I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 327 Going to the abyss to explore the dragon

Chapter 327 Going to the abyss to explore the dragon


The blade gently passes through the body of the glass, like a wooden stick gently inserted into the lock cylinder.


A slight and rhythmic undulating sound emerged in the channel.

Go, go, go.

Caesar moved his arms up and up, and the hateful voice was spreading around,

He didn't know how much lubricant he had injected into the sharp edge of the blade inside. In order to reduce unnecessary sound diffusion and be discovered by the bodyguards of Snake Qi Bajia, he even took the risk of going to a sex shop.

The lubricant inside was stolen quietly. As for why it was not above board, Caesar considered many reasons.

But definitely not because of lack of face and money.

"Hey, let me tell you, we are looking for our teammates. As for appearing in the room as a thief?" Caesar frowned and stared at Chu Zihang, who was lying on his chest.

The posture of the two is somewhat tit for tat.

"The Snake Eight House will welcome us at the Tokyo airport tomorrow morning. If we are found by them now, wouldn't it embarrass the principal."

Chu Zihang put his cheek on Caesar's chest,
Poker face.

But to be honest, it is undeniable that Caesar's muscles are really outstanding, and his thick chest seems to be dough spread on a kneading board.

Although he himself has superior muscles and tendons, compared with Caesar's innate genes of Europa, he is naturally slightly weaker in terms of muscle growth potential.But there was one thing, Chu Zihang felt that he might be pulled back from his genetic weakness.

That is, he could clearly feel that this dough-like muscle group was covered with weeds, and it was a group of weeds full of flavor.

As an Asian, Chu Zihang really couldn't accept this beast-like chest full of security, if possible.

Just say if.

Chu Zihang really wanted to pull out the rain from his waist.

Then help the other party shave the damn thing clean.

Caesar's actions were very focused. Although he was verbally questioning Chu Zihang's decision, his actions were very honest.

"Hurry up, it seems that someone is coming." Chu Zihang's ears twitched slightly, and his hands grasped Caesar's waist with a little force.

Caesar nodded.

The main reason they came here tonight was to take Lu Mingfei away.

They installed a locator on Lu Mingfei's body. Although the reality made them very embarrassed, it was not to the point where they couldn't see people.

As long as the two of them are not discovered by the Sheqi Bajia, as long as the two of them steal people quietly.

Lu Mingfei?
What Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei was exercising with us on the plane last night.

"Why did you take so long?" Chu Zihang frowned and stared at Caesar with his head sideways.

"Don't worry, this thing is bang bang, like a bone frame, I need a little time to warm up." As a noble son, when did Caesar do this kind of business,
Wherever he used to go, he was not full of food and clothing, luxury cars and beautiful women.

Cock?Open the window?
Sorry, I, Caesar, use guns all the time, but the pride of being an opponent prevents him from saying that he can't do it.

Today he, Caesar, jumped from here, that is...


A crisp cracking sound appeared in Chu Zihang's ear, the moment the sound appeared,

Chu Zihang's face changed, and so did Caesar's.

But when he slowly turned his gaze to the inserted position.His face suddenly looked better.

It was not only the blade that was split, but also the frame of the window.

Chu Zihang also let out a sigh of relief, and the two of them are now lying on the outer wall of a ten-story building,
Caesar stepped on the wall with suction cups on his feet, Chu Zihang stuck to the outer wall with suction cups on his hands, and his feet were wrapped around each other's waists. The two cooperated seamlessly.

But even so,
What they didn't expect was that there would be a guy repairing the air conditioner protruding out along the wall of the bathroom.

The moment Caesar opened it, Chu Zihang, who had been paying attention to the floor next to him, suddenly flashed a hint of hostility in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the closed window on the other side was suddenly opened,

A man in a bathrobe hurriedly ran out from the bathroom. The man stepped on the window sill, turned around in a graceful manner, and landed his hands firmly on the wall of the air conditioner.

This was followed by a snap, the window closing.

In Chu Zihang's peripheral vision, the one who closed the window seemed to be a woman with equally messy clothes.

"Yeah. I met my brother."

Holding the protruding outer wall with both hands, the man hanging in the air looked in surprise at Kaiser and Chu Zihang who were dumbfounded beside him.

Then he supported his body with one hand, and took out a cigarette from the bathrobe with the other hand.He spoke very familiarly,

"Is there a fire, bro."

The cold wind was blowing, and inside the rattling bathrobe was a fat belly, and a man who didn't even know where his underwear went...


A hand suddenly reached out into the frozen air,

Between three people and six eyes.

A windproof lighter with the Gattuso family crest.Rubbing up.


Fu Nian squatted on the edge of the window sill and watched the two classmates in front of him who pried open the glass but deserted.

He coughed lightly for a while.

But this sudden sound exploded in the ears of Chu Zihang and Kaiser like thunder.

The two turned their heads abruptly to look at the figure sitting on the edge of the window.

The stiff air turned cold.

"Chu Zihang. You said I miss Fu Nian too much. Or did my eyes suffer from the fire tonight?"

Caesar looked down at Chu Zihang on his chest.There was a rare hesitation in the deep crystal blue eyes.

"You don't miss him, and your eyes aren't bad." Chu Zihang's emotionless voice echoed in Caesar's ears.Looking at the fireproof lighter in the opponent's hand, the family crest of the Gattuso family is so abrupt.

