I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 311 The Destruction of the Bliss Hall, Sakurai Koguro...

Chapter 311 The Destruction of the Bliss Hall, Sakurai Koguro...


A black but somewhat worn-out Hummer came humming along the mountain road. Amid the sound of sharp brakes, a crow in a dark suit and a cool white tie jumped down.
He held a pistol with a suppressor in one hand and a folder in the other, and wore thin-rimmed glasses in a rather beastly attire.

"This kind of statistical work is so annoying, Boss, I want to fight like Yasha." Crow complained and came behind Yuan Zhisheng, although he complained, but his movements were not slow at all.

"Boss, this is our result tonight. Everyone seems to be very efficient." Crow put a document in front of Yuan Zhisheng.

"It was much, much more than we expected, a total of 23 people and we caught 27 of them.

Although several were not on our list, they broke out against us and were killed by our men. "

The Executive Bureau set up roadblocks at the intersection of the mountain, and the cars that escaped from the Bliss Pavilion were all checked, and there were also gunmen patrolling the mountain road.Unrelated people can leave freely, and the executive bureau will not embarrass them politely, but if they are people on a certain list, they will be put on black hoods and stuffed into a container truck.All the people on that list are "ghosts", half-breeds with dangerous bloodlines, and the Snake Bajia will never allow these people to get out of control.Once someone doesn't cooperate, it will be the dark muzzle who will talk to him.In the big stronghold of the ghosts, one counts as one, and no one who is wrongly killed on the spot will be innocent.

But judging from the results now, the effect seems to be a bit too good. These fierce ghosts who are usually strictly disciplined seem to be no different in times of crisis. The crows stare at them and attack the law enforcement officers.

But soon they were killed by heavy weapons with several times the number of Sheqi Bajia.

Even during this process, the fierce ghosts did not get within ten meters of the crow.

But it is a pity that the crow did not find the three most important people among them, the king general, the dragon king, and the dragon horse.

Currently, the highest-ranking cadre of the ghosts is Sakurai Kogure, code-named "Ryoma". According to the information, she is the female manager of the Bliss Pavilion. Many ignorant gamblers covet her beauty, but what they don't know is that she She is the most ruthless woman in this room, and her status among the fierce ghosts is also extremely high.

It's just that the Sheqi Bajia doesn't know whether the king general and the dragon king really exist, but since there are dragons and horses, the Sheqi Bajia speculates that there should be higher-level people on it.

But the crow did not find them.

"Will the underground passage leading to the outside be used here?" Sakura stared at the crow and asked, "Will they enter the mountain through those passages?"

Crow raised his brows, obviously wanting to agree with Sakura's ingenuity and praise that the beautiful woman really has a good brain.

Although the final outcome was to receive a supercilious look from Sakura, the crow also had a happy mouth.

But before the crow could speak.

Yuan Zhisheng interrupted the other party's voice with his hand, and casually threw the cigarette butt in his hand into the flowing fuel in front of him.

This finally became the straw that broke the camel's back.

Pieces of fuel oil were instantly ignited, and the dark valley became brightly lit in an instant.

"Don't care about them, tell Yasha to take someone to show me this valley. Without my order, no one is allowed to go up the mountain," Yuan Zhisheng's voice paused, and he glanced at Sakura next to him, "Without my order, no one is allowed to go up the mountain." order, and no one is allowed to go down the mountain!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Zhisheng catapulted away from the spot like a lion, grabbed the spider that was placed on the front of the car, stepped on the blazing and fast-spreading mountain fire, and jumped.

A black windbreaker was flying in the air,

The black windbreaker was opened in the flames, and on the lining was an extremely grand Ukiyo-e painting. The skeleton of a giant lay on the ground, and the clear spring flowed through the left eye of the skeleton, and a naked goddess emerged from it. She wore her long golden hair for clothing,
holding the sun.



"Brother, you sound like someone is singing."

Lu Mingfei carefully touched the back of the wall, and quietly reached out to touch the sweat on his head. Now he is very hot, very hot, because there are flames burning everywhere, and there is hot copper in front of him. The door, the burnt black cherry wood floor under the feet, and even the specially treated red lacquered wood wall behind it gradually heated up in the flames.

The Fire Snake hasn't fully stretched its body yet, this is also an opportunity for Lu Mingfei to find a place to stay here now.Once the Fire Snake lost his mind, Lu Mingfei felt that he might be swallowed by the other party.

