I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 301 Master Yue who sells ramen

Chapter 301 Master Yue who sells ramen


Before dawn in the morning, a wooden van was parked on the side of a small street at the back gate of the National University of Tokyo.

This kind of rickshaw is called "ラーメン (Ramen) Yatai Car" in Japan, and it is specially designed for selling ramen in the streets.

The windows are opened to cover the rain, and there are two wooden benches under the tent. The guests sit on the wooden benches to eat noodles, and the ramen chef operates in the car.Although the sparrow is small and complete, the soup pot and ingredients are neatly arranged on the chopping board. After the guests sit down,
The dark blue cloth cover can just cover their upper body, creating a private environment.Of course, compared with the luxurious store next to the University of Tokyo, the environment and taste of this kind of trolley are more than one level worse.

But the grade will drop, and the price will be a lot cheaper. Most of the people who come here to eat noodles are poor students from Dongdali. The owner, Master Yue, has been here for many years. The reputation is pretty good.

At this moment, an uncle is cooking noodle soup, and the rising heat is wafting around, making it hard to see his face clearly
"Uncle, can I have another bowl of ramen?" A clean and crisp female voice sounded from the soup bowl with her head buried.

The voice was indistinct, as if there was something unfinished that was being stirred crazily by the upper and lower rows of white teeth.

"Yo, girl, you have such a good appetite." Master Yue who was cooking pasta looked up at the girl in front of him with a smile.

"Of course the noodles made by uncle are delicious~, you have to eat more if they are delicious." There was a bright smile on the corner of the girl's mouth, and her bright teeth were warm and playful in the orange light.

"Small mouth is very sweet." Master Yue smiled all over his face.

"People are sweet too."

"Hahaha." Master Yue leaned forward and back together.

Master Yue is not young, his white hair is neatly parted, he wears the unique white linen work clothes of ramen masters, and a black towel is tied on his forehead. He looks as if he has been dealing with ramen all his life.

At this moment, he was staring at the girl sitting in front of the table and licking her red lips. The upper body of the girl was a light yellow hooded sweater, and the lower body was invisible from his current position. But when the girl came just now, he But it was clear that it was an off-white cropped skirt, and a pair of youthful high-top canvas shoes were worn under the skirt.

From the beginning to the end, the girl reveals the taste of youth and fashion, like a pure white butterfly flying among the flowers in warm spring.

Next to the girl is a quiet girl who is not inferior to her in terms of appearance, but this girl has a pair of wine-red gorgeous hair, but the dress of the other party is very strange, at least in the eyes of Master Yue. Strange.

Because the other party was wearing a red and white priestess costume, and what was even more strange was that the other party was holding a deep red long knife in his hand.

Strange is strange, but Master Yue is not surprised at all.Because it is in the back street of National Jingdong University, the most indispensable thing here every day is young boys and girls playing cosplay.

In the field of vision that Master Yue and the diners around him took for granted, this was not something worthy of attention, because the appearance of the two girls on the other side was the biggest allure that really attracted their attention.

Master Yue took out two clean bowls from the kitchen table behind him, and put two servings of hot ramen in front of the two girls.

Not only did the girl's noodles run out, but the red-haired girl next to her also ran out of noodles.It's just that this girl doesn't seem to like to talk very much, and she hasn't said a word since entering here.Just looking around with a pair of bright eyes, seems to be full of curiosity about everything around.

On the contrary, the girl in the white sweater next to her was chatting endlessly with Master Yue, she seemed to be a pretty girl who would make people happy.

Thinking of Master Yue, he took a portion out of the marinated egg and took a few steps to add it to another guest on the other side.And blinked hard twice.

The one on the far side is a young boy who seems to be a student of the university here. He came here for breakfast during the early morning class. The other party seems to be a frequent visitor here. Master Yue seems to be very close and familiar to him.

"Mr. Tonggu must seize the opportunity." Master Yue whispered in the boy's ear. "Aren't they more temperamental and outstanding than the big-chested girl you brought last time?"

The moment the voice fell, the man's body, which was already shrunk in the corner, drooped even more. He had noticed the two girls since he started eating, and it was actually hard not to notice.

