I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 320 Fu Nian, what are you doing standing so far away?

Chapter 320 Fu Nian, what are you doing standing so far away?


There was no one in the hotel at night.

The two stood side by side between the elevators, looking at the slowly closing elevator doors in front of them, the slowly opening elevator doors, and the slowly closing elevator doors...

Time passed little by little, and no one took the initiative to speak, and no one took the initiative to press the elevator button.

Su Enxi lowered her head shyly and smirked.The clever mind is full of indescribable content like spring flowers and autumn water.

Fu Nian looked at his own reflection in the phantom of the elevator with a serious face,
Can't press it!Isn't it going to directly expose your floor if you press it? ! !In case the other party finds his room directly,
He wasn't the only one in the room, both Xia Mi and Erika's ears were not so easy to use.


What should we do now! !

Fu Nian really wanted to experience the beauty of the brain, but...

Do you want to tell the other party that I suddenly remembered that I forgot to buy bananas and cucumbers, and I have to go out again?
What if the other party also wants to do it?I can't say to buy corn.

Even if Su Enxi believes that she is dressed in a bathrobe now, she has no money.

What should I do?
You can't use the excuse of looking for Saipan to escape this matter!
Although Saipan doesn't need money, it's a waste of voice.

Ah, Fu Nian felt like his head was going to blow off. If it was as simple as a stone in front of him, wouldn't it be great to smash it in a circle and move on.

Thinking about the fact that I still own the stock gifted by the other party, and the college still has a sports car delivered by the other party... thinking...

"Which floor do you live on?" Fu Nian smiled and looked at Su Enxi, who lowered her head beside her, with a natural and smooth smile, and clean and hygienic eyes.

"You first." Su Enxi stretched out her hand in a ladylike manner,

"No, you first." Fu Nianxin said, I'm not a gentleman.I am saving myself.

"No, you first." Su Enxi's voice was very weak, completely different from her at the elevator entrance.In the private space alone, some inappropriate memories appeared in her mind.

"You first." Fu Nian insisted.

"You first" Miss Su Enxi fluttered.



Fu Nian couldn't bear it anymore and pressed the button of a certain floor of the stairs.

The seventeenth floor that was lit up started slowly as the elevator started.

In Fu Nian's helpless eyes that were almost hard to attach, Su Enxi looked at Fu Nian's back with a face of surprise.

"How do you know I live on the seventeenth floor?"

Su Enxi's voice made Fu Nian, who had just retreated, froze, and his neck slowly swung to the side like a rusted clock.

"You... also live on the seventeenth floor?" Fu Nian paused every word, but the cold was from toes to heels.

"Wow, do you also live on the [-]th floor?" Su Enxi's eyes filled with surprise, Fu Nian, "We are so destined!"

"Of course not." Fu Nian naturally couldn't agree, and thought to himself, didn't you arrange this damn evil fate on your own initiative! !

Su Enxi Kaba Kaba blinked her meticulously drawn eye shadow, the purest happiness and surprise in her heart without adding a trace of variegation.

Fu Nian stared at the other person's eyes, and gradually became a little suspicious of the other person's plan. He and Su Enxi have known each other for a long time, since the first encounter on the first-class cabin to Kassel College.

Then to the encounter at the Tokyo hotel just now, the friendship between the two has gone through almost a year, and after such a long time of understanding, Fu Nian still has a more concrete understanding of each other.

Although the other party has a mature and old aunt's heart under the young, beautiful and excellent appearance, but this is only limited to when the other party is in contact with customers. Fu Nian has witnessed this side of Su Enxi from the side.

That's why at the moment of first contact, he thought that the other party had investigated him (the witty Fu Nian still does not rule out this situation), because the other party did have this strength.

But now the other party's expression in front of him is so pure, the emotions expressed in the eyes are so clean, and there is not even a bit of shyness caused by the previous big incident.

Fu Nian faintly felt that he might have wronged the other party, but how could it be such a coincidence to live in a hotel on the first floor with him.

When Xia Mi and himself met at Lu Mingfei's hometown hotel, although they lived in the hotel on the same floor, it was Xia Mi's surprise plan!
Just to get closer to myself.

Fu Nian seriously doubts whether there is a problem with the nature of the matter, because it is related to what kind of action plan Fu Nian needs to take next.

If it is true that the other party has obtained his geographical location, it must mean that other organizations in Japan also have the possibility of controlling their own whereabouts. Kassel College has the Norma system, and Japan also has Kaguya that is not much weaker than Norma. Ji system.

This is a milestone in the development of modern science and technology. He has to pay attention to it, and never dares to underestimate it.

While Fu Nian was thinking about how to deal with this matter, the elevator stopped slowly and stopped at the seventeenth floor.

Su Enxi looked up at Fu Nian's profile, and poked his motionless body.

"Aren't you going to send me back?"

"No way." Fu Nian stood still in place like a stone, how could he go in, this floor is the floor he is on, according to the degree of use of Xia Mi's small nose and ears,
Fu Nian didn't know how efficient other things were, but when it came to judging his own position, the other party was like a bee with a radar installed, entering his heart every minute and turning into honey.

As soon as you step out of the elevator door,
No, no, it is impossible to step out by yourself.

Fu Nian shook his head.

"Is this so?" Su Enxi's naked eyes dimmed, "Yesterday a manager called me and asked me to appreciate the 49.9-carat record diamond he recently bought.

But I didn't go, he sent it to my room.I was a bit heavy at first, I didn't want it, I thought Fu Nianxi didn't like it, if I liked it, I would give it to you, now it seems..."

"Wait." Fu Nian suddenly interrupted Su Enxi's voice.

"How can you carry such a heavy thing by yourself, is there no one else in the room?"


"I come!"

Su Enxi smiled.Of course she knew that Fu Nian was not for carat diamonds, but for helping her pure heart.

The moment he stepped out of the elevator, Fu Nian felt unreal in a trance. What did he do?
But when I think of something shiny and shiny like 49 carats, I believe Xia Mi will not refuse it.After all, something of this magnitude is also something that is hard to come by.

The collection value it has far exceeds the US dollar, which is comparable to gold.

Su Enxi led the way, and Fu Nian followed the opponent step by step. As the master of strength, he now had to perfectly use the gap between the opponent's footsteps to control his landing time and landing location.

Try to accurately synchronize with the sound of the opponent's high-heeled shoes stepping on the tile floor, in order to minimize the risk and minimize the consequences.

But as Su Enxi walked away.

Fu Nian's heart sank even lower.

For a moment, he even rose up. Is this why Xia Mi messed with himself.Because Su Enxi is walking in the same direction as her room! !

But this reason was quickly dispelled by Fu Nian. Although Xia Mi would make fun of herself occasionally, it was only limited to slapstick on the surface. According to her temperament, she would not do such a thing.

but why?other side……

Fu Nian stared at Su Enxi who was standing quietly in front of the house number of her room.

Fu Nian, who was ten meters behind, finally stopped moving.


If you go again, you will sacrifice to heaven.

To Fu Nian's great relief, Su Enxi turned to the left and opened the room opposite her house number.

Then he looked curiously at Fu Nian in the distance.

"Fu Nian, why are you standing so far away? Come in quickly."


The drooling voice echoed clearly in the hallway.

To Fu Nian's surprise,
two seconds later,

The door of the room behind Su Enxi,


(End of this chapter)

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