Chu Zihang clearly remembered that it was placed in Caesar's chest pocket, but now...

He is the only one who can possess this speed.

A smile slowly appeared on the corner of Chu Zihang's mouth, looking at the face he hadn't seen for a long time,
Stretched out his arms.

Fu Nian also looked at the two people in front of him with a smile.One person, one hand, under the power that no one on both sides thought of,

With a sudden pull.


The suction cup stuck to the wall was pulled off suddenly.

Chu Zihang and Kaiser left with him.

"Brother, do you want to come to the room to rest for a while?" Fu Nian asked in Japanese, looking at the man with open arms in the cold wind.

"No need. It's a big deal, it's over. Get used to it." To Fu Nian's surprise, the man spoke in fluent Chinese.

Fu Nian nodded with a smile.Turn over and close the window.


5 minute later.

The four looked at each other and gathered around a prototype table.

Lu Mingfei has already fully explained what happened to Fu Nian.

Fu Nian is trying to figure out why the three of them came here.

Chu Zihang: "The place where the Lenin crashed is located directly above the Japan Trench. You may have heard of that trench in your geography class. It is actually one with the Qiandao Trench, Ogasawara Trench, and Mariana Trench. It is the bottom of the sea. An abyss of thousands of kilometers in length, geologically speaking, is the dividing line between the Eurasian plate and the Pacific plate. The Pacific plate rushes under the Eurasian plate, forming extremely deep cracks at the junction.

The deepest part of the trench is called the Tuscarola Deep, with a depth of 8513 meters.

The Tuscarola Deep was once thought to be the deepest in the world before the Fichards Deep in the Mariana Trench was identified as the world's deepest. "

Chu Zihang stared at Fu Nian who was listening carefully to the class.Keep talking.

"This kind of submarine abyss is also called the abyss, and it is the most mysterious area on earth. Almost no one has ever arrived there. So far, our understanding of the abyss is more based on guesswork. From the analysis of the sinking site,

The Lenin may be in the Tuscarola Deep.The best tool for exploring the abyss is sonar. The Equipment Department and the Japanese Executive Bureau use sound waves of specific frequencies to scan the depths of the abyss.The available result is not a sinking ship, but a heartbeat signal.

In the depths of the Tuscarola Sea there is a creature, a gigantic creature with a strong heartbeat, and it is getting stronger. "

Lu Mingfei's expression changed. He thought that the rescue of Fu Nian from the sea of ​​fire was already a hell-level difficult task, but he didn't expect this to be just the beginning.The real mission is actually! ! !

"You mean there is a dragon hidden in the abyss?" Fu Nian asked.

"Currently the professors speculate that it might just be a dragon embryo," Chu Zihang nodded, "but the increased heartbeat indicates that it is hatching. This is our mission this time."

"The secret cargo on the Lenin is actually a dragon embryo?" Fu Nian continued to ask.

"Yes, the Lenin passed through an unnamed port in northern Siberia and took away a precious dragon embryo, and then the port was destroyed by a fire.

No one knows where the embryo will be transported, the final destination may be Japan, or it may just pass by, but obviously it failed to reach the destination, and the dragon embryo fell into the depths of the trench.The embryos have been hatching slowly over the years without us noticing.Until now, the embryos decades ago have been perceived by us..."

"Decades." Fu Nian nodded, "If it's a dragon, it can probably endure the harsh environment in the abyss."

"Indeed. That's what the professors guessed." Chu Zihang nodded.

"What did the principal say? Destroy the bomb?" Fu Nian looked at Chu Zihang and Kaiser hesitantly, and thought for a while, "I can't just push it back and study it."

Chu Zihang shook his head, "I won't take it back for research, we are still not sure what kind of condition the embryo is in, this time it is actually a matter of exploration and destruction.

Because if we throw nuclear bombs into the trench regardless of Sanqi 21, it may cause landslides on the continental shelf,
If that happens, Japan will be affected.
Of course, the nuclear bomb outbreak will also cause uncontrollable sequelae such as tsunamis and nuclear pollution.We can only remove the embryos with precision blasting,
But it is difficult for us to locate the exact position of the embryo by sonar alone, so in this mission we will send a manned submersible to the bottom of the abyss for investigation,
If you find that embryo, send it a mail bomb.

The operation code name of this mission is 'Dragon Abyss', and we will go to the abyss of dragons.And send the dragon to the abyss. "

"Go to the abyss to explore the dragon." Fu Nian tapped the glass coffee table after listening,

"Is it you or me?"

"It's us." Caesar looked at Fu Nian and said. "This time I will lead the team."

Fu Nian doesn't care who is the captain: "But Xia Mi hasn't found any trace yet."

The crowd was silent.

Fu Nian continued, "The most important thing is the high pressure in the deep sea. As far as I know, most manned submersibles in the world can't even reach a depth of 6000 meters.

The pressure in the abyss is hundreds of times that on the ground, and it can crush the deep submersible into a flat iron sheet. "

Everyone was silent again.

"You have nothing to do." Fu Nian suddenly laughed.

It turns out that you have talked so much and painted a big cake.There is no solution.

"The principal didn't give us a solution." Caesar looked at Fu Nian spreading his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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