I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 312 Sakurai Koguro: さようなら

Chapter 312 Sakurai Kogure: さようなら (Farewell)


"Chu Zihang!" Caesar shouted softly.

The moment the sound fell, Chu Zihang's bow suddenly ejected from the back foot of the original place, and flew up from the original place like a bat lying on the ground.

But the screaming figure of Voldemort's Bat was not hunting, but running away.

Chu Zihang, who was rushing forward, suddenly turned his body when he was about to touch the edge of the sea of ​​flames, and stepped on the blackened wooden pillar whose body was burned by the flames.The huge force directly broke it from the middle.But the force that surged up later brought his body to rush in another direction.

In the other direction, another figure ran towards the other side at the same time.

The movements of the two of them showed no signs of concealment at all, like two boulders falling in the middle of the lake, even though the water in the lake was no longer calm and the undercurrent was turbulent.About to explode.

But the appearance of the boulder still seemed so abrupt and out of place.

In the eyes of Chu Zihang and Caesar, now is the most suitable time among the most inappropriate. Chu Zihang and the others know that neither of the two mixed races in front of them is a fuel-efficient lamp. The relatively weak Sakurai Kogure can also compete with either of them.

At such a short distance, perhaps Lu Mingfei's position is relatively hidden and has not been discovered, but he and Caesar have long been noticed by the other party.But they didn't do anything to them. This situation is very complicated. The biggest possibility is that they don't bother to pay attention to their existence, just like this luxuriously dressed woman knows that her enemy is Yuan Zhisheng on the opposite side.

Now their actions towards the two people's departure confirmed the fact of this matter, compared to Chu Zihang's eagerness to leave the vicinity of the two of them quickly.

Yuan Zhisheng and Sakurai Kogure, who were looking at each other face to face, were unusually calm, neither of them paid any attention to the two boulders that suddenly fell into the middle of the lake at this moment, and let them fall to the bottom of the lake.Because the tide of the undercurrent is unstoppable.

at last.

The moment Chu Zihang and Kaiser stepped on the threshold and were about to rush out of the burning wooden door.

A shrill and sharp sound of drawing a knife resounded in every corner of the room.

"No!!" Yuan Zhisheng's pupils suddenly narrowed and stared at Sakurai Kogure on the opposite side. Amidst the loud voice, the spider came out of the scabbard in an instant.

On the opposite side, Sakurai Kogure took out a small emerald green cup and wooden box from his big sleeve, broke off the last dark purple potion in the wooden box, and poured it into the cup.

"さようなら (Farewell)." Sakurai Kogure's eyes reappeared with that gentle look,

Looking up to the sky, he drank the liquid medicine in the cup.

Yuan Zhisheng shot at Sakurai Kogure like lightning.Amidst the violent stampede, the crumbling burning Zhu rafters between the two fell one after another, and he swung his knife to protect his body.

Through the flurry of sparks, Yuan Zhisheng saw a scene that he least wanted to see in his life.

He saw purple-black blood veins crawling from Sakurai Kogure's white neck to his face, like groups of thin snakes.The cup fell to the ground, Sakurai Kogure raised her head, tears slid down her distorted face, a huge mirror was embedded on the roof, in which she could see her own ugly appearance, it was really like a ghost awakened in her body, Occupied her originally beautiful body.

Lu Mingfei covered his mouth in horror and watched the scene in front of him, completely forgetting the sadness of the two bosses abandoning him just now.

From the other party's drinking of the medicinal liquid to the occurrence of all-round changes in his body was just the moment when Yuan Zhisheng rushed from the door to the stairs.

But at this moment, it seems that for the insurmountable Wangchuan River between life and death,

After all, Yuan Zhisheng was a step too late, the ghost awakened in Sakurai Xiaomu's body, and the rushing dragon's blood completely aroused her ferocious ghost.

Lu Mingfei covered his mouth and stared blankly at this scene. He said that he had seen countless deadpools, but he never thought that deadpool's body would be such a beautiful young lady.

Her head and hands were retracted into the cloud-like kimono, like a giant tortoise retracted into its carapace.The collar and large sleeves collapsed, but the lower part of the twelve singles swelled violently.The cloud-like colorful clothes were shattered and scattered, and the blue-gray evil spirit seemed to emerge from a cocoon.

It grabbed the white sheathed long knife that had fallen from the ground, and charged at Yuan Zhisheng with the dazzling light of the knife.

Let out a shrill roar.


Lu Mingfei was suddenly taken aback, but before he could blurt out the roar, a slender hand behind him covered his mouth so that he could not make a sound.

Lu Mingfei's weak body suddenly seemed to be filled with strength, and his legs began to struggle.

But soon, his struggling legs were covered by another force, like vines stuck in his ankles, the more he struggled, the tighter he was.

at last.

"Don't move! If you move again, I'll throw it down for you!!" The voice was full of domineering,

But what was surprising was that Lu Mingfei's struggling body instantly stopped moving.He opened his closed eyes hesitantly, looking at the familiar face that appeared in front of his eyes.

"Old... Mmmmm." Lu Mingfei looked at the face of the visitor in surprise, never before at this moment, he felt that Caesar's domineering eyebrows were so close and gentle, he wanted to hurry up and hug him if he was so close The other party kissed hard.The two abandoned bosses who left by themselves unexpectedly returned quietly and found themselves.

Chu Zihang, who was covering Lu Mingfei's mouth behind him, quietly put his finger on his mouth, signaling Lu Mingfei not to speak.

Lu Mingfei looked at those familiar golden pupils and nodded quickly.

Chu Zihang quietly let go of Lu Mingfei's body, and Kaiser also let go of Lu Mingfei's feet.

The two looked at each other and gestured to each other in the same direction.

Lu Mingfei understood what it meant. On the plane before they came, the three of them did five or ten minutes of tacit practice of drawing and guessing, although the main object of practice was him, an idiot who couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

The gestures of these two people were telling him that they were going to go in that direction quietly.Naturally, Lu Mingfei didn't know what was in that direction.

But Caesar has the Speech Spirit Scythe Itachi, so finding someone is naturally not a problem.

Lu Mingfei nodded quickly, staring at Caesar who was leading the way ahead, and prepared to get up.

But in the next moment, Lu Mingfei, who had just got up in the air, began to fall, and the world became dark at this moment. It seemed that the struggle just exhausted all his strength, and it seemed that he had been in a low-oxygen environment for a long time. This leads to insufficient nourishment under the strenuous exercise of the body.

Lu Mingfei only felt that there was darkness in front of his eyes, and the world seemed to deprive him of the heat of the flames, and the surroundings became quiet.The body also becomes cold.

Chu Zihang behind him hugged Lu Mingfei's body.Caesar, who stared ahead and stopped to question and turned his head, frowned slightly.

The encumbrance seems to have really arisen.

(End of this chapter)

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