The point is, the fire snake seems to have lost its mind, and is crazily evolving towards a fire dragon.

So his sweat wasn't completely hot, the other part was completely scared.

He looked outside, and the hills that were shrouded in darkness and shadows a second ago had now turned into a sea of ​​burning flames.

The fire snake spirals down and spreads among the wide valleys. It is said in the book that everything is in the process of spiraling upwards in the process of development. Now Lu Mingfei really wants to take this book and put it in the fast spreading process. In front of the sea of ​​fire, tell the other party loudly that you have to be reasonable.You have to run up, and you have to obey the rules! !
But Lu Mingfei knew that the consequence of what he did would be to be completely engulfed by the flames, and he even expressed the hope of completely escaping.According to the current unreasonable spread speed of the other party, they will completely appear underground on their floor within the next 5 minutes.

At that time, let alone a specially treated fire-proof attic, even if a steel plate is placed here, it will be able to swallow all the slag.

They are on the second floor now.

Because the first floor has no place to stay, the fire is spreading from the inside and outside.

At this moment, the bliss pavilion had already planted the battle flag here before the support fire army from above came.

Lu Mingfei looked through the window on the second floor to the hall on the first floor below.
Although the hall is very wide, there are flames everywhere. The gauze curtains are burning, the wooden carved ladies are burning, and the playing cards all over the floor are burning and curling. Inflammability, the building collapsed long ago.

"Senior Brother. Senior Brother..." Lu Mingfei heard the singing voice becoming clearer in his ear, and turned his head to find that Chu Zihang, who was two meters away, did not answer him.Instead, he was leaning against a wooden board that was being burned by the fire, looking at something in a certain direction.

Lu Mingfei looked at the direction Chu Zihang was looking at, and found that apart from the crimson flames, there was only the cherry wood wall covered with smoked skin.

"Hush." ​​Chu Zihang turned his head and quietly put his hand to his mouth, signaling Lu Mingfei not to speak.Then he pointed in the direction of Caesar on the other side, and made a gesture of not moving.

Lu Mingfei nodded because he didn't understand. The boss was far away from him, nearly 50 meters away. It might not be a big deal at ordinary times, but now his ears are filled with the sound of flames burning sawdust.

He could only see Caesar crouching on a charred board, like a tiger before hunting.

He had no idea what Caesar was hunting, or even what was on his block.But the senior brother wouldn't let him move, so he obediently didn't move.

Because if you are a little careless now, you will be buried in the sea of ​​flames, and the dao will disappear. In the eyes of the senior brother and the boss, this is a relatively difficult task, but in his eyes, this is the difficult mode of hell. A copy of the super boss.

It is really fatal.

With his back to the wooden board, Lu Mingfei once again looked at the sea of ​​flames spreading towards him like a sea tide in the distance. He had never seen such an outrageous scene in his life. They are now a circle, and he is at the center of that circle.

Lu Mingfei gradually felt that his head was a little dizzy. In the burning sea of ​​fire around him, not only was the high temperature burning his skin, but more was the suffocation caused by the sharp drop in oxygen.There is also carbon monoxide poisoning from the smoke.

How to do? !

I really seem to have nothing to do.Lu Mingfei bowed his body hard, because the oxygen below was relatively low.

But he didn't know if he didn't bow his head, the moment he bowed his head.

A figure covered in black slowly came out of the sea of ​​flames on the first floor opposite the senior brother.

After really coming out of the sea of ​​flames, Lu Mingfei rubbed his eyes, trying hard to make his eyes discern the drama of the matter.

But no matter how much he rubbed his eyes, the sea of ​​flames at the end of his line of sight moved collectively to both sides, as if he was welcoming a noble master in the middle of the road, and the flames were even more so when a man walked in the middle, and the low-hanging flames were about to go out.

Is this fucking something that humans can do? ? ?
Lu Mingfei was horrified as if he saw the Snake King of the Fire Snake.And it's the snake king who became a spirit in the sea of ​​flames, this is a monster!
But he is not Ultraman, and there are no Ultraman around him.

Lu Mingfei's vision gradually appeared phantom, which was the sequelae of hypoxia. The body he supported caused insufficient oxygen supply to the blood in his head.

When Lu Mingfei noticed the visitor, Chu Zihang also noticed the presence of the visitor.

The oxygen around him was indeed looking at the passing, Chu Zihang glanced at Lu Mingfei who was drowsy on one side, and then at Caesar who was in the corner on the other side, almost level with the ground.

