I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 291 You are the real emperor

Chapter 291 You are the real emperor


Fu Nian himself hit the wall with a headshot, a real headshot.

Don't talk about a wall, it's a mountain. Fu Nian said that if you hit it, you can really smash it through, or the kind that doesn't leave any bones.

But why are you banging your head against the wall, hey!
You are the emperor, but that is the emperor of the Bajia of Sheqi! !
Fu Nian stared blankly at Yuan Zhisheng who was rushing straight ahead.

The whole dragon was a little stunned.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't hide his speed at all at this moment, but at the same time he didn't intend to hide his strength anymore.

Fu Nian's speed behind him was so fast that he could feel it.But now he is faster now.

Yuan Zhisheng cut the spider in his hand back to his waist with one hand.Spider Che is an existence that he regards as a partner. After a series of attacks by the revolver just now, he is very distressed now.

So he doesn't plan to use the spider cut to complete this very challenging task.Although Spider Cut would make his actions a lot easier, he didn't want that much.

Yuan Zhisheng's speed is very fast, the distance of ten meters can be said to be in the blink of an eye under the impact of his current full speed.

The state of the keel made the bones of his whole body completely tense to a point, the muscles contracted extremely, and endless power surged in the fist of the arm along with the blood.

Under Fu Nian's slightly surprised eyes, a force that did not belong to the same level as usual suddenly erupted from Yuan Zhisheng's body. This was a force he had never seen in Yuan Zhisheng's body. , different from the previous explosive impact, this punch is extremely restrained, even restrained to the point of depression.If the former Yuanzhisheng was very powerful, but it was also stronger than the elite mixed race, and the limit of strength was limited.But it's different now.

This is a force that makes even half-breeds feel powerless.This is a force from the spirit of words.

A violent muffled sound came from in front of Fu Nian.The sound was like a cowhide drum beating with all its might by a giant.

But the heavy load-bearing wall at the end still stood there unharmed.

Fu Nian didn't move, and neither did Yuan Zhisheng.

The complicated noises around were deafening, but in the ears of Fu Nian and Yuan Zhisheng, it was very quiet, only the quiet ones remained.

Kacha Kacha slow and crisp cracking sound.

Fu Nian stared at Yuan Zhisheng's back while maintaining his punching posture, counting his lips slightly.

five, three, ... two,


Fu Nian's lips parted slightly.

At a certain moment, the crisp and crunching sound finally found an outlet for venting, and the boulder crashed from top to bottom like a torrent, and the thick, nearly one-meter-long steel-reinforced load-bearing wall burst with a bang.

The designer of the Bliss Pavilion would never believe that one day his masterpiece will be blasted out of the wall with a huge gap by force.

It was also hard for the commanders of the ghosts to encircle the invaders to imagine that they would break out of their encirclement in this way.

This is Yuan Zhisheng's plan, the plan he has made since preparing himself to face the pursuit of the fierce ghosts.

His escape route was difficult and full of thorns in either direction, but he chose a most distinctive path,
It is also the easiest and most direct path.He is deeply aware of the situation he is facing, and he also knows that no matter which direction he goes out, he will face a group of fierce ghosts who are ready. They are always waiting for him to appear from the direction of the door, and then close the cage.In this case, I have to open a separate one...

The advancing figures of Fu Nian and Yuan Zhisheng stopped suddenly.

The dense and crisp sound of gun loading exploded in front of the two of them like flying firecrackers.

Fu Nian stood on the left of Yuan Zhisheng, and Yuan Zhisheng stood on the right of Fu Nian. The two stared dumbfounded at the endless football field in front of them. Next to the football field was a spacious airport.

A huge and open area was revealed in front of the two of them, but
Neither of them could be happy.

Staring at the densely packed rows of fierce ghost members in black windbreakers and holding heavy submachine guns standing in a row, a row, and a row.

Both Yuan Zhisheng and Fu Nian swallowed their saliva. The sharp-eyed Fu Nian also saw the Gatling M134 heavy machine gun, MK19 howitzer, and... SAM 16 individual missile from among the submachine guns.

