I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 326 Follow me, fight

Chapter 326 Follow me, fight


Genji Heavy Industries,

Inside the shrine.

Yuan Zhisheng sat straight in the middle of the tatami mat with a serious expression and even a little coldness.
Opposite him is Tachibana Masamune in a black feather.

The backs of the two were straight, and their fists were placed on their knees.The seriousness between the expressions is almost the same.

No one spoke, but the air was disturbed like flies in a dead end.

The uneven heartbeat, the clicking of the clock, and even the friction between the tatami and the floor, one after another in the air, and the notes come and go like jumps.

But neither of the two felt that it was a note, and even felt that they were more annoying than noise.

"Father!" Yuan Zhisheng who was facing him finally spoke.

"Father, are you really sure you want to do this?" Yuan Zhisheng struggled in his eyes.

"I'm sure" Tachibana Masamune looked at Yuan Zhisheng with unprecedented firmness, "If my decision is wrong, God is destined to be a cancer in the world, and its existence has been stirring the greedy heart of human beings from beginning to end. Izanagi is, and so are the demons now,
I wiped out the ghosts today, but as long as the burial place of the gods is still there, and the cancer that lures desire is still there, there will be new ghosts. They can be evil ghosts, gods and ghosts, or even their own. It can all be our Sheqi Bajia! ! "

Yuan Zhisheng had never seen Tachibana Masamune at this moment, and his unquestionable eyes carried the calmness before the storm.

"Gods will give power, but that power is also the nourishment for the birth of devils. Those who possess violence will bring more violence. That is a disaster, it is our disaster, it is the disaster of the Snake Bajia for thousands of years, it even It will be a disaster for the whole world.

I can only destroy God, the origin of this evil.It is the real way to clear the obstacles for the family, which always needs someone to do it, just like the demons, they must be completely broken, since I want to do it, I must definitely start from the root!

Don't worry, Zhisheng, I will take full responsibility independently.After this matter is completed, you will replace me as the new head of the Sheqi Bajia,

Even if it is a sin, it is a sin that I alone bear.The family needs a brand new start, and the resistance at the beginning must be borne by my father and me alone! !

You have been a very kind child since you were a child, I know you just can't bear my loneliness. "

Yuan Zhisheng: "No! Dad, you know me. My goal has never been the head of the family. And how can the head of the Sheqi Bajia be lonely? Everyone respects you and obeys your orders. Everyone They are all proud of you."

"A samurai is not alone because the hounds are clustered around his horse. It can only be another warrior. You are still young, my child, and you don't understand them yet."

Tachibana Masamune looked at Minamoto opposite him with relief, and shook his head slightly, just like his father.

"What about Kassel College?"

Tachibana Masamune knew that Minamoto was referring to those old guys from Kassel College.

"It doesn't matter. From the standpoint of God's starting point, we are consistent with the principles of Kassel College. They want to slay the dragon, and we want to destroy God. From the starting point, we are still together. For this reason, their school directors After learning that our dive research institute was destroyed by the ghosts, he also specially funded the world's most advanced dive equipment for us.

This is not something we should consider now. What we need to do now is to find out what effective means we should use to resist the means after that incident and when things change. "Tachibana Masamune looked at Yuan Zhisheng and paused,

"You know, we didn't find Erika."

"Is it really necessary to use Erika? Can't I?" Yuan Zhisheng stared at the man opposite, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

The discussion between them just now was that Erika didn't find a job, and even the commissioner of Kassel College Xia Mi.

At present, Fu Nian has not responded to this matter.This is the only thing that makes them feel relieved.

Because they are under too much pressure.None of them know what else is buried in the burial place. In case their preparations are not enough to support the preparations for the complete destruction of the burial place, or the action is delayed due to a change,
It will be the whole of Japan that will face the crisis head on. They are just the last barrier and the weakest barrier in front of ordinary people.

For then it will be the devil that will appear.

Tachibana Masamune shook his head slowly, "Zhisheng, you know her, she is different from you, you are the emperor, she is a ghost. There is a huge difference in power between you."

