I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 294 The tyranny from the king!

Chapter 294 The tyranny from the king!


Fu Nian walked slowly in the center of the shattered hall. The reflective glass floor on the ground was now a shattered mirror, torn apart and shattered.

The wall between the corridor and the hall behind him has completely disappeared at this moment, but if someone carefully observes the threshold behind him, it is obvious that the color of the disappearing wall is completely different from the color of the surrounding smooth glazed floor.

The wall seemed to have been smashed directly into the floor, but because the force was too subtle, that piece of the floor perfectly withstood the force from above.

In front of him, the spacious and luxurious hall was dark, and there were elite figures of fierce ghosts in full armor, wearing black windbreakers and bulletproof vests.

They held assault rifles one by one, and pairs of black pale gold pupils looked like fireflies hanging in mid-air in the surrounding darkness.

But it is a firefly trembling to the point of horror,
They stared at the man who was walking slowly across the street. Every time they took a step, the smooth and money-smelling floor would spread around like a spider web.The black mist that condenses like substance behind him will become more dense.The doomsday seemed to be upon them at this moment.

Men have a pair of pupils that eclipse their pupils.A reddish golden light flowed from those eyes, like slowly flowing lava.In those eyes, they saw a brilliance they had never seen before. In the darkness behind them, they were as dazzling as stars, and the brilliance carried a coldness and arrogance that made all of them suffocate.

Every one of the ghosts who saw those eyes wanted to turn their heads and run away towards the door that was close at hand.

But no one can do it, the swirling vortex of those eyes sticks to their vision and their spirit. In the slow steps of that man, an indescribable grand spiritual field emerges from the darkness behind him. Stretches tentacles around.spread between them.

As the tentacles spread wider and wider, the vortex that attracted their eyes became more viscous.In the end, everyone seemed to be entangled in a spider's web as prey, entangled themselves tightly in place and could not move while struggling.

Fu Nian looked up and down the nearly a hundred fierce ghosts who poured into the hall from the three gates in front of him.

Among the violently shaking pupils of everyone.

Stretch out your right hand slowly again, gently and slowly make a fist with the palm of your right hand,
The cobwebs covering it shrank suddenly at this moment, as if the world was held in the hands of this man, and the pressure of suffocation suddenly increased sharply.

Keep your palms clenched.

A loud and magnificent cracking sound exploded in the silent darkness. It was the sound of collective trench coats and bulletproof vests cracking under the pressure.

There was a heavy panting sound in the darkness.The violent heartbeat began to speed up, and red blood streaks suddenly filled the golden pupils of the ghosts.

The solemn and oppressive atmosphere in the hall was extremely thick.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the man's eyes, as if there was something there that would horrify them all their lives, like the flash of summer flowers.The beauty of falling autumn leaves.For this reason, they can disregard the responsibility of the task and the fate of life and death.

Fu Nian's palms were squeezed together suddenly.

Numerous scarlets bloom collectively from the same place. In the eyes of artists, this scene is like amaryllis flowers blooming among the hills of Edo.But in Fu Nian's view, they were more like tomatoes hanging from the Siberian mountains on the rocks.

There is a bright red despair in the coquettish color.

Just this moment.

The door to the room on the second floor of the lobby was swung open.

A man wearing a blood-red wide-sleeved kimono appeared in the field of vision. His large kimono was embroidered with large Bana flowers. This kind of Amaryllidaceae plant, also known as manjusawa, is now in the hall below It's everywhere,
The lights in the hall also suddenly bloomed at this moment. In the bright white light, the Bianhua on the gorgeous kimono on Ruri Kazama's body became brighter at this moment, and it complemented his white skin.

Kazama Ruri also appeared in front of the railing slowly stepping on clogs in the carefully portrayed kabuki makeup.

Looking down at each other.

Fu Nian slowly raised his head to look at Kazama Liuli at the railing on the second floor, and the flowing red gold vertical pupils in his eyes were slowly covered by darkness.

