I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 324 Fenrir also only has Xia Mi.

Chapter 324 But Fenlier only has Xia Mi. (seeking subscription)

Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi's slightly opened mouth opposite him with a smile on his face.

A trace of satisfaction flashed between his brows.

Fortunately, the young master knew this woman well and was known as a forerunner, so he made some preparations in advance.

Otherwise, I will be beaten to death today.You may not even be able to hold your head up in the future.

"You!!" Xia Mi pointed to the cell phone Fu Nian took out from the bathrobe.

Watching the other party slowly click on a certain video in the gallery,

Fu Nian was preparing to play in front of her.

"How dare you record this kind of scene!! Did you even take a picture!!"

Fu Nian was taken aback for a moment, thinking, "As expected of Xia Mi, you can guess this?"
"As expected, Xia Mi understands me best." Fu Nian raised her head with a smile.

But the moment he touched Xia Mi's eyes,
Why does it feel a little wrong?I obviously just took some videos and photos.

The means are aboveboard.

But before Xia Mi could react, the scene in the video had already started.

Fu Nian's voice caught Xia Mi's attention from the video.

"How about this angle?"

Su Enxi: "It's too shallow, go a little lower."


Fu Nian: "What about this speed?"

Su Enxi: "Hurry up a little..."

Fu Nian: "How about this strength?"

Su Enxi: "Well..."

The video flows in the air, and the sound spreads in time.

On the contrary, Xia Mi's emotions calmed down slowly, looking at his forearm stuck on the opponent's neck and chin, he slightly rubbed the corner of the opponent's mouth.


Xia Mi looked at the ceiling, and quietly followed the slight wrinkle caused by throwing himself on the opponent just now.

Afterwards, Xia Mi acted as if nothing had happened, woke up and put a glass of red wine into Fu Nian's hand,

"Brother, come, drink the medicine."

There was a chill behind Fu Nian's back.

"Bah. Brother, I've been drinking. There are ginseng and deer antler in it... after eating, it nourishes the kidneys, strengthens the spleen,..."

Fu Nian looked at the red wine in front of him, it was also from the same throne,
Why didn't he know that red wine has this effect?

"I don't drink."

Fu Nian shook his head. He was still thinking about how he would explain the Dragon Blood matter to the other party, and when he saw the red wine, he seemed to have a clue.He thought about turning around to get the dragon's blood pendant.

"No, brother wants to drink." Xia Mi stepped on Fu Nian's turned-back bathrobe, with a smile on his lips and gentle eyes.

"I do not……"

Xia Mi's eyes suddenly darkened.

"I don't... like to see Xia Mi unhappy."

"Well, dear, Xia Mi doesn't like to see my brother unhappy." As he spoke, Xia Mi stretched out his arms and hugged Fu Nian's neck, with his chin resting on his chest.Put one hand under Fu Nian's mouth.

Fu Nian with a pointed chin...

Xia Mi blinked, "Brother, open your mouth~"

Hmm... It's so comfortable! !

After breaking free from the shackles of his hands, Fu Nian crawled along the floor all the way to the coffee table and picked up the red diamond pendant on it.

"A massage is a massage, but the tip given by the other party is a bit high."

"It's really quite high. You pay once, and the host and guest enjoy themselves." Xia Mi nodded in agreement.

On the contrary, Fu Nian was stunned, he felt as if he heard something, but he didn't seem to hear anything.

Looking at Xia Mi who was watching the video seriously, he carefully watched the pendant in his hand.

When he was in the opposite room just now, he was observing carefully, but because of Su Enxi's physical limitations and the unsatisfactory occasion, he didn't take the initiative to do anything.

But it's different now, in this room, there are only him and Xia Mi, a man and a widow, even if he does something, no one will know.

Xia Mi won't say, he can't go to the street and yell wantonly, I am a dragon, I am a dragon...

It is estimated that even if they do this, they will not think that they are normal dragons.


I only heard the sound of the rising fire expanding in my ears instantly.It seems that some fire extinguisher released a pack of white smoke from the fire extinguisher.

Xia Mi, who was about to praise Fu Nian's hand skills, suddenly frowned.

The scorching temperature rose right next to her, followed by Fu Nian's slightly serious soft drink.


Fiery water vapor suddenly permeated the surrounding rooms, and after the fusion of water and fire, a large number of milky white objects were produced, and they ran amok in the air.

With Xia Mi's wave of one hand, the frozen air was like a huge hand, grabbing the source of the dense fog suddenly,
Depress the wrist, pull it suddenly,
The air suddenly became heavy, and countless whites were suppressed on the floor and could not move.

After the thick fog, what appeared was a pair of golden vertical pupils, in which the crimson fire light was slowly rising and falling.

"What's wrong? Why is there a large-scale condensation of water elements around?" Xia Mi stared at the red diamond in Fu Nian's hand,

His brows suddenly knit together.

