I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 292 They are looking for a well of corpses

Chapter 292 They are looking for a well of corpses

"Follow me." Fu Nian grabbed Yuan Zhisheng's wrist tightly.

At the same time, Fu Nian put his hand on the M500 revolver at his waist and opened the safety.The ninja sword in his hand no longer exists.But instead of affecting his combat effectiveness, this made Fu Nian even more ferocious.

"Their steps are heavy." Fu Nian walked in front and spoke to Yuan Zhisheng behind him.

"Weapon?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

"Yes," Fu Nian glanced at the end of the passage when they came, and Fu Nian felt the heavy feeling of heavy armor over there, but he knew that it was not the ghosts who drove the tank into the Bliss Hall Inside, though the inside of the Bliss Pavilion is big enough for the crushing advance of tank tracks.

But what is appearing now is a signal of heavy human armed forces. The equipment level of the upcoming fierce ghosts may be at the same level as the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. No, it may directly be at the same level as the US special forces.

The upper floors, the basement below, and the large force behind the load-bearing wall opened at the back.

At this moment, in the long corridor, the two of them were surrounded by fierce ghosts.

For a moment, Yuan Zhisheng even wondered, did the ghosts really send their key forces to attack Genji Heavy Industries?But this idea was just a flash of inspiration, and Yuan Zhisheng snuffed out the signs of development.Now is simply not the time to think about it.

Fu Nian bent over in front of him and walked quickly. The wall next to him was still vibrating violently. It was the sound of large-caliber steel bullets hitting the wall. This floor has a large area. It is a structure similar to a song and dance hall. This should be a party venue that is not open to the public.

Yuan Zhisheng followed Fu Nian, and Fu Nian was moving so fast at the moment, so fast that Yuan Zhisheng had the illusion that he couldn't keep up for a moment.

The two walked through the extremely open field in the middle at an extremely fast speed and rushed towards the opposite direction.

At this moment, Fu Nian seemed to have a clear goal. After turning over another corridor, he turned around and strode towards the other corridor.

Although it was a big step, Yuan Zhisheng couldn't hear a sound.

"Be alert." Fu Nian's voice suddenly appeared in his ears.

The spider cut in Yuan Zhisheng's waist came out of its sheath instantly.

The moment the knife was drawn, Fu Nian had already arrived at the corner.At close range, Yuan Zhisheng also heard the subtle breathing in the surrounding air.

In the next moment, a string of flames burst out from Yuan Zhisheng's sight.

The sound of bullets venting was like thunder exploding in the sky.The M500 on Fu Nian's waist was held in the palm of his hand with one hand, and the thick bullets bombarded heavily on the necks of the two fierce ghosts who hadn't reacted at all.

Yuan Zhisheng held the spider cut in his right hand, followed closely by pressing Dojiri with his left hand, and appeared in front of them at a ghostly speed. Used on two-handled knives.

He cut his way with the blade, and the air around him boiled with burning royal blood, and no half-blood could breathe alive from his blade at this time.

Bang bang bang!
But no matter how astonishing and quick Yuan Zhisheng's reaction was, it would be very difficult for him to kill a group of mixed races in a short period of time without turning on the spirit of speech. The mixed races also wore bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets, and goggles for both eyes.

Amidst the roar of the gunshots, the fierce ghosts reacted quickly.

The sound of the assault rifle's release exploded in the ears of the two, and Fu Nian opened up his own land of words and spirits at the same time.

But even so, under the close contact of the two groups of people, the large-caliber assault rifle bullets can be said to arrive instantly, appearing in the interior of the dust-free land.

"Be careful with bullets!! This is a SHAK-12 heavy assault rifle!"

Yuan Zhisheng's roar appeared in the surrounding air. This was the sound that Yuan Zhisheng had to open his throat to shout, and the contact between the two parties was less than three seconds.

The relatively quiet air around them completely exploded, and the sound of every bullet from the SHAK-12 heavy assault rifle was like a grenade exploding in the ears of the two of them.

This should be the assault rifle with the largest caliber in the world at present, with a caliber of 12.7 mm, which is the proper caliber of the original anti-aircraft machine.It belongs to the level of damage that will be torn apart in an instant when a shot hits the human body.Breaking through body armor, armor, and other defenses is simply not too easy.

