I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 316 The Fearful Lu Mingfei

Chapter 316 The Fearful Lu Mingfei

A pitch-black and shining sharp claw appeared in front of Lu Mingfei, and at the same time, it also appeared on the only path that Dagger Doziri must pass.

The palms that were supposed to be white were actually covered with fine and deep black scales at this moment. When the eyes fell on them, the fine scales were still spreading rapidly along the white and tender arms like beetles.

The slender fingers at the end have now turned into five thick and sharp claws.

Under the burning of the surrounding flames, every piece of scale armor shone with a strange and dancing light.Like elves dancing in the flames.For Sakurai Wanko at this moment, she put on a layer of golden and black unicorn arms.

Different from the dull gray-black on Kogure's body, the scales on Wanko Sakurai's body exuded crystal light.It is as if the obsidian is being flowed by clear water.Crossing Wushan Mountain along the ravine, soaking the cloudy and rainy skin on the surface of the white and tender jade-like skin little by little.

This is a situation that Yuan Zhisheng has never seen before, but the current situation does not allow him to think carefully about the reasons.The dragon's blood in the body was rushing like a landslide, and the rolling blood flow was unbearably hot.Roughly, bluntly, he drove his hard fist towards Wanzi Sakurai...

Between smoke and fire,

On the other hand, Lu Mingfei, who was squatting above the second floor, looked hesitantly at the battle below, and carefully stared at the scales on Wanko Sakurai's body that quickly flowed between the broken clothes. The feeling of being wrapped, unconsciously, a deja vu illusion appeared in Lu Mingfei's mind.
I feel like I have seen the same thing somewhere, where is it?Where, where...!
A scene of blazing fire suddenly flashed in Lu Mingfei's line of sight, a large area of ​​nude dead waiters surrounded a man covered in flames and sweat,
In the dark night, the scales on the man's body also reflected the surrounding raging fire like now, and the abyss of raging fire was shrouded in a poignant darkness.

He, Lu Mingfei, wielded his knife in a dazed and frenzied manner, and fought with the man again and again. Under the long-lasting but high-strength force, he finally relied on the strength of Lu Mingze to completely chop the opponent under the knife, and the knife was taken off. The face of the man under the mask was the old Tang whom he was familiar with.

Lu Mingfei retreated in horror after seeing that face, he killed Old Tang, he killed his best friend Old Tang.

The reality, the past, and the dream are illogically intertwined and intertwined. Lu Mingfei frantically wants to retreat, frantically wants to pull out, and frantically wants to escape from the smelly thing stuck in Lao Tang's hand. Old Tang looked at him with empty, indifferent eyes.

The receding body fell on the floor and caused great pain. The pain made Lu Mingfei wake up for a moment, but the sound of a heavy object falling on the floor was like a chandelier on the ceiling falling on the sleeping bed. Yuan Zhisheng and Sakurai Wanko, who were fighting inextricably, were separated from the middle in an instant.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at Lu Mingfei's face on the floor, and his blank eyes were instantly shocked by a wave of horror.

The whole person was like a stealing cat whose wife saw the trick, and rushed towards Lu Mingfei at the speed of thunder across the clouds.

And Wanko Sakurai, who was opposite him, also didn't hesitate much. The moment Yuan Zhisheng started, the muscles in his calf drove the speed of his whole body to explode instantly.

The two met physically in the hall in the middle, their eyes intertwined,
The hidden weapon shuriken flew out of Sakurai Wanko's palm mercilessly, and Dojiki cut five bright sparks in the air at high speed.

The two wanted to leave with their backs facing each other.

Yuan Zhisheng knew what the other party was going to do, but he couldn't stop the other party from doing it, because when the other party shot at his hidden weapon, the same two shurikens were aimed at Lu Mingfei who fell on the floor in front of him. flew over.

Kassel College once again sent Saki Hachiya to the Japanese branch to perform tasks. As the director of the executive bureau, he knew about it. He had already guessed it when Fu Nian asked him to say goodbye to the principal. Headquarters will interfere with things here.

And the headquarters still sent the three most powerful commissioners in the college, which is also within his reasonable expectation. He has seen the photos and materials of the three people, because the task of encircling and suppressing the ghosts is completed tonight. After that, he will represent the strongest of the Japanese branch to pick up the plane, just like Fu Nian back then.

