I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 303 I hope one day I can see the outside world with my brother

Chapter 303 I hope one day I can see the outside world with my brother

【[-] in [-]】

Genji Heavy Industries
Tachibana Masamune sat in the middle of the Japanese room, staring intently at the head of the Sakurai family, Sakurai Nanami, who was half kneeling in the room.

The power of oppression spreads in every corner of the air like a tide. Under the calm sea, the turbulent tide rises up again and again, and is pushed down again and again, just like sitting calmly on the main seat Tachibana Masamune, his heart is not peaceful at all,
The majesty of being the overlord of the underworld was released in the room without concealment by him, and the anger rising in his heart collided with Tachibana Masamune's subjectively suppressed emotions.One after another, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and the sea is dark and rough.

The Sakurai family hung their heads and dared not speak. To be honest, this is the first time she has felt such a strong oppression from this man in so many years. In the past history, the impression of this man has always been A steady and moderate ruler.

But what happened today made this gentle man who had always kept his face in front of major events so angry that it was almost uncontrollable.

In their planned plan, none of the fierce ghosts who invaded the Bajia of Sheqi tonight will be allowed to let go.Even for Sakurai Wanko, who is difficult to deal with fierce ghosts, they sent a large number of law enforcement officers to exert pressure with absolute violence.Tachibana Masamune, who was firmly seated in the overall situation, even sent the Sakurai family Nanami Sakurai to direct and execute it himself.

But despite this, in the encirclement circle formed by the inner three floors and the outer three floors, the fierce ghosts forcibly made a bloody path.

That is the real road of blood, a red road paved with blood, from the tunnel on the fifth floor to the side door on the first floor, a group of fierce ghosts were killed abruptly from the encirclement of the law enforcement officers.

The other party seemed to have eyes, and found the weakest defense circle from the circle surrounded by them, and then rushed a bloody road.

When Patriarch Sakurai arrived with the main force, there was only a pile of corpses left.

This is a disgrace to the Sheqi Bajia, a complete disgrace.

But what Tachibana Masamune cares about now is not shame at all. When Patriarch Sakurai walked into the room with an expression of failure, Tachibana Masamune was almost unable to suppress his inner rage.

Erika, lost.

This is something so terrifying that it horrifies him. The importance of Erika to the Saki Hachika, and her importance to her cannot be expressed in words.The current situation is like an intricate chessboard that has lost the most important pieces, and the direction of the chess game is moving crazily in a direction that is out of his control.

As a chess player, this is absolutely unacceptable, and it is also a situation that must be corrected, even at any cost.

"Where did Zhisheng go?"

Finally, Tachibana Masamune, who was sitting in the main seat, finally spoke.

But at this moment, his voice is the same as usual, as if after going through an emotional marathon, he has turned back into that gentle old man again.But Patriarch Sakurai doesn't think so, because the old man's eyes are not gentle at all.

"The young master is on his way back, it is estimated that after an hour..."

Deng, Deng Deng! !
A burst of rapid but powerful footsteps appeared at the outer door of the room, followed by a sliding door.

The light from the corridor illuminated the dim Japanese room door at the moment.

Yuan Zhisheng stood in the center of the sliding door, with a pair of oppressive and deep eyes in his feminine face.There is anger in the abyss, and it contains murderous intent.

When he came here along the stairs from Genji Heavy Industries, Crow and Yasha had already told everything that happened, and more importantly, Erika was missing.

Although Yuan Zhisheng didn't believe that the fierce ghosts could bring out Eri Yi in Genji Heavy Industries, he had to accept the broken photos in front of him.

What he was worried about was not what would happen to Erika by the ghosts, but if Erika could be taken out by them, Yuan Zhisheng guessed that it was largely because of his playfulness, he was not worried about Erika's life, but It's about the safety of Tokyo.

Although Eriyi has a relatively small mind, she is not a fool. She will follow anyone she sees. On the contrary, she has the heart of a little hamster in an unfamiliar environment.

In Yuan Zhisheng's opinion, her departure was largely voluntary. After all, the other party had failed experiences of running away from home more than a dozen times.

Although it is a failure experience, if there are too many failures, there will always be one success, and it is estimated that the other party will quietly leave with the ghosts this time.

He is not worried about the safety of Erika's life because the opponent's strength cannot be shaken by the fierce ghosts. Even if he is in a face-to-face real battle with Erika, there is a great chance that the opponent will be instantly killed. The other party's speech spirit is an unimaginable existence of human hybrids.

But he was afraid that Erika would lose control, because behind the control of absolute power was a little girl who was extremely frightened, once something irritating made her lose her mind.