However, this kind of weapon only has an effective range of [-] meters in actual combat, and its recoil is huge. If it is not this group of mixed races, there will be a spectacular scene of collective shooting and collective retreat.

But it's a pity that they are mixed races, and they are also mixed races with excellent bloodlines. The moment Fu Nian's gunshot fell, they reacted quickly, and the follow-up aiming action was ready.

"Bang bang bang!" Fu Nian's hands were also moving very fast, and he stood at the corner of the corridor in a burst shooting posture, and shot the gun at the fatal point of the ghosts.

The gunfire subsided, and the smoke filled the air.

The battle between the two sides only took place for a moment. From Fu Nian's sudden appearance to the explosion of bullets, and now to the corpses of ten fierce ghosts, the battle between the two only took place for a total of ten seconds. It's the time for the old man at Mengang to yawn, and the time for the courier guy to bow his head to pick up trash.But here, it is the time of life and death competition.

"Why are they guarding here?" Yuan Zhisheng quickly imitated Fu Nian to pick up equipment from the corpses on the ground. It has to be said that submachine guns are so efficient and full of violence in such sudden conflicts.

"how could I know."

Fu Nian threw the revolver in his hand on the ground. In fact, there was another pistol of the same model on the ground, which Fu Nian pulled out from his waist again after the previous bullet ran out.But the second bullet was not used up, there were ten bullets in total, and there were still seven bullets left, and the remaining three enemies were dealt with by Yuan Zhisheng.

I have to say that the effect of the pistol is really excellent. Although the bullets are indeed relatively small, the moment he hit the neck with the gun, it is the effect of separating the corpse directly. Everything is so simple and rude.

But now the simplicity and rudeness have met with even greater simplicity and rudeness. If it wasn't for Fu Nian's biggest hero in the dust-free land just now, Yuan Zhisheng would have been beaten into a sieve when Fu Nian fired the third shot in his hand. And it's still the kind of bloody sieve.Although it may not be able to penetrate the opponent's keel.But the damage is definitely not something that ordinary mixed races can bear.

This is really a sharp weapon against Deadpool. I remember the last time I saw such an excellent weapon was when Norton invaded Cassel College and Cassel College used its arsenal.

Fu Nian carried two assault rifles back and forth, and stared at Yuan Zhisheng who was holding a spider in the distance and had an assault rifle hanging around his neck.

"They are coming in the direction we are now. We don't have much time left. I need to ask you a few questions."

Fu Nian kicked the door guarded by the ghosts, leaped into the room, locked the door, and blocked a huge table around the door. Although he knew it wasn't very useful, it had some psychological effect after all.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at Fu Nian and nodded.The room seems to be someone's study room, with bookshelves everywhere, and the bookshelves are full of old books. It's hard to imagine that there is such an antique place in the Red Blissful Pink Bliss Bliss Hall.

Taking advantage of this time, Yuan Zhisheng quickly leaned against the wall and pulled away the position of the back of his waist. During the very brief contact between the two parties just now, some missed bullets hit his body ,

The position of the front abdomen was already red at the moment, but the bleeding had stopped now. In the state of the keel, Yuan Zhisheng was not seriously affected.But he still pulled out Dojiri from his waist, opened up the rotten flesh, and took out the bullet stuck in it.

This is what he should do. Huang has a strong recovery ability and will stop bleeding and heal wounds in a short period of time.This is an advantage, but the advantage occasionally brings a little trouble, just like when the bullet is not taken out of the wound, it will be troublesome afterwards.

"What is it!" Yuan Zhisheng frowned extremely low, and there was a trace of deepness in his eyes.But the corner of his mouth was very calm, and his wrist stretched the blade of the boy's knife towards his waist with a steady movement, and slowly took the bullet out of the flesh and blood.

"Do you know the well of bones?"

Fu Nian's voice made Yuan Zhisheng's wrist tremble slightly, and the boy who was provoking the bullet stopped him.Although he calmed down again quickly, and the range was extremely small, Fu Nian still noticed it.

Yuan Zhisheng threw the bullet in the room, took back the boy and stared at Fu Nian without saying a word. This is information belonging to the Eight Snake Family, and it can even be regarded as top-secret information.

Even the heads of the eight families in the family are rarely aware of the existence of this matter.

"They are looking for the well of bones. Their purpose is to resurrect the god."

Fu Nian's voice shocked Yuan Zhisheng at this moment like thunder exploding in the cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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