I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 297 Lonely tortoise

Chapter 297 Lonely tortoise


Kassel College, Rector's Office.

"What makes you so happy?" A voice full of ridicule appeared in the air.

At the end of the voice is a man in jeans, the air around him is drunk with the smell of alcohol.

Angers glanced at each other.

"Don't talk. Let me guess, tell me, did the British royal princess invite you to vacation again last time?" The old wretched man laughed happily.

"I told you at the time, that girl didn't seem so worry-free on the surface, did you see that you have only been in the hospital for a few months, and you are impatient, have you been invited three times this month?

In addition, this time is the fourth time, look, look, this woman has already acted like this before she was thirty... and don't squeeze you, an old bastard, to death in the future what! "

The man's alcoholic voice revealed the ridicule of the old thief, and under the narrowed eyes was a pair of rosy and round old faces.

Angers glanced helplessly at the night watchman curled up on the sofa. This guy was dressed in a uniform everywhere, a cowboy hat, a pair of jeans, a pair of shiny cowboy boots with horse studs, and of course a bottle of cowboy wine.The other party seems to be forgotten by time, after decades of Ran, he is still immersed in that crazy and free era.

"Lena is currently studying court etiquette, and next semester she will attend the alumni exchange meeting of Cambridge University. In a short time, she has no way to take a special plane with me to travel around the world. So it's not about this at all." Ang Heat shook his head.

"That's Suzuko-chan, I said, why are you so interested in oriental aesthetics now, old man?"

"No." Ange shook his head.

"Hey, you're arrogant and licentious every day, and you don't have the demeanor of an educator at all." The night watchman took another sip of wine, raised his eyelids and looked at Ange and muttered

Angers disagreed with the night watchman's argument, "Educators are educators, and life is life. My life has passed for a long time.

The old and boring values ​​already need to keep pace with the times, and my twilight life also adds a little vitality to life. We need youthful vigor, and children need a warm sense of security.According to perceptual thinking, the encounter between us is the gift of Cupid's arrow of love. According to rational thinking, we are also the defenders of the spirit of contract and the companions of the continuation of time. "

"What about Lina, what about Nanami, what about Grace?"

"Old guy, are you peeping into my private life?"

"Old guy, your scumbag's spring spirit has already attracted me, an old stallion!!" The vice principal jumped up from the sofa with a jerk.

"They are my admirers."

"Stop being funny. You scumbag!"

"Something happened to Fu Nian."


The night watchman spit out the wine in one gulp, with a smile on the corner of his mouth hooking his red ears, pointing at Angers and laughing loudly.

"Ange, can your trick of picking up topics be worse!"

"Don't believe it? Do you want to laugh?..."

Staring at the corner of Ange's expressionless mouth.The night watchman who leaned over and laughed suddenly froze.He knows Angers too well. Although the other party is an old hooligan who blooms everywhere, he is also a gentleman who is dedicated to his duties and loyal to his character.

His current eyes, movements, and the corners of his mouth all showed the authenticity of this fact.

But what are you kidding, can something happen to him?

A few months ago, he was clearly staring at the scene where the man entered the group of deadpools and rescued Lu Mingfei alone, and he could vividly remember the scene where the other party and Fingel singled out Dragon King Norton.

Even if Ange had an accident again, he didn't really believe that there would be any accidents on the other party. He was the one who forcibly killed a bloody way out of nearly a thousand dead servants!

Wait, the night watchman's thoughts suddenly stopped, staring at Angers's leisurely drinking tea on the opposite side,

"He couldn't have met the Deadpool who hurt you, right?" There was a hint of disbelief in the night watchman's voice.

Angers didn't deny it, nor nodded immediately. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head.

"Fu Nian's speech spirit is different from mine. He has the absolute domain of the dustless land and the power comparable to Deadpool. And he also has the hidden strength of bursting blood. There is a possibility of escape."

"The possibility of escape?" The night watchman frowned.

