I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 302 Xia Mi: You follow me.brother~

Chapter 302 Xia Mi: You Follow Me.Brother~ (please subscribe)


Erika also blinked in surprise, and looked at Natsumi who was still drinking the soup calmly.Pulling at the corner of the other person's clothes seems to be sharing his happy mood with the other person.

"It looks good."

Xia Mi's long eyelashes flowed in the rising mist, like snowflakes falling on the petals of cherry blossoms on the top of Mount Fuji.

Erika nodded obediently, her shining eyes stared intently at the man walking towards him.

It's just that all her eyes fell on the white fluffy coat in the opponent's hand.

"Erika loves it so much."

She quickly slid her hands on the small notebook, and soon, a series of handwriting appeared in front of Xia Mi.

"I really want it." The handwriting came as expected.

The overcoat in his hand was a very fashionable type of modern long windbreaker, coupled with the extremely attractive white color, this made Erika, who only had shrine maiden clothes in her closet, quite envious.

Staring at the handwriting that appeared in his eyes, Xia Mi was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then glanced at the other party out of the corner of his eye.Xia Mi instantly knew what the other party was thinking.

But that's not what she was asking.But Erika obviously wouldn't know this.

"How about the visitor?" Finally, Xia Mi got straight to the point.

"He's so fierce." Erika replied in the notebook.

Xia Mi finally saw what she expected to see,

But the content caught her by surprise.

So fierce?

The current Fu Nian does look quite fierce, or in other words, quite majestic, with lowered brows and deep eyes like black holes in the universe, invisible, it seems that he can cast his eyes on anyone in the world. The sight is drawn into it,
There was an aura of calmness and prestige in every move of the whole person. It seemed that a huge stage was being quickly built behind him. Once his footsteps stopped, the stage would be completed. At that time, this place would become his home field.

King's home.

Although he looks like he is only in his 20s now, in Tong Gu's eyes, Fu Nian already has the same status as a middle-aged patriarch, or even an old man, in Tong Gu's eyes.

This is an aura deliberately created by Fu Nian.
Of course, this is not for the passers-by to see, nor is it for the master who sells ramen.
The main purpose is actually to let Xia Mi see his attitude.

At this dangerous and sensitive moment when the Sheqi Bajia and the fierce ghosts are about to explode, the other party actually left the Sheqi Bajia voluntarily. This is a very doubtful signal. Even more importantly, Xia Mi seems to be still From the Eight Houses of Sheqi, something extraordinary was brought out.

He sensed the difference in the red-haired girl before he got out of the car,
It wasn't because the miko costume the opponent was wearing was incompatible with the surroundings, nor was it because the opponent's sword was a powerful alchemy weapon.

It's the blood in the opponent's body that is rolling all the time.

In Fu Nian's eyes, the other party's body is like a large-scale experimental field where water and concentrated sulfuric acid are mixed. Dragon blood and human blood are mixed with each other. Eyes of dragon blood.

I'm afraid that the dragon's blood will attack the girl in the next second.The dragon blood in her body is too high, even scarier than the purity of Yuan Zhisheng he met. At the same time, the concentration of dragon blood in the other party's body is also extremely unstable, even more unstable than the dead waiter he met who has been blooded by dragon blood.

If it was replaced by other mixed races, with this level of dragon blood concentration and instability, I am afraid that it will directly become a dead waiter who can only know how to kill.

But the other party stood opposite them with nothing to do, and was sitting in front of the ramen stall drinking ramen. Of course, this has an absolute relationship with the other party's unique physique, and more importantly, it has nothing to do with the layer of protection in the other party's body. Membranous things also have a major relationship.

The other party is definitely a top-secret existence in the Sheqi Bajia, because according to Fu Nian's brief understanding of them, in the principles of the Sheqi Bajia, this can already be regarded as a ghost with an unstable bloodline, or even a ghost of that kind. Absolutely powerful ghost.

But now Xia Mi let him out.

Good guy, the situation between the two is even more chaotic now.


"Prepare a bowl of noodles for him too, uncle." Xia Mi raised his head and said.

