I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 308 Get ready, let's meet the storm.

Chapter 308 Get ready, let's meet the storm.


"Hey, girl!"


The soft female voice is mixed with a deep laziness. It seems that the owner of the voice is still lying on a comfortable big bed in a high-end hotel, stretching.

The bright sunlight outside the window poured on the drawn curtains, adding a warm tone to the dark room.

The woman was sprawled out, lying on the soft duvet without any image, her slender and firm white legs and soft and tender weapons were exposed in the warm air, her arms as white as porcelain and jade were stretched like waists stretch,

Holding the latest iPhone on the market in one hand, the fluorescent blue light shines on the messy hair beside her ears at the moment.

"I am currently on a mission on the beach in California, but something has changed on the other side. The boss told us to go to Japan immediately. The boss said that the script he prepared was opened in advance, and we..." The voice in the call was urgent And clear.

But the woman on the opposite bed didn't seem to be paying much attention, the arm exposed to the air only appeared for a short while, the woman seemed to be attracted by something, turned over, and got into the soft duvet again , the pink mobile phone slipped vertically from the palm of my hand...


The sound of the mobile phone touching the floor was resoundingly transmitted to the other party.

The voice in the phone that was speaking hastily stopped abruptly as if someone had cut it off in the middle.

One can imagine how intriguing the woman's expression is at the moment.

"Ah!! Su Enxi!! The boss is about to point a gun at my mother's ass, and you are still sleeping!!"

The ear-piercing decibel sound pierced the opposite air through the phone like a sharp sword.


The room is quiet, the slight but rhythmic breathing sounds ups and downs, ups and downs, ups and downs...

At this moment, the face of Mai Shutoku who was sitting at the airport was reflected on the black coffee in his hand.Ugly and scary.


"Boss Su, your Wall Street stock has fallen again."

The woman changed to a very soft voice. The voice is so far away from the ear without turning on the speakerphone. According to common sense, it is impossible to wake up a sleeping person.


The phone was suddenly gripped by a huge force

"What did you say!!"

There was a sound of hasty and hasty footsteps in Jiude Mai's ear, and the sound of his shoeless feet stepping on the floor was clear and sweet.

It was followed by the dislocation sound of the computer keyboard.

next second.

"Long legs, you lied to my old lady!"

Su Enxi stared at the rising red index on the screen, (Quiet Mimi: The units behind each number end in billions, which are still US dollars.)
There was a trace of extremely dissatisfied emotions in the voice, and her current mood was like this,
The neighbor yelled that thieves came to steal vegetables in the back garden of the house!She quickly woke up from her sleep, and ran to the back garden before she even had time to put on her shoes.

It turned out that the neighbor was calling next door.

depressed.have no choice.

Not happy at all.

Indeed, no one would be happy in this situation.

"Long legs, I didn't even have time to put on my clothes, so I ran out of bed! In case there are some thieves around this hotel peeking at me through binoculars, I won't be able to get married." Su Enxi said solemnly With a small mouth.Angrily, he brushed the hair hanging from his eyebrows with his hand.

"You can't get married in the first place. Just watch it. You may not know who will suffer." Jiu De Mai seemed to be drinking coffee happily, and she could imagine Su Enxi's displeasure at the moment.Because this woman has the qi to wake up before she wakes up.

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately! How do you know that I can't get married. As long as I send out the invitation to marry, this dilapidated hotel will be full in minutes. People who want my old lady may not necessarily be in the queue. It's just that my mother doesn't like it. Unlike some people, a man just wants to taste it." Su Enxi is like a kitten that has been provoked all the time.Muttering viciously towards the phone.

"Tasted is better than never tasted. Oh, by the way, potato chips, I almost forgot to tell you, I met a guy who was pretty good-looking last night, you know what I mean is not bad-looking What's the meaning.

What is the prince of the United Arab Emirates who insisted on dragging me to the concept design of a certain luxury car under their family last night, why are men so straight now, every day..." Jiude Mai lay down enchantingly On the sofa, holding coffee in one hand and covering his small mouth with the other, the two things moved up and down to attract the waiter at the door.

"Get out!" Su Enxi finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hahaha, I lied to you, I lied to you. Don't be angry, an angry woman will grow old, and when the time comes, you will be thinking about the little... small, what is it, be careful, or Xiao Niannian?"

