I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 322 Fu Nian of Massage

Chapter 322 Fu Nian of Massage (for Subscription)

"This pendant is a bit different." Fu Nian looked at it for 5 minutes.

During the process, he gently poked the surface of the pendant inward with his fingers.

As the pendant rose and fell, it shook with the body lying next to it.

For a while, Su Enxi's breathing became more rapid.The blush extends from the cheeks to the roots of the ears.


Su Enxi nodded softly.Unspoken agreement in my heart.

After finishing speaking, Fu Nian slowly stood up and took a step back.

His eyebrows at the moment are a little weird, and from the beginning he looked at this thing with the idea of ​​admiring it.

but now.

Su Enxi also gradually came to her senses. Seeing Fu Nian who was sitting back on the sofa again, she quickly moved her tight legs and sat beside her, and kicked off her high heels by the way.

She was a little unsteady.

"Any questions?"

Su Enxi flicked the hair hanging on her forehead to dissipate the heat, but before she could completely pull it away, the slender fingertips suddenly poked her own face.

Mmm... slippery.But it's so hot.

He quickly covered his hair halfway back.

With a flick of a cover, the hair became disheveled.Thinking about not messing up her image, she prepared to get up and go to the dressing table...

"It's filled with dragon's blood."

Su Enxi's movements suddenly froze in place.

The neck turned like a rusted mechanical clock.

"That's really dangerous, Deadpool's boiling blood is coagulated in the diamond," said Su Enxi, and quickly held the hard object between her two peaks that was so red that it seemed to be full of blood.

"It's pure dragon's blood." Fu Nian's voice was light, but it made Su Enxi's body freeze at lightning speed.

Immediately afterwards, she moved quickly and carefully.Afraid of breaking this thing.Dragon blood, or the blood of a purebred dragon, is only different in three words, but it contains an unparalleled amount of information.

This thing may be a dream medicine for the fierce ghosts, but in a more sense, it is a devil who is about to die in the eyes of the mixed race.

In Su Enxi's eyes, this is the devil among devils.She hasn't found a boyfriend yet, so she doesn't want to be troubled by this thing.

"It doesn't matter." Fu Nian shook his head, lifted the crimson pendant on the sofa with one hand, placed it in front of his eyes, and placed it where the lights gathered.

The crimson luster on the pendant slowly changes under the light, they flow like blood... magnificent and full of hope.

"It's a good collectible, and it won't break so easily. So you don't have to worry too much."

"It's not easy, it's not impossible, hateful guy." There was a faint guess in Su Enxi's eyes. Although she was a mixed race, she was only a civil servant, and she had nothing to do with combatants.Not to mention being exposed to such dangerous dragon blood, even Deadpool would find it difficult for her to accept it.

Although she is sometimes very nervous, she will not put risky things around her.

That person gave this thing to himself, is it really pure love?Behind... Thinking about Su Enxi's eyes began to become darker.

"Can you tell me the identity of the person who gave you the pendant?" Fu Nian looked at Su Enxi and said.

"You..." Su Enxi looked at Fu Nian.

"This thing is very collectible, look how beautiful it is." Fu Nian smiled and looked at the woman opposite, with a bright mouth.

"But it contains dragon blood..."

"Dragon's blood makes it more unique, doesn't it?" Fu Nian tilted his head.Suddenly smiled, "Don't worry, it's safe before it breaks."

"In case it breaks."

"It's a diamond."

"Then I'll see you off." Seeing Fu Nian's eyes at the moment, Su Enxi spoke quickly.She believed in Fu Nian, if this belief could be deepened an inch because of this hard thing.

She was naturally elated.

She can see that the other party likes it very much, which is a kind of appreciation for beauty.

It is true that diamonds and dragon blood are the most precious things in the world. When they are fused together, they will become the most magnificent and rare treasures.

Although this thing is very precious, Su Enxi fears this kind of treasure.

Fu Nian looked at the other party and smiled without refusing,

"But I have a small condition." Seeing the other party's smile, Su Enxi felt a little lucky.

"Yeah." Fu Nian nodded bluntly.

"I'm not used to the environment here for the past two days. I have a sore back." Su Enxi pinched her shoulders as she spoke,

"Xia Mi said your kung fu is very good, I want you to give it a try." Su Enxi looked at Fu Nian, and suddenly acted coquettishly, "Just for a while, okay?"

