I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 299 Brother, you are here.

Chapter 299 Brother, you are here.


Kassel College,
Dragon Research and Learning Professional Classroom.

"As we all know, the legendary dragon is a creature that loves to collect precious metals and gems very much. They like to sleep on gold. They like to use gems to decorate their bedrooms and rooms resplendently. Among the world-wide dragon ruins we have discovered today, the most unique things in common.

Of course, they don't necessarily need these huge wealth to do something, but purely to satisfy a special hobby.Like those collectors like us humans.

Of course, this rumor is not me talking nonsense to you. During the thousands of years of research on the dragon race, our ancestors recorded and collected the excavated relics into documents. This document is the teaching material in your hands now. "Dragon Consensus Preference Exploration and Unity Demand Research". "

Guderian stood motionless in place,

"Next, turn to page No.19."

There was a messy flipping of books from below.The large-scale sound of flipping books made Lu Mingfei, who was sleeping soundly in the corner of the last row, frown.The halazi that flowed down the corner of the mouth was suddenly sucked in.

"Dragon is a race where alchemy technology was born and reached its peak. They developed, created, and made the nascent alchemy technology to the extreme. Like today, we have developed step by step from gunpowder to large-scale clustered weapons and equipment.

But unlike humans, dragons are often obsessed with artwork, and many of their alchemy weapons are extremely artistic and powerful.For example, Attila the Hun buried himself in three coffins of gold, silver and iron. Each coffin was exquisitely carved and inlaid with various precious stones.But this coffin is also a high-quality alchemy product.If someone is really going to fight with a coffin, it is not impossible for the academy to put it on the battlefield.

We mixed races also inherited the habit of dragons. In the current world and the past, half of the top collectors are mixed races. ..."

On the podium, Professor Guderian wore gold lace glasses, his upper body was in a neat high-end suit, and his hair was neatly combed. Standing on the podium table, he looked quite dignified, with a melodious voice, full of the majesty of a professor.

But under the podium is a pair of sandy beach pants and a pair of black flip flops.It looks like a sculpture of a celebrity in the square outside, with a majestic upper body and an unsightly lower body.

Lu Mingfei crouched on the desk in the last row of the classroom, rubbing his eyes, his eyes were hazy. He just woke up, but he was awakened by a dream full of splendor.

That's right, it was woken up by fright.

In his dream, he entered a resplendent and resplendent hall, which was a promenade with an extremely artistic and mysterious religious flavor. At the end of the promenade was a giant glass building with a tall dome and lattice glass floor-to-ceiling windows.Just like the magnificent churches in Europe, they interpret the authority of theocracy with exaggerated colors and luxurious decorations.

He walked on the crystal clear glazed bricks of the promenade, and the color of the ground would be slightly different without taking a step. After careful observation, he found that they were not bricks at all, but gems, each of which was natural and pure. The precious stones, after being carefully carved and rounded, are laid flat on the ground, and now he seems to be walking in the kingdom of the agate world.Every foot is the smell of money.

There are magnificent paintings painted on the walls of the corridor. Lu Mingfei can’t remember what is in the painting. The only thing he remembers is that the paintings are all painted with gold powder. Crystal clear with phosphorescence.He seemed to be walking in a golden aquarium.

There are large bottles of handicrafts on both sides of the corridor. They are also exquisite and irreplaceable in the precipitation of time.Each style is full of artistic atmosphere.

Lu Mingfei felt that he must be poor and crazy.Otherwise, how would it be possible to have such a weird dream? The architectural style around here is completely European church style. He has never seen such a style in the outstanding red youth he cultivated.

Do I still have the natural ability to make up brains?
Lu Mingfei walked forward holding his chin.Although he didn't know why he moved forward.

However, at the moment when he was about to finish the corridor and enter the hall, countless blades roared from all directions, tearing him apart in an instant.But to Lu Mingfei's surprise, the whistling blade in his ear could be the sound of flipping a book?


Lu Mingfei rubbed his eyes vigorously, staring at Professor Guderian who was standing on the podium and talking eloquently,
"It turned out to be a dream." Lu Mingfei muttered.

"Brother." Suddenly, a child's voice rang in Lu Mingfei's ear.

Lu Mingfei looked back subconsciously.

But there is nothing behind.The last wall of the classroom was bare, even a little cracked.The morning sun hits it,

The peeling got worse.

Lu Mingfei shook his head, thinking to himself why did he still hear hallucinations when he was dreaming?
Rubbing his ears, just as he was about to go back to sleep, a picture full of golden light suddenly flashed in front of him.

The picture is the main hall, a magnificent hall with a huge dome and countless floor-to-ceiling windows.

This is the hall he was about to enter just now in his dream.

Now he seemed to be standing at the end of the corridor again, standing at the entrance of the main hall. In the middle in front of him, there was an extremely huge door-shaped floor-to-ceiling window, which was sprinkled in golden sunlight.

