I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 298 The Reverence of Liuli in the Wind

Chapter 298 The Reverence of Liuli in the Wind


【[-] in [-]】

"Prince!" The vice principal suddenly looked up at Angers.

This name is too familiar to Kassel College.Although this name appeared only a few times, behind each appearance was a bloody accident.

The only thing that didn't happen was the BJ incident some time ago.But the commissioner was also seriously injured wherever he was dispatched.Encountered deadpool in large numbers.

The name is like a sign of rats running around the streets and giant snakes hanging from the beams before bad luck.So much so that Cassel now has to pay attention to any content posted by this account.

That's right, Prince, it's just an account.One exists on a hunter site managed by a Nido administrator.

"What did he post this time?"

The night watchman looked at Angers who had called him here in surprise. Normally, Angers didn't care about his own opinions on such things.At college he was just an old alcoholic who drank all day in the attic of the church.Of course, his other duty is to block the students' speech spirits with their speech spirits.

"Part of the photos about the secret documents of the KGB, the Soviet intelligence agency, are about the Lenin." Ange stared at the night watchman and raised his eyebrows.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm the most loyal cowboy in the West in the 90s, and I can't get along with that damned Slav who has a nuclear bomb in his head every day." The night watchman took a sip of his wine, then stretched out his right hand and squeezed a fist,


Angers stared at each other idiotically.He naturally knew that the other party had nothing to do with the Soviet Union, because this guy from the 90s lived in Kassel College.Been home for decades now.

"The KGB believes that someone built a research institute in northern Siberia to study unknown creatures and supernatural forces. The institute was suddenly blown up on the eve of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Before the institute was destroyed, the Lenin happened to be performing a scientific research mission in the nearby waters , it is very likely that the Lenin took important things from the research institute, and then this Northern Fleet warship went all the way to Japan."

Night Watchman: "So you're interested in what's inside?"

"I'm interested in anything that has anything to do with dragons in the world."

Angers quietly lit himself a Cohiba cigar.Leaning lazily on the chair as if after afternoon tea, with his legs crossed, he stared at the night watchman who was lying on the sofa opposite him, almost at the same level as the ground.

"But I'm not interested in this anymore. I feel that my life is full of happiness now, and I don't have any extra energy to worry about the damn dragon clan. Don't we have so many young people?" The night watchman waved his thick Thigh-like beer arms, "I don't have the youthful vigor you get from young girls, but you do."

"Are you heartless? Your strength doesn't allow it." Anger rolled his eyes and complained about the old guy.

"I do not care."

"You really need to take care of me this time." Ange looked at him with a wry smile.

The night watchman glanced at Angers and said nothing.

"After the photos were released, the Moniaher made a special trip to the Sea of ​​Japan. Then they brought me back a set of audio highlights." Anger pressed the play button in his hand,

"Heartbeat?" The night watchman closed his eyes and carefully pricked up his ears.

"The sound of a dragon's heartbeat." Angers grinned, happy like a child.

The night watchman stared at Angers suddenly.

"That's right, after many years, the prince gave us another big gift, another dragon embryo. The equipment department compared the heartbeat in the audio with the dragon's heartbeat ten years ago. There is no surprise. They are exactly the same. "

The night watchman's eyes gradually became more serious.He didn't think what happened more than ten years ago was a good thing.

The Greenland incident at the time became the pinnacle of the college's heyday, and all the students who were sent out to perform tasks were the best and most potential students of the Kassel College that year.

But they were all buried in the sea, and only one and a half came back.For a time, the vitality of the Kassel Academy at that time was severely damaged.

When Kassel College is now gradually recovering, the embryo of the dragon reappeared.

"Aren't you afraid that this is a trap?" After finishing speaking, the night watchman regretted it. He could come up with dangerous things, and the happy old guy in front of him would naturally be suspicious.

But he believed that even if Ange thought it was a trap, he would make a decision without hesitation.

What he described is correct. Anger is interested in everything about the Dragon Clan. He is the avenger of the Dragon Clan. He wants to become the terminator of the Dragon Clan history. This is the only root that supports him to live until now. He has persisted for decades , persisted for nearly a hundred years.

When the opportunity comes, he is not afraid even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire.

"Do you need me to do something?" The night watchman stared at Angenou's mouth.

"Of course." Angers elegantly exhaled smoke rings.

"You are a master of mixed-race alchemy. Even if your happiness in life lacks the vigor of youth, there is definitely room for alchemy in your happiness, and this space will soon become the whole of your happiness." Flamel." Angers looked at the night watchman with a smile, "We are old friends, and old friends naturally have mutual appreciation. You appreciate my persistence, and I also appreciate your love. We are the same kind of people. .”