Xia Mi: "Dragon blood?" At close range, Xia Mi could see Fu Nian's palm clearly.

Fu Nian nodded, "The purity of the bloodline is extremely high. We seem to be plotted against."

Fu Nian stared at the red pendant in his hand. With Fu Nian's action just now, the other party was completely exposed in front of the two of them.

At this moment, it is not a red diamond as crystal clear as blood, but a real blood storage bottle.

The solidified color slowly flowed in the diamond, and after losing the confinement of the surface power, the dragon's blood inside really began to flow.

The majesty slowly exuded during this period all showed to the two that the owner of this thing is extraordinary, at least at the same level as the current Xia Mi in terms of bloodline level.

Xia Mi stared at the pendant without speaking,
"My brother told me the specific situation."

Fu Nian nodded, and explained a series of things about the pendant when she met Su Enxi and after meeting her.

"The power imprisoned above is a bit like the spiritual element of the White King. It is refined through alchemy. I just tried to use my own dragon blood to see if it can arouse the resonance of the dragon blood.

As a result, the alchemy array above was destroyed instead. "

Xia Mi nodded, "Brother's dragon blood concentration is too strong, this thing can't bear it. But don't worry,

Everything has two sides. I don't know if it has been calculated by others.

But this thing also provides us with some necessary clues. "

"Dragon blood?"

"Even if you want to plot against us, you have to come up with something that you can really sell. This thing is good. The other party is spending a lot of money.

Brother should come to see whose blood it is. "

Fu Nian and Xia Mi looked at each other.

"Lord of the sea and water?"

"Ocean and Water Throne."

"We've been exposed?" Fu Nian's eyes flashed brightly.

Xia Mi shook his head, "It's not necessarily that we were exposed."

"But it was us who were trapped."

Fu Nian's face darkened, the tip is indeed a bit expensive,

"But brother, don't worry. A good hunter always appears in the form of prey. It's not certain who is the prey."

Fu Nian and Xia Mi looked at each other.

The solemn air suddenly became scorched and heavy, as if there was a raging fire burning in it, as if a mountain was slowly falling.


"But brother may not be able to stay here in the future." Xia Mi said.

"Why?" Fu Nian was taken aback.

"The prey must have the self-cultivation of the prey. I have read some of Su Enxi's memories before. Although many things were deliberately covered up by some people, the details of life cannot deceive people. I can still see from them what is behind the other party. There is a force that is moving.

Whether it's a coincidence or a deliberate coincidence that the other party appeared here tonight is not too important, but it doesn't matter if it's not important, the details must be implemented after all. "

Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian, and Fu Nian nodded.

"Cassel College sent three more commissioners to Japan. They have already arrived at the Japanese branch. I don't know if Su Enxi has anything to do with this pendant, but she must have something to do with them."

"So I?"

"Brother, let's go play with them. By the way, let's learn more about Angers' purpose for letting them come here. Information symmetry is the foundation of players."

Saying that, Xia Mi opened his arms to embrace Fu Nian's arm, and shrank into the sofa.

After the boiling, the air suddenly quieted down, just like the calm of the trough after the peak.

The air in the living room also gradually became quiet, and the quiet Fu Nian could hear the even breathing of Eriyi in the next room.


a long time.Fu Nian's voice slowly appeared in the air.

"Huh?" Xia Mi looked up.

But he found that Fu Nian didn't seem to be looking at her.Instead, he turned his gaze to the distant door.

"Xia Mi doesn't believe me?"

In Fu Nian's mind, he recalled the angry eyes of the other party when he entered the door.He knew that Xia Mi was really angry at that time.


Even the moving clock hands on the wall of the living room became clear.

The sound of a throbbing heartbeat, the sound of flowing air...

"A lot of things are very boring." Fu Nian's voice continued,

"The shelf life of canned yellow peaches is 15 months. Coke needs to be drunk 24 hours after opening, and the hickey will disappear in about a week. The germination period has been counted after two people have been together for three months, so everything has the term."

Fu Nian didn't hear Xia Mi's voice, and didn't even feel her breathing.

But when he paused in every sentence, he could feel that the strength of the other party's hugging him would become stronger, and the temperature of his body would become cold, depressing and suffocating, and cold and lonely...

The other party leaned on his shoulder, a small ball, like a girl in a corner, wandering at the end of the wilderness...

"Ye Mengjiad will not leave my brother."

Finally, Xia Mi raised his eyes and stared at Fu Nian.

Eye to eye.

"But Fenlier only has Xia Mi."

Fu Nian lowered his head and looked at the eyes that were looking at him.Reaching out his hand, he gently wiped away the crystals from the corners of the other party's eyes.

"Human desires are too fragile. What I like most are actually things that have no rules to follow. For example, Xia Mi is lying on a tree and watching the starry sky, and I am sitting on a branch and counting the moon..."

(End of this chapter)

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