"Damn it! Shut up, old lady!" Su Enxi jumped up from the chair, if the two of them were not separated by tens of thousands of miles of land, Su Enxi would probably parachute onto each other in an instant, and pounce on each other like a wolf body.Bite down.

This is Su Enxi's taboo, or her little thought, but this little thought was accidentally overheard by Mai when she and Jiu De Mai were on vacation in California. When she was dreaming that day, she accidentally let the dream come true. Fu Nian replaced Mai, and when she got excited, she accidentally yelled something out of her mouth.


Originally, as a ninja, he woke up the light-sleeping Mai,

Mai was also excited and recorded her own voice.

The next day, she died.

"Ahhh, don't get excited, Potato Chips. I didn't do it on purpose. I just really want the limited powder bag of Chanel's current spring and summer style. I'm almost obsessed with thinking about it. We're crossing paths." Mai sank her body on the sofa in the VIP waiting room and yelled.

The waiter on the side turned a blind eye, occasionally staring straight ahead.

"Jiutoku Mai, don't try to threaten my wife with this. Even if I jump off here today, even if you tell the boss, I won't let you pay me a penny." Su Enxi yelled at the phone swearing.

"I know, I know. I, Mai, have always been a good boy who keeps my promises. I will definitely not send it to any boss. Of course, the boss will not take care of our private life. I will delete it right away. Just delete it, oops," Jiude Mai suddenly exclaimed, "What happened, why did I send it to Fu Nian, oops, what a mess." The woman laughed gloatingly in her voice.

"Dead woman!" Su Enxi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.Staring at the skyrocketing stocks on the computer screen.

"give me the address!!"

"Hahaha, you're so polite. It's all because of the embarrassment."

"hurry up!!"

"Hahaha, no, no, what bag do you want, it's precious."


"Then you just buy it and put it in your hand. I'll pick it up myself soon." After playing enough, Mai knows when to stop.Get things out as soon as you get them.

"Quickly withdraw the message to me." Su Enxi didn't care about bags.The money for that thing is just what she can earn by opening and closing her eyes.

"Got it, got it." Mai Jiude laughed and flicked the screen, and then found the contact box named Fu Nian on it.

In fact, she didn't send anything at all, she was just trying to scare this woman.

"Miss, your coffee." The waiter appeared next to Jiu Toku Mai, took away the coffee that had already bottomed out, and prepared a freshly prepared coffee for her.The service attitude is so good that people can't find a problem.

"Thank you," Mai Shutoku smiled sweetly at the waiter.

But Mai Tokuro underestimated the ability of the waiter. As a waiter in the VIP room, he has seen too many amazing women. When he thought he was immune to beautiful women, he never thought that life would bring him such a stunner surprise.

The proud figure and enchanting temperament hit the waiter's eyes like a torrent, coupled with Mai's meticulously prepared makeup today,
The waiter was stunned for a while, and the empty cup in his hand fell to Mai's body with a snap.

Caught off guard, Mai reacted in an instant, dropped the phone suddenly, reached for the coffee cup with one hand, and grabbed the dinner plate with the other.The movement is smooth and smooth, and before the mobile phone lands, put everything firmly on the table,
With absolute strength, he avoided his charm attack on himself.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The waiter who reacted hurriedly apologized,
Although Jiu Toku Mai frowned, he didn't take such small matters too seriously.Seeing that the other party was so serious, he waved his hand and let the other party leave.

Mai, who sat down again, took out her mobile phone,
"Woman, you'd better get things done for me, or I won't let you go if I'm a ghost." Su Enxi's voice still echoed in Mai's ears.

Looking at the screen of the mobile phone that has been restored to the main page, it may be that the movement was a little too big and touched the screen.She didn't care either.After all, this is what happens quite often.

"Got it, got it." Mai replied patiently to Su Enxi's voice,

But I muttered in my heart, I didn't do anything, this woman is so stupid.

As she spoke, she turned off her phone and picked up the black coffee next to her...

What she didn't know was that on the Fu Nian page she had just opened, a file was successfully sent to the other party's mobile phone.


Ding dong.

Fu Nian's cell phone, who was binge eating oden, suddenly rang.

Xia Mi raised his eyelids, looking at the lit phone screen of the other party.

"What?" Xia Mi looked curiously at the phone next to Fu Nian.