"Who is like you, an executioner?" The night watchman rolled his eyes.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Alchemy bomb. An alchemy bomb that kills dragons."

"Impossible. That kind of thing can be more terrifying than a nuclear bomb, and the follow-up impact will not be less than that of an atomic bomb. And it only exists in theory. It may be a piece of cake for the most proficient in alchemy in front of the dragon species, but Not for a half-strung researcher like me."

Angers still stared at the night watchman intently and did not speak.

a long time.

"Okay, okay, the most I can do is blow up this embryo for you."

Angers laughed silently.



Late at night in winter, in the suburbs of Osaka.

The Bliss Pavilion stands alone in the basin with undulating terrain, like a blood-red coquettish lotus blooming in the black lake.

Swinging in the biting mountain wind, it exudes an irresistible charm for human beings. This place is a paradise for gamblers and a hell for evil spirits.

The largest resistance organization of the Japanese underworld, the ghosts, the largest industry in the world.

Bliss Hall.

A throne of cooled steel lava stood quietly on the edge of the century-high rooftop.

This seems to be a throne fabricated out of thin air. On the rooftop that is full of reinforced concrete at a glance, it fits perfectly with the contact surface below.

It is completely natural, as if when building this huge building, the architect has carefully prepared an open-air throne for this place.

On the throne at the moment, sat a handsome man in a suit. The man crossed his legs, stepped on the edge of the roof with one foot, and floated in the air with the other. There was a drop of nearly [-] meters under the handmade leather shoes.

He supported his chin with one hand, and his pale golden vertical pupils quietly landed somewhere below.It's like a giant lion standing on the top of a mountain looking down at its territory.The voices of the subjects cheered everywhere in the territory.

The wind howls downstairs at 99 meters, and the upper floor at [-] meters is as quiet as a vacuum.

But in the eyes of Liuli Kazama behind him, the quiet air here is not quiet at all, the air is full of the heavy surrender of the subjects.Even the whole building under his feet and the air he breathes seem to be a half-kneeling knight swearing his obedience to the king.

He stood quietly behind the other party, Fu Nian didn't speak, and neither did he.

Fu Nian didn't move, and neither did he.

Time passed by little by little, and now it has been an hour since Yuan Zhisheng beheaded the King General to leave.

The night is getting darker and the temperature is getting cooler.But Kazama Ruri has never felt the excitement.

This is the excitement of a mission that is about to come, a task that is about to be completed.His gaze was fixed on the screen of the drone that was still flying in mid-air.

The screen recorded everything in the underground parking lot after Yuan Zhisheng left.

The corpse of General Wang in the infrared thermal imaging camera has been completely integrated with the surrounding environment.It was quiet in the underground parking lot.After Fu Nian crushed the elite pursuers of the fierce ghosts to death with one hand, the elites of the fierce ghosts on the bright side of the bliss hall are completely afraid to take a step into the hall.

Before the superior's order came down, everyone was afraid to go up the bloody water flowing from the hall door.

so horrible.

As murderous and vicious ghosts themselves, they have never seen such a terrifying scene that makes ghosts have nightmares in the middle of the night.

But the second in command who is now the highest commander of the fierce ghosts stood quietly behind Fu Nian, and the number one was also quietly lying in a pool of blood in the basement.

No one gave orders, and no one dared to cross the red line of death hell.

Time passed by little by little, and the air was a little anxious.

The stagnant air needs a stone to fall into the middle of the lake.


God cast a stone.

For a while, the water in the center of the lake splashed everywhere, and the fat fish took the bait.

Fu Nian's pale golden eyes suddenly moved to a certain direction.


The flat voice seemed to be filled with thunder.

With a bang, the car crashed through the iron fence of the back garden in the distance, and a black off-road vehicle dashed like a bison.Everything that appeared, did not appear, and might appear along the road was smashed into pieces.

Then headed in a certain direction.Attract all the attention that can be attracted around.

But Fu Nian's eyes didn't fall on the other party, and there wasn't even a single look of charity in the whole process of the other party's "busy".

Kazama Ruri looked at the electronic devices that were all disturbed by the unknown after crossing the road.The picture on the drone's screen was about to reach the brink of collapse.

Fu Nian lightly snapped his fingers with one hand, and then quietly stared at a dark corner.

The sound of snapping fingers created ripples in the air. At the end of the ripples, the disturbing factor subsided, and the radio screen returned to normal.

