I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 321 can actually be said directly.

Chapter 321 can actually be said directly.


A small head that Fu Nian could recognize even with his eyes closed popped out.

"Brother, you're back." Xia Mi's voice was as gentle as a glass ball trapped in cotton.

Fu Nian's feet seemed to grow on the floor, and he couldn't move them no matter what.

"Yeah, little Xia Mi." Su Enxi looked at Xia Mi who suddenly poked his head out as if seeing some surprise.The eyes really seemed to see his cousin.

They still have a courtyard house in BJ. Who would have thought that a few months later, they would appear together in Tokyo, and live in a hotel opposite each other by fate.

"Sister Su." Xia Mi smiled with narrowed eyes, with cute little canine teeth at the corners of his mouth.

"Where are you guys, brother is this?" Xia Mi's eyes wandered back and forth between the two.

"By chance."

"Fix the faucet."

The two spoke in unison.

Xia Mi suddenly realized, and automatically ignored Fu Nian's answer,
"It turns out that my brother can repair faucets."

"Don't Xia Mi know?"

Su Enxi seems to be very interested. Once women have a common topic, they can sit around and spend a night together.

"I know." Xia Mi nodded with his eyes shining. "My brother, I don't know, he knows a lot. He has also learned massage, foot pinching, and finger cupping.

It's comfortable, isn't it, brother? "

Xia Mi tilted her head.

Fu Nian nodded quickly, Xiaolong wagged his tail happily.

Su Enxi's eyes sparkled with a ripple.

"Unarmed cupping?"

"Unarmed cupping."

"Without tools?"

"No tools."

"What's the use?"

"You can use anything."

Su Enxi's eyes brightened even more.

Fu Nian's face also turned darker.

At this time, Su Enxi finally found the room card and just opened the door,

Turning his head to look at Fu Nian behind him with stiff muscles.

Fu Nian's eyes drifted to Xia Mi who was beside him.

Xia Mi also smiled and looked at the open door of the room.

The meaning is obvious, let's go.

"Xia Mi together?" Fu Nian's hoarse voice echoed in the corridor.

Su Enxi was taken aback, "Yes, Xia Mi wants to come together?"

"No, no, I haven't finished dinner yet. I have to take a bath and go to bed soon." Xia Mi's head shook like a snare drum.

Su Enxi breathed a sigh of relief, she liked Xia Mi very much, but she didn't want him to enter the room now, because... because, oh, (the girl is shy).

After finishing speaking, Fu Nian only heard that his right ear was closed with a bang.

"Mr. Fu, please come in." Su Enxi beautifully made a polite gesture towards Fu Nian.It seems to welcome the right to enter a mysterious and indescribable abyss hole.

Fu Nian thought back to Xia Mi's normal and no longer normal behavior just now, and thought about the carat diamond which is extremely collectible, hesitated for a moment, and then took the first step.

The second step...the third step, the first...



hotel living room
Fu Nian lay casually on the soft sofa, playing with the TV in his hand.

He had checked the faucet just now, and found that there seemed to be no problem, but there were several faucets in this room, and Fu Nian didn't know which one the other party was talking about, so he prepared to wait for the other party to come out.

Su Enxi entered the bathroom, and Fu Nian didn't hear what she said.Allow yourself to sit in the living room for a while.Do not worry.

Fu Nian thought that Su Enxi seemed to be a very budget-minded female elite in the workplace, why her words were so inaccurate,

Sit in the living room for a while, then where to sit for a while?
But what made Fu Nian very satisfied was that the other party said for a while, it seemed that it was really just a while.

A few minutes after I sat down, the bathroom door clicked open from the inside.

Su Enxi was still in the tight dress, and she didn't even change the high heels on her feet.

Su Enxi wobbled around in front of Fu Nian, and looked back at Fu Nian who was bewildered.

Then went around, walked again, walked again, and...


Fu Nian looked at the corner of his mouth inexplicably, Su Enxi, who never went down from the beginning to the end.

Su Enxi quickly stood up straight and stood opposite Fu Nian with her chest upright and her eyes full of expectation.
"Do I look different?"

Fu Nian looked at her tall chest,

"Hmm... seems to be a circle bigger?"

"Ah." Su Enxi blushed and paused,
He put his hand to his mouth and quietly looked at Fu Nian and asked, "Really?"

Fu Nian looked at the other party's shining eyes.

Nodded, "Yeah."

"Oh, that's not what people said." Su Enxi's cheeks seemed to have been heavily smeared with blush.

"Look carefully at my lipstick. Is it not the same color as before?"

Fu Nian glanced at it silently, then closed his eyes and thought about it again.Eyes open again, eyes closed again...

at last,

"It's pretty." Fu Nian nodded.

The corner of Su Enxi's mouth immediately raised a latitude, "Remember this color."

Fu Nian nodded, and looked at Su Enxi suspiciously, "Aren't we repairing faucets?"

"Wait a minute, wait a moment. Don't worry." Su Enxi stepped on her high heels and ran towards the bathroom again.

This time she was faster, standing in front of Fu Nian again within half a minute.

The moment he stood up, before Su Enxi could ask him what was different.

Fu Nian saw the sparkling diamond pendant between her two peaks at a glance.

The pendant is a red diamond, a red diamond as bright red as blood, coupled with Su Enxi's coquettish red lips like velvet satin, and a tight dress, among the falling tea-colored slightly curly hair, the whole person is luxurious enough She became the cover spokesperson of a luxury fashion magazine.

What's even worse is that Su Enxi is also the boss of most of the capital behind them.

Fu Nian stared intently at the pendant between the white skin. Under the refraction of the light, it seemed that there was blood flowing quietly inside.

"Want to take a closer look at it?"

Su Enxi likes Fu Nian's focused eyes at the moment, this is the first time she has seen such a warm expression in the other's eyes.Warm as if to come to a passionate hug.

"Is it possible?" Fu Nian looked seriously at Su Enxi, who was standing in front of her and was full of her free models.

"Of course." Su Enxi nodded quickly.

In the next second, she found that Fu Nian who was sitting on the sofa disappeared in an instant.

She intended to take it off from between her neck and chest so that the other party could appreciate it.Because this red diamond pendant hangs right between her chest.

The red diamond pendant fell between them, just like red beans falling on the white snow. The sharp contrast between the colors made the white tender more creamy, and the blood red more enchanting.

But when he lowered his head, a half-squatting figure in front of him was so abrupt... gratifying.

Su Enxi subconsciously wanted to dodge backwards, and Fu Nian was only less than a finger away from her.This was the first time she was so close to a man, so close that she could clearly feel the undulating hot breath spreading between the pores.

One piece at a time gave her a full sense of fulfillment.

She tensed her legs.

Heartbeat starts to speed up.

But her excited will abruptly stopped her movements.

Su Enxi's first thought was, is the other party trying to use this excuse to take advantage of her?

But when she thought that the other party was Fu Nian, Su Enxi shook her head,
That shouldn't be.

In fact, he wants to take advantage...

In fact, you can say it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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