Because these two people are so stunning, placed on the street where the sun is not yet lit, they are as dazzling as natural stars, but also difficult to approach. Compared with them, he feels that those in his class The beautiful girl who is usually out of reach is nothing more than that.

"I'm very scared, they are too good." Tong Gu whispered into Master Yue's ear, his voice was weak.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of losing face? People grow up in shame. If you didn't try to be with excellent people in your best time, wouldn't it be a pity?" Master Yue said with big eyes With a stare, he looked as serious as a young man who was taught a lesson by an old man. "Be brave, Kiritani-san, what if everything changes because of your bravery this time?"

Tong Gu shrunk his neck, glanced quietly at the two girls on the other side, he could clearly see their delicate profiles in the rising mist, but she knew there was something she wanted inside.

Be brave, what if everything is different?Master Yue's voice echoed in his ears...

Kiritani turned to take a long breath.Master Yue is right. Men are afraid of being ashamed. If you are moved, you will be moved. If you like it, you will like it. Seeing girls chatting happily is not easy to get in touch with.

Take a bold step by yourself, if she succeeds, isn't she more attractive than the best in the class who is plump enough to be placed on the table!It is no more attractive than the absolute realm of slender and tight white legs wearing black silk and white socks! !

Such a temperamental girl...

"which one?"

Master Yue looked at the boy opposite with a smile in his eyes. He understood the hearts of young boys so well. In this era of spring and freedom, any inadvertent choice would become an unexpected turning point. The only thing needed is a boy. A brave heart.

A big step that dares to leave no regrets.

"The one with the red hair." Tong Gu whispered in his ear.In fact, the two are indifferent in Tong Gu's eyes. The reason why he chose the red-haired girl is because the other party has not said a word from the beginning to the end, and she looks very quiet. He is less stressed.

"Okay, leave it to me, I'll help you ask for the name." Master Yue thoughtfully put the marinated egg in Tonggu's bowl, and patted him on the shoulder, as if to cheer him up.

Then he took a step towards the girl.

The moment Master Yue moved, Erika who was slurping ramen with her head down suddenly raised her head and glanced at Xia Mi who was opposite.

Under the expressionless face is a pair of slightly flustered eyes.

Xia Mi glanced at her reassuringly, and then gently stretched out three little fingers.

"Three!" Erika tilted her head because she didn't know.

"Two!" Erika took out a small notebook.



The whistling sound of the sports car approached from far away, and in just a short moment, the other party relied on the state of not slowing down to attract the attention of all the humans in the small noodle shop.

Master Yue and Tong Gu's students turned their heads to look at the same time, and Erika followed them and turned their heads to look very curiously.As for what to see, only she knows.

She is curious about everything.But when others are curious, she will be more curious.

Only Xia Mi next to her was still drinking the noodle soup indifferently, with satisfaction written all over her steam-baked powder puff face.

The black sports car floats on the ground 360 degrees like a cheetah, brakes and rotates.

Finally, the horizontal cart landed firmly on the opposite side of the small ramen stall.

Master Yue was a little surprised by the truth of this incident. He thought that the sports car would still shoot out like an arrow as before. Then he looked back, sighed, and then explained the car to the guests sitting in front of him. The model of the car, the speed per hour, and how comfortable the interior is, how much it costs.

Satisfy the performance desire of the elderly. If at this time, you hear in the surprised eyes of the guests, wow, Master Yue, you still understand these words.

He will be happy when he makes ramen all day.

But what he didn't expect was that one day, this luxurious sports car would patronize such a small shop as his.

In Master Yue's strange eyes, Kiritani's envious eyes, and Erika's curious eyes.

A man wearing a black suit and sunglasses stepped out from the driver's seat. The man was wearing a logo suit and delicate white gloves, as if he was attending a solemn banquet.The only exposed chin is delicate and clear.

Seeing this scene, Master Yue's eyes suddenly became a little different.

His eyes fell on the seat in the back seat.

Sure enough, the man who came out of the driver's seat walked steadily to the back seat, and opened the door respectfully.

The moment the door opened.

Master Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and continued the action of holding the egg in his hand.

But Tong Gu who was sitting in the corner had his eyes lit up.

He looked at the man who was slowly getting out of the car.

Can't help exclaiming, "So handsome."

(End of this chapter)

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