Kazama Liuli glanced complicatedly, and then followed Fu Nian's eyes to a certain direction below.

As the dragon king who sits behind the scenes and controls the fierce ghosts, Kazama Liuli is also a person who will not be blinded by appearances.

The corner changed within 10 minutes after leaving the off-road, and a car that almost merged with the darkness quietly appeared on the ground.

Fu Nian's gaze fell on the pitch-black glass, staring at the other party as he slowly drove into the parking lot in an extremely quiet manner.

No one spoke, and the sky was so gloomy that water dripped out.The blue fluorescent light on the drone's screen spreads across the air between the two of them like sea water.

Fu Nian held his head and didn't speak, and Kazama Liuli also stood there without responding.

in the screen,

A man wearing a leather black windbreaker walked slowly out of the black car. The man's whole body was shrouded in dark shadows.

Under the hood, the straight body slowly walked towards General Wang's dead body.

He was wearing a pair of black gloves in both hands, and he was carrying a black snakeskin bag in the gloves.In Kazama Liuli's eyes, the man has no color from the beginning to the end.


Black from start to finish.

The man's movements were very neat, he bagged the body roughly, and sealed the king's body in the snakeskin bag like throwing garbage.

Cleaning and cleaning a set, the whole action is smooth and smooth, as if it is really the second generation of the master of a street cleaning office.

It's just that this descendant is a bit fierce.

After the end, the man did not turn around and leave immediately, but walked slowly around the basement with the snakeskin bag in his hand, and then another circle.

Finally, it stopped under the surveillance camera somewhere in the basement, and the shadow enveloped the opponent's body, leaving only black in black.

At a certain moment, the man suddenly raised his head and smiled ferociously.

The bullets were silent, but the camera in the corner exploded in all directions.

The camera that exploded was not the radio screen camera in Kazama Ruri's hand, so they didn't see each other's true face at the moment when they looked up.

But the current Ruri Kazama obviously doesn't intend to let him go.The opponent's current behavior provoked this proud Dragon King.

"I'm getting ready to start."

Kazama Liuli stared at the picture on the screen, and said to Fu Nian.

Fu Nian sat there without nodding or shaking his head.

The wind on the top roof was quiet, but Kazama Liuli's action had begun.

Staring at the man in black who was spreading his arms and seemed to be laughing silently, Kazama Ruri slowly pulled out a huge black box from under the red robe behind her.

He knew that the other party didn't speak, but he didn't mean to reject him.

The box was opened, and inside was a fully equipped Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle.A heavy weapon known as the king of sniper guns.

Kazama Ruri began to reload, her technique was sharp and powerful.

Soon, the sniper rifle was placed behind him, and the man stepped on a raised part of the balcony. In the [-]x sniper mirror, the black moving light and shadow that had already entered the car and was about to leave was so eye-catching and disgusting!

The front sight of the sniper scope moves slowly with the position of the moving driver's seat. Kazama Ruri has no special training on the application of sniper rifles, but only learned some simple principles of pistol and rifle use.

He is a person who has practiced knives since he was a child. When he was a child, he followed his elder brother on the sandy ground of the school and watched his elder brother wield the sword one by one. He remembered it and learned it.

He has never seen anyone use a sniper rifle, or in other words, he has not watched others use it attentively, but this does not affect his current accuracy.

When an enemy is absolutely hateful in the killer's heart, even if it is a stone, he can kill him thousands of miles away.

The shadow Wang Jiang left in his heart had reached the point where he was unscrupulous. He knew that the end of his shot might still be the same as usual, and the other party appeared by his bedside smiling in the morning of the next day.

Even the men in black who appear now are not necessarily king generals.

But it doesn't matter, he just wants to blast the opponent's chest with one shot, blast a box at the opponent's chest, smash the corpse, the car, and the air.


Kazama Liuli's shoulders shook suddenly, and Barrett's roar was like a lion rushing towards a herd of buffaloes.

The bullet tore through the frozen air and fell hard on the main driver's door of the car.
The huge impact directly blasted the advancing car sideways into a black tire mark.

But the man in black inside was sitting intact in the driver's seat, controlling the steering wheel.With sudden surprise, he looked in the direction where the bullet appeared.

The target was a hot and red cone-shaped bullet, and the bullet landed heavily on the door of the car again.

Followed by the second, the third...

The car moved sideways as if being hit hard by a sledgehammer, but unfortunately, none of the bullets fell through the driver's door of the car, and only left a ferocious blackened mark on the pitch-black door.