Master Yue nodded, staring at Fu Nian who was walking towards his paving, hesitated for a moment, took out a clean porcelain bowl from the bottom, and put it in the only vacant place left.

His small shop is not big, if there are no tables outside, there are only four seats.If there are two more people, he can only...

Thinking and moving, he found that the other party had come in front of him.

Fu Nian glanced at Master Yue who was looking up at him, and nodded.

Master Yue also nodded calmly,

"Come to pick up the girl?"

Master Yue smiled and looked at Xia Mi who hadn't looked back until now.He took another look at Fu Nian, who was calm and serious at the moment.

In his understanding, this is another playful kid who doesn't want to obey the family's will.Now the parents have come to the door.The child is going back to that cage-like cage again.

Thinking about it, Master Yue glanced helplessly at Tong Gu in the corner. He naturally saw that the two girls were different, but he still urged the other party to seize the opportunity, because the opportunity for change was right in front of him, and it was uncertain. If the other party takes a brave step, everything will be different.

But now it seems that everything has no chance.The appearance of this man will definitely shatter Kiritani's unsteady brave heart.

Because at close range, the aura brought by this man made him feel a little uncomfortable.As if facing a towering giant mountain.The thick air feels a bit heavy due to the pressure.

This is simply not something a college student who has not stepped into society can handle.

"Take her home," Fu Nian nodded, "It's too dangerous outside, and playing outside will have too much impact."

Master Yue nodded, he could understand the behavior of the big family, who was not a rebellious child.At the same time, he also glanced at Xia Mi and the red-haired girl next to him with a little sympathy. It seemed that this place would be the last stop of their happy time.

Because he felt unquestionable firmness from a man, a man who holds power.His decision cannot be changed, which is a valuable lesson of his life experience.


Master Yue sighed, and took out two more corned eggs from his own corned eggs to give the two girls some comfort.After all, aristocratic families are not as comfortable as ordinary people...

"sit down."

Xia Mi's crisp voice suddenly appeared in the quiet and slightly cold air.

Fu Nian's forward steps froze in place with a bang.It seemed that the accumulated water on the ground froze in an instant, and it stuck to the soles of the opponent's feet.

"Drink a bowl of noodles." The girl's voice was simple.

But the simple voice is also undeniably firm.Like a stubborn and unreasonable rebellious child.

When Tong Gu thought that the other party would become majestic and teach him a lesson, or when he thought that the other party would wave his hand and a group of bodyguards appeared, a strange scene suddenly fell in the cold air in the winter morning.

"It's cold outside, shall we put on our clothes first?"

The majesty on the man's face collapsed in an instant, how firm the voice was just now, how soft it is now.

What majestic aura?The smile on the corner of Fu Nian's mouth almost warmed the surrounding air.The gentle eyes are like a piece of summer ice cream that is about to melt.

At this moment, Master Yue realized that the other party seemed to be very young.

At this moment, Fu Nian's impression in Tonggu also changed from the image of a domineering master to a dandy noble son.And it seems to be suitors who come to woo girls.

"Then why are you so serious?"

Xia Mi was dissatisfied and raised his head to stare at Fu Nian's eyes. At the same time, he opened his arms and motioned for him to help him put it on.

Fu Nian stepped forward slowly, and seriously put the white velvet trench coat in his hand on Xia Mi's body.

Fu Nian, who was in motion, noticed Xia Mi's clothes.

"Sure enough, you only wore such a thin one. Now that it's so cold outside, you still need to wear more."

Fu Nian reached out and touched the clothes exposed from the back of Xia Mi's neck. Under the light yellow sweater was fair skin. You must know that the current temperature is only five degrees Celsius, and it is still negative.When others wear down jackets, she only wears an indoor sweater.

"Isn't it because I was in a hurry to go out and didn't make it in time?" Xia Mi looked up at him aggrievedly, and then took out a long sword wrapped in a white bandage from below.

This is the alchemy weapon made by Norton, the sword of arrogance, Han Bafang.

"I don't take your things with you when you go out. Let me keep them for you every day. If someone notices all of them one day, you will go crazy."

