I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 317 My brother is not in it

Chapter 317 My brother is not in it



Sakurai Wanko yelled in a low voice towards the trembling fat man in front of her.

Fatty is a big player who came here to play today. He originally thought that he would earn two money comfortably as usual today, and just go home and sleep casually.

As a result, I encountered a big fight between mafia gangs, and finally drove my car on the right road from a large crowd of people.
When you want to let go of yourself like those cars on the road ahead, you are completely away from this dark environment.

A knife blade dripping with blood was placed on his neck.

Then they saw a woman with a ghost mask appearing in front of them with a ghost.

This scene seems to be that people in modern society broke into the underworld gangs that were fighting, and after finally groping around to escape,
It turns out that the underworld gangs fighting Rush are actually monsters.So it turns out that the ghosts in the anime and the demons in this world are real? ?
The man seemed to be hit by a [-]% crit.When I think of my status as an ordinary person, my heart hurts as if I have lost hundreds of millions.

But before he could recover completely, a picture appeared in his mind, wouldn't it be that what he touched tonight was also a monster? pull.


A cold air with a sour and rancid smell followed the respiratory tract and entered the lungs.While retching, his tongue licked the blood-red dripping blade.

I vomited even more.

But this is not the worst, the penultimate worst thing is that now there are two injured monsters trailing him in the car behind him.One of the monsters has been beaten back to its original form.The fear that made his scalp tingle rose and fell in the gray-black snake scales.

If her tongue could fork...

The screen was instantly shattered by his slap.

Because that's not the worst, the worst thing is the man looking in the rearview mirror,
Behind the women, a large number of men in black trench coats appeared behind them. More importantly, each of them seemed to have light golden eyes.In the dark, it looks like a servant wearing an orange ghost lantern.

They are all monsters!The fat man was drenched in horror. Looking around, there were at least 50 people.

The man tremblingly turned aside Sakurai Wanko, who was behind her with the tip of the knife on his neck, and wanted to speak, but couldn't speak at all.

"I know what you're thinking."

There was no furious and anxious yelling that the fat man had expected, and the voice from behind the mask even had a hint of tenderness, like stroking pearls between sliding milk.

"You can choose to delay time and let the people behind me kill me, but before they arrive, you must die first.

But if you drive now, I'll let you go when I leave. "Sakurai Wanko's strength in his hands has increased a bit.

The fat man didn't doubt the authenticity of the voice at all. In his eyes, the woman was as decisive as the evil spirit on her mask, and even a guy who chose to eat.

At close range, he could even smell the death breath of the other party on his neck.

The sound of the engine sounded without hesitation. He had no choice. His life was at the mercy of his foot. If he didn't step on the gas pedal, he would die immediately.

This is a very high-end sports car, and the engine has been specially refined, and the time to start at full speed is only three seconds.

The silver sports car pierced the darkness in front of him like a sharp sword.

But the moment the car rushed out, the cold sweat on the man's body drenched his clothes again.

Because the moment he stepped on the accelerator, several monsters suddenly appeared on the trunk of his car from both sides of the road.Trying to intercept a sports car that is about to start through the glass.

When he thought it was over,
Another group of men in black windbreakers and black clothes of the same style suddenly appeared by the roadside. Each of them cut the enemy in half with a single knife. The scene was bloody and violent, and the methods were blunt and rough.

Those men in black and the woman behind them have one thing in common, that is, they all wear masks of evil spirits.

She is not alone!

The man's eyes shrink into needle barrels.Half of the reason is being scared, and the other half is also being scared.

But now Wanko Sakurai is not paying attention to the other party.

Putting the knife by his side, he turned his attention to Sakurai Kogure on his chest.

At this moment, after being seriously injured by Yuan Zhisheng, the emotion in her body corroded by dragon blood has eased somewhat.Although it still looks like a dead waiter at the moment.

But when the boiling of the dragon's blood calmed down a little, her consciousness had returned to clarity, and the dragon scales on her cheeks showed many signs of fading.

The delicate and fair complexion underneath was revealed again.

