I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 305 The General Who Died Once Again

Chapter 305 The King Who Died Again

"It's me, Ryoma."

Kazama Liuli frowned slightly as she heard the familiar voice in her ear.

Sakurai Kogure is a very well-behaved woman. Usually, when she is out, she will never call her mobile phone.Although I will inform myself of the situation through massage afterwards, but in the process of the problem, I will handle it perfectly by myself.

But now that it has happened, it must mean that there is a situation that the other party cannot control. This situation can be serious, and it must be very serious, because Kazama Liuli will be unhappy about things that are not serious.

"What's the matter?" Under the black sunglasses, Kazama Liuli looked at the back in the distance, her voice was as soft as a female's.

"There is news from the king in the future."

Xiaogure's voice seemed to be thunder rising from the white clouds on weekdays, and the huge and high-load electric light made Kazama Ruri's body tense instantly.The body that sat lazily on the seat tensed instantly.

He had thought of this assumption a long time ago, because every time after the death of the other party, this would eventually hang over his head like a lingering dark cloud.

But now when the hypothesis becomes a reality, when the dark clouds reach saturation, thunder finally descends.

But he found that he had the heart to bear the thunder, but he didn't have the ability to bear the thunder. He had hinted in his heart many times that the other party might not die, but after all, he still didn't give himself a perfect psychological preparation.

Kazama Ruri's hand holding the mobile phone was shaking violently, the shadow left by the other party in his heart was already thick enough to be inseparable from fear, he tried hard to control his body.

Try to ease your emotions.But the black tide surging from the heart is endless.The tide-like darkness covered his legs, drowned his chest, and then roared towards his neck...

There was a long silence during the call, so silent that the surrounding air was filled with oppressive blackness.

But Sakurai Kogure on the opposite side waited patiently for the other party's voice, like a wife standing in the sunset waiting for her husband to come home.She didn't speak, but she seemed to say countless comforting whispers.At this moment, she seemed to be his life-saving straw.

at last,

After a long struggle,
"What did you say?"

Kazama Liuli's voice at the moment was flat and emotionless.He covered up his fear with coldness.

"The King will need to know the purpose of our actions last night and who gave the order."

"Who did you say?" Kazama Liuli's voice became even more indifferent.

"The king gave me 5 minutes to think. He didn't give me a chance to speak." The moment Sakurai Kogure's voice fell, Kazama Liuli frowned suddenly. As a man who knew the king very well, he instinctively Noticed something was wrong.

But before he could speak, the air in the middle of the conversation suddenly exploded.

The violent whistling was like a tsunami landing and destroying everything.Like ten thousand arrows piercing the sky,
The surrounding air was instantly covered by the violent friction sound of metal and air.The next moment was the crackling sound of flames boiling and burning the air.

Kazama Ruri, who was sitting in the car, suddenly burst into golden pupils like a frightened lion.In a hidden grass in Dongda not far from him.

A huge crater exploded in it.The blazing fire had the domineering aura of devouring everything, provoking the terrified pedestrians around.

No one thought, and no one would have thought, that the bushes on the side of the road, which were still as usual one second, would actually turn into the scene of a TNT explosion in the next second.

Kazama Ruri didn't think of it, neither did Sakurai Wanko on the other side, not even Master Koshi who was familiar with this damn ramen.

All eyes were on Dongda Backstreet, which was blown out of a huge pit.
The nearly five-meter deep pit has the same diameter and width, and everything around it has been completely destroyed, and no buildings have survived the explosion.

This place seems to have been dug out abruptly on the map. On the backstreet of a modern city full of life, there is a deep pit that can only be found by an excavator for half an hour.

Thick black smoke spread from the inside out.

No one stepped forward, and no one dared to step forward. The early morning, when there were not many pedestrians, became completely quiet after the thunder roared.

"How are you? How are you?!" Beside Kazama Ruri's ear, Sakurai Kogure suppressed his emotional agitation, and quickly spoke to the phone next to his ear.

"Woman, shut up." Kazama Liuli frowned, staring at the explosion that happened less than 500 meters behind her, her brows were furrowed to the extreme.

He didn't know why the explosion happened behind him, or even why and when it happened.

He doesn't know anything.

Because before the explosion, there was no sign at all, just like an apple on the table bursting suddenly.

They just saw it explode.

It is not only Kazama Ruri who is puzzled at this moment, but everyone around, whether they are ordinary people, mixed races, or dead waiters, are all at the same level at this moment.They looked at each other blankly.

The only difference is that some people screamed crazily after being frightened, some people sat on the ground and cried silently, and the better one was Wanko Sakurai who looked at the dispersing smoke calmly.

Even better, Master Ramen Yue's stinky face said, "I knew that the place where you are is definitely not a safe place, it's really bad luck, it's really fucking bad luck, I really hope you can be given by the brats in the police department." One shot"

Master Yue quickly cleaned up his stall, looking like he was in a hurry. In less than 30 seconds after the explosion, the ramen master who could react like this was definitely a rare existence among ramen.

On the contrary, Kazama Ruri stared intently at the only figure in the middle of the explosion while frowning.Or corpses to be more accurate.

He never expected that the next second when he heard the name of the king.

To see the tragic death of the other party again.

That's right, the figure in the middle of the explosion was too familiar to him.Not to mention that the other party is a corpse now, even if the other party is blown up to only one leg, he can recognize the other party in an instant.

That's right, that's the king.

It was a king who died in front of him again.


"What happened?" Xia Mi tilted his head and looked at Fu Nian who was sitting opposite.

They were sitting in an oden restaurant, three of them gathered around a small table that could seat four.The table is full of oden in various formats.

Beside Xia Mi, the girl named Eri Yi is holding two strings in one hand at the moment, her small mouth is biting up and down at an elegant but inexplicably extreme speed.

The moment he heard the explosion outside, although he was startled by horror, he even instinctively wanted to shrink under the table like the customers around him.

But the space under the table is too small, not enough to accommodate her hugging the oden together.

While hesitating, she saw Fu Nian and Xia Mi beside her who were indifferent as if they hadn't heard anything.

She also imitated them, sitting quietly and motionless.Continue to gracefully wipe out the snacks in your hands.

"Meet an acquaintance."

Fu Nian took a bite of the fish ball in his hand, then dipped the remaining one in sesame sauce and put it on Xia Mi's plate opposite.

"He was killed easily."

"I'm afraid your movement is a bit loud. What kind of acquaintance hates you so much."

Xia Mi imitated Fu Nian and dipped Fu Nian with a lot of mustard with squid rolls.Then he smiled mischievously.

"The king of the fierce ghosts."

The conversation between Fu Nian and Xia Mi did not avoid the girl next to him at all,
But the girl didn't seem to be interested in the conversation between them at all, and worked hard to eliminate the boiling ingredients.Like it's the best thing in the world.

"I remember my brother told me just now that you killed a general." Xia Mi's movements were careless.

"This person is quite strange. Some people say that he can be resurrected infinitely. I don't believe it. I thought about killing him a few more times.

Unexpectedly, the other party had just parachuted here. "

Fu Nian pointed to a certain direction in the sky. He knew that Xia Mi had also felt the plane that just flew past, but Xia Mi didn't know who the other party was.

"The plane also exploded?" Xia Mi lowered his head and took a bite of the squid roll.

"It exploded too."

A huge piece of scorched iron crashed down in front of Kazama Liuli's car.

(End of this chapter)

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