"Beautiful stage, obsessive lighting, what a grand show,"

Kazema Liuli patted her palms slowly, as if those who sacrificed on the stage were not his subordinates at all, as if he was not the dragon king of the ghosts at this moment.It was an audience who truly appreciated art and worshiped the strong. At this moment, the hall where Fu Nian was located became the stage for his audience.

Fu Nian didn't speak, but the darkened golden pupils flowed with a more intense depth, and the darkness behind him continued, rushing towards Fengjian Liuli.

"No one has dared to stand in such a position and look down on me from a height."

Fu Nian's expression was so indifferent that it was almost ice-cold, and his haughty posture was exposed to the air at this moment, in front of Kazama Liuli.

The movement of Kazama Ruri's hands suddenly stopped, and the charming smile on her face also became stiff at this moment.

This man is no longer the same as before. Although only half an hour has passed, this man's attitude towards himself has changed drastically.

Although the man was equally arrogant before, even though Kazama Ruri also felt the pressure that suffocated him on his body,

But it's not at all like now. Under the undisguised eyes of this man at this moment, what he felt was a kind of hopeless fear. The moment the other party spoke, Kazama Liuli's sight began to be swallowed by darkness. The darkness of despair, the loneliness and tyranny in despair.

Tyranny from the king!

The situation at this moment is like a state where the lion king has taken an oath to kill the intruder in his own territory, and then a foreign object enters the territory. Although this foreign object may not have the mentality of invading others, the lion king just after the battle In front of him, this is a kind of provocation.

Kazama Ruri wrongly chose the time when she appeared, and even more wrongly chose the place where she appeared.

When the Earth and the Mountain King had just crushed the battlefield, he used the attitude of a bystander as a stage to applaud the winner,
The arrogance of the dragon will never allow this kind of thing to happen, and the authority and followers of the throne will never let those who desecrate the throne easily.

The darkness slowly erodes everything around Kazama Liuli,
The originally brightly lit world seemed to be shrouded in a curtain. In the darkness, all sights had disappeared, leaving only a pair of deep vertical pupils hanging in front of Kazema Liuli.

Those were a pair of huge eyes, but they were only black, so deep that it was impossible to see any hope of life in them.

Kazama Ruri's whole body was covered with icy chill, it felt like countless dark muzzles pointing at you from a 360-degree angle.

You can't escape, and you can't escape.

At this moment, his life and death are really in the hands of this man, as long as he has a thought, a thought of his own death, the muzzles of the guns surrounding him will instantly blast him into a puddle of mud.

He has no power to resist.Even if he has the blood of the emperor, there is no room for struggle. This is a fear he has never seen before. Even in the king, he has never felt this kind of suffocation to despair in the opponent.At this moment everything in the world is ants.But the condition to trigger this power only needs a look.

For a long time, Kazama Liuli only felt that she was alone in the dark and was suffering ruthless exile.

He didn't know how long it had passed, maybe a year, maybe only a moment.

He found that the darkness in front of his eyes was slowly receding, and the brilliant colors of the surrounding halls began to reappear in front of him. For the first time, he found that the bright white lights were so warm and full of hope.

In sight, the man standing in the middle of the hall was still looking up at him.

But he no longer feels that he is looking up to each other.

At this moment, it was also the first time that he noticed the bursting scarlet liquid around the man. They were suppressed by a huge force on the floor, and the pools were like coquettish flowers blooming in the hall.

And the man stood among the flowers, overlooking him with the attitude of a king, overlooking the fallen undead around him.

Faintly, Kazama Liuli saw a red carpet leading to the space between the men. Both sides of the red carpet were covered with red Bana flowers, and among the Bana flowers were hideous skeletons.

At the end of the red carpet is a sacred, majestic throne.

"What's the matter?" Fu Nian said slowly while keeping his head up, his eyes were indifferent and arrogant.

"The general king has appeared."

Kazama Ruri lowered her head, not daring to look into the opponent's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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