What surprised him most was why the students at the headquarters of the Kassel College always played their cards out of common sense. It was clearly the plane tomorrow morning, so why did they appear here now! ! !

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the fairly familiar face of Lu Mingfei who fell from the second floor. What made him even more unbelievable was that it was obviously the most powerful S-rank among the three, and the S-rank of Tulong. Why did he appear in front of him with such a weak posture now.

In the eyes of Yuan Zhisheng at this moment, the other party is a noble young man who just came out of the Yihong Pavilion in the famine era. Although he is well-dressed, his cheekbones are sunken, his eyes are dark, and he looks exhausted.

According to the current physical condition of the other party, let alone two hidden weapons shuriken, even the surrounding fire and heat may not be able to escape alone.

Yuan Zhisheng's speed is very fast, he has to be fast.

Soon, the S-class of Kassel College died in front of him.

On the other side, Sakurai Wanko's speed is also very fast, and she has to be fast, the two of them have a great understanding, the moment Yuan Zhisheng took a step forward, he also tried his best to move the spider in his hand towards the already Sakurai Kogure, who lost her ability to fight and dodge, threw it.

According to the sharpness of the spider cut and Yuan Zhisheng's power level that she had experienced just now, she had no doubt that this knife could split Sakurai Kogure in half in an instant.

Even if the other party is now the body of a dead waiter, in front of Hong Tao who has completely released Yun Yuyuan at this moment, the ending is no exception!

Because the two sides were not opponents at the same level from the beginning,
She watched the whole battle between Sakurai Kogure and Minamoto, even though the bodies of both sides were back and forth, the mountains trembled.But after getting in touch with Yuan Zhisheng personally, Wanzi knew that Yuan Zhisheng didn't take Sakurai Kogure seriously at all, so he put water from the Pacific Ocean.

He possesses the absolute strength of being unparalleled in an instant and conquering him with something hard around his waist.

Now that Yuan Zhisheng did it, the spider who broke through the air and headed towards Sakurai Wanko carried this power, because Yuan Zhisheng had given up the benevolent fantasy in his heart that made Sakurai Kogure obedient.

After being given up hope, Sakurai Kogure must die.

But Wanzi can't let her die, not because the other party is her boss, the dragon horse of the fierce ghosts,
It was because the master did not allow her to die!
"Yan Ling!" Sakurai Wanko's pupils were suddenly flooded with rich lava, and the lava eroded extremely fast.

Soon Wanzi's voice was full of flame and violent power so thick that it almost made Yuan Zhisheng's and Lu Mingfei's blood agitated at the same time.

Her pupils were covered by crimson vertical pupils, and countless small red cracks appeared under Wanzi's scales, like magma integrated into the veins, looming between the cracks in the rocks.

At an unknown fork in the road, there was a sudden storm and waves surged.

The air was extremely compressed by a scorching temperature, and after the compression, a terrifying force burst out, and the force brought Wanzi's body to a sudden acceleration.

The moment the spider was about to penetrate into Sakurai Kogure's body, a flush ran through a slender waist.

A smear of black and red corrosive blood was sprayed on the ground.

The spider was firmly inserted into Wanzi's abdomen, and the two pairs of sharp claws on the ancient blue blade tightly blocked the opponent's forward penetration.

Behind her, Sakurai Kogure was lying on the ground safe and sound.

Sakurai Wanko doesn't think she has the strength to block and 100% intercept the spider when it is advancing extremely fast.

So she took the risk of using her body to withstand this force. Fortunately, she made the right bet.

After becoming the king's attendant, her greatest discovery was that her strength and defense were strengthened, especially the strength of defense,
That's why she was able to use her sharp claws to receive the opponent's attack during the battle, because at that time Yuan Zhisheng believed that the power that could cut through Deadpool's seeming strength was not enough to break through her own defense.

Slowly pull the spider stuck in the abdomen out of the body, and throw it on the ground.

Sakurai Wanko didn't hesitate at all, turned around and picked up Sakurai Kogure behind her, and rushed towards the burning fire in the distance.

 Thank you very much for the 50000 point reward of [Hao Eating Melon]!I owe two more.

(End of this chapter)

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