I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 307 You gentlemen, we only have 1 battle!

Chapter 307 Gentlemen, We Only Have One Battle!



The moment the door of the Japanese room was opened, all the Patriarchs who were kneeling on the chairs shouted in unison.

At this moment, Tachibana Masamune was wearing a thin black feather, which looked very thin in this snowy season.

But the figure of the man standing at the door is so tall. He blocks the door to block the wind and snow outside, like a hunter carrying his prey home in the snow late at night,
Although it is late, it can bring a hearty breakfast to the family tomorrow.

"I'm sorry everyone, I was delayed by some things that had to be dealt with. I kept everyone waiting for a long time." Tachibana Masamune stood at the door and bowed to the Patriarchs in the room.

This move surprised everyone.The Bajia of Sheqi practiced a very old family system, and the respect of the status of the patriarch was like the majesty and inviolability of the emperor.Usually humility is humble, but it is only limited to verbal words.There is no reason for the emperor to bow and apologize to the minister.

The moment Tachibana Masamune bent down, the five patriarchs in the room got up collectively and quickly, and together with Tachibana Masamune, they maintained a ninety-degree bending and bowing posture. The Saki Hachi Family is a big family with strict hierarchy.If the elders are guilty, it is something that needs to be apologized to the ancestors. They cannot bear this kind of etiquette.

But at the same time,
The atmosphere in the room suddenly became serious. They are all the heads of the family in charge of power, and everyone has an absolute understanding of the interpretation of attitude.At critical moments, every move of the upper class has an absolute inner meaning.Today's opening really made them smell a different charm.

Although the situation outside itself is very grim.

Tachibana Masamune walked to his seat and sat down slowly, then nodded towards Yuan Zhisheng who came in quietly from the side door.

"Everyone." Tachibana Masamune was silent for a long time, and then slowly opened his mouth as he watched the crowd.

The air was silent, not only the air where they were, but also the young underworld team leaders who were waiting respectfully in the hall outside, and the heavy snowflakes flying in the air.

The entire suburb of Tokyo seems to be isolated from the sound of the world at this moment, and no noise can be heard.Everything is as clean as the falling snow at the moment.

"I have been the head of the family for ten years. In the past ten years, I have been honored to know you, to be recognized by you, and to bear this history with you. These years have passed without complaint or regret. I have entrusted you to take care of me for many years. To maintain this family, many things are not perfect, causing trouble to everyone."

"Don't bother everyone!!" Patriarch Feng Mo said.Everyone spoke in unison.

"Everyone is a family, I really try to take care of you, I hope you can live a good life, and you really take care of me. Without your efforts, I, the patriarch, would have died long ago.

Time flies, I remember that it was ten years ago when I first came here," Tachibana Masamune's eyes were full of memories.

"The head of the family who can sit here should know that I was not born in Japan, and it is an unexpected honor for me to be elected as the head of the family.

But in the past ten years, I have indeed made a lot of dereliction of duty. I think you all know that in the past ten years, we have lost a lot of territory and a lot of compatriots.

Every year I attend various funerals, wearing a black kimono and sunglasses to hide my grief.After the war, Japan became more and more prosperous, and the family prospered accordingly, but our enemies also became stronger and stronger, and I failed to defeat them.Instead, they become more rampant. "

As he spoke, Tachibana Masamune slowly got up again and bowed to everyone.

The Patriarchs who were sitting in place did not hesitate, and continued to bow to Tachibana Masamune again.

The parents feel ashamed and guilty, but their identities are still there, and they can't bear it.

This bow took a long time, so long that the sound of the clock in the room was so abrupt every second.

"My apology this time is not only for the guilt of the past, but also for the regret of myself." Tachibana Masamune is no longer like the angry emperor that night, he has returned to the gentle parent he once was.

"Master, you once saved us from the abyss of struggle. If it weren't for your business development over the years, the Sheqi Bajia might still be on the verge of life and death!" The voice of Patriarch Feng Mo continued, But every sentence is true.

The former Snake Eight Clans have not slowed down after World War II, and have always been vassalized under the influence of European mixed races. Many of their patriarchs are old people of that era, and they know the cruelty of the past.That's why they cherish the present glory all the more.And the creator of this brilliance is the man sitting in front of them now.

Perhaps among the patriarchs and emperors of the underworld, Tachibana Masamune was the weakest among them, but his achievements were remarkable and cannot be ignored.He doesn't have the domineering arrogance of the founding emperor, but he is a strategist who manages conservatively.

At that time, the Sheqi Bajia needed such a savior.

Tachibana Masamune shook his head. "You don't need to comfort me. My achievements are inevitable in the history of the Eight Snake Qi Clans. They are the beginning of rebirth after the end of the curtain. I just stood on the top of the wind and won everyone's respect and trust.

But I have lived up to everyone's expectations for so many years and created a devil with my own hands.A cancer has grown! ! "

There was silence in the air.No one spoke, but everyone knew what Tachibana Masamune's voice was referring to.

"Finally, late last night, the devil broke the seal between us, they broke the kindness we once showed them!!"

Tachibana Masamune's voice suddenly became furious, like an angry lion, but also like a sad and injured house cat.

"My apology to everyone is partly an apology for being kind, but more of an apology for making decisions without authorization."

Tachibana Masamune's voice was full of struggles,
"I did two things for everyone on my own initiative."

There was a silent chill in the air.No one speaks, and no one needs to speak.All the house owners present knew what to do.

"The first of these. The humiliating scene we suffered last night!
I believe everyone has seen that there are only seven Patriarchs among us.Our Patriarch Uesugi was not present."