The consequence would be a destructive existence, Kanbu estimated that after losing control, Erika, who was the strongest ghost, could destroy half of Tokyo with her words.

This is also the reason why Saki Hachika let him live in a separate space. While protecting Erika, they are also protecting Tokyo.

"I'm back." Seeing Minamoto Tachibana Masamune, he was obviously much more relaxed.

"Master!" Yuan Zhisheng's voice was hoarse.

Tachibana Masamune interrupted the other party's voice with a wave of his hand,
"Leave the family affairs to me, you go back to your room to rest first, you are already very tired."

"Master, the situation is very serious and urgent. I can definitely lead the executive board..." Yuan Zhisheng insisted on his attitude.

"Go back and rest." Tachibana Masamune's rare attitude was slightly serious, but soon, the serious eyes became gentle,

He waved his hand to signal the other Patriarchs to leave the room.

Tachibana Masamune slowly got up and walked to Minamoto, he was trying to relieve the frown on his brows.It seems that he doesn't want Yuan Zhisheng to see that he is in a difficult situation.

"Zhisheng, I can see that you are exhausted. The family is indeed facing a problem, but it is not a life-or-death crisis. I also know that you, as the young master, have the courage to shoulder the burden for the family at this critical moment. I am very happy. Also very proud of how you are doing now.

But, I'm still here, Dad, and my family is still here, leave it to me, okay?The current you are really not fit to continue fighting, tonight," Tachibana Masamune put his hands on the opponent's shoulders,
"Tonight, before tonight, I will definitely give you a result."

"Paintable pear clothes..."

"Leave it to me, Zhisheng. I love her just like you." Tachibana Masamune suppressed his grief and made himself as serious as possible.

"Father, Fu Nian is also trapped in the Bliss Pavilion." Yuan Zhisheng originally didn't want to tell Masamune Tachibana about this matter. In his expectation, after solving the family affairs, he would immediately bring the executive bureau The army went to the bliss hall for rescue, but in the current situation, Dad is obviously preparing for something.

Going to war with the fierce ghosts is a matter that affects the whole body.

They need time, but what Fu Nian lacks most now is time.

"Fu Nian?" Tachibana Masamune seemed to hesitate, and fell silent.

He slowly passed Yuan Zhisheng's side, stepped to stand behind him, and stood in front of the closed Japanese room sliding door, his gentle eyes reflected the white paper in the opposite door.

"Leave it to me too. I will immediately send the mountain team in Furin Volcano to Gokakukan. He is from the headquarters, and we will definitely take good care of him." Tachibana Masamune said firmly.

The shadow of the Japanese room moved slowly under the light, and finally, completely pulled the opponent's eyes into the dark vortex.

"Thank you, Dad." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"Have a good rest, everyone needs you very much. Erika doesn't want her brother to be exhausted all day, does she?" Tachibana Masamune turned around, patted Minamoto's shoulder lightly, his eyes showed concern again.



"Is there really such a thing as a god?"

Fu Nian looked down at Xia Mi who was holding his hand inside his neck.He looked at her strangely.

"According to the Supreme Being's verdict to Emperor Bai, it is impossible to exist." Xia Mi thought for a long time before slowly opening his mouth, "But Emperor Bai's words are independent of our system of four monarchs, so maybe there will be something. An unimaginable way to transform the cocoon. But what is certain is that this method is equivalent to a method of surviving for the Bai Emperor. If he is really resurrected, the Bai Emperor will not have the fighting ability of the peak. It will come out It's just an incomplete monster who inherited the blood of Emperor Yanling.

According to my brother's current throne of power, it is entirely possible to have a battle with the opponent. "Xia Mi has a more confident estimate of Fu Nian's combat power than Fu Nian.

Although Fu Nian confidently said in front of Kazama Liuli at the beginning, what he said about monsters, monsters, ghosts and snakes, just smash them to pieces.

But this is nothing more than putting a strong and invincible veil on one's power in front of outsiders.

He has a certain estimate of his fighting ability. Although he is usually arrogant, he is not without brains. He also has a standard in his heart.

And these, only in front of Xia Mi, his thoughts will be exposed.

"The driver that my brother brought here today is not an ordinary person, right?" Xia Mi turned to look at the motionless man sitting in the driver's seat of the sports car.There was a hint of surprise in the voice.

Xia Mi was amazed that Fu Nian managed to get such a strong guy in one night.What was even more surprising was that the other party looked like a girl.

"It's the Dragon King of the ghosts, the second in command. He is currently our partner."

"Partner? What partner? Brother, you don't want to start a business in Japan, do you?"

