I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 304 That's my brother's business.

Chapter 304 That's my brother's business.


"Will the white king also be a game of chess set by the opponent?"

The two walked on the roadside of Dongda Back Street again, white snowflakes were pressed on the branches on both sides, heavy and heavy.

"Who knows." Xia Mi shook his head. "When people go crazy, their greed will be as big as an abyss, but when dragons go crazy, their greed will spread into a black hole." Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian seriously,
"But brother, we really don't have much pressure."


"Any decision is double-sided. While it brings absolute benefits, it also brings absolute risks. If you dare to use Bai Wang as an investment, you must bear the threat of Bai Wang's rampage. Perhaps they once evaluated, The risk is within the controllable range.

However, from the moment the elder brother appeared, things had deviated from the expected track.

The line between our earth and the throne of the mountain has shifted. Even when we got the throne of bronze and fire, it also proved that we have not received the attention we deserve. "

"Are they careless?"

"No, among them, the most arrogant one was actually the elder brother, because the elder brother is the strongest.

It should be jealousy, which will make them overly cautious and cause mutual suspicion between them. They should not have reached an agreement yet.It's not clear who we are behind the scenes. "Xia Mi said,
"There must be ultimate beneficiaries in the collective awakening, but now there is an uncertain factor among them, which is like a chess piece that is not moving according to the specified rules in a chess game. On the contrary, there were horrible things that disturbed the chess game, and even replaced the chess player.

But they still don't know who this pawn is.This also gave me enough time to travel through the opponent's expected game and make us the ultimate beneficiaries. "Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian's voice with suffocating charm.

"But they will react eventually." Fu Nian said.

"That's when we're trying to see each other, that's when we need mountains to withstand the pressure,
Brother, we shall ascend the throne at last. "

Fu Nian quietly looked at Xia Mi who was staring at him intently, his eyes finally became serious.

"So, where are we now?"

"Go out and play." Xia Mi smiled.


"I promised that girl over there. If such a good girl refuses, she will be heartless."

"This girl is not an ordinary person at the first sight of the Sheqi Bajia. The follow-up Sheqi Bajia will definitely dispatch a large number of forces to find her. Japan is their place. If you are found by the Sheqi Bajia when you go shopping openly, It will have a big impact on what happens next.”

"Brother is trying to mess up the situation?"

"Obviously." Fu Nian spread his hands. To be honest, he really didn't expect Xia Mi to give him such a powerful assist.

"Then, wouldn't it be fine if you don't get discovered?" Xia Mi also took it for granted, "She doesn't seem to like going to high-end restaurants. After we came out of Genji Heavy Industries, she seemed to be full of interest in the things on the street. But the high-end restaurant I proposed seems to have no interest at all."

"Isn't it easier to be found on the street? It's not like you don't know that the Sheqi Bajia is a gangster in Japan. The gangsters are all over the streets and alleys." Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi with a headache. He knew that there was a high probability that he was actually I can't persuade you to come back.

Because Xia Mi's whole heart was going to fly to the mall.During the few days at Sheqi Bajia, she can be said to take Fu Nian to shuttle among the sea of ​​people every day. If the game later diverted her attention, she might be able to exhaust Fu Nian to death on the curb. superior.

"Then I don't care, that's my brother's business." Xia Mi raised his mouth.

"I'm out of money." Fu Nian tried to use financial power to control Xia Mi.

Sure enough, Xia Mi's brows visible to the naked eye frowned in the next second, and his joyful little eyes moved towards the edge of anger at an extremely fast speed.

But in the next second, after Fu Nian's curious eyes, he recovered.

Xia Mi quietly leaned against Fu Nian's ear, "I forgot to tell my brother, she is also a little rich woman."

"Her credit card will be tracked by Snake Bajia, so you can't use it." Fu Nian chuckled.

"That's not my business." Xia Mi said playfully.

"That's my brother's business."

Xia Mi lightly tapped her finger on Fu Nian's chest,
Every time, the smile on the corner of Fu Nian's mouth became stiffer.



Black extended Lexus interior,

Sitting in the co-pilot seat in front of them was a woman, an elegant woman, staring at a certain direction outside the window intently.