"Actually, you don't need to take risks for me." Sakurai Kogure stared at the eyes under the evil ghost.lips parted slightly,

Her voice is very weak, even if the voice is too loud, it will become the shriek of an evil ghost, but this is her last time, because after the dragon blood completely loses its boiling vitality, she will continue to be weak until she dies .

She knew who was under the mask, because there was only one person wearing a ghost mask among the ghosts.Only her, Sakurai Wanko.

She is the ghost she personally picked out, and she is very happy to risk her life to save herself when she is alive or dead.Although it doesn't make much sense to save myself now.

After the evolution medicine, the dragon's blood had burned her life to the end.

"You are the one he wants. You will not die until he gives permission." Sakurai Wanko stared at the other party and shook her head.

Then he gently took off the ghost mask on his face, revealing the classic gentle beauty inside.

This behavior almost caused the fat man who was driving to stare out his eyes.

Hu Meizi, it really is you! !
"It's so beautiful." Sakurai Xiaomu stared at Wanzi's face, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

"You are beautiful too." Wanzi looked at her with the same smile.

At this time, it seemed that she was no longer the ferocious ghost who was fighting against Yuan Zhisheng just now, but a sewing woman sitting at home teaching her husband and children.

"But there won't be any more." Sakurai Kogure looked at the black scale armor all over her body with a wry smile. She is the person in charge of the demon group and also has an absolute understanding of evolution medicine. The consequences of the evolutionary medicine returning to its original state after stimulating the dragon's blood, the more violent the evolutionary medicine is, the more terrifying the sequelae, and even this kind of horror will make life worse than death.

"There will be. I will ask him to fight for you. You have this value."

Sakurai Kogure was taken aback suddenly, she keenly realized that what the other party was talking about did not seem to be Kazama Ruri.

"You said he is not the Dragon King."

"If the Dragon King you're talking about is Kazama Liuli, it's not."

"He's your boss."

Sakurai Wanko stared into Sakurai Kogure's eyes and suddenly smiled, her smile was very gentle and bright.

But Sakurai Kogure didn't see the answer she wanted.

"General Wang is right. Your identity is indeed questionable. Tonight is your real strength. Where are you taking me?" Sakurai Kogure's eyes gradually became serious.

"You shouldn't be angry. I never wanted to hide my strength. It's just that I haven't met an opponent who allows me to show my strength. So I didn't lie to you.

As for where to take you, this question is unnecessary.I am saving you. "

Sakurai Kogure rolled his eyes.



A five-star hotel,

Fu Nian sat on the sofa in the living room in loose pajamas, with her chin propped up, her wet hair exuding a faint fragrance of crabapple flowers in the air.

This is the shower gel that Xia Mi bought casually when she came back from the roadside. She only thought the bottle looked good and smelled good, but she didn't know if the quality was good, so she decided to find someone to try it out.


Xia Mi curled up cross-legged on another sofa next to her, and took a deep breath with her little nose.Then she closed her eyes slightly, her long eyelashes trembling slightly in the air.

This action made Fu Nian inexplicably think of Fingal's expression when tasting red wine, with the same 45-degree elevation angle, the same eyelashes blinking slightly, and the same mouth making a sound like a silly cat...

"It seems a bit too pleasant to smell. The aroma of cherries, blackberries, and mulberries, the sky seems to be filled with velvety soft feathers." Xia Mi stretched out his hand and fiddled with it,

It is as smooth and supple as pearls passing through silk,
Didn't my brother marinate it in it? "

Xia Mi opened his eyes and looked at Fu Nian who was stunned opposite him.

"Xia Mi, wake up." Fu Nian waved in front of Xia Mi,
"What you're drinking is not some dusty red wine, it's the shower gel that can be seen everywhere on the street!!"

Staring at the shower gel bottle in the corner that he casually threw there, Fu Nian really did not expect that this girl's imagination would be so rich.

Xia Mi stared at Fu Nian and blinked without saying a word.

Fu Nian also blinked.

"Hey, waiter, 1709, a bottle of Lafite."

(End of this chapter)

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