I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 313 Fu Nian: Save Who!

Chapter 313 Fu Nian: Save Who!

"There seem to be too many people around." Fu Nian stared at Xia Mi next to him, and lightly licked the ice cream.

Xia Mi quietly glanced at Fu Nian, staring at the other hand that was empty and empty, and did not intend to eat it for herself at all, her lips glanced slightly in an imperceptible arc.

"Eliyi, do you want ice porridge? Eliyi..." Xia Mi hugged the arm of the girl next to her.The lips stuck between the girl's earlobes that exude a faint lily fragrance.

Eriyi only felt her earlobe twitch slightly, followed by her arms wrapped in a soft mass, under the closeness like an electric shock, Eriyi subconsciously squeezed her elbows inward,

Suddenly, Erika's eyes lit up, she was so soft.

But this moment only happened in an instant, and in the next second, Erika seemed to have just woken up, and Xia Mi's voice appeared in his mind.

"What is ice porridge? Can Erika be eaten?"

"Of course, the place she brought you here today is a small street dedicated to eating and drinking." Fu Nian put his head on Xia Mi's shoulder and said to Erika who was on the other side.

"Let you talk?" The smile on the corner of Xia Mi's mouth disappeared into the air visible to the naked eye.

The corners of Fu Nian's raised mouth froze,
"No." The voice was flat as if crying.

Erika looked curiously at Fu Nian whose expression changed so much.The crimson pupils in the eyes flickered on and off, as if they were thinking about something, or remembering something.

She has been shopping here for almost a day today.From the back street of Dongda University in the morning, to the campus of Dongda University at noon, and now to my Dongda Food Street at night,

According to common sense, she would be full of infinite interest in the world around her, and this was her first time here.

In fact, it is true. She is full of infinite interest in her surroundings, but she doesn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment. It's not because the scenery of Dongda University is not good, nor is it because the food at Dongda University at noon is not delicious, but because she His attention was always on the two people next to him.

That's right, it was a man and a woman next to her. She had been staring at these two people curiously since this morning, because the emotions of these two people made her very puzzled.With the level of her current relationship as a blank slate, Erika couldn't understand what the two of them were doing.

Just like now, Eri Yi knew that the girl didn't want to pay attention to the boy's expression, because she had seen it on her brother's face, and when his brother was dealing with things, he always didn't want to pay attention to those who put the roast goose in front of him.

The eyes and movements at that time were a little different from those of the girl now, but they were only a little different. As a person who observed carefully, and leaned so close to the girl, Erika felt that she could still feel Girls don't want to care about boys' feelings.

If that's the case, Erika wouldn't stare curiously at her for a day, or even look bewildered.

Because girls often do a completely opposite behavior in the next second.

Just like...

"Brother, why are you upset?" Xia Mi hugged Fu Nian's neck from behind, pouted, but his expression was more aggrieved than Fu Nian's.

Erika blinked her eyes, she always felt that something was wrong, but she had a very simple understanding of the world, but she didn't know what was wrong.

Fu Nian remained silent.He just quietly arched his body to make Xia Mi behind him a little more relaxed. He is taller than Xia Mi, and Xia Mi's lying position is not the usual position she is familiar with.When the dragon body, it should be a little higher than now.

Seeing Fu Nian who was silent, Xia Mi put his bright fingers by Fu Nian's ear and pinched it.
"It hurts." Fu Nian said quickly.

"Hurry up and take out the ice cream!" As Erika thought as expected, Xia Mi's voice changed.

"It hurts... how do you know?" Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi behind him in surprise, and then at his empty hands, he obviously hid them well!

When I went to buy ice cream by myself, I talked to the boss, and I packed them separately.The boss did install it separately!
Could it be that the two of them quietly followed me behind?

Fu Nian stared wide-eyed.Looking at Xia Mi's little hand stretched out in front of her.

at last.

In Erika's eyes that lit up in surprise, she took out two servings of ice cream.

Erika looked at Fu Nian incredulously at the empty-gloved ice cream, her crimson pupils blinked, she didn't know why but felt very surprised.

Looking at Xia Mi who couldn't stop the corners of his mouth on Fu Nian's back, he felt that the other party was also very powerful, how could he guess the hidden things.

