Chapter 315


The sound of pulling the muzzle was clear and sweet, and at close range, Lu Mingfei felt that the back of his entire body was straightened and tensed at this moment.

There was the sound of a windbreaker unfurling.It seemed that someone stepped on the railing on the second floor.

No... If you don't come, just be by your side!
Lu Mingfei only felt his hairs stand on end.But before the chill spreads down the toes to the top of the head.

An open windbreaker appeared in his field of vision, and a black and red figure flashed past in his eyes.

If you want to ask more specifically, Lu Mingfei can only tell you that it is a slim black and red figure.

Because the opponent's speed was too fast, when the woman jumped down from the second floor, the sniper rifle hadn't fallen from the second floor to the ground.

Finally, the sniper rifle fell heavily on the floor, and the already crumbling attic was destroyed again.

Another burning log fell beside him.At this moment, Lu Mingfei didn't dare to move anymore.

Appearing in the hall is a woman with a red ghost mask. The woman's black windbreaker is flying in the midair of the burning fire. Under the midair is a tight black tights, but this tights is not the most beautiful. The common material of stockings is made of tiny black scales.They are like the scales on the body of the colorful beauty snake, which reflect the colorful colors under the burning of the surrounding fire.

Yuan Zhisheng stood in the middle of the hall, frowning.The wrist that held the spider cut tightly in his right hand was still trembling slightly.That was the consequence of the violent collision between the spider cut and the sniper bullet.

The bullet accurately hit the tip of the spider cutter, and the blow he was determined to win was forced back.

But the bullet that repelled him also paid the price of his life, and was cut in half by the sharp blade of the spider.

Yuan Zhisheng still firmly grasped Sakurai Kogure's shoulder with one hand. From the beginning to the end, Yuan Zhisheng's strength was always focused on the woman in his hand.

"It's you!"

The golden pupils in Yuan Zhisheng's pupils suddenly flashed a trace of murderous intent, which is different from the tenderness given to each other when they met Sakurai Kogure, and the moment they saw that mask.A rare evil spirit burst out from Yuan Zhisheng's body.

Although Sakurai Kogure is the dragon and horse of the fierce ghosts, among the incidents investigated by the Saki Bajia, the other party rarely took action personally, and almost never did it personally.

But the person in front of him is different, staring at the mask that is grinning ferociously on the other person's face at the moment, the color of the mask is black and red like blood, Yuan Zhisheng knows that this color is worthy of the name.

The other party's mask was soaked with blood drop by drop. From the first time the other party appeared in their field of vision, to last night's horrific scene where one person was killed in ten steps, and there were countless dead bodies in front of him and behind him. Who is the person most wanted to kill among the ghosts? Apart from researching evolutionary medicine behind the scenes, the mastermind who tried to revive God is the woman in front of him.

But Wanko Sakurai, who was standing opposite Yuan Zhisheng, didn't pay attention to him at all.

Instead, he stared at Sakurai Kogure who was being held by Yuan Zhisheng with complicated eyes
After staring at it for a long time, finally, a burst of laughter broke the surrounding silence.

Wanko Sakurai shook her head, and turned her gaze to Minamoto who was next to Sakurai Kogure.

Sakurai Kogure is currently under the influence of the evolutionary medicine's crazy expansion of emotions, and does not have a very clear human body consciousness. At this moment, it is more of the fighting consciousness of being a Deadpool and a beast.

Even if there is, her emotions will be infinitely magnified by the emotions of Dragon Blood, and the emotions expressed are two things completely different from normal emotions.Wanzi is deeply aware of this.

So now she has no intention of communicating with the other party at all, but simply takes a look at the other party, because this may be the last time between them as superiors and subordinates.

"Your opponent should actually be me." Wanko Sakurai finally spoke the first voice.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the other party quietly and did not speak, and Wanko Sakurai did not intend to wait for him to speak.

"This woman is actually very stupid. She's right. The one staying here tonight is just a ghost, and it's just a dragon horse following orders."

"Wang Jiang and Dragon King really exist?"

"Your question is ridiculous, isn't it? If I deny it you'll think they don't exist?"

Lu Mingfei lay quietly on the side and listened to the voice from below. To be honest, the sudden appearance of this woman wearing a ghost mask really gave him a big jump, no matter from the sudden appearance of the other party or from the on the opponent's mask.

But what surprised Lu Mingfei was that Lu Mingfei always felt that something was weird. If he had to say something, it seemed to be a voice. The other party's voice was soft and soft. If he didn't look at the other party, he would appear What Lu Mingfei had in mind was a very polite and gentle intellectual woman.

But this doesn't match at all with the sassy ghost he saw now, who almost frightened him to death with just one glance.In Lu Mingfei's imagination, this woman's face under the mask should be like the current Sakurai Kogure, with a dead waiter's face.


Stab it! !
Countless sparks exploded in Lu Mingfei's pupils in an instant,
Sakurai Kogure, who was broken by Yuan Zhisheng, has not yet landed completely.
The two collided with each other with a bang, just like two sports cars that were galloping at a high speed, they mercilessly inserted into the driver's seat of the oncoming car.

The ground around the violent impact shook violently.Sakurai Wanko held a blood blade with a scarlet blade in one hand and launched a fierce attack towards Yuan Zhisheng on the opposite side.

Yuan Zhisheng held the handle of the spider knife tightly with both hands, and hid behind him to maintain a defensive posture.

Lu Mingfei's mouth was wide open from the attacking speed of the two, and the dazzled movements were like a movie screen at ten times speed. The only thing he could see was yellow sparks shooting between the two like fireworks.

The violently driven air brought countless falling sparks from the roof of the attic.And the occasional falling charcoal sticks.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the opposite pair of eyes with a little surprise, they were a pair of golden pupils whose brightness was not weaker than his, but her eyes were vertical pupils.

It's the vertical pupil like a dead waiter!

Is this a Deadpool?
Yuan Zhisheng felt that the strength in his hands was not weaker than his own. His strength was actually greater than that of ordinary dead waiters, but he seemed to have no advantage in front of this woman.The opponent's speed is not inferior to his own.


Yuan Zhisheng stared at his left hand, Tongziqie, who suddenly appeared on the other side's weak belly.What should have been the most fatal weakness of human defense turned out to be a defense that his alchemy weapon boy couldn't break through.

Sakurai Wanko's eyes flickered, her body squatted down suddenly, and the golden color pulled out a long downward phantom amidst the firelight and dark shadows.

With both hands resting on the lower end of the handle of the blade, the next second, the sound of piercing through the air came instantly.

But Yuan Zhisheng's speed was even faster. Before the blade came, his right foot suddenly turned to the outside, driving his whole body, and the spider cut to one side and swung horizontally.Dokori in the other hand once again attacked Sakurai Wanko's chest and heart directly from the bottom.

Stab it!

The sound of the intersection of two sharp blades tore Lu Mingfei's eardrums apart,

But Lu Mingfei's eyes were fixed on Yuan Zhisheng's short knife Tongziqie in the other hand.

I don't know if the speed between the two has slowed down, or he is getting familiar with the speed of the other side. This is a rare confrontation between the two sides that he can clearly see.
Still such a thrilling duel between the two sides.The short blade is about to penetrate the opponent's heart.Yuan Zhisheng knew that the opponent's defense was strong, and he continued to attack the place with the thickest defense, so he must have his own absolute confidence!
Lu Mingfei believed, as long as!

There was a flash of light.

Lu Mingfei almost popped his eyes out.

(End of this chapter)

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