I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 328 Caesar: Isn't this something from my house?

Chapter 328 Caesar: Isn't this something from my house?

Fu Nian sent them away.

Sent to the airport.

The next day, early in the morning, Yuan Zhisheng, the young master of the Eight Snake Family and the director of the Executive Bureau of the Japanese branch, led his subordinates to the pick-up location.

Fu Nian stayed in the hotel alone and slept until eleven o'clock the next day.

Outside, Yuan Zhisheng led the Caesar trio to a grand welcome ceremony.

Lu Mingfei wore a kimono on the streets of Akihabara and took a photo with his sister, Chu Zihang bought a Kansai iron teapot, and Kaiser drove a van to empty the silverware store in Kyoto.

At noon, Yuan Zhisheng brought the trio to the Michelin three-star hotel owned by the family,
The emperor's personal chef sliced ​​deep-sea bluefin tuna along the belly with a Honyaki kitchen knife, leaving the belly exposed to the air like pink marble.

Teriyaki puffer fish, charcoal-grilled capers, botan shrimp sashimi, and blue lobster sashimi specially airlifted from France by Saki Hachiya, with mellow and fragrant sake in the jug.

Fu Nian is alone in the hotel, takeaway, KFC fries, KFC burgers, KFC chicken wraps.

In the evening, the trio came to Yuzao to appreciate the singing girl dance skills specially arranged for them by the Snake Bajia.

Fu Nian still stayed in the hotel and watched the news TV.

Occasionally looking at a message on the phone, the gray avatar of Xia Mi's contact did not light up.

Although the task was urgent, Fu Nian found that they were not too anxious. Not only the Eight Snake Qi Family, but also Fu Nian was on the phone to Norma.
The message given by the other party is also being prepared.

In fact, it is true that everything needs sufficient preparations, not to mention that they are facing a task full of challenges and huge risks such as deep sea diving.

In this way, Kaiser and Chu Zihang played outside with Yuan Zhisheng for half a month.

Fu Nian stayed in the hotel for half a month.Xia Mi's chat avatar also dimmed for half a month.

Until noon one day, Lu Mingfei appeared at the door of the hotel.

"Fu Nian, the mission is about to begin."

There was no movement on the messy bed.

"Fu Nian, the mission is about to begin."

Lu Mingfei turned up the volume, but there was still no sound on the wall covered with garbage.

"Fu Nian, Xia Mi found it."

Lu Mingfei only felt a phantom suddenly flash across in front of his eyes, and the phantom's vigorous upper body immediately pushed Lu Mingfei against the wall of the door.Being condescending, the opponent looked down on the stunned Lu Mingfei like a beast.

Lu Mingfei looked at Fu Nian, whose hair was a bit messy, dumbfounded.

"Why does this man look so fierce?" Lu Mingfei swallowed silently, "It's so fierce that people like it..."

"What mission?"

After Fu Nian saw clearly that the person in front of him was Lu Mingfei, a look of disappointment flashed across his eyes, and he turned and walked towards the bathroom of the room...

"The task of finding the dragon."



Yuan Zhisheng stood up and pressed his palms against the wall, the two granite slabs carved with Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi soundlessly separated, revealing a black passage.

Men in black and armed were neatly lined up in the aisle. They bowed deeply to Yuan Zhisheng and shouted: "Young master."

Yuan Zhisheng didn't return the salute, and led Ryoma Genichiro and Fu Nian, Caesar and the others walked through the passage and continued forward.

The passage in front of it was blocked by dense infrared lasers, and anyone who tried to sneak in would trigger an alarm, not to mention, there were still men in black with weapons outside.The level of defense here made Fu Nian inexplicably think of the Norma defense of Kassel College.

They have the same effect in essence, that is, mosquitoes have to die on the road.The giant bear had to die on the way too.

Chu Zihang showed a vigilant look. In this densely populated environment, they instinctively wanted to gain some sense of security.

They exchanged glances with Fu Nian next to him, and then they looked at Caesar on the other side.

Caesar nodded.The domain of Yanling Scythe Itachi spread towards the surroundings.

In Fu Nian's sense of the surrounding air, the moment Fang Yanling was released, he felt that there seemed to be countless bats rushing forward,

The weasel group split at each fork, flying farther and farther away, the sound of their wings flapping echoed at the end of the passage, and at the same time, the map of the passage in Caesar's mind became wider and wider.This channel criss-crossed like a spider web, extending in all directions.

In it, Fu Nian heard the sound of water flowing, but it was not the sound of water bubbling in the pipes, but the sound of tides, waves of tides gushing out from the mouth of the cave.

Fu Nian's strands of consciousness are attached to the body of the weasel at each fork, and he perceives the surrounding area along with Caesar.

"These passages can reach all floors," Yuan Zhisheng explained, "This kind of construction technique has existed as early as the Warring States Period. In order to prevent the assassination of ninjas and the rebellion of his subordinates, daimyo built secret passages in his castle tower. "

Among the gradually perfected maps, Fu Nian nodded.Indeed.