In the sunlight, there is a majestic golden throne.The throne stood there alone.

But Lu Mingfei's eyes were fixed on the position under the throne, and his expression suddenly became terrified.

At the bottom of the steps of the throne, in the middle of the hall, he actually saw a very strange but familiar face.

elder brother,

The friendly voice appeared in front of Lu Mingfei again, this time he heard it clearly.Listen carefully, listen horribly.

At this moment, the chills all over his body stood on end.He knew him, him, him! !
"Brother, you are here."

"Don't come here!!"

Lu Mingfei stared at the cross in front of him in horror. The body on the cross was horrifying, and blood flowed along the cross to every corner of the ground.The shackles spread all over the body along every corner.

The figure reached out tremblingly towards him, as if grabbing something, but it couldn't grab anything.

Lu Mingfei backed away in horror, screaming in horror.

The picture began to burn, like a scroll thrown into the fire, raging fire appeared in every corner of the picture.

Lu Mingfei suddenly became reluctant. It was a strange feeling. He was afraid of something, but he was also afraid of losing something.He clenched tightly with one hand and refused to let go, and pushed outward with the other.

At this moment, he is like a monster with a sharp mind.

"Run!" Lu Mingfei yelled towards the burning cross in the raging fire with a shrill voice.

"Brother, you will still come to see me, right..."


"Lu Mingfei!!" Professor Guderian's angry voice came from the podium, and the thunderous roar instantly pulled him back from the illusion.

He was panting heavily, his whole body was like a drowning person escaping from the whirlpool, lying on the shore for the rest of his life.What he didn't know was that in just a short time of turning his head, the dark green suit and school uniform on his back was completely soaked in sweat.The whole person really seems to be fished out of the water.

The girl in the white skirt at the side stared at Lu Mingfei at this moment, her expression was cold, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.But in the eyes of the other party, a complex emotion flashed away in an instant.

"What are you yelling at in class!!" Guderian's little furry beard curled up!
"I...I..." Lu Mingfei stood there hesitantly, looking at Professor Guderian in front of him, but what still appeared in his mind was the image of a raging fire burning everything, which seemed to have never happened in thousands of years The extinguished fire of extinguishing world karma burned on the cross little by little.He actually silently felt the urge to cry,

"Professor," just when Lu Mingfei was hesitating and fumbling.

A cold and clear voice suddenly broke the nearly frozen anger in the classroom. The voice was very cold and cold, like a river flowing with ice water that has not changed for thousands of years. The moment it came, Guderian was infecting the air. His anger cooled down.

"It's zero."

The smell of gunpowder in Guderian's voice eased slightly.

"Professor, this matter is actually because of me..."

beep! !

Before Zero could finish speaking, Guderian's cell phone rang.Lu Mingfei's eyes sparkled as if he was grasping at straws.Tears were shining, moved and sad mixed with the corners of his eyes that could not stop flowing down, he didn't know what he was sad about, what he was moved...

Zero's voice stopped just in time.Casting a glance at Lu Mingfei who was weeping silently, his frowning brows worked harder.

Guderian stared at the name on the phone with the same style of frowning.

The name of Norma above made him helpless. As a teacher, as a professor, he has a professional quality of teaching. The most basic and bottom line is to concentrate in class. During this period, he will not pick up anyone. Telephone.

But not as an ordinary professor, this is a point of dedication, and it is also a fatal point.
One of the things that impressed him the most was that when he participated in voluntary love services in Africa and taught local children, he did not answer the local emergency evacuation calls.
Then his head was almost smashed by the missiles of the local reactionary armed forces.If it weren't for the timely dispatch of a commissioner by Kassel College at that time, Norma was mobilized to bomb the enemy's base directly from the air.Let the enemy's attack plan be canceled.I am afraid that Guderian was killed tragically at that time.

More importantly, it doesn't matter that he died tragically, and it also hurt the innocent children who were listening to his lectures at that time.After this incident, Guderian changed a little bit of his bad habit of never answering the phone in class.

The reason why he changed a little bit was that since then he only answered the phone from one person, and that was Norma.

Staring at the name of Norma on the screen, Guderian knew that there was nothing absolutely important, and Norma would never call him at this time.

Without the slightest hesitation, Guderian connected the phone directly.

"Professor, I'm sorry to disturb your class at this time." Norma's gentle voice came to her ears.

"Did something happen?" Guderian lowered his voice and hid in a corner with colorful pants and a suit. He also didn't want to worry the students.

"The matter is still uncertain for the time being. According to the authority and the principle of panic, the professor cannot be informed yet. Please forgive me."

Guderian nodded hurriedly. "I understand, I understand, is there anything I can help with now?" He knew that Norma had an absolute reason for calling in his class.

"Please also inform your student Lu Mingfei to come to the principal's office."

"Lu Mingfei!" Guderian yelled towards Lu Mingfei who was at the back of the classroom.

