like human power at all,
This force seemed to completely melt them into the blood river in the deep sea. The pressure of suffocation slowly spread from their chest along their blood vessels and covered their necks. They knew that when the pressure covered their nasal cavity, she would attack. .

That was a sure-fire attack, and at that time, no one would be able to defeat the opponent in her aura.

The embroidered handkerchief slowly slid across the blade of the Taidao, and the white and tender little finger tapped the blade with its bright nails little by little.

Fuma Ichiro stood quietly opposite her, at this moment he really realized the unstoppable strength of the team leader.

Even though he is full of strength at this moment, he can smash the tank with his fists.Kick the floor.But in front of her, what he felt was a completely different kind of power, a kind of power that came from the abyss and the giant mountain that couldn't be climbed.In front of this force, even if he had twice as much power, he still didn't have the slightest confidence in defeating the opponent.

Unless you can have the power to shake mountains, but how is this possible.The opponent's mountain is piled up with a little bit of bones and blood.In front of the red carpet she walked on, she was really like a baby who just learned to walk.

Even if you have the power in your own hands, there is no mentality to truly confront the other party in your heart.

"You don't have the ability to talk to me on an equal footing. What surprised me even more is that I didn't expect that Japanese mixed races have the ability to manipulate other people's will."

Sakurai Wanko finally said the second sentence of the few tonight.

The voice was clear and cold, but soft and crispy. It didn't look like an evil ghost with a scarlet sword in his hand and an evil ghost mask on his face.

Fuma Ichiro still stood at the same spot without speaking,

"Let the people behind you come out!"

Wanko Sakurai's voice was still calm, but the sea of ​​blood around her quickly began to boil at this moment.In the scalding temperature, it seemed as if a ferocious dragon suddenly spread its wings and roared.

Sakurai Wanko's golden pupils suddenly narrowed, and a pair of vertical pupils full of ferocious beasts suddenly shot up.

The dim air was shrouded in golden light, but this golden light did not make people feel warm like the sun, but instead produced a biting coldness in the shining.

Against the backdrop of corpses all around at this moment, the evil spirit slowly bared its fangs towards Fuma Ichiro.

She is already prepared to face the worst tonight!
"Do you want to see me?"

A crisp female voice appeared in the golden light curtain, like ripples blown by the wind in the golden lake.

Immediately, amidst Fuma Ichiro's relieved movements, a slender youthful figure slowly took the first step out of the dark shadows.

But at the moment when this step is taken, or the moment when the voice exits.

Sakurai Wanko's complexion changed instantly in the center of the aura.The whole person stared at a dark corner behind Fuma Ichiro in an unbelievable, dull, unbelievable way.

The originally dark place was completely magnified in Sakurai Wanko's field of vision at this moment, like a background that is easily overlooked in the field of vision, but when you notice his existence when you suddenly raise your head, It becomes very abrupt.

In Wanko Sakurai's eyes, the dark corner is no longer as simple as being abrupt, but unbelievable.

It's not unbelievable that she didn't realize that the distance is so close to her, and it's not unbelievable that there are a large number of her own mixed-race ghosts behind her.

She stared in disbelief at the girl who slowly walked to Fuma Ichiro. The girl was wearing a beige sweater on the upper body and a light white three-quarter skirt on the lower body.The smooth white boots stepped on the bloody ground.Like a lily blooming in a river of blood.

Gray-black hair passed through the raised ears and fell on the chest.The other party is like an angel walking from the holy light to hell.

In this high-speed tunnel full of corpses, he became a ray of light shining in the darkness.

Sakurai Wanko didn't hesitate at all, the murderous aura that enveloped her body collapsed in an instant, and the heavy pressure of the earth and mountains that enveloped her body dissipated in an instant.The whole person suddenly put the sword in his hand on the ground, and knelt down on the blood-spattered ground with the highest etiquette of the dragon clan.

Although she didn't know why the other party appeared here, she also didn't know why the other party appeared in front of her in this way.

But what she can be sure of is the impulse that arises from the depths of her blood, which is the loyalty branded deep in her blood.

The moment the girl appeared in front of her, the mark on the back of her neck that was once branded by Fu Nianlongwang began to become hot.
She knew what kind of existence she had encountered.

Although it is not clear why the other party looks like a girl now, this is not something she should think about. At the moment when the brand is raised, the only thing she has to do is

"Welcome my king!"

Sakurai Wanko's voice is unprecedentedly sincere, with unparalleled loyalty in sincerity.

This was a state she had never had until Xia Mi appeared this evening.Her entire body kneeling on the ground was trembling at this moment.

It was trembling with excitement, unlike the fierce ghosts around who were blank-eyed and didn't know what was going on, Wanko Sakurai really knew what kind of existence she was appearing in front of now.

"I didn't know your coming, I deserve death." Wanko Sakurai stuck her head firmly on the broken floor.

The scarlet blood was suppressed under the heavy pressure around her without any ripples, as if it had solidified and remained motionless.

"Look up. Let me see."

Xia Mi's voice was still ethereal, as if he hadn't fully brought into his true identity yet.

Wanko Sakurai raised her head, and the golden pupils pricked up through the evil ghost mask were full of undisguised respect. It was hard to imagine that the female killer who was still waving a sharp blade in the sea of ​​blood last second, the next One second will be loyal to a girl who is so simple that only she is beautiful.

Although the fact happened right in front of them, a group of ghosts stared at the group leader half kneeling on the ground in disbelief.

They have never seen such a team leader, even in front of the highest leader of the ghosts, they have never seen this side of the team leader.

Xia Mi put his hand under the evil ghost and helped him take off the mask slowly.

The moment the mask was taken off, a face of a classical Chinese beauty appeared in front of Xia Mi.

The fair skin gives people a very smooth and tender feeling the moment it enters the eyes, the slender eyebrows, the charming eyes, and the slight red makeup at the corners of the mouth.

Everything is like a woman walking out of a painting with an elegant temperament.

"It's beautiful." Xia Mi looked thoughtfully at Sakurai Wanko's pair of pale golden golden pupils, and gently stroked the other's cheek with her small hand to the tip of her chin.

Raise your little hand.

The moment she raised her head, she seemed to understand the reason why Fu Nian took the other party as his attendant.

"Does brother like this type?" Xia Mi murmured.

"King." Sakurai Wanko stared at Xia Mi who was opposite and whispered softly.

This is Wanko Sakurai's way of showing his allegiance to Natsumi.

Xia Mi nodded slightly, but didn't pay much attention to it.

"He arranged for you to come here?"

Xia Mizai carefully looked at Wanko Sakurai's seductive eyes.

But soon she saw the doubts in the other party's eyes.

"What does the king mean?"

"You don't know who I am, do you?" Xia Mi's eyes suddenly became strange.

The doubts in Hu Mei's eyes did not diminish.

"What do you know?" Xia Mi asked.

"The mission in North America is over, the king asked me to leave voluntarily. I chose this place..." Wanko Sakurai slowly told Xia Mi what happened before.

"You don't know we are twins?"

"I never knew."

"You don't know we're here?"

"I never knew."

"You do not know……"

"I never knew."

"Fu Nian didn't tell you anything!!" Xia Mi's eyes were burning with anger.

Sakurai Wanko was stunned, she was a very smart attendant.Staring at Xia Mi whose eyes changed, she knew that although this was not aimed at her, she knew that if she said something wrong, she might still anger another king.

Although what happened tonight shocked her very much.Although……

"You really don't know how expensive Chai Migui is! You actually use Long Nu Ling as a one-time fast food..."

Sakurai Wanko was extremely keen to see the flash of light in the opponent's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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