"That Deadpool gave me a different feeling. It can't be called Deadpool." Anger shook his head and didn't want to talk about that matter in depth.

The night watchman also changed the subject appropriately, "What did the Japanese branch say?"

"We are doing our best to rescue." Angers spread his hands. "The mess in Japan is a bit complicated. Their headquarters was attacked by local terrorists last night. According to the report Norma showed me, Fu Nian helped the director of their executive bureau to evacuate, and he fell into the enemy's trap." Under siege."

"What does this count?" The night watchman said disdainfully, "He can get in and out of nearly a thousand deadpools, how can this matter be difficult for him?"

"Things are not that simple. If it were that simple, the Japanese branch would not send me a letter of guarantee, but a letter of thanks. It should say, thank you Fu Nian for your contribution to the Japanese branch. Huge contribution, made an indelible contribution to the friendly cooperation between the headquarters and the branch.

But, do you see what this means? "

Angers threw the text message sent by Norma on her mobile phone to the night watchman.

The night watchman stared at the short line above,

"Principal, don't worry, we will definitely rescue Commissioner Fu Nian and Xia Mi from the ghosts!!"

"Currently, Norma has received too little information about the ghosts. But Norma has called out a gray deal in Japan." Anger stared at the vice principal (night watchman) who was reading the text message and said.

"What gray deal?"

"Arms deal." Angers stared at the night watchman and paused every word.

The night watchman knew that what Angers was talking about was definitely not a small-scale gun transaction.The arms deal that can get into the eyes of Angers is definitely a black deal that can be pulled out and shot.

"The Saki Hachiya behind the Japanese branch directly denied this matter."

"Mixed-race Sopranos in Japan?" The night watchman knew about Japan.

Ong heats his head.

"So these things can only fall into the hands of the fierce ghosts. According to preliminary estimates, the level of this munition can initially form a group of well-equipped and elite troops. And every member of the army is of mixed race. "

The night watchman's eyes gradually narrowed together, under the taint of alcohol, his whole body was flushed with blush.

"You know, a single weapon may not have much effect in front of Yan Ling, but once the density of modern equipment reaches a qualitative change. Even the Dragon King, we have the strength to win. That night was the best example." Anger Tasting the green tea in his hand, there was a faint hint of meaning in the corner of his mouth.

"So something happened to him?" The night watchman frowned slightly.

Angers looked at the night watchman with a smile.

Shake your head slowly. "I do not believe."


While speaking, Ange's cell phone suddenly lit up again.

On the screen was a private message from the campus night watchman forum.

The account is a long-standing nickname for a tortoise named Lonely.Angers remembered this nickname. Its former owner was an outstanding young man named Yuan Zhisheng.

There are only a few short words on the private message,
"Fu Nian asked me to say hello to the principal."

This is the message Yuan Zhisheng sent to Anger with his own account.

Concise and concise.But mixed with it is absolute self-confidence.Fu Nian's absolute confidence.

Yuan Zhisheng asked Kaguya Hime to inform Norma of the current situation in the name of the Sheqi Hachi Family on the way to the Sheqi Hachi Family.

But he also conveyed Fu Nian's meaning to Ange in his own name.

Angers put down his phone, stared at the night watchman opposite and laughed.

With his movements, the plaid suit shirt slowly rose and fell under the quivering muscles underneath.

In the fresh Chicago air and soft North American sunshine, even the smell of green tea in the air became melodious.

He is very proud now, when the Japanese branch was struggling, their students were so calm and confident.As the headmaster, he is born with sincere pride.

"It seems that there is no problem?" The vice principal took a sip of wine in boredom. "You called me here just to tell me this?"

"Of course not." Angers shook his head.Then he stopped the big laugh at the corner of his mouth, and took out a stack of sealed documents from the drawer under him.

Throw it before the night watchman.

"Do you remember 'Prince'?"

(End of this chapter)

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