They need to leave here quickly, and he can see the surrounding situation naturally. Their purpose is to find Fu Nian, not to shrink back and waste time here.

But they can't move now.

It's good that Lu Mingfei's position is in the blind spot of the visitors, but his and Caesar's positions are not so good. As long as the two of them make a little movement, they will be discovered by the visitors.

The situation after the discovery may cause the situation to hover on the edge of madness and out of control. Their purpose is to find Fu Nian before the sea of ​​fire arrives, not to delay time with people who don't want to do it here, and then die in the sea of ​​fire.

Chu Zihang stared at the direction of the person coming, of course he was not talking about Yuan Zhisheng who just opened the bronze door and entered the Bliss Hall.

Although Chu Zihang had never met Yuan Zhisheng, but the other party's identity as the Eight Snake Qi Family, he had already determined from the very beginning that they would not be enemies.

He was talking about the corridor on the second floor less than ten meters away from Caesar!

Lu Mingfei heard the singing voice filling the air, and the two of them could naturally hear the singing voice floating in the sea of ​​fire.

Neither of the two of them opened their mouths, and the reason neither of them left in a hurry was because the owner of the song was not far from them, but that was Lu Mingfei's blind spot.

Chu Zihang was ready to attack violently the moment he heard the singing, because he suspected that the owner of the voice had discovered their location.

This is the Bliss Pavilion, the site of the fierce ghosts, the opponents of the Eight Snake Qi Clans, and the place where Fu Nian was trapped. Being able to be here, in this critical moment, still sings faintly in the wind,
Anyone who is not a fool knows that the other party will definitely not be with them.

But the reason why he hasn't launched an attack until now is entirely because Chu Zihang didn't feel the dangerous murderous intent from the opponent, or the intention to attack from the opponent, and Caesar did the same.

The other party should have sensed that there were people intruding around, and even sensed the positions of the three of them.But the other party completely dismissed them.

That's right, when the sea of ​​flames is raging all around, and when the god of death comes, the senseless killing seems to have become the background board, becoming a dispensable existence,
When life is about to wither, it seems that singing will appear in front of your eyes with a beautiful past.Just like when the epiphyllum is withering, it always faces the brightest moonlight.

In Chu Zihang's feeling, the owner of the singing voice has made his own choice.

But this choice does not include them walking around as if nothing had happened.The other party will tolerate them because of disdain, but it does not mean that they will ignore the provocation.

at last,

Footsteps sounded on the stairs to the second floor.
A graceful and luxurious girl walked down the steps slowly, her eyes sparkling with firelight.

She was wearing a quaint and expensive twelve-single dress, which looked as grand as the most beautiful demon flower in the world,
But under her feet are white high heels, making her look taller and more beautiful.

The kimono wrapped her whole body tightly, and the back collar was very low, revealing her white and delicate back.She was holding a wooden knife with a white sheath in her hand, but it didn't look like it was lethal, it was more like an ornament for this dress.

Her eyes are focused and her rhythm on her feet is well-proportioned.

She stared at Yuan Zhisheng who pushed the door and stood in the middle, with a complex and expectant look in her eyes.

But the look was fleeting.The moment Yuan Zhisheng stopped completely, he was replaced by another kind of indifference.

The corners of Sakurai Kogure's mouth raised at the same time, her smile became sweet and commercial, like a rose blooming in the red tide of sunset.There is a touch of poignancy in the coquettishness.

She stared at Yuan Zhisheng on the opposite side, bowed slightly, and spoke softly,

She smiles so beautifully, if you meet in another place, you will be in a good mood for the whole day.But it is a pity that this is a lotus of destruction that is about to be burned in the fire.At the moment of meeting Yuan Zhisheng, the ending has already emerged.

Yuan Zhisheng stood there motionless.Staring at the woman standing in front of him at the moment.He found it by following the singing.He believes that a person who can sing leisurely in such an environment will definitely be a rational person, and a rational person is more likely to bring information.

Sakurai Kogure stood up, "If I'm not mistaken, you are the director of the Executive Bureau, the young master of the Saki Hachi Family, Mr. Yuan Zhisheng, right? When I heard footsteps upstairs, I thought it was the Executive Bureau. People came in to search, but they didn't expect you to drive there yourself."