Fu Nian thought for a while, "If you insist on saying that, it's not impossible, it's just that our shareholding ratio is relatively large, and we can get their largest shareholder at one time, which is not considered a start-up. We are equivalent to Bought a company outright."

Fu Nian stretched out her little finger and placed it in front of Xia Mi, "It's a small investment."

"Brother crushed the demons last night?" Xia Mi frowned slightly.

Fu Nian quickly lowered his body and covered Xia Mi's mouth, as if he was afraid that the other party's voice would be heard by others, but the reality is that any voices talking around them were crushed in the corner of the air by an invisible force, It can't spread out at all.

"A little bit, just a little bit stronger." Fu Nian quickly explained.

"Why?" Xia Mi didn't pay much attention to Fu Nianqiang's arrogance, but he knew that there must be a reason, a reason why Fu Nian would choose to use a mixed race as his subordinate.

But before Fu Nian could open his mouth, Xia Mi seemed to wake up suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes,
"Because of God?!" Xia Mi's voice was obviously full of surprise. "Brother wasn't talking nonsense just now!"

Fu Nian's face turned dark, why am I talking nonsense.

But he knew that wasn't the point at all.Staring at Xia Mi's raised eyes, Fu Nian nodded slowly.

"Brother wants to rely on the ghosts to find the whereabouts of the gods?" Xia Mi's eyes flickered, "But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you not going back to Sheqi Bajia today, right?"

Fu Nian, who was about to nod his head, was taken aback suddenly, what is it, aren't we talking about God?

"Tell me carefully what funny things did brother hear last night?" Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian.She knew that Fu Nian must have experienced something last night.

Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi and nodded slowly, and then told Xia Mi about the general's plan that he knew from the demons, as well as about Izanagi and King Bai, which were recorded in the myths of the Eight Snake Family.

As the real controller of the land and the throne of the mountain, Xia Mi's thinking has never been able to compete with Fu Nian, just like Fu Nian's power is also beyond Xia Mi's reach.

"Did brother forget this important and crucial factor of the Bajia of Snake Qi?" Xia Mi fell into deep thought after hearing this.

The first question after that was to start with the Bajia of Sheqi.

"Becoming a chess player is a step forward that we must complete.

It is naturally an extremely important decision for my brother to use the ghosts as a springboard, but the ghosts are too small, even the Sheqi Bajia is too small.

When I woke up earlier than my brother, I spent a long time looking up the history of human hybrids and their struggle against our dragon race. "

Xia Mi stared at Fu Nian intently, her small eyes were a little dignified, it seemed that a certain action of Fu Nian just now made her consider whether she should let Fu Nian understand some things,

Fu Nian stared at Xia Mi intently.

"Brother, do you still remember the name Old Tang?"

Fu Nian nodded.He knew it was Norton's name among men.

"Old Tang is the Norton before he woke up, and the last time the King of Bronze and Fire woke up from a deep sleep was actually not long, that is, decades.

From the memory of the stupid big man at Kassel College last time, my brother also knew about the ice sea incident in Greenland at Kassel College, and it was only a dozen years ago today.

We are the kings of the earth and the mountains, and my waking time is only ten years, "

As Xia Mi's voice continued, Fu Nian frowned suddenly.

"Did brother find anything?"

Fu Nian nodded.

Xia Mi: "As you can see, the dragon kings of the four monarchs, and the three thrones all wake up quickly and intensively in an extremely short period of time.

This is a very scary thing.This is something that hasn't even happened in thousands of years, but it happened in less than 50 years. "Xia Mi stared at Fu Nian intently,

"There is an absolute force behind this, and there is even more than one driving force behind this force.

For this reason, I was looking for clues to the King of Sky and Wind.But what I didn't expect was. "Xia Mi's voice suddenly stopped. He looked at Fu Nian.

"Didn't find it?" Fu Nian knew that Xia Mi wanted him to say that answer, which wasn't even the answer that Fu Nian needed to guess.

"I didn't find it. I even searched through mixed-race documents from all over the world, and even visited the ruins of the former king's fiefdom. Unfortunately, I didn't find any clues about the sky and the Wind Throne."

"But," Xia Mi's voice suddenly changed.

Fu Nian's eyes lit up.

"When my brother became an S-class student of Kassel College, I used my brother's identity to go to the underground library of Kassel College."

Fu Nian knew the gold content of the underground library that Xia Mi said. Kassel College is a college with a history of [-] years, and it is the continuation of a secret party that inherits the history of European mixed races for thousands of years.In the library that can be imprisoned by authority, there are a large number of historical documents and secrets that have been hidden for thousands of years.It is the place next to the ice cellar of Kassel College.