A few people soon came to a sealed wall, Yuan Zhisheng stepped forward to enter the password and opened the small elevator hidden in the wall, turned his head to face behind,


The elevator descended rapidly, and the Chao Sheng in Fu Nian's ears gradually became clearer and more pleasant.

He seemed to be in front of the sea's tidal coast, countless snow-white waves fluctuated with the oncoming sea breeze, and the fishy smell in the air seemed to become stronger under the kinetic energy of entering and exiting.

Finally, under the movement of the elevator, they actually saw the white waves.

This is already the underground of Genji Heavy Industries, but it is not a basement in the usual sense.
This is the inside of a tunnel with a diameter of more than 12 meters. Half of the tunnel is submerged in water. Driven by the back waves, the turbulent water washes away the metal walls of the tunnel again and again.

The xenon lamps at the top of the tunnel went one by one to the distance, submerged in complete darkness, and the huge construction machinery behind them slid against the tunnel wall, automatically checking the water level and flow rate.

"I rely on!
Lu Mingfei was amazed.His voice echoed in the huge space. A tunnel of this size could easily accommodate a train passing through it. The water under their feet was like a torrential river.It's hard to imagine such a grand project hiding beneath the surface of Genji Heavy Industries.

"This is the underground drainage system in Tokyo, and because the entire underground space is built with anti-corrosion special steel, we call it the 'Iron Dome Temple'.

Maruyama Construction, a subsidiary of the family, undertook this project, and because of it, there has been no flooding in Tokyo since the completion of the project.The secret factory of the Rock Flow Research Institute is located here,

There is also a dock here, and small submarines can reach Genji Heavy Industries directly from the waterway. "

In front of them, behind Yuan Zhisheng, stood a man in a white coat. The man's name was Miyamoto Shio, the head of the Miyamoto family of the Sheqi Eight Family, and the current director of the Yanliu Research Institute.

"Welcome everyone to the Yanliu Research Institute." Shio Miyamoto bowed to everyone after explaining.

In their eyes, the patriarch was less than 30 years old, with a handsome appearance, wearing old-fashioned tortoiseshell glasses, and neatly combed hair. He didn't look like a gangster at all, but looked like a young teacher in a college.

"Everyone, please follow me." Shio Miyamoto walked on the large frame elevator in front and led the crowd forward.

Fu Nian followed behind him, the white tide rolled back and forth under their feet, the tunnel trembled under the huge impact of the huge tide,
But instead of making them feel the danger of falling apart, this trembling made them feel a sense of security from the inside out.

Let them believe that this iron dome made of steel will firmly support their feet.

Water splashed on the steel frame, like a white dragon being forcibly bound by a tunnel at the mouth of the hole, propelled forward by the waves, it struggled forward and roared at the same time.

"Listen to the sound of the tide." Shio Miyamoto stopped and looked at the crowd
But everyone could no longer hear his voice. The sound of the surging tide shook the air, and the sound was completely wiped out as soon as it exited from his mouth.


They continued along the iron hanging ladder,
Turning around suddenly, the surrounding space changed dramatically, and Fu Nian's eyes were illuminated.

Rainstorm-like sparks fell from the sky, like a silvery white waterfall hanging at the end of the starry sky in the night sky,

In the dazzling brilliance, a huge black shadow was illuminated on the top of the tunnel,
Dozens of engineering personnel hung in the air with slings and worked around the shadows. The sparks came from the welding torches in their hands.

Shio Miyamoto turned to them,

"This is the deep submersible you will use, the Ditrieste.

This is a legendary device in the history of diving. In 1960, it reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench at a depth of more than 10000 meters.

This is not a replica but a prototype, because the deep submersible has extremely high requirements on craftsmanship. As long as there is a leak with a large pinhole on the shell, the entire deep submersible may be torn apart by high pressure.

Even if the equipment department is asked to make a temporary one according to the drawings of the Ditrieste, it cannot guarantee safety. The most reliable prototype is the prototype that has been tested in practice.

Although it set the world record in 1960.But in the next half century, humans have not built a deep submersible that can compare with it. "

"It's so big." Lu Mingfei looked up at the round thing hanging on it.The mouth is wide open as if it could stuff an egg into it.A curious baby is full of interest in everything around him.

Behind him, Fu Nian and Chu Zihang stood in a row, with stern eyes and expressionless faces, they looked like Interpol bodyguards.

Cool and cool.Doesn't seem to care much about everything.

On the other side of the bodyguard, Caesar was wearing a black cloak he got from nowhere, standing with his arms folded and Yuan Zhisheng at the corner of the hanging ladder on the other side.

Fang Qiujian seems to be able to wave his hand and throw a large lump of gold.

It's just that the young master, who was about to reprimand Fang Qiu, was looking at the big black guy above his head with doubts.

"Isn't this something from my house?" Caesar looked blankly at Yuan Zhisheng next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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