This is a bulletproof car. The protective materials of the whole car are made of titanium steel alloy. The inner layer of the body is integrated with 5-inch thick steel plate.

But Kazama Liuli's expression did not show any angry expression. In the current state, he looked like a candidate who was walking in an examination room at a major juncture in his life.

But he is an excellent candidate, calm and calm, with a murderous look in his eyes that other students don't have, resolute.

It was the first time he used the Barrett sniper rifle, but except for the slight deviation of the first shot, the rest of the bullets all landed in one place accurately.

Bullets fell on the door one after another, and the car moved on the ground again and again. Behind the door was the heart of the man in black.

He doesn't care if it's a bulletproof car or not. If you can't penetrate it with one shot, then you can shoot it twice. If you can't penetrate it with two shots, you can shoot it three times.

The weapon box behind him was filled with Barrett's bullets for tonight.Bulletproof cars are not invincible after all, there is a moment when they are penetrated, and that moment is the moment of the opponent's end tonight.

The Higan flower in the long sleeves of Kazama Ruri's wide kimono swayed in the air, and Barrett's clip was completed in an instant with extreme hand speed.

Barrett stood up again, and placed his eyes with shining golden pupils on the quasi-center.

But when he was about to press the trigger position again.

Suddenly darkness enveloped his field of vision.

It was a white hand, and he could even clearly see the lines on the opponent's hand at this moment, as well as the sweat as fine as nanometers...

Fengjian Liuli's eyes froze, it was a dragon scale, it was so tiny that it was almost invisible.

Kazama Liuli suddenly raised her eyes to look at Fu Nian on the opposite side.

Fu Nian stretched the back of his hand into the crosshairs, without looking back, still staring at the fast-moving car below.

At this moment, the car has reached the limit, the engine is completely released in the dark air, and the roaring volume of the sports car burns the ground.

Kazama Liuli stared at Fu Nian's back strangely.

No words were spoken, and no further shots were fired.

Until the car turned into a black spot and completely disappeared from their field of vision.

Oh no.

It should have completely disappeared from Kazama Liuli's vision.

"The opportunity I gave you to shoot is to let you vent your anger." Fu Nian's voice was flat but full of strength.
"And this is not a king general. Killing him will have no effect on us."

Kazama Liuli's eyes were flat, he might have guessed whether the other party was the king general, but he couldn't be as confident as the other party.


Fu Nian's voice remained the same, but the feeling of heaviness in the air had obviously changed. If the heavy element in the surrounding air before was like a tiger lying on the ground and sleeping, now the tiger is slowly standing upright.

"I promised to help you kill the king general. Although the other party is not a king general, it is naturally no problem to collect some things from the other party before this, and it hurts a bit."

The air became thicker, so heavy that Kazama Ruri felt extremely uncomfortable in her body, as if she was carrying a tank on her back.

Kazama Ruri suddenly remembered something, looked up at the direction where the other party disappeared, and quickly picked up Barrett's binoculars in her hand and looked into the distance.

Fu Nian's outstretched palm slowly slid down at this moment.

The soaring flowers rose from the ground like a fountain, and the black car that was moving at a high speed in the distance jumped up from the spot like a frightened cat.But unlike the cat, he was torn apart in mid-air the second he jumped up.

It appears that a ticking time bomb has been planted inside the car and under the chassis.

The moment Fu Nian swiped his finger down, the explosion was just on time.

But how many time bombs can blow a bulletproof car to pieces in a split second? ! !

In Kazama Ruri's sight, all the car fragments seemed to be controlled by the hand of God. All the fragments were so neat and consistent, and the paper scraps were flying in the air, burning blazingly.

Kazama Liuli suddenly turned her head to look at Fu Nian behind her.

The whole person was so shocked that he couldn't speak, this moment was even more unbelievable than he just witnessed the other party killing the ghosts in the hall.

Although he couldn't kill such a large group of fierce ghosts in an instant like the opponent, but in his peak state, they were killing like chopping vegetables.

But the current situation is completely beyond the scope of Kazama Ruri's response.

A car that would be impenetrable to a heavy sniper rifle can be wiped out with a flick of a finger.And it's still at such a long distance.

Does that also mean that the opponent can destroy the current large-scale Bliss Hall with a backhand in a single thought?

Fear spread like a virus in the heart of Liuli Kazama, but the result of the spread was not the mother of fear.

but awe.

Kazama Liuli bowed respectfully to Fu Nian.

"Get up."

(End of this chapter)

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