But in terms of defense, it is more fortified than the ice cellar, because there is an equipment department on the ice cellar layer.But there is no underground archives. Only hybrids with sufficient authority can enter it, and Norma will not leave any records.

"I found out there, about Xia Zhisorrow."

Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi blankly, Xia Mi had never told him about this.

"That was the history before the establishment of Kassel College. The Dragon King appeared in the manor of the Kassel family in Germany, where the best mixed-race species at that time suffered a fatal and devastating blow. On that day, the Dragon Clan and On the battlefield of mixed races, only one person survived." Xia Mi spoke a piece of history buried by time in an extremely brief voice.

Fu Nian keenly noticed the person in Xia Mi's voice.

The outcome of the battle between the Dragon King and the mixed race is that the human survives?

"That man is the current principal of Cassel College,"

Fu Nian narrowed his eyes,
"Hilbert Jean Angers. The executioner with the most will to slay dragons in the history of mixed races." Xia Mi's voice was very flat.

"So I don't like the way my brother indirectly used power to descend on Deadpool that night. But I am still very satisfied with the ending of the fight with Anger in this way."

"Ange didn't try his best." Fu Nian shook his head, "Although he has already activated blood burst, I know what he is restraining."

"It doesn't matter anymore, my brother has ascended to the throne, our goal has changed. The chess master who can play with us has changed."

Fu Nian nodded, his brows became serious, he knew what Xia Mi was telling himself by telling this story.

She was telling herself that the chess player hidden in the darkness was a dragon king, a dragon king who woke up nearly a hundred years earlier than them.

Not even just one such force.

"The fierce ghosts are too small, brother. Even the eight Snake Qi families combined are not enough to fight against a dragon king who has begun to lay out."

"But here is the White King."

"Brother, why do you think that King Bai is not a pawn in their plan?" Xia Mi tilted his head and put his hand on Fu Nian's cheek,

Staring at Fu Nian carefully, the serious face can be seen with the naked eye.


Xia Mi smiled.

Fu Nian didn't know why, but his serious muscles slowly rose.

"Brother, don't worry. You have me."

Fu Nian put his hand on the hair on top of Xia Mi's head.

"It turns out that you have been under such a lot of pressure."

"It's us, brother." Xia Mi still held Fu Nian's face in both hands, and smiled happily.

"You should have told me this earlier. These things should be borne by us together." Fu Nian's elder brother gradually woke up from his body.

"We've always taken the burden together, haven't we?" The tenderness in the corners of Xia Mi's eyes almost turned into water and flowed out of his eyes.
"And I don't feel pressured,"

"Don't be brave, Xia Mi." Fu Nian pointed hard.

"Who is trying to be brave, because I have always had a brother. When I am very satisfied, there is no pressure, but you, you actually..." Xia Mi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Fu Nian, and said Like a kitten looking at dried fish.

The dried fish instantly branched. "I believe in Xia Mi." Fu Nian swore.

Xia Mi stared at it and suddenly laughed.Then he slowly opened his arms in a stretched posture, and hugged Fu Nian by the waist.Listen to the irregular heartbeat of the other party.

"I remember that when I was in the tunnel, I always took time to lie on my brother's back and lean on his shoulders. Although the time was very short, no matter how short it was, there was still some time. At that time, I was already I am very satisfied, just like going to work. Although I am a little tired every day, I still have expectations after all.

Because I know that in the lonely world, I still have my brother in BJ's underground tunnel, they say that the wandering boat will always follow the lighthouse, because that is the hope of returning home, and my brother is my hope."

"Why once?" Fu Nian's ears perked up.

"Shut up." Xia Mi raised his head and glared at him.


Xia Mi's eyes continued to be gentle, and his voice became softer, "At that time, when I occasionally watched TV with my brother, I thought, it would be great if the time between us could be extended a little bit, just a little bit. Like the time when we cuddled together in the dark.

I hope one day I can see the outside world with my brother,

But what I didn't expect was that fate gave me a big surprise." Xia Mi stared at Fu Nian intently.

"Afterwards, in my free time, I actually stayed near my brother. When I was in Kassel College, when my brother was performing tasks, it was just that my brother couldn't feel it stupidly."

Fu Nian gently stroked Xia Mi's head.

"I'm really satisfied. As long as my brother is always here. How can Xia Mi be unhappy with this little pressure?"

 Thanks for the 3 point reward of [Durukis 1500]!
  Thanks to [.Kaifeng from South_] for the reward of 1500 points!
(End of this chapter)

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