I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 309 Chu Zihang: "We have to bet our own chances."

Chapter 309 Chu Zihang: "We have to bet our own chances."


"Boss, something is wrong here."

In the telescope, the howling valley wind in the distance blows wantonly from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. Among the spreading fire snakes, the darkness in the sky is transpired by the red tornado.

At this moment, under the valley, there were noisy car horns and angry cursing in the street. The visitor focused his binoculars on that side. It was the guests fleeing from the Bliss Hall.

Usually they are indifferent, their faces proudly raised are full of fear and uneasiness, and some of them are not even fully dressed, stepping barefoot on the gravel messy road, with a black luxury car beside them Then a car with orange-red headlights formed a long snake-like row to disperse the darkness on the valley road.

All of them were blocked on the road, unable to advance or retreat.Cursing, roaring, howling...

No one thought of it, no one would think of it.

One second the Bliss Hall was a paradise on earth, and the next second it would be filled with violence that filled the valley. In the most prosperous year of the Bliss Hall, what greeted them was a death-like hell.

Dozens of tons of fuel poured down from all corners of the hillside. Sheqi Bajia mobilized twelve oil tankers and surrounded the top of the Bliss Hall tightly. Countless black liquid rolled down the dry grass on the hillside. The colorful heaven on earth rushes down,

All are on the run.From gamblers to dealers, from girls to duck men, everyone is fleeing, even the guards and bodyguards are no exception.
The defense of the Bliss Hall, which thought it was impregnable, fell apart instantly after the Bajia of Sheqi blocked the exit and put fuel on it.Everyone knows that as long as the people above throw a spark down, the Bliss Palace will be engulfed in raging flames.

"Is it just to listen to your nonsense when I asked you to hold the binoculars?" A clap sounded from the top of Lu Mingfei's slightly messy head.

Lu Mingfei suddenly wailed, and looked at the two companions next to him with resentment in his eyes, the action of beating him came from his left side,
It was a man with short blond hair, exquisite eyes, and a tough outline. The man seemed to be the most outstanding handicraft in the hands of an Italian sculptor, exquisite and perfect.

He is a typical European and Italian-style nobleman, and his blue eyes still shine like stars on the dim hillside and ditches.

"Boss, the attraction below is too great." Lu Mingfei rubbed the slightly swollen scalp on the top of his head, feeling a little dazed. Caesar's hands were not too strong, at least when he dunked him. Not too much.

But he was still in a trance and had an unreal illusion. Five minutes ago, they were still looking up at the little finger-sized island in the deep sea at an altitude of 5 meters.

Three hours ago, they were still firmly on the ground on a sunny continent.

Five hours earlier, he had even caught up on early sleep in his classroom at Kassel College.

Who would have thought that the moment they opened and closed their eyes, they would appear on the battlefield full of gunpowder and smoke from the continent of the earth, from the dividing line between light and dawn, in the principal's special plane.

In Lu Mingfei's memory, Japan is a society ruled by law, but Lu Mingfei thought that he had come to the slums of the evil forces in South America. Oh, no, their slums do not have such gorgeous buildings and traditional historical charm. Ancient pavilion building.

Lu Mingfei continued to stare at the frantically fleeing crowd below with his binoculars. At the end of the sparse crowd, a vermilion pavilion that was being burned by the fire was as seductive as a manjusawa in blooming blood.

In the burning attic, Lu Mingfei also vaguely saw a woman with a gorgeous body sitting in front of her dressing and stroking her eyebrows carefully. Her movements were as gentle as floating clouds in the clear sky,
Slowly, but gently.

But now is not the time to be refined!Run quickly, the fire is about to burn up from the first floor!

Lu Mingfei stared at the gorgeous kimono that the other party was wearing, and his expression revealed that he was more anxious than a woman and a gambler who was running away.

The reason why he was able to see the opponent's figure at a glance from a distance of thousands of meters was entirely because the clothes on the opponent's body were really outstanding.

Even in the darkness rendered by the fire, he still saw the woman sitting in front of the dressing table by the window at a glance.