Tachibana Masamune paused and shook his head, "Although the girl is very important, it is only the last guarantee in our best plan. Without the participation of Erika, our actions will become difficult and many unnecessary incidents will occur. Accidents, but not completely without chance."

Tachibana Masamune slowly raised his head, and the hesitant eyes in his eyes gradually transformed into firm belief.

"Go down, Zhisheng, let the people below do the work of the ghosts and the rest of the party, we are going to prepare for the real war." Tachibana Masamune slowly stood up.

"Na Erika..." Yuan Zhisheng still did not forget the girl.

"In the name of the head of the family, I have issued a reward order to all the gangs under the Eight Sheqi Clans. Anyone who can provide any clues about the girl will receive a family gift of 10 yuan, which is [-] US dollars.

Don't worry, Zhisheng, although the girl's condition may be a problem, but currently no one in Japan can cause her harm. "

Minamoto nodded, and bowed deeply towards Tachibana Masamune.

"It doesn't have to be, we're all in love with her. Don't we?"

"Father." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Tachibana Masamune hesitantly.

"Anything else?"

Yuan Zhisheng took a deep breath and said, "Blowing up the burial place of the gods and ending the demons will require a lot of bloodshed. I don't know if it's worth it. Maybe we want to use violence in exchange for peace, but when we When we master the greatest violence, do we become the ones who should be wiped out?"

Tachibana Masamune: "When sins appear, then, yes!"

Yuan Zhisheng: "Then..."

"Kill me."

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the old man in front of him in horror. At this moment, he saw the roar of lightning from behind the other party.

"Go down."



Tachibana Masamune watched Minamoto's back as he went further and further away, and listened to the air that gradually lost any sound in his ears.

Slowly stood up, looking down at the eight seats in the room.The gentleness in the pupils from bottom to top is gradually replaced by dark depth,

Finally, he slowly took out a group of photos from the skirt behind him.

If Fu Nian was here, he would recognize everyone above in an instant.

Those five photos, in the photos, Fu Nian, Xia Mi, Lu Mingfei, Kaiser, Chu Zihang...

Different locations, different angles, but without exception, all are frontal faces.


Tachibana Masamune's hoarse voice echoed in the air for a long time...

turn.There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Tachibana Masamune flicked his sleeves.

Photos fly in the air like falling leaves.

Next second,
The fire that appeared out of nowhere began to burn from the corner of the photo. In the raging red light, the rolling black ashes gradually devoured the smile on the corner of the mouth...

Tachibana Masamune did not leave just then,

Instead, he slowly pulled out another round thing from an extremely hidden corner of his body.

The things rolled away, and what fell inside was a route map.

Each location is marked on the map with various colors.

That's the sign of the blockade,
Because at the end of the color, a scarlet red like blood shows the end of the route.

This appears to be a road map for containment.

But who are you besieging?

Tachibana Masamune didn't know.

He didn't even know how the map ended up on his office desk.

But the only thing he can know is that the other party wants him to surround him.

To be precise, use the Sheqi Bajia in his hand.

"Want to use me?" Masamune Tachibana twitched a sneer.



University of Tokyo
Among the backstreet hotels.

Xia Mi was wearing a leather windbreaker, with a pair of sunglasses on his eyes.There is a pair of leather boots on the feet.

The whole person is so sassy that he is like a special soldier who came out of the army.

In fact, it is true.I saw a short blade on her waist, and a large black beret on her right hand.

She had one foot on the chair and the other on the floor in thick boots and high heels.

A pair of golden eyes slowly scanned the three people in the living room.

Kazama Ruri in a suit and Sakurai Wanko in a battle suit.And Sakurai Kogure in a secretary's business attire.

"The purpose of my calling you here today is very simple."

Xia Mi lifted the hair scattered between his eyebrows, and stared at the voices of the three without any doubt.

"First, your boss has changed."

There was no sound below.

"Second, your new boss wants to kill your former boss."

There was still no sound underneath.

"Third, call your subordinates...to drink this thing."

A bottle of pitch-black test tube slowly rolled down on the floor...

"Then, follow me and fight!"



PS: Chapter 120 of being locked in a small black room has been released. (cover face~)

(End of this chapter)

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