I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 319 Encounter in the depths of the elevator

Chapter 319 Encounter in the depths of the elevator


A coin spins on the ground and begins to circle.

The door to the basement was opened, and a yawning man walked towards the other side, holding his belt and dragging his slippers again and again.

Behind him, the crimson color had already dimmed, and the gray-brown cement wall looked very dim and desolate after losing its light rendering.

The only incandescent light hit the two women inside,
Without exception, their torn and messy clothes seemed to have been torn apart by countless hungry wolves.The disheveled hair fell weakly between the fine sweat on his forehead.Faint breaths rise and fall... The rosy white skin seems to have fallen cherry blossoms covering the cheeks.

Kazama Liuli stood in a dark corner far away, her frowning brows were hard to understand.His gaze fell firmly on the man walking out of the road.Following the figure of the other party all the way to the exit of the basement.

"as you wish."

The moment Fu Nian's figure was about to disappear into the darkness of the corridor, a crisp sound fell on the concrete floor like stones.

Sakurai Kogure is the blood of Bai Wang, although now he can turn her into a dragon attendant like Sakurai Wanko.

But he doesn't have the ability to use the order of the dragon slave to control the opponent from the air like Wanzi.Bai Wang has an absolute understanding of spiritual elements,
He, Fenrir, did not have this understanding.

So he didn't turn the opponent into a dead waiter, but let the dragon's blood in the opponent's body, which had completely lost its restraint, return to the original place in an orderly manner.

After dragon blood and human blood are balanced, she will be weak, but she is still the same Sakurai Kogure as before.


On the contrary, Fu Nian was a little tired and walked towards the first floor of the hotel. Tonight, he mainly gave Sakurai Wanzi a speech enhancement.

It was too early when I met the other party. At that time, I was still a simple king of the earth and the mountain, but the original Sakurai Wanzi Yanling belonged to the Fire Elemental Lingling controlled by the Bronze and Fire Throne.

After becoming an attendant of the throne of the earth and the mountain, I have no way to give the opponent too much advantage in the speech spirit, the only thing I can do is to make a small-scale improvement in the opponent's defense and strength.

But now that he has become the ruler of the Bronze and Fire Throne, he naturally has the ability to completely transform the opponent's bloodline, and then upgrade the opponent's language spirit slightly.

Candle Dragon belongs to Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, and is one of the top-level high-risk speech spirits after the mixed-race periodic table of speech spirits. It requires the caster to have the ultimate control over the power of the fire attribute.

Now Fu Nian has given it, but Fu Nian doesn't know whether the other party can completely release it. After all, he has never released Zhulong before, and he doesn't know how much the caster's tolerance is required to release the word spirit.

However, there is no need for the other party to completely release the candle dragon, one-third of the speech spirit has reached the top level of speech spirit.Wanko Sakurai would no longer be able to find an opponent among the mixed races.You can rely on your powerful strength to walk the world for yourself.

She may not have the chance to completely release Candle Dragon at all.

Thinking of Fu Nian nodding thoughtfully, looking at the elevator slowly moving down in front of her,



The elevator doors opened,
The moment Fu Nian twisted his waist and was about to step in,


The whole body froze in place,

The person on the opposite side also looked at the person's face in astonishment.

Two people have a moment, one forgets to enter, and the other forgets to exit.

The elevator doors are closed.

The woman's ecstatic screams resounded throughout the lobby of the hotel on the first floor, and the security guard who was yawning at the far door suddenly woke up and rushed in with a weapon in hand.

Fu Nian on the other side ran towards the stairs on the other side without hesitation.

He just received a voice message from Mai Jiude just the day before yesterday, and the content in it is still Xia Mi's excuse for repeatedly scoring N degrees against him.

If only Xia Mi knew that he and the other party had a separate and romantic encounter.

I can't have my own beef legs at all.

But it's not waiting for him to take the first step.

The elevator door on the opposite side opened slowly.

"Miss Su." The smile on the corner of Fu Nian's mouth was as bright as a flower.Standing in the same place perfectly, motionless.

"Mr. Fu." Su Enxi's face was flushed.The spring breeze is proud.

"Morning," Fu Nian greeted the other party in a gentlemanly manner.

Su Enxi glanced at the direction in which the security guards were rushing without leaving a trace, only to see that it was pitch black outside, as hazy as an abyss.


Su Enxi rarely showed her ladylike demeanor. She used to be the best hostess in the business school.After so many years of ups and downs in the shopping malls, she has tightly controlled etiquette.

Today, she is also wearing a tight red dress that wraps her breasts, high heels, and a document bag in her hand. She intends to go out to meet the cooperation manager here, so today she stands out from the identity of the house girl .

I am somewhat satisfied with my makeup look today.

Otherwise, the moment she meets the other party, she will turn her head and run away without turning her head back.

Fu Nian looked at the well-dressed makeup of the woman opposite him, looked at the slender legs exposed in the air, and smelled the flickering fragrance of a woman's body in the air. He really didn't dare to continue with her. Yes.

Before the voice incident, Fu Nian, not to mention meeting Su Enxi alone, even if Fu Nian and Su Enxi slept in the same room, she might not feel anything.

But I can't now, I was injured yesterday, at least I have to wait for the scar to heal before discussing the details.

But what the hell is it now, a hotel, is the other party investigating his whereabouts to the bottom?
If this is the case, I will be too completely exposed. Norma, who is the master key of Kassel College, will not know what Su Enxi can investigate.

"What a coincidence!" The smile on the corner of Fu Nian's mouth was natural and smooth, as if he didn't know about the voice gate incident at all.

"Yes, yes, what a coincidence! So you are also in Tokyo." The smile on the corner of Su Enxi's mouth was also very sincere, as if she didn't know about the voice gate incident.

"Are you going to take it?" Fu Nian stared at Su Enxi's position between the elevator doors.

At this moment, the security guard had already wandered around the hall, staring at Fu Nian and Su Enxi over and over again.If it weren't for the sincere facial expressions of the two of them, they would seem like real friends.

They probably would choose to arrest people without hesitation.

"What about you?" Su Enxi turned her eyes and asked Fu Nian.

"I'm going back to sleep." Fu Nian showed the other party his current pajamas and slippers.And the little hat on his head.

"I'm going back to sleep too." Su Enxi said hastily.

Fu Nianxin said that you are sleeping ass, who is staying in the hotel on the first floor.

My two pairs of longan eyes are really looking at you. This is the rhythm of going out for shopping.

But as a gentleman, Fu Nian would not let his useless mind control his mouth, he looked at Su Enxi with a smile and nodded,

"Then let's go back together."


Fu Nian really wanted to slap himself on the mouth.Let the fuck you speak! !
(End of this chapter)

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