I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 306 Yamanaka Shrine

Chapter 306 Yamanaka Shrine

In the mountains on the outskirts of Tokyo,

Feather-like heavy snow hits the roof of the shrine, and the snowflakes on the eaves are blown like fallen leaves in the strong wind. The century-old cherry trees in the garden are covered with mournful snow, and the withered yellow that has not yet fallen can be seen faintly.

Rows of men in black leather trench coats, short knives with white sheaths in their waists,

Passing under the burnt torii gate, they stepped in unison, walked over the snow-covered stone steps, stopped under the vermilion stone wall in front of the main hall, bowed deeply three times, and then dispersed to form two teams.

Immediately after stepping into the shrine were seven people holding paper umbrellas. They all wore formal kimonos.
The women wore black sleeves, white socks and clogs on their feet, and looked ahead, each foot landed steadily in the snow, leaving a not deep or shallow clog print, and their steps were extremely smooth.

As they walked through the charred torii, the men who had led the way bowed deeply and said nothing, and the scene was as solemn as a funeral.

The seven people holding paper umbrellas also bowed deeply in front of the scarlet stone wall, snowflakes fell on their shoulders, and the cold wind blew their long hair.

After these seven people entered the main hall,

A large number of men in black trench coats poured into the shrine behind them. These men stood shoulder to shoulder, although crowded but orderly.No one rushes to the road and no one lags behind. Everyone bows deeply in front of the stone wall, and then puts the umbrellas in their hands in front of the main hall. Finally, a large area is densely packed like crows gathering on the dry road.

At this moment, the sight zooms in. Nearly a hundred dark cars are densely covered on the surrounding roads in front of and behind the shrine. There are even more dense figures standing in the shadows with live ammunition or long knives. No one dares to approach this vermilion building again. , even half a step.

In the mountains before dawn, at dawn when heavy snow is about to close the mountains, they seem to be seriously preparing for a war.

This is a very classical shrine, but after careful renovation, it does not feel dilapidated.It seems that under the prospect of heavy snow now, the meaning of newborn is particularly strong.It seems that inadvertently, this group of men in black strayed into the Heian era.

The only thing that stands out is the burnt torii. The dilapidated traces seem to tell a history that cannot be recalled but cannot be forgotten.

There is also a vermilion stone wall on the side, which still maintains the same appearance as before. The members of the Bajia of Sheqi didn't even hire someone to clean it, and a large amount of dried blood on the stone wall seeped into the crevices of the stone.

The main hall behind the torii, the main hall is covered with tatami mats, but there are no shrines or Buddha statues.

The inner wall is surrounded by Ukiyo-e paintings, which are meticulously drawn with vivid brushwork. The painting is a battle between demons and ghosts. The clouds are thin and the flames are flying. The eyes of the ghosts reflect the candlelight. They are carefully drawn with phosphorous pigments.

Hundreds of men and women in black knelt and sat in their respective positions. They all knew their positions in this huge organization, and no one knelt in the wrong position.No one spoke either.

In the depths of the main hall, there is a relatively simple Japanese room.

The Japanese room is very homely, and it seems to be a room where a certain priest once lived.At the end of the room is a large piece of silk satin that can cover the entire wall. On the silk satin is the sixteen-petalled chrysanthemum family emblem of the Tachibana family of the Sheqi Eight Family.This is the symbol of the head of the contemporary Sheqi Bajia family.

There are eight small tables in front of the big screen, and different long knives are enshrined on the tables.

Eight different family crests are painted on the handle in gold,
They are the chrysanthemum of the Tachibana family, the gentian of the Yuan family, the bamboo and sparrow of the Uesugi family, the red ghost of the Inuyama family, the spider of the Fuma family, the horse head of the Ryoma family, the phoenix of the Sakurai family, and the Yasha of the Miyamoto family .

Different from the juniors in the main hall outside, the Japanese room here is a room specially attended by the heads of the eight surnames. This meeting, the heads of the eight families will all attend!

At this moment, the patriarchs, like the subordinates in the main hall outside, all kept silent. This is the family shrine, and the spirits of ancestors wandered in the shrine. Any loud shouting is disrespectful to the ancestors.

Time passed by little by little, but the Patriarch's position in the main seat of the room was always empty. This was a very uncommon thing. Masamune Tachibana, who was always punctual, was late for such a long time.

