I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 296 The king's promise never needs to be questioned

Chapter 296 The king's promise never needs to be questioned


On the rooftop at the far end,
Fu Nian was sitting on the edge of the commanding height, looking down at the parking lot below where flames burst out from time to time.

There is no emotion in the pale golden vertical pupils, and the brows exude coldness and arrogance invisible.It was in stark contrast to the cold white skin at the moment.

The area around the parking lot was quiet, even the whole building was quiet, as quiet as a deep forest, making it hard to dare to take a deep breath.

From the corner of her eye, Kazama Liuli stared at the man in front of him with his chin propped up and his legs crossed.

After crushing the hundred elites of the fierce ghosts from the hall, all the camouflage on this man was completely torn off.

What was displayed in front of him was a back full of ancient mystery, which made him elusive.He finally determined what kind of existence he was in direct contact with.

The ultimate goal of all the fierce ghosts is God, which is to evolve into a pure-blooded dragon species, to evolve into that advanced species that holds power.Even the ultimate goal of King General's ongoing plan to resurrect God is to evolve himself into a pure-blooded dragon.

Their goal is to master the greatest power and power in the world.

But this is simply an illusory, self-deceiving goal.Because the real God walks in the world.

Stand right in front of him.

The king would never have imagined that the god he dreamed of and pursued all his life would sit in front of him so simply. What his elder brother Yuan Zhisheng would never have imagined was that Fu Fu, who had just fought side by side with him, broke his way in the name of loyalty. read,
In the next second, he was sitting on the Iron Throne condescendingly admiring the battle when he fled.

In front of them is a drone that is flying vertically. There is a bright blue screen on the drone. On the screen, two figures that Kazama Ruri is very familiar with are fighting together crazily.

If there were no accidents, elder brother Yuan Zhisheng would kill the king general without the slightest suspense.This is a battle without suspense.

Kazama Ruri looked at the back of the figure sitting in front of her, the accident he was talking about was the will of this man.

The reason why they appeared here, and watched the battle between them in this way, was that all of this was planned.The elder brother appeared in the underground parking lot and Wang Jiang appeared here, both of which were in the other party's step-by-step plan.The other party overlooked the intertwined flow of people with a completely different way of thinking.

The moment the heartstrings were gently plucked, a terrible encounter was staged between them.

The young master of the Sheqi Ba Family, Amaterasu Mingyuan Zhisheng and the supreme leader of the fierce ghosts, Wang Jiang.A desperate fight was launched.

No matter what the ending is, this will become a huge powder keg that ignites the fuse. As for what will detonate after the fuse is a large bomb or bright fireworks.Nobody knows.

But no surprise, they will eventually burn.The situation will eventually be chaotic.

"Will you keep your promise?"

Kazama Liuli's voice came from behind Fu Nian.

The invisible terror of the opponent made Kazama Liuli feel no hope of resisting the opponent at this moment, although he also never wanted to resist the opponent.But he is a kite yearning for freedom.The hawk who wants to own the fleeting sky even if it burns its wings.

Fu Nian turned his cheek slightly, his pale golden vertical pupils squinting at Liuli Kazama behind him.He didn't know what the other party was saying inexplicably.

He hasn't said a word since he entered the rooftop, and the other party hasn't asked anything either.

"Do you know who I am?"

Although Fu Nian didn't know what the other party was talking about.But as far as the question is concerned, he doesn't need to know what the other party is thinking.

"God." Kazama Liuli said without hesitation.The voice is firm.

"That's the title of your mythology. I walk in the world, not in history." Fu Nian shook his head lightly.

"I'm not a mixed race. I should have known it since I saw you, because I never hide anything."

"The behavior just now, I didn't offend you in any way." Kazama Ruri once again mentioned the scene of applauding for the other party in the lobby just now.He put his figure extremely low.This is a scene that has never appeared in his proud personality like Kazama Liuli.

Fu Nian raised his hand to stop the other party's behavior. "If you had, you wouldn't be standing in front of me now."

"I am the king of the earth and the mountain."


Huge lightning suddenly bombarded Kazama Liuli's mind.He knew that the opponent was very strong, and had very exaggerated guesses about the identity of the opponent.

But when he really knew the identity of the other party, a sense of powerlessness from the inside out slowly emerged from his soul.He knew the history of the Dragon Clan, and the Bajia of Sheqi used the history of the Black King to cover up the essence of their White King blood.

Four monarchs, four thrones.

As the second-in-command of the fierce ghosts, Liuli Kazama knows better than anyone else.

Now one of the thrones came crashing down in front of him.This is like a devout religious leader who suddenly finds that God has descended in front of him.

"Sorry, I'm too fond of obsession." Kazama Liuli saluted Fu Nian slowly.