"Ah?" Lu Mingfei, whose mood improved a little, didn't know why, so he looked at Guderian whose attitude had changed drastically,

"Go to the principal's office!"

Lu Mingfei froze on the spot, staring at Guderian and said in his heart, the professor can't, can't.

I just wandered off in class, fell asleep, and talked in my sleep by the way, don't bring this kind of thing to the principal's office! !

Lu Mingfei's face is like a pig's liver, and his heart is ashamed. At this moment, he seems to have returned to the moment when he was called a parent by the head teacher in high school, but what is even more frightening now is that he is going to meet the principal directly!
"Hurry up, show your [-]-meter sprint speed!!"

It was the first time that Lu Mingfei saw reprimanding eyes on his dear mentor's face. You must know that the other party wanted to treat him as a treasure, as an ancestor.
Although the professor would reprimand me during class, Professor Guderian would definitely find me after class,

Touching his own head with a gentle and silly smile, he asked Mingfei if he was sad.
I yell at you in class for your own good,

You have to listen carefully to the class in the future.

You have to work hard to slay the dragon in the future.Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

But as soon as this scolding gaze appeared, Lu Mingfei felt that he had really angered the professor.Are you proud of yourself?
Has falling asleep in class already touched the bottom line of the professor?For a moment, all kinds of complicated thoughts are as decadent as the bald-tailed grass trampled by horses on the grassland.

Without any hesitation, the whole person was faster than a hungry and crazy rabbit. He jumped up and rushed towards the door of the classroom.

But two seconds later, Lu Mingfei was powerless. No matter how fast he sprinted, his [-]-meter sprint was the speed of a tortoise.

Do you think he is still the young man who was holding a saber and slaying a dragon that day?


This is true in the eyes of the entire classroom, and it is also true in the eyes of the professor,

But only Lu Mingfei himself knew that this was not the case at all. Although there were only two people who were heroic and domineering dragon slayers that day,

But one of them is really domineering, named Fu Nian.Although the other one is equally imposing, his name is Lu Mingze!

It was Lu Mingze who bought a quarter of his life!
Afterwards, he was regarded as a real S-rank hybrid.He thinks that everything is easily settled by him.

But only he himself was cautious and timid.He still has self-knowledge, no matter how capable he is, how big things he can do, if they don't match each other, big things will happen!
Lu Mingfei's speed seemed slow to a snail in the eyes of the students in the first classroom, but in their eyes, it was a sign of a strong man keeping a low profile.He must not have wanted to appear superior to them.

Is the strong man full of charm like this?

Lu Mingfei ran out of the classroom in a panic under the intense gaze. Of course he knew why?
He also explained something.But they only believed in their own eyes, and any explanation he made would only have the opposite effect.



Lu Mingfei ran all the way and suddenly pushed open the door of the principal's office.

But in the next moment, he stared at the other two people in the room in surprise.

Standing on the left is Caesar in a luxurious suit, and standing on the right is Chu Zihang in a dark green school uniform.

The two of them each carry a piece of luggage, and Caesar is holding a luxurious custom-made suitcase. Lu Mingfei doesn't understand the brand, but only knows that it should be expensive.

Chu Zihang is still carrying his tennis bag that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. The bag should contain Chu Zihang's usual long knife Murasame. He once heard Fu Nian tell him that once Chu Zihang takes out this When the tennis bag comes, that's when the mission begins.

as predicted.

Under Anger's eyes, Lu Mingfei stood between the two under great pressure.

"I have called you here this time because there is a difficult task for you to complete." Anger got straight to the point.

"Time is short, so I'll make a long story short." Ange's kind eyes swept over the three of them one by one.

Kaiser Chu Zihang has a straight waist and sharp eyes. As one of the best students in Kassel College, they fully embody the excellent qualities cultivated by the noble elite college.

The only one who is a bit weak is Lu Mingfei in the middle. To be honest, he has two worries now.

First, the task is arduous, but his own ability is low, but he is entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

Second, he is now standing between the two presidents of the college, and the cold aura on them really killed him!
If you look at it from behind, the current scene is a bit like a green onion inserted between two vigorous ancient pines, and it is still a dried green onion after being exposed to the sun.

"This mission has two purposes." Anger stared at Lu Mingfei encouragingly.

"Ming Fei, cheer up. This task is very important."

Lu Mingfei said that he also wanted to cheer up, but his strength did not allow it.

"One: There has been an important change in the Japanese branch. The change is so important that we must deal with it with all our strength, because the dragon has appeared."

Angers' voice resounded in everyone's ears like thunder.

Because, dragon, this word, represents everything.

"Isn't Fu Nian in Japan?" Chu Zihang asked. "Will he also join us in this operation?"

"This is the second thing I want to tell you." Anger's eyes remained unchanged.The voice is flat.

"Fu Nian also had an accident."

【[-] in [-]】

(End of this chapter)

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