I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 323 Too hateful, this dragon

Chapter 323 It's too hateful, this dragon (for subscription)


On the air conditioner outside the window on the seventeenth floor, Mai Jiutoku stared blankly at the stars in the sky that curved and fell.

They are linked to each other, forming two towers between the distant sea of ​​stars, resembling the shape of mountains
The Milky Way hangs ahead.

Shining brightly in the dark night sky.

Mai Shutoku knew that what looked like milk was the Milky Way in the sky.

But what made her outrageous was that when she stared at the Milky Way, she always unconsciously thought of some not-so-good pictures in her mind.

What makes her even more outrageous is that God put a mosaic on her picture, but forgot to turn off the sound of the mosaic for her.

On the other side of her only separated by a wall,
The voice that made Shutoku Mai's mouth to reach his ear lasted for a long time.

Originally, she wanted to give Su Enxi a small surprise, but to her surprise, Su Enxi gave her a shock directly.

She is now sitting blankly on the air conditioner, holding her legs, looking at the sky, and there is a pair of neat high heels beside her.

She now has a daze of being homeless.It wasn't the room that was lost, it was the woman who was lost.

"Fu Nian...," Su Enxi narrowed her eyes.

In the room, Fu Nian's fingers landed on the other's smooth back, bit by bit...

Outside the window
Jiu De Mai's sluggish little ears instantly pricked up, his eyes looking at the sky immediately turned to the glass in the direction of the bedroom, and he straightened up from the air conditioner.

"Who?!" Mai Tokuku seemed to have heard some big news.

"Fu Nian? Su Enxi???"

Children, do you have many question marks?

She stared intently at the glass in front of her, but there was a curtain behind the glass. She had never felt that the curtain was so annoying at that moment! !


At the same time, not only Jiu Toku Mai, but also Lao Xia next door and Lao Uesugi next door became alert along with Jiu Toku Mai.

It's just that old Uesugi sat up in fright,
Erika rubbed her eyes and bare feet, and opened the door from the bedroom. For a moment, she was sleeping on the bed, and she had the illusion of a cold glow on her back.

It felt like the soft mattress was suddenly separated and replaced with hard back stone slabs. The key point is that the thick slate slabs are made of pieces of blades.

She quickly jumped to her feet, got off the bed with bare feet, grabbed the small book under her pillow, and ran outside.

The moment you open the door,


The cold is getting stronger.

I saw that Xia Mi was holding the chicken's neck tightly with one hand, the chicken's head rolled its eyes weakly and fell on her palm, the shadow of the room shrouded between her eyes,

There seems to be a figure of a dragon gathering behind him.

"Did something happen?" Erika placed the notebook carefully on her chest,

"Eri, good boy, remember to close the door of the room. The louder the noise, the more you don't want to come out. Do you hear me?"

Erika nodded without understanding.

turn around.

Click (high-end door closing sound).

"you are awesome."

Su Enxi leaned against the door and had a full-body massage for nearly an hour, which made her sweat all over her body, as if she had been in a sauna.

Leaning against the wall at the entrance of the hotel,
Faintly, the legs are a little weak (floating, trembling.

This is the physical manifestation of the power of dragon blood and human blood being stimulated by a power that has never been experienced before, just like ten traditional Chinese medicines such as ginseng, astragalus, atractylodes macrocephala, licorice, and yam, prepared with five flavors and seasonings Tasty, several hours of simmering, several hours... All in all, it is too much tonic.

In front of her, between the corridors of the hotel, Fu Nian was carefully arranging the slightly messy clothes.

Just been on the ground for too long,

The clothes were creased inadvertently, but it didn't hinder the matter, it was a bathrobe after all,


Thinking of Fu Nian, he prepared to walk towards his room, because the neighbor next door will come back soon, and it is not suitable for him to stay here.


Su Enxi's voice was a little weak, and she stopped Fu Nian.

Fu Nian turned her head.

At a certain moment, he actually found that the current Su Enxi was a bit different from the previous Su Enxi, but where exactly, Fu Nian couldn't tell for a while,
I just feel, I feel that she looks better now than before, with an inexplicable radiance on her face.

"Remember to come again."

"Definitely next time." Fu Nian nodded earnestly, but he didn't expect massage to have such an effect.

How about he give Xia Mi one more time?
Shaking her head, she opened the door next door under Su Enxi's gentle eyes.



"Has Xia Mi not slept yet?" Fu Nian saw that Xia Mi was still sitting on the sofa, holding a chicken head in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other.

The moment Fu Nian entered the door, the chicken's head was chopped off from the chicken's neck.

Fu Nian's neck twitched instantly.His legs went limp.

But when he saw Xia Mi's smiling expression at this moment, his whole body was relieved.

so far so good.

At the same time, secretly thought, I didn't do anything.Why do you have a guilty conscience?


Fu Nian froze, the voice was wrong!Although I don't know what went wrong, it's absolutely right to admit my mistake first.

Body flutter

"Xia Mi, listen to my sophistry, no, explain."

Xia Mi didn't listen to his explanation.Wipe off oily hands with a paper towel.He raised his eyelids and looked at each other.

"Brother, do you know that a boy who is good to one girl is called a warm boy, but what is the name of a boy who is good to all girls?"

Fu Nian shook his head blankly, "Call, what's your name?"

"Call a hot dog."

hot dog?

After thinking for a while, Fu Nian breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately,
It should not be me, I am a hot dragon at best.

"That...Xia Mi," Fu Nian knew that he couldn't give the other party another chance to speak.

"Actually, I didn't know Su Enxi well at first."


"It's just that she always likes to get close to me with money."

As he spoke, Fu Nian quickly took out a pendant chain from his bathrobe pocket.

If you don't hurry up, you will have to bury the friendly army.

He trotted all the way towards Xia Mi.

Xia Mi turned sideways with a look of disgust.

"Don't think you can bribe me with a string of necklaces! Impossible!" Xia Mi finally revealed his fierce face.

Grinning his teeth at Fu Nian.

"Xia Mi misunderstood, this is a diamond,
It is also a treasure among diamonds, a rare natural red diamond.It is also one of the highest price per carat diamonds currently on the market. "

Xia Mi blinked curiously, looking at the pendant in Fu Nian's palm.

Move your eyes up and look at Fu Nian together.


"Buy me? Don't even think about it, you are dirty."

"I'm just massaging." Fu Nian explained, really not trying to quibble.

"Massage Su Enxi, that...you think I'm blind." Xia Mi pointed at Fu Nian's ear.

"Which one?" Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi.

Xia Mi didn't show any weakness, pinched his waist and stared at him.

If possible, she would really like to put her hand on the dragon's neck!

Just kill you forget it.

But after thinking about it, Xia Mi still couldn't bear it.

In the next second, Xia Mi's hand was stuck on Fu Nian's neck like lightning.

Terrible, the dragon.

"You still have the face to smile!" Xia Mi pouted.

"Which one?" Fu Nian asked again.


"I'm really not quibbling, I'm justified."

"You are still confident, do you have any reason to be confident?!"

"Yes." Fu Nian nodded.

After finishing speaking, under Xia Mi's blank eyes, Fu Nian took out something from the bathrobe
Xia Mi's eyes widened, and his mouth opened slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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