I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 293 Please give my dear Principal Angers a sound of peace.

Chapter 293 Please say peace to my dear Principal Angers.


"They want to resurrect God!" Fu Nian's voice appeared in midair.

Yuan Zhisheng was silent about this, but the depth in his eyes became extra heavy, but Fu Nian's voice didn't stop there.

"Their plans have already begun."

Yuan Zhisheng's expression finally changed.

"God has been found by them."

"How do you know?" Finally, Yuan Zhisheng frowned and stared at Fu Nian.

"Aren't you curious about where my weapon went? Are you also wondering why the ghosts started to act in large numbers for no reason?" Fu Nian smiled helplessly at the corner of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth, "Because I was in one of the rooms I met the fierce ghosts and dragon kings who have been waiting for a long time."

Yuan Zhisheng stood up from the ground suddenly, with suffocating depression in his calm eyes.Murderous aura emanated from the opponent.It was a golden opportunity, and he didn't allow himself to let go.

"You don't need to look at me like this, it's already happened, everything is over, and you should be fighting Deadpool at that time, when you called, it's been over for a while on my side." Fu Nian Staring at Yuan Zhisheng speaking, he naturally knew what the other party meant.

And there was a reason why Fu Nian didn't tell him immediately.

"Then why do you know this?" Yuan Zhisheng's voice was hoarse.

"He told me." Fu Nian said. "Before the battle, I didn't know whether he thought he was my opponent, or whether he was surrounded by ghost bases which gave him enough confidence. Anyway, he told me these things in front of my face. Actually, it was the first time I heard about it. There are such things as gods in Japan, I thought they were still myths, but I didn't expect..."

"Fake." Yuan Zhisheng interrupted Fu Nian's voice.

Fu Nian pouted.

"I don't have time to argue with you whether it's true or not. They're coming." Fu Nian turned his head and stared in the direction of the dark hall outside. For some reason, it has been in a state of darkness since he came out.

The sound of dense footsteps was approaching from a distance, and the gunshots just happened were like flares in the dark night, focusing the eyes of everyone around them on their side.

"Hear me out,"

Fu Nian stared at Yuan Zhisheng who was opposite, and spoke very fast.
"You emperor, I actually have a lot of doubts. At least your strength doesn't make me aware of how powerful and dangerous you are, although I don't deny that you still have reserved strength. You still have to stay and fight to the death with bullets. The strength of fighting.


Fu Nian's voice changed,
"The desperate ending is that there is a high probability that you will be left here completely, and your current state is completely insufficient for you to support you to break out alone.

It's just that you are still the emperor of the Bajia of Sheqi after all, and you own a land that is one-third of an acre in Japan. After all, you have rights that I never had. I don't want to know either.

Next, I will give you a direction. I also don't know what the end of the direction is, but in my ears, there is the only clean place around. "

Fu Nian stared at Yuan Zhisheng's eyes that tried to veto.

His expression became serious.

The words surging in Yuan Zhisheng's heart stopped suddenly.It was the first time he saw such a serious expression on the other side.Terrible, like the abyss of the valley, it is impossible to refuse.

He was serious.

"You are a smart person." Fu Nian's tone became serious at this moment, "I don't want smart people to act stupidly at this time."

Seemingly aware that his method was a bit inappropriate, Fu Nian stared at Yuan Zhisheng for a moment, restrained his seriousness,
"Actually, I didn't really want to help you at first. Even though you gave very tempting conditions, even though we have common interests in this matter, I am a very lazy person. And I don't particularly trust you, even though I came with you, it's just that I came.

The reason why I am here today is not because I have to fulfill the rescue mission of the Kassel Academy for the subordinate departments.

Just because your final decision touched a nerve in me.You are a very idealized person, maybe we used to be an idealized person, but many people have been smoothed by the difficulties of life, but you are not,
It is very difficult and tiring to insist on justice to the extent you are now.I don't want your life to wither in such a worldly place.That's all. "

Fu Nian stared at Yuan Zhisheng without any emotion in his eyes.

But Yuan Zhisheng felt that the other party's state at the moment was the real state of the other party. The man who laughed at him before, the man who was a little emotional from time to time, completely faded from his memory at this moment.In front of the main meal now, all previous emotions are just seasoning.

Cold and proud, at this moment Fu Nian, Yuan Zhisheng couldn't see the affinity emotion that a human being should have at all, and even the negative emotions of human beings were not worth mentioning in the other party's eyes.

"I have already sent the route to your communication device. Take advantage of this time and get out of here quickly. If conditions permit, please say hello to my dear Principal Angers."

Fu Nian stood up slowly, and stopped looking at Yuan Zhisheng who was opposite him.

"I've told you what I should tell you. Let's go. You don't have to worry about something unexpected happening to me!"

Fu Nian played with the submachine gun in his hand, the breech sounded, and the belt hung over his shoulders.There was also a pair of pitch-black army thorns stuck in the pocket of the suit vest, which were pulled out from the ghosts.

"Take care. If anything happens to you, I will definitely take the Sheqi Bajia to wipe out the ghosts."

After speaking, Yuan Zhisheng turned around and rushed in the direction behind him.It disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"I don't have any accidents and it doesn't matter whether you sweep away the ghosts or not." Fu Nian stared at the darkness in front of him, his eyes receded like a tide, revealing the indifferent coldness deep in his eyes.

A pair of golden vertical pupils exuding a faint golden color appeared.


In a certain corner of this room, there is an underground passage leading to another direction.

Where does the end lead to? Yuanzhinv didn't tell him, and Fu Nian didn't ask either.

The violent and intensive firing of assault rifles sounded like a small-scale war broke out, and the glass around the room was shattered by bullets.

Countless grenades were thrown into the room where Fu Nian was located from different directions.The fierce ghosts frantically blocked the only door with bullets as if they wanted to tear it down.

In all directions except for the passage behind Fu Nian, this house is like a boat flipped by the waves, with the possibility of falling to pieces at any time.

No, it must be.

Fu Nian stared at the grenade thrown from the hole in the room pierced by bullets in front of him.

One, ten, twenty, fifty... densely packed.

Looking at it, Fu Nian felt for a moment that the other party wanted to smash him to death with a grenade.

Fu Nian slowly raised his right hand. At this moment, Fu Nian didn't have any assault rifles, black daggers, or revolvers.

The only thing left is a straight suit and a slowly straightened palm.

The flame of the grenade became more and more red, and it was about to explode at the moment.

Fu Nian squeezed his palm suddenly.

boom! !

Yuan Zhisheng, who was advancing rapidly between the underground passages, staggered suddenly.

The violent trembling caused the entire floor and even the ground to tremble. Yuan Zhisheng held the corridor next to him with one hand, and the muscles on his arm were vibrating crazily at an extremely low frequency.

The surrounding low-pressure air seems to be collapsing, as if...

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly turned his head to look at the direction behind him, and the speed on his feet suddenly increased by a notch,
The air behind is collapsing, yes, the air is collapsing,

Countless dust emerged from the passage he had just stepped out of. There was no trace of flame in the dust, but the smell of gunpowder was everywhere, as if it was saltpeter powder blown up by a blower.

Pentium roared past behind him like a dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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