If she hadn't been sitting opposite the other party, if she hadn't occupied the position with her hands now.

"It seems to be a message from someone." Fu Nian also glanced at his phone curiously.He doesn't actually use it much.

But I can't wait to send any information from Norma, as well as the class notice of Kassel College.

Oh, right.He also added a lot of classmates who were in the same grade as him,

"Maybe it's a message from Xiaoxiao." Fu Nian cast a glance and said something casually.

"Let's talk after eating, it's not too late later."

"No!" Xia Mi opened his mouth to refuse.

Fu Nian helplessly looked at Xia Mi who was opposite, and then glanced at Erika who was next to her.

Erika stretched out her hand inexplicably.

When Fu Nian didn't know why, he actually found that the half-eaten squid roll in his hand was taken away by the other party.

Fu Nian looked at Erika dumbfounded, and Xia Mi was also slightly stunned.

Holding a small notebook with one hand, Erika quickly wrote, "The squid rolls are gone, you are busy, Erika will eat for you."

The above content was written for Fu Nian, and this was the first time Erika had a positive communication with Fu Nian.But Fu Nian felt extremely strange.

After finishing writing, Erika hurriedly picked up the half-eaten squid roll that Fu Nian had eaten and put it in her mouth.

Xia Mi has sharp eyesight and quick hands, and usually grabs Eriyi's small wrist, "Eiriyi, you can't eat other people's things indiscriminately. Especially the other party still eats half of it."

Erika blinked her eyes, her expression revealing curiosity.

"Why?" Erika wrote.

Xia Mi was taken aback, why?
"Easy to be poisoned." When Xia Mi was in a daze, Fu Nian said.

"Yes, it is easy to be poisoned." Xia Mi nodded in response.

"Then Xia Mi also ate half of what he ate just now?" Erika's fingers were fast, and the handwriting was very scribbled, obviously the other party seemed to really want to eat the squid roll that was only half left.

Xia Mi froze, and turned to look at Fu Nian opposite.

Fu Nian: "She has been deeply poisoned. She is immune to harm."

Xia Mi narrowed his eyes.

Fu Nian froze and stopped talking.

But his eyes glanced at Xia Mi on the opposite side with deep meaning, as if to say again, what I said, did you see it, let you stop being so casual in normal times, and teach the children badly now.

Xia Mi glared at him.Reaching out to take half of the squid roll and putting it in his mouth, he turned his head to look at Eri Yi, ready to give the other party a simple knowledge-based supplement from the basic etiquette.

The other party is now like a blank sheet of paper. Although she is not stupid, she is seriously out of touch with human society.

Fu Nian stared at Xia Mi who was talking to Erika, and wiped her hands with a napkin.

Then he turned on the screen of the phone, and stared at the message on the phone inexplicably.

It turned out to be the message sent by Jiu Toku Mai.

But he didn't remember when he added the contact information of the other party.

After thinking about it, he shook his head.

He really doesn't remember when he added the other party's contact information, but it doesn't matter at all, does it?

Fu Nian looked at the message sent by the other party curiously,

It seemed to be an audio, he hesitated and reached out and clicked the play button on it.

It was a voice of more than ten seconds. In the first few seconds when Fu Nian clicked on it, there was no sound at all.

But Fu Nian, who had keen ears, heard extremely faint breathing from it.

I don't know if it's a sound recording problem, or if the owner of the sound sleeps quietly.

The sound was very small, and the sounds of raising hands around the path were louder than her breathing.


The decibels that Fu Nian heard suddenly rose.

"Brother Fu Nian..."

The sound was like a bell that suddenly rang in the conference room. The sound was beautiful, but it was not at all appropriate.And a little scary.

"Brother Fu Nian! Let's get married..."

Fu Nian had a quick eye, quickly paused the play button, exited the page, and sat quietly.

During the whole process, Fu Nian didn't raise his head for a moment, but the relaxed air around him was stretched apart like tense strings.

"Who is it!" Xia Mi's voice came from far away in the sky.

Fu Nian's whole body trembled.



"Who is it!"

Su Enxi got up annoyed and shouted towards the door outside.

The chest that had just been irritated by Jiu De Mai was bulging at the moment, like two big balloons filled with water, old and heavy.

The door was quiet and there was no sound. Su Enxi irritatedly scratched her hair that she hadn't had time to dress up in the morning, wrapped in a bath towel, and walked towards the door with her bare feet.