Chu Zihang and Kaiser, who were hiding in the corner, were taken aback at the same time, and glanced at Yuan Zhisheng who was standing at the door without leaving a trace.Behind him, the crimson world is full of seas of fire.

"It turns out his name is Yuan Zhisheng."

"Ryoma? Sakurai Kogure?" Yuan Zhisheng stared at the girl in front of him at this moment, he was a little uncertain, because the girl in front of him was too young now, it was hard for him to understand how such a young girl could stand among the demons achieved such status.

"It's a great honor to be remembered by the young master. That's right, I'm Ryoma, Sakurai Kogure." Sakurai Kogure looked at Yuan Zhisheng with a smile, the corners of her eyes bloomed like looking at another lover , not a life and death enemy.

"Where are the Dragon King and the King General?" Yuan Zhisheng stared at Sakurai Kogure, who was looking down at him from a high position, and narrowed his eyes slightly. He was very surprised by the woman's eyes.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at Sakurai Kogure's smile at this moment, and stared at the tenderness in his eyes that almost melted.He knew it was all true.

But it's not about him, it's about the one who stays in her memory.From entering the room to now, this woman seems to have always regarded him as another person, the one who remains in the woman's heart.

"The young master already knows the answer, right?" Sakurai Kogure's smile became even brighter, "There are no kings or dragon kings in the Bliss Pavilion. There are only Ryoma, only Sakurai Kogure, and only one ghost."

"We know that the ghosts had a new leader 20 years ago, so you have risen rapidly in 20 years. How old were you 20 years ago?"

"There have been kings, but kings are also mortal."

Yuan Zhisheng narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Sakurai Kogure with danger, "You are lying. I don't like opponents who lie."

Sakurai Kogure laughed silently, "If you don't like it, then arrest me and torture me."

"There is no need to torture. We have funded many medical institutions. The latest interrogation drug has been developed. As long as you inject it continuously for a week, you will become able to answer questions."

"Then I'd be crazy, wouldn't I?"

"It may not be crazy, but the nervous system will be injured, and there will be sequelae for the rest of life." Yuan Zhisheng said, "We don't want to use that kind of medicine, but we have no choice. We must dig out the person who hides the deepest behind the scenes. If we find Many people may die before him. You are a beautiful girl and can sing beautiful songs,
There is still one person in your heart, you should live a better life, fall in love with that person, maybe go to another country together, to a place with sunshine and sea.You don't have to die for anyone.I have this right and I will give you this opportunity.

As long as you say what I want to know. "Yuan Zhisheng is serious.

"The young master is really naive." Sakurai Koguro smiled mockingly, but her eyes still stared at Yuan Zhisheng tenderly.

But there was a murderous look in the air.

At this moment, Caesar, who was shrinking in the corner, silently glanced at Chu Zihang behind him,
At the same time, Chu Zihang also looked in the direction of Caesar. Both of them saw the emotional change between the two sides.

The murderous intent between the two is becoming stronger, becoming extremely stronger, even though they are talking happily at the moment, it is actually over, even though the woman is smiling so brightly at this moment,

Chu Zihang had no doubt that a fight would break out between them in an instant.Life and death battle.

"Last question. Where is Fu Nian?" Yuan Zhisheng knew that the other party would not answer him any more. Standing here at this moment, the other party was already expressing his final choice.

Nothing can change a person who is dead inside.

The last question, Yuan Zhisheng, is actually hopeless.

But what surprised him was that the moment the woman heard his voice, she had a puzzled look in her eyes.

"Fu Nian?" Sakurai Kogure said that he had never heard of this name.

"It's the one who entered the Bliss Pavilion with me last night." Yuan Zhisheng also saw the doubt in the other's eyes.

Sakurai Kogure, who heard Yuan Zhisheng's explanation, quickly understood, but after understanding, there was indeed an expression that Yuan Zhisheng could not understand.

The other party was no longer looking at Yuan Zhisheng tenderly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth immediately subsided.

The deep pupils stared at Yuan Zhisheng strangely,
stare stare

Finally, he laughed silently.

He raised his hands to the sky and laughed silently.

Her smile at the moment is so hearty and indulgent, as if she has discovered something extraordinary, and also seems to have discovered something extremely comfortable.

Immediately, Sakurai Kogure's smile stopped.

The fighting momentum full of killing intent burst forth.

A pair of golden pupils suddenly lit up!

"Chu Zihang!"

Caesar drank softly.

(End of this chapter)

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