I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 329 It's good to get used to things like money ability.

Chapter 329 It's good to get used to things like money ability.


"Isn't this something from my house? Why is it here?" Caesar looked at the black thing in front of him and asked.

"Ah! Just kidding, boss."

Lu Mingfei turned his head in surprise. Lu Mingfei heard it clearly just now. This is a legendary equipment in the history of diving.
In 1960, he reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench at a depth of more than 10000 meters.

"This is indeed the collection of Gattuso's family. It was donated to Kassel College by the contemporary Gattuso Patriarch Pompeii Gattuso, and then remodeled by the Kassel College Equipment Department. It arrived in Japan three days ago. "Shio Miyamoto said.

The moment Shio Miyamoto's voice fell to the ground, the air became quiet.It's like glass cups shattered before the eyes of the gods.

The only one trembling was the Curtain God General.

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at Caesar, at this moment his understanding of Gao Shuaifu was once again refreshed by this rich boss.

Compared with this thing, brand-name sports cars and yachts are the difference between the Titanic and fishing boats in front of it. This level of collection is unique in the world. It is considered a treasure in any museum in the world. There are actually people Bought it home just to watch it for fun.

It's not just Lu Mingfei who refreshed, but also Fu Nian behind him.

It's just that Fu Nian's cold face made it really difficult to connect this kind of emotion to him.

"It seems to be bought together with the Apollo lunar module," Caesar shrugged and threw another depth charge. "My father is a playboy and likes to collect all kinds of strange broken things."

"Boss, you may have a wrong understanding of Playboy. With our father's taste, it is really difficult for Playboy to be on the same level as him. This is a cultural person. The sky, the sea...how romantic."

Caesar glanced at Lu Mingfei,

"You may have misunderstood, he does have a degree, a Ph.D. in geophysics from the Federal University of Zurich,
But even the Doctor, he's a cultured old rascal, no, an old stallion.

The essence of Playboy collecting everything is to attract women, which is vividly reflected in him.

Some women like famous watches and cars, but there are also some beautiful women who devote themselves to science. They not only have hot bodies and delicate faces, but also exude infinite charm of knowledge, which makes people want to explore.This is a fatal temptation for the old stallion. Even if the woman is a bottle of poison, he will happily drink two sips before he dies.

At that time, my father fell in love with a female doctor from the United Nations. In order to please the other party and create a chat topic, he bought the Apollo lunar module at one go.

This submarine seemed to be a casual sight for him.I didn't expect it to be used in such a place today.The old stallion did something serious by mistake. "

Lu Mingfei's jaw swelled in astonishment, and he listened to the extravagant tricks of the upper class like a myth.

On the other hand, Fu Nian, who was listening carefully to the class, was much calmer. It's not like he hasn't experienced this kind of thing before.

Such things as money ability... just get used to it.

Yuan Zhisheng signaled Shio Miyamoto to continue.

Shio Miyamoto nodded, then clapped his hands,

A beam of light hit the air from one direction, and the blazing light completely illuminated the huge black guy.

After half a century of oblivion, a legend in the history of diving reappears in the world,

The only thing that's kind of weird is that his scribbles are kinda...

Fu Nian looked in front of him, the alien submarine was bright white from the beginning to the end, and in the middle of the bright white was sprayed with a huge red dot.

Like a pool of blood soaked on toilet paper.

"Why did you scribble your flag on it?"

Caesar looked at Miyamoto Shio with the same question.He remembered that when it appeared in his house, it was stamped with the black Gattuso crest.

"This is also your father's request. He said that this deep submersible will be donated to the academy for free, but he must paint it into a Japanese flag for me. He said that the sunrise in the east is a good sign, so he wishes your Japan The trip went smoothly and successfully." Shio Miyamoto said.

Caesar pouted wildly, "But this guy is so ugly."

"Can the quality and safety be guaranteed?" Chu Zihang, who had been indifferent and silent all this time, took up the topic and watched Shio Miyamoto speak.

"Please rest assured that although the submersible has not been soaked in water for nearly half a century, the equipment department of the mission headquarters has carried out very strict modifications for this mission." Shio Miyamoto looked at the four of them.

"At least judging from the data we have obtained so far, the seniors in the Equipment Department have worked very hard this time. Not only have they installed several new systems, but they have also strengthened the interior of the shell with memory metal. Director Akadullah repeatedly stated that' Quality assurance'."

At the same time after listening, the four of them took a step back abnormally synchronously.

The doubts revealed in the eyes became more intense.

"When will you dive?"

"Tomorrow night, our branch will apply to the Maritime Safety Administration for a restraining order in the name of a scientific investigation.

Tomorrow night, all civilian vessels will be prohibited from passing through the nearby waters, but the ban is only valid for 12 hours, from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] am.

In other words we only have 12 hours to operate. " Yuan Zhisheng spoke.

"Time is a bit urgent." Fu Nian said.

Fu Nian is telling the truth, because the time from just receiving the news to diving tomorrow is too urgent,
He was so anxious that he didn't even know how to drive the submersible.

This kind of mood is like the college entrance examination tomorrow, only to find that I haven't reviewed anything yet.

"The operation of the deep submersible is not complicated. One day is enough for you to master it. This is the operation manual of the deep submersible." Yuan Zhisheng handed the thick operation manual to Fu Nian.

"As for other matters, we will prepare for you. The time is not loose, but it is enough."

Yuan Zhisheng looked at them with eyes full of information.

Fu Nian didn't know where his confidence came from.




Xia Mi was dressed in a dashing black suit and sat at the front of a Hummer.

Beside her, Sakurai Wanko, who was wearing a trench coat of the same style, was holding a long knife dripping with blood in one hand.

On the other side, Sakurai Kogure was wearing a professional suit, holding a document and frowning.

On the passenger seat of the Hummer, Kazama Ruri smoked a cigarette with a long pipe.Curly smoke trails spread out along the window a little bit.

The only bit of spice in the pouch was completely used by him.

Because the smell of blood in the air was too strong, so heavy that the smelly sea water and the dilution of the huge waves could hardly cover up the smell of iron.

The tumbling tide ebbed and flowed, carrying corpses one after another on the ground during the ups and downs.

Without exception, they are all combat groups pursued by the Eight Snake Qi Clans.

In the time period when the Eight Snake Qi Clans are exterminating the fierce ghosts on a large scale, if they don't move and hide in the sea of ​​people, naturally there will be no problem.

But they raised the battle flag.

facing the wind and rising to the sun,

Use the most arrogant way to attract the ghosts in the area ruled by the fierce ghosts.

Their existence is like a lighthouse in the dark night, pointing out the direction for the ghosts lost in the ocean waves, and at the same time attracting the most raging anger of the Bajia of Sheqi.

"This is already the eighth time the group has attacked today. It belongs to the crane group of the ninja group of the Fumo family of the Sheqi Eight Families."

Sakurai Kogure told Natsumi who was sitting on the roof of the car looking at the sky with the information obtained from the investigation.

Under the setting sun, the afterglow of the setting sun slanted on the sea water at the end.Like yellow tulips blooming in the wilderness of Siberia, the wind blows in the waves, and the petals dance in the mountains...

Xia Mi heard that there is a large torii built in the sea not far away. It stands above the sea on four pillars. Tourists usually need to take a boat through the middle to visit it