Oh, I almost forgot, she is a house girl, there is no such thing as going out to dress up.

"I didn't buy any express mail, and it's so early, is Auntie coming to clean up?" Su Enxi muttered and walked towards the door.

I looked outside through the cat's eyes for a long time, and it was as quiet as if nothing existed outside.

Looking back at the time on the clock,

shake your head,

The door was pulled open.

But there was no one outside.

and many more,

Su Enxi looked down at the cardboard box at the door,

A courier showed up?
Su Enxi stared at the words that appeared on it inexplicably,

Snack spree.

What snack pack?

"Ghost's snack pack. I didn't buy any snacks." Su Enxi muttered.

But after seeing the name on the box.Su Enxi was puzzled.

Could it be that a certain CEO manager who secretly had a crush on me knew my position?
Su Enxi was thinking about the fact that she sneaked out to the snack street last night.

Was it recognized by the lobby manager here, and then reported to one of their chairman?
Thinking of Su Enxi, she nodded seriously, and sighed a little annoyed, she is still too good.

You can find suitors everywhere.But it's a pity in life that I don't have a boyfriend.

But she didn't regret it at all. Yesterday's snack street made her almost happy. The snack street in Dongda Back Street was really delicious.

My hotel is so close to them, I feel a little sorry for not going there.

Thinking about it, Su Enxi took out a dagger from behind to see what snacks her suitor sent her.

She is very picky, but she doesn't eat all kinds of snacks, just like men, not all men have to try it.She is very much like a young girl who guards herself like a jade, looking forward to love in her heart, but full of the values ​​​​of an old woman.

She also imagined that she was the heroine in a romance novel, and that a handsome and domineering man could hug her like a princess.

She struggled frantically and said, no, no.

Then the man pressed the back of her fateful neck, and kissed her tongue fiercely with his thin lips.

Ah, love.

It's so greasy.

Su Enxi hurriedly rubbed her pink cheeks, and was about to move the box into the room.

But in the next second, Su Enxi, who was bending over, froze in place.

Holding the cardboard box in his hand, his state changed 360 degrees in an instant.

A tense and serious expression instantly enveloped every corner of her body.

This is not some snack pack.It won't be a gift pack of snacks either.

No snack spree is as heavy as a rock! !

This weight!

Su Enxi frowned tightly.

Like a bomb! !
Suddenly Su Enxi's cell phone rang.

Staring at the name of the incoming call, Su Enxi, whose body was tense, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss." Su Enxi's voice changed into the charm of a mature woman and a professional woman.

"Have you received what I prepared for you?" Su Enxi's familiar voice came from the opposite side.

"Things are given by the boss."

"It's something for your next life-saving. Mai will rush to Japan soon. The next situation will be a bit chaotic, so be careful. You can even let it go if necessary."

"Wait, wait, boss, did something terrible happen? What do you mean the next scene is a bit chaotic, is Japan going to be invaded by terrorists on a large scale? Or is it going to be bombed by nuclear bombs again?" Su Enxi believed the boss's words , the boss said chaos, then there must be chaos next.And a situation that can be considered chaotic by the boss is certainly not ordinary chaos.

However, Su Enxi looked at Japan outside the window, condescending, and the University of Tokyo in the distance was peaceful and quiet.

The tranquility of a modern society is everywhere.

"Not too much difference. They are not terrorists, but they are more terrifying than terrorists."

The boss's voice was deep, "Someone moved our script and opened the purgatory dungeon in advance before our little mouse was ready. In order to keep things from getting out of control, I have to make some preparations. If something unexpected happens , a nuclear bomb would not be out of the question.”

Su Enxi's mouth twitched wildly.

"Our little white mouse also came to Japan?"

"Your news is a bit late, girl. Did Mai not tell you?"

"Ah." Su Enxi woke up suddenly, remembering the indistinct voice of Jiu De Mai in her sleep just now.

The whole person seems to have missed a billion.

"I know, I know." Su Enxi said quickly.

"Well then, get ready. Come for the storm."


Su Enxi opened the cardboard box.

Inside the cardboard box was an iron box. In the box, there were dark and cold gun chambers everywhere, and the dark hole was like an abyss, which made people shiver inexplicably.

【[-] in [-]】

(End of this chapter)

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