Xia Mi jumped off Fu Nian's back and reached out to take the ice cream in Fu Nian's hand, but Fu Nian suddenly avoided it.

"You haven't told me yet, how do you know?" Fu Nian looked serious. He is a little dragon who loves to learn, and he will sum up his failure experience and fight again next time.

"You can't tell brother." The corner of Xia Mi's mouth twitched.

"That won't work."

"Will you give it or not!"


Erika blinked her eyes.It seems that I learned something incredible.


The three of them were walking on the road. This is a snack street, and the current time is exactly the time when the street has the busiest traffic.So now if the three of them want to eat something delicious, they have to squeeze it in hard.

Although Fu Nian has a better idea, that is to ask his subordinates to queue up in front of the stall one by one. If the two of them want to eat, they will replace the subordinates.

But this suggestion was rejected by Xia Mi, the reason is very simple, she has no money to hire subordinates.

Fu Nian thinks I have it.

I have a group of ghosts.

Although they are being killed now.

As soon as he remembered this, a familiar figure appeared in Fu Nian's sight, wearing clogs and wearing a light-colored kimono.

That is Kazama Ruri.

After coming here this morning, Fu Nian found that the other party seemed to be very popular, not special, but very, very attractive to women.

What surprised Fu Nian now was that Kazama Liuli appeared in front of him with a cold attitude.

The normally stretched eyebrows and the smile that was always on the lips completely disappeared.Instead, what appeared in front of him was a pair of eyes that were almost about to condense substantial killing intent.

It was an angry look that wanted to kill someone.

The opponent's footsteps were so fast that phantoms appeared.

"Did something happen?" Fu Nian glanced at Xia Mi and Erika who were queuing up in front of the ice porridge stand, turned around and walked towards a corner where there were less people.

"I may have to leave for a while, and I may not be able to continue with you during this time." Kazama Liuli tried hard to suppress her emotions in front of Fu Nian, but the emotions were too violent, like boiling The pot of water with the top flushed lid will feel hot if you press the lid hard with your hand.

"Why?" Fu Nian looked at Kazama Liuli curiously.

"The counterattack of the Bajia of Snake Qi has already begun. They are faster than the expected plan. People from the executive bureau have appeared in the Bliss Pavilion. The information just received shows that a large number of team leaders of the fierce ghosts have been arrested. catch."

"You shouldn't care about these things. If you cared about the ghosts, you wouldn't agree to my decision to modify your attack direction last night. You don't seem to be the one to react to this." Fu Nian shook his head.

"The fierce ghosts are the power of the king, and they were also cultivated by the king. I really don't care about the life and death of the ghosts. Although I am their dragon king, I am just a mascot. This is something I have said very clearly before. .I didn't lie to you, and I won't lie to you."

"Give me a reason."

"Although most of the fierce ghosts are the king's subordinates, it doesn't mean that I don't have subordinates I trust.

There is someone I can't lose in the Bliss Palace now, and I can't accept the fact that she died in front of me! ! "

Kazama Ruri's voice became gnashing of teeth,
"This stupid woman!!"

Fu Nian looked at Kazama Liuli with a smile. To be honest, he was very satisfied with the other party's attitude now, because he exposed his weakness to himself without any concealment.

Fu Nian knew that Kazama Liuli was a smart person, and this matter was also the most correct decision he made.

"The time may be too late." Fu Nian glanced at the time in his hand, "The current Sheqi Bajia may have already ignited the fuel."

Kazama Liuli glanced at Fu Nian in surprise, he really did not expect that the other party would know the offensive methods of the Bajia of Sheqi.But now he can't control so much.

"I won't give up until I see the ending." Kazama Liuli's pupils were suddenly covered by a pair of golden rays of light.He was showing Fu Nian his will.

Stare at each other's eyes at this moment.Fu Nian suddenly laughed silently.

"Save someone!"

Fu Nian's smile instantly became serious.The majesty of the ancient dragon shrouded the darkness behind him.A pair of huge dragon pupils slowly opened their eyes.

"Sakurai Kogure."

(End of this chapter)

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