Tachibana Masamune's voice caused commotion in the room, and they finally foresaw something in advance.

"Patriarch Uesugi was taken away by the demons last night."

The sound was like a torpedo exploding in the deep sea.A turbulent undercurrent surged around every head of the room.

The Patriarchs of the Eight Sheqi Clans were hijacked by fierce ghosts. This is a humiliation they absolutely cannot bear as the underworld family.

Naturally, they have met Patriarch Uesugi. Although the other party has an adult body, they know that the person living in the other party's body is a child who is ignorant of the world.

But she is their family, and the ghosts can take each other away, as if they are slapping Sheqi Bajia in the face.

"Perhaps everyone doesn't know what Patriarch Uesugi means to us. This is the top secret of our family. I don't know how the ghosts know about it, but this matter has touched the bottom line of our family!!" Tachibana Masamune's pupils are as black as ink,

"If the family thing is not enough for everyone to make a decision, then please take a look at this thing."

Tachibana Masamune took out a pile of documents from behind him, "This is something that the ghosts have been researching these years. The evolutionary medicine has been left indiscriminately from among them to the market. We tried our best to stop it, but it didn't help. But today I know their purpose. It’s not an evolutionary medicine at all, their purpose is to revive the legendary god!!”

Tachibana Masamune's voice once again blew up the deep sea, which was already undercurrent and turbulent, rolling up huge waves.

It's a distant and terrifying name.

"Master..." Patriarch Feng Mo's voice trembled.

"I don't know if you have heard of the name "Road to the Underworld." Masamune Tachibana stared at Patriarch Feng Mo with a faint voice.

Patriarch Fengmo pondered for a moment, "Since that person burned down the family's archives, many previous materials have been lost, especially those absurd things.

Today's younger generations rarely hear about the road to the underworld, but in the hearts of the ghosts, it is a road to salvation.The ghosts believe that there is a way in the world that allows the hybrids to evolve into pure-blooded dragons. "

"A pure-blooded dragon?" The other Patriarchs looked at Patriarch Feng Mo in shock!
Tachibana Masamune nodded, "We don't know whether the Road to the Underworld really exists, but one thing is certain,
They chose the path of the dragon. In their eyes, the dragon is a perfect creature and the emperor of the world. Human beings should prostrate at the feet of those perfect creatures, endure their slavery, and respect the strong. This is the law of natural competition!They pursue power, and they will pursue power after all, but evil spirits are evil spirits after all!Fierce ghosts, that is all evil!All sins! "

Tachibana Masamune let out a long breath.

"The contents of our spies who went deep into the high-level ghosts are all in it. More importantly, they have already found out the location of God. Late last night, they not only attacked our Genji Heavy Industries, but also blew up our investment dock. research laboratory.

Their plan to resurrect God has begun.

I don't know that all the clues they found are comprehensive, but now the ghosts are preparing to explore the burial place of the gods! "

Tachibana Masamune looked around the crowd, "In the past five years, three institutions in Japan have been researching deep submersibles that can dive to the bottom of the Japan Trench! And these three institutions have financial support from the ghosts! They believe that the beginning of the road to hell is in The place where the ancestors buried the gods, and the end of the road to the underworld is the "Dragon Gate", through which they can evolve into pure-blooded dragons! And the key to open that door is the bones of the gods in the deep well!"

"Master, let's now..."

"Blow up the burial place of the gods, together with the remains of the gods, cut off the road to the underworld, and destroy the hopes of the ghosts!
Completely wipe out the forces of the ghosts, not one of the people who are attached to them, the gangs who are attached to them, and the companies that are attached to them!We will end everything with a war!Come and wash away our shame today! "

Tachibana Masamune's voice echoed in the air for a long time, like a small boat in the heart of the river.Shaking the hesitant hearts of the owners.

All the Patriarchs showed shocked expressions, including Yuan Zhisheng.He knew Tachibana Masamune's plan today earlier than others, but in his mind, it was just a heavy blow to the ghosts,
rather than eradicate it entirely.No one in Sheqi Bajia has ever thought of completely obliterating the fierce ghosts, because it is impossible. The fierce ghosts are the shadow of the Sheqi Bajia, and there are fierce ghosts in the Sheqi Bajia. The ghosts have to wipe out the Bajia of Sheqi as well!
The air was silent for a long time, it seemed that everyone was digesting Tachibana Masamune's words.

at last,

Tachibana Masamune's voice once again broke the surrounding silence.

"Yes, perhaps this is an extremely cruel decision for everyone,

Because the demons are our compatriots, and we shed exactly the same blood.

Every ghost among the fierce ghosts is born from the family, and your children may become ghosts. The purer their dragon blood, the better their abilities, the more likely they will become ghosts.

The fierce ghosts are the shadows of the Bajia of Sheqi, and we cannot kill our own shadows.As long as we continue to reproduce from generation to generation, there will always be new ghosts in the offspring, and ghosts gathered together become a group of fierce ghosts.This fierce ghost has been following behind the Bajia of Sheqi for thousands of years. This is our destiny! "

Tachibana Masamune suddenly stopped at this point,
"Everyone, it's time to cut off fate, someone has to do it!

We have reached the precipice where we have to fight. Our kindness to children has cultivated an evil spirit for the family who tries to destroy the world. Now he is frantically tempting towards the edge of destroying the world.We have no way out.Going forward is the abyss.They will summon demons, demons that will destroy the world!

Gentlemen, we only have one battle left! ! "

(End of this chapter)

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