On the back street of Dongda University, as the weather gets brighter, the restaurants and pedestrians on the street gradually gather, but most of them are students of Dongda University, they come here to have breakfast, three to five in groups,
But many are in pairs.In it, a pair of unobtrusive men and women stroll along the street as if nothing had happened, like the pedestrians around them, it seems that they will start an ordinary and ordinary day in the coming time.

But only Kiritani, who was eating ramen on the other side, knew that there was something mixed in the crowd.He hurriedly finished the noodles in his hand, then paid the money and said goodbye to Master Yue, and walked directly along the teaching building of Dongda University.Master Yue looked at Tong Gu's back, nodded, and shook his head. He knew that the boy had been inspired, but he couldn't do anything about how long the boy could last and how far he could go.

Thinking of Master Yue, he turned his eyes to the other side. From this black sports car to the present, there is actually a very low-key luxury car parked somewhere in the back street of Dongda University.

But because the angle was too hidden and the car was silent, Tong Gu didn't see it, but Tong Gu didn't see it, it doesn't mean that he, an old ramen chef who has lived here all his life, wouldn't notice.

Even from the first moment this car appeared here, he noticed the other party's arrival.

The other party appeared with two girls.But the two girls didn't seem to notice this.

Master Yue stared at the pitch-black window, as if he could clearly see the appearance of the people inside through the window.

Sensing the presence of this gaze, Wanko Sakurai turned her attention to this side, which she never took away from the girl.

Looking at Master Yue here, the two people's interlaced eyes suddenly looked at each other. The moment they intersected, Sakurai Wanko frowned suddenly.She felt a threat from the other party.

"Be alert!" The voice was cold, as if snow and ice slag were caressing the back of your neck.

Behind her, pairs of light golden lights lit up from the dark car in an extremely orderly manner, and a group of figures in black leather trench coats sat silently in their respective positions, holding a knife with one hand, without looking sideways.Between the brows reveals a serious gloom that cannot be dispelled.

But what is surprising is that they all have a pair of vertical pupils.

On the other side, the driver, who was sitting in a black sports car and gently stroked his eyebrows in the rearview mirror, froze abruptly, and glanced at the extended version of Lexus with serious eyes.

He glanced at the ramen chef in ramen clothes again.The free hand silently stretched out to the side of the cherry red long knife.

Master Yue pretended to be nonchalant and lowered his head, looked at the guests who were walking all the way and greeted loudly, "What do you want to eat? Beef ramen, miso ramen or..."

Cold sweat dripped down his cheeks from both sides, and the moment they looked at each other, the coldness spread down his spine. It seemed that the two cars were not pedestrians at all, but bombs from two cars.

"What a bad day." Master Yue cursed secretly, but he said to a passing couple of a man and a woman with a smile on his face, "What do you want to eat, classmate?"

"I don't want to eat ramen." The girl fell into the boy's arms, her eyes were pitiful, her voice was soft and numb,

"Let's not eat, baby." The boy gently stroked the girl's head.

Master Yue froze his smile.

Sakurai Wanko slowly put down the long knife in her hand, and refocused her eyes on the two figures who were talking at the door of the store by the East Street in the distance.

The eyes are respectful and full of loyalty.

On the seat behind her, pairs of golden vertical pupils were also slowly extinguishing.

The man who painted his eyebrows continued to paint his eyebrows, but the charm that flowed from the tips of his eyebrows was even more amazing than roses.

"Eriyi." A female voice came from the far end of the street.

Erika, who was sitting obediently in front of the ramen stall with her head bowed, immediately raised her head, her dark red hair whirled like falling maple leaves, burning the air.

In the distance, on the side of the street, Xia Mi was trying to wave to her,
"Erika, come here, this is Oden." Xia Mi's ethereal voice continued,
In Master Yue's peripheral vision, the girl's somewhat hollow eyes suddenly became brighter.The ears of a bunny stand up like a bunny.

It seems that it is not some oden, but a paradise of freedom.

Although she doesn't know what oden is.

the end of the street,
The man on the side looked at the back of the girl waving with a wry smile,
In the end, Fu Nian didn't bring Xia Mi back, not only did he not, but he also brought himself in.

 Thank you very much [_Future Eternal Tribulation_] for rewarding Xia Mi with 1000 points!
(End of this chapter)

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