This is a grand kimono, composed of twelve different silk garments, the color changes from the inside to the outside, like clouds laid in layers, and like double cherry blossoms in full bloom in spring.This was the first time Lu Mingfei saw such a gorgeous kimono.The grand one seems to be attending a wedding.

In the red attic that was gradually engulfed by the flames, the other party was so beautiful that it seemed like a burning ink painting.

The woman is in the painting, and the flames are outside.

"It's so beautiful!" Lu Mingfei couldn't help feeling filled with emotion again.

"Your head is beautiful!!" from Caesar's explosion and a slap in the face, "Hurry up and read it, we will carry out the mission after reading it!! The longer the time is delayed, the more dangerous we are, we have to try our best before that man is igniting the fuel." I found Fu Nian's whereabouts earlier!!"

Caesar spoke very fast, because time was really urgent.

As soon as he snatched the binoculars from Lu Mingfei's hand, Caesar looked at the man at the other end of the valley in the distance.

That should be the man who presided over the attack this time, the other party was sitting at the front of a black Hummer looking at the darkness below,
Not far from him, twelve fuel trucks continuously released black water towards the bottom.

The man sat quietly and smoked a cigarette, he didn't seem to be in a hurry to light the fire. The wind blew the man's long windbreaker, and his black hair fluttered from his ears.

The face of the other party at the moment made Caesar look very annoying, just as annoying as Chu Zihang next to him, it was a cold face with a paralyzed face.

"Look there, did you see it?" Caesar turned around and gave Lu Mingfei the binoculars in his hand. Lu Mingfei stared at the binoculars and saw the black Hummer under the man at the moment.

Hummer is as big as a prairie animal...it should be very expensive.

"Did you see the cigarette butt in his hand!" Caesar's voice guided Lu Mingfei's sight.

"I saw it, I saw it!! It's fine smoke!"

"The end of the smoke is the moment when the raging fire rises to the scene." Lu Mingfei's voice was interrupted by an indifferent voice.

The man on the other side of him spoke terrifying words in an extremely calm tone.

The wind blew past Chu Zihang's brows, blowing his long hair that was hanging down, revealing his pair of ferocious pupils that looked like wild beasts before hunting. The pupils exuded a faint golden color. In the dim environment at this moment, Like a cheetah ready to go.

Although he didn't want to affirm Chu Zihang, Caesar could not deny that what Chu Zihang said was probably true.

"Isn't that from the Bajia of Sheqi? Isn't that the Bliss Hall underneath? Isn't Fu Nian still inside? They burn it down, so Fu Nian will be burned to death?" Lu Mingfei turned his head and looked Chu Zihang next to him stared at the other party's fierce eyes, and immediately lowered his head.

No one dared to look into Chu Zihang's eyes at this moment. The other party's eyes were more intimidating than Deadpool's eyes. It was hard for a mixed race to bear that kind of oppression.

Although there are still people who can, such as Fu Nian, such as Lu Mingfei.

But now Lu Mingfei doesn't dare to tell the truth, because the brother without colored contact lenses looks so fierce.

"According to the information we have so far, this is an encirclement and suppression campaign by the Bajia of Snake Qi against the fierce ghosts. They have already prepared everything, and once the time is right, they will ignite the spark without hesitation. As a person in power , Hesitation is an extremely fatal weakness." Chu Zihang stared at the darkness in the distance, he could see the other side.


"Although fuel oil is dangerous, it is not a high explosive. The high explosive will send everything in it to the sky the moment it is ignited, but it takes a process for the fire to devour everything. This process may be when they are looking for Fu Nian." Caesar took Chu Zihang's voice and explained to Lu Mingfei in the middle.

"Ah! Then what if we don't find it?!" Lu Mingfei was horrified, "Don't you bet Fu Nian's life and death on the burning speed of the flame?"

"He has the confidence." Chu Zihang stared at the man smoking on the Hummer in the distance, with a flat tone.

"That's just in case."

"There is no chance, this is his self-confidence."

"Then we have to trust him?" Lu Mingfei looked hesitantly at Senior Brother Chu Zihang.

"No." Chu Zihang shook his head, "We can't entrust the life and death of our companions to an arrogant man. Maybe he has the strength, but we can't bet on others."

"We're going to bet on our own maybe."

(End of this chapter)

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