"No one dares to do that." Fu Nian slowly restrained the smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Then what if, you know this place is full of lunatics." Xia Mi glanced at Master Yue who was holding a marinated egg.

Master Yue shook his hand, and the next second the stewed egg landed firmly in the middle of the chopsticks.

"Then they will be in pain." Fu Nian's tone was casual, but every word was full of power.

He looked at Xia Mi with gentle eyes, and stretched out his hand to smooth the hair on the back of her head.


"So what are you here for?" Xia Mi turned his head away from looking at Fu Nian.

Picking up the big bowl of bone ramen soup in his hand again, he put it to his mouth, testing the temperature with his little tongue like a kitten.

Because the weather was too cold, Master Yue added a little thick soup just now, and the temperature was somewhat high.

Fu Nian helped her put on the windbreaker, and after making sure that she wouldn't fall on the ground, she glanced at Erika who was obediently looking at him on the other side and didn't speak.He also sat on the only seat next to him.

Master Yue thoughtfully prepared a bowl of ramen for him, but what Fu Nian didn't know was that Xia Mi ordered it for him. (I have to pay three times. Poor)
"come over……"

"Think about an answer." Xia Mi turned to look at him with a smile.

"Come here to take you back." Fu Nian spread his hands indifferently, he is not a fool, how could he not know what to say.

Looking at the hot noodle soup.For a while, my stomach really has an appetite. In the winter before dawn, drinking a bowl of hot beef ramen on the street seems to be a good choice.After all, life still needs a sense of ritual, and the mood also needs to be satisfied with details.

But when he paid attention to the ramen, the smile on the corner of Xia Mi's mouth pulled down visibly.

On the other side, Erika, who had been looking at Fu Nian curiously with her neck upright, had a sharp ear.

"I can't go back." Xia Mi didn't even look at Fu Nian.The voice was not as clear and ethereal as when chatting with Master Yue before, but instead was dull and dull, like when he just woke up, he was full of waking up.

Erika's raised ears softened slightly.

"Then forget it." He picked up the chopsticks indifferently, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"If you don't go back, then follow me all the time."

Fu Nian picked up a piece of beef on it. The ramen master is not stingy at all. The beef is half the size of Xia Mi's palm. Putting it on the steaming ramen noodles, the fragrant and fatty original breath slowly spreads along the air on the taste buds. Slow bloom.

He naturally knew what Xia Mi was reminding him of, and of course she wasn't reminding her that there were so many people around her, so that she should be cautious in her words and deeds.Instead, I am reminding myself that we haven't seen each other all night, so you have to hurry up and come up with something that makes me happy.

Otherwise, don't think that I will follow your wishes with you.

But Fu Nian felt that he had been warned, and if he was warned, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me, so I knew it, but I didn't say it.

But... Xia Mi was not happy.unhappy means...

What a shame.

"Master, do you have any parsley?" Fu Nian looked up, his eyes shining with anticipation.

Master Yue didn't speak, but his movements were swift.

"Who will follow you."

At the moment when Fu Nian's expectation turned into satisfaction, Fu Nian heard an extremely unexpected voice.

The large piece of beef caught in the hand fell into the coriander of the beef ramen with a bang, and the splashed white bone clear soup bloomed in the cold air like a short-lived epiphyllum.

Fu Nian had never heard rejection from Xia Mi before! !

"It was you who followed me. Brother~"

Xia Mi's voice gently brushed over the volcano that was about to erupt, so the volcano was as quiet as a sleeping puppy.

"That's fine." Fu Nian smiled, picked up the beef that fell inside again, and put it in his mouth contentedly, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

At this moment, the driver who had been standing in the corner behind Fu Nian gradually lost his eyes.

At this moment, in his mind, the king-like man sitting on the throne on the top floor kept appearing.

Memories and reality appear alternately, and finally freeze on each other, with smiling eyes in the corners of their eyes at this moment.

At this moment, he really seems to be a student who just graduated from university, with a youthful and gentle smile hanging on his handsome face.You can go to lectures with students from Tokyo University, or you can have a romantic relationship in the summer classroom.

It formed a very contrasting contrast with the ruthless and majestic dark king.

(One chapter for today.)

(End of this chapter)

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