Fu Nian did not stop the other party's behavior. He sat on the Iron Throne created by waving his hands, staring at the darkness in the distance, and there was no emotion in his vertical pupils. Happy but not angry, Gu Ao's majesty came in and out wantonly from every corner of his body, and even his just raising his hand would cause fluctuations in the surrounding force elements,
cause terrain changes.

"The king's promise never needs to be questioned." Fu Nian stared at the air in front of him and said slowly.

"What you promise is yours."

"Thank you very much." Kazama Liuli's heart slowly fell to the ground. What he wanted was always simple. He was not interested in rights, power, or even becoming a pure-blooded dragon.It was never his goal either.

When he was a child, he was a soft girl-like little boy. His biggest wish every day was to follow his elder brother, and his greatest wish in the future was to follow his elder brother forever.He will go wherever his brother goes.

But this wish ended at the moment when my brother pierced his heart with a long knife that day.

That day, the weak little boy Yuan Zhinv died, and the vengeful evil spirit Kazama Ruri crawled out of his body.He became better than his elder brother, more ferocious than the evil ghosts, and finally became the dragon king among the fierce ghosts.

At this time, his goal is also very simple, simple to pure, he is an avenger.The raw Avenger.

But the king prevented him from realizing his goal, and imprisoned him among the ghosts, forbidding revenge on his brother.

Treat him as a chess piece and keep him among the fierce ghosts.He resisted the opponent countless times, but after each time, he would fall into the fear of the opponent's resurrection from the dead. Day after day, the existence of the king has become a shadow like a demon in his heart.Hovering over the heart of the little boy he huddled in the corner and hugged his legs.

The storm after the resurrection of the gods, the temptation of power, and the power of the pure-blooded dragon clan are all as dispensable to him as billboards on the street.All he wants is freedom, and all he wants is a grand questioning and farewell to his brother.

Finally, on the screen in Kazama Ruri's vision, the battle was over.

Without the slightest surprise, Yuan Zhisheng killed the general.Like he had done, the spider cut the king general's body into three pieces.

In the dark underground parking lot,
Yuan Zhisheng stared at the Gongqing mask on the corpse in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and curiously stretched his hand to the opponent's mask.

Inside the Eight Families of Snake Qi, there was once an unconfirmed piece of information that the supreme leader of the fierce ghosts was not Ryoma.Ryoma is just the spokesperson of the demonic forces.

The real rulers of the fierce ghosts are the Dragon King and King General behind them.

But this information is just groundless, so far none of the intelligence personnel who have infiltrated the Snake Ba Family into the Ghost Crowd has confirmed the authenticity of this matter.

Now that Yuan Zhisheng was staring at the dead body on the ground, he thought of this inexplicably.

He didn't know whether the other party was the King General or the Dragon King, but he vaguely knew that the other party's identity would definitely not be simple.

The moment the palm fell on the mask, a strange sense of disobedience appeared on Yuan Zhisheng's hand.

The mask is the texture of the mask, and the skin is the texture of the skin, but the two are completely integrated together.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the mask off his skin.It seems that the mask is the opponent's skin.

Yuan Zhisheng's hands began to exert force, Huang's power surged between his fingers, a huge force was exerted on the mask, the mask began to tear from the skin,

But Yuan Zhisheng's complexion became ugly.

Finally, he stared at the bloody mask in his hand, at the faceless corpse on the ground.Disgusting organs smeared indistinctly above the scarlet.

His eyes became thoughtful.In the end, he threw the mask in his hand at will.The windbreaker lifted up with the moving legs.

The mask behind him rises and falls in the blackness, and the bewitching drops of blood fog up in the air,
The mask rotated on the ground, the scarlet swayed the darkness wantonly, and the crisp sound rippled along the ground.

In the end, Yuan Zhisheng stepped into the Mercedes-Benz with his leather boots on.

The white Gongqing slowly stood still on the ground, looking at the ceiling with a bright smile, strangely.

The car door closed, the roar of the Mercedes-Benz pierced the sky like a sharp sword, and the red tail flame rose.

The scarlet dripping from the darkness falls between the eyebrows of Gongqing's mask, like red beans falling between the white snow.ferocious.

Like a black cheetah, the Mercedes-Benz soared instantly from the underground parking lot.

Beads of red blood slid down the raised mask.

The vehicle drifts on the ground.

Beads of blood fade away in the dark.

From above, Fu Nian quietly looked at the general who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed and died miserably.

Kazama Ruri stared at Yuan Zhisheng who was steering the steering wheel with complicated eyes from behind.

At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng seems to have noticed something.He suddenly raised his head and looked towards a certain direction in the sky.

At the end of the midnight sky, the towering Bliss Hall is enveloped in darkness.The dark clouds rolled and gathered there, oppressive and suffocating like lead lumps.Without a shred of hope, he couldn't see a little light.

(End of this chapter)

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