All the modern technological weapons were uniformly twisted from the other direction to the direction of the Bliss Hall that exploded.

Another dense sound of loading exploded in the ears of the two. To the ears of the fierce ghosts, the crisp sound was like a clear spring dripping from the mountains, but in the eyes of Fu Nian and Yuan Zhisheng, it was a large area. Exploding cannonballs.

Really cannonballs.

Someone in the distance suddenly waved his hand, and neither Fu Nian nor Yuan Zhisheng hesitated. Their bodies rushed half a meter out of the Bliss Hall like a ghost in a hurry to reincarnate, like a bald wolf with a bald tail that was starved to death. Instantly twisting his body, he strode madly in the direction he came from.

Also at this second, countless gas flames exploded densely from the black muzzle of the gun, and the burning red bullets vented towards their backs at the speed of sound from the erupting flames.

Clean land! !
Fu Nian suddenly opened his mouth and roared.

The light blue light curtain also expanded toward the periphery at the speed of sound.But before the dust-free land completely broke through to the limit of the domain, it had a fierce confrontation with the heavy and huge force from the outside world.

This force is not only huge, but also extremely dense. Every attack released on the blue barrage is like someone smashing the releaser's head with a stone.

(glass shattering sound)

In less than half a second, Fu Nian's dust-free land, which had never been broken, instantly turned into an ignoring blue phantom.Dissipated among the broken load-bearing walls.

But this time also bought precious time for Fu Nian and Yuan Zhisheng.

The two leaned against the heavy load-bearing wall and gasped for breath. Countless large-caliber machine gun bullets emerged from the broken gap beside them.

Machine gun bullets are different from pistol bullets. Although Fu Nian's dust-free land can withstand very strong force, being strong does not mean that you can do whatever you want.

This time, his dust-free land was really difficult to withstand such a dense heavy fire attack. Nearly [-] rounds of bullets were fired in a very short period of time, and the dust-free land was on the verge of its limit.

He is the king of the earth and the mountain, and what he masters is the element of force. Although he is also the ruler of the throne of bronze and fire now, he is not the owner of the throne of sky and wind.

The level of mastery of the sky and Feng Yanling has not reached the ultimate level, so his level is still at the level of ordinary dragons.

Fu Nian turned his head and looked at the inexplicable swallowing of saliva, and silently exhaled a deep breath.

"Thank you." Yuan Zhisheng's voice was still steady, but Fu Nian still heard an unknown fear from it.

It was indeed an unknown fear. If it wasn't for the blocking time of that second just now, I am afraid that what God gave him would be countless heavy machine gun bullets.

With that kind of power, no matter how strong his keel is, he would be severely injured like a sieve.

Although there is a chance of stock, it is equivalent to giving it for nothing.

"I said, if you are alone, you plan to blast out of the wall and rush out?" Fu Nian ignored the other party's thanks.stared directly at the question.

Yuan Zhisheng looked sideways at Fu Nian's handsome profile, and nodded silently.

"You are the real emperor." Fu Nian curled his mouth.

"There is no choice, there is only such a gap left from top to bottom, from left to right."

"But this gap is a trap specially left for you by the ghosts."

Yuan Zhisheng remained silent.In fact it is.He has nothing to refute.

Looking down at the time, Yuan Zhisheng pricked up his ears.

Amidst the still roaring gunfire, he heard rapid and accelerating footsteps from the corridor on the floor directly opposite.

The gunshots here are like the only lighthouse in the night, attracting all the ghosts around.

"There's no time." Yuan Zhisheng suddenly pulled out the spider in his hand, and his black pupils were instantly covered with hideous gold.For a moment, Fu Nian noticed that Yuan Zhisheng's blood was boiling and burning.

He is fighting to the death.

"You can't beat them in your current state." Fu Nian held down the arm that the opponent was trying to pull out.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at Fu Nian without speaking.

"Follow me!" Fu Nian grabbed Yuan Zhisheng's wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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