"I do have a little bit of experience in the acupuncture points of the human body, which may be helpful for your body's discomfort, but you don't need to exchange those things. As a friend, this is what I should do.

pinch where? "

Compared with the magic of meridians and acupoints, massage is only a superficial application direction.

The proper power is traveling between the bodies in different orders, and it is completely possible to generate different stimuli to the body, as if lighting up the star map in the sky.In the end, it will be connected to produce incredible effects.

Although Fu Nian's understanding of meridians is relatively shallow, his power control is relatively subtle. If he only uses this to do the simplest things of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, relaxing meridians and activating collaterals, he can still do it very well.

"Anywhere is good. The whole body is best. Especially..." Su Enxi straightened her chest and stood up.

Then he looked at Fu Nian expectantly.Lie flat on the sofa quickly.He tilted his head and looked at Fu Nian opposite.

There is one that I have already laid down, come quickly.

"Especially from the neck down."

Aiming at whether the other party will take advantage of this process.Su Enxi straightened her chest again to make her posture more comfortable.

If there is, that would be great (shy〃〃).

"It's actually a bit narrow here, and I might not be able to fit it in." Fu Nian looked at the sofa where Su Enxi was lying flat by herself.Tilting his head hesitantly.

"Then go to my bedroom, the bedroom has a big bed." Su Enxi got up quickly and ran to the bedroom, her bare feet were a little impatient.

Fu Nian stood up and followed behind the other party, and took a serious look to see if there was a closed door.


The room is closed.The curtains are tightly closed.

Su Enxi obediently lay in the middle of the bed.With a tall chest, one eye is slightly squinted, and the other is closed tightly.

"Eh..." Fu Nian looked at Su Enxi at this moment,

"Enxi, it's a bit inconvenient to do a frontal massage, why don't you turn over."

"Oh." Su Enxi blushed even more, turned over, and covered her smiling face with a pillow.

The 21st century is an era of boldness and openness. Coupled with the already familiar relationship between the two, when the other party's body is blocked, Fu Nian helps him untangle it, which is what a friend should do.

Thinking about it, Fu Nian lightly placed his fingertips on the opponent's back shoulder.

Incredible things happened.



"This damn woman doesn't answer my phone."

On the exterior wall of the sixteen-story hotel, a woman in tight black silk put her body against the slightly smooth wall, with one hand grabbing the raised part of the wall, and the other looking at the unconnected phone number on the phone. Telephone.

Jiu Toku Mai originally wanted to see this woman for so long.Give each other a small surprise in life.

Add a touch of ups and downs to the other party's peaceful home girl life.

Instead of taking the stairs, she quietly climbed up to the seventeenth floor from the back wall.

Then I was going to call the other party, and when a beautiful girl was airborne,

The other party did not answer her call.

"Forget it, let's make the surprise more violent." The corner of Mai Tokuku's mouth raised a smirk.

Slowly crawling under the wall of the other party's bedroom, when he was about to jump in through the window.


Some strange voices came from the bedroom of Su Enxi Hotel.

Although the sound insulation of the hotel is very good, but the ninja has excellent hearing.

Mai Tokuku stood there stupidly, listening to the... strange panting sound in the room.Subconsciously glanced at the room number.

That's right.




Su Enxi only felt the moment Fu Nian's finger landed on her body,

A scorching force spurted out along the opponent's fingers.

Fu Nian said he was giving her a massage, but in fact the two of them didn't have much physical contact.This made her slightly disappointed.

But this disappointment was quickly filled by another unprecedented satisfaction.

Su Enxi lay on the edge of the bed, and Fu Nian sat under the bed.One finger rises and falls on each other's back,

In and out of the vortex of air.

The reason for this is entirely because the usual massage technique is the same as his current movement principle, and even in the downward spread of strength,

The power between the acupoints will also be connected to each other, and the strength will converge into a surging river like tributaries, with just the right power to impact the stagnant parts of the meridians in her body, and even impact her body. The place where dragon blood and human blood separate each other in the body.From the shoulders, to the chest and abdomen, the internal organs, all the limbs...

When the force is gathering more and more powerful, when the veins of Su Enxi's whole body are completely penetrated.

A burst of comfort from the inside out.Like the sea, like the tide... like,


Fireworks bloom in Xiongdu, mountain torrents rush to the countryside

(End of this chapter)

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