Of course, not only Tachibana Masamune's position was vacant, but also the position of Uesugi Erika of the Uesugi family.

The Patriarchs looked at each other at the moment, they didn't speak, but they could see the look in each other's eyes, it was a look of surprise.

Because Patriarch Uesugi is a patriarch who is less likely to be late or absent.Especially in the meeting of this kind of big family event.The other party will appear first at the meeting every time, but now...

For a moment, many Patriarchs turned their gazes to Yuan Zhisheng who was sitting in the seat of the Patriarch of the Yuan Family in the room.

Yuan Zhisheng was dressed in a black kimono, sitting on the spot with his eyes closed.He has been in this posture since he entered the room, with his eyes closed.

But when the eyes gathered on Yuan Zhisheng became more and more dense, Yuan Zhisheng who was sitting on the seat with his eyes closed suddenly stood up.

A pair of deep pupils lit up on the feminine face, and there seemed to be dark clouds gathering in the pupils.There is thunder brewing.

"I'm going to find everyone."

However, Yuan Zhisheng's voice did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation, the only thing was a little gloomy that matched his temperament.

He is indeed a bit gloomy now. Since returning to the family last night, he has been resting in the room. While slowly adjusting his physical state, he is also adjusting his emotions.

But the emptiness of Erika's room and the last view of Fu Nian's back resurfaced in his mind all the time.They were like evil spirits on the edge of the abyss, grabbing his trouser legs and desperately trying to drag him into the cage of the abyss.

But he has already promised his father, so he should trust him.

Finally, when he thought he could control it, when he dressed up to attend this grand family meeting, he still couldn't restrain his irritability when they mentioned Erika.

Why did the iron bucket-like Genji Heavy Industries let the other party take Erika away from it! !
Although they didn't mention it face to face, their eyes on Uesugi's position reminded him all the time that Erika had been away from home for almost five hours now.

Yuan Zhisheng walked towards the corridor outside the Japanese room.

Naturally, he didn't go to the head of the family, Masamune Tachibana, and he didn't need to go to the head of the family, Masamune Tachibana. There must be a reason why the head of the family didn't come. Dad is a careful man, and he wouldn't fall away at such a critical moment. chain.

He didn't show up at the meeting now, so there must be a reason why he couldn't be there. He believed in his father, just like a child believes in his father.

Yuan Zhisheng stood on the balcony of the corridor next to the side hall, smoking a cigarette, his kimono rattled by the cold wind.He looked at the snowflakes that were slowly falling in the distance. When they were flying, they were as comfortable as butterflies, but when they were quiet, they were as clean and lazy as white paper.

Make him envious and jealous.

The smog is uncertain in light and dark amidst the anxiety, and the soot is leisurely and joyful in the cold wind...


The current Tachibana Masamune is indeed held back by things.

He was sitting in the mountain hut deep in the main hall. Dark shadows enveloped his upper body. The shadows cast by the firelight on the wall fluctuated like tides. He was hiding in the shadows wearing a black feather weaving.

There was a brazier that was still burning in the center of the room, but it had been a long time, and there was only charcoal that was still glowing reddish in the brazier.

At this moment, Tachibana Masamune stretched out his hands above the brazier, and the distorted temperature tried to warm those old palms and the thin piece of paper above,
On the edge of his index finger, there was also a document.The back of the document was flushed with fire, and the front was bearing the old man's speechless anger.

There are only two simple words on the paper,

But these two words linger like endless darkness, like fear in the abyss.

dead again.

From last night to now, he died again! !

The old man stared at the chess game in front of him, which was a game of Go in black and white.

But the chessboard at this moment is intricate and complicated, and the situation is so hazy that people can't see the direction and purpose of the chess player.

The old man silently stared at the endgame in front of him, and slowly threw the paper in his hand into the brazier in front of him. The burning paper scraps swallowed the infiltrating cold air with scorching fire waves.

The burning black shadow of confetti and ashes is gradually enlarged on the chessboard.Like a dragon overlooking the mountains.The dark abyss opened its mouth, making the already hazy chess game even more confusing.

at last.

The old man suddenly waved his sleeves, the air gusts rose and fell, and the black chess board, which was originally intertwined with the white chess board, rose out of thin air.


Countless black chess pieces landed on the ground, and in the back of the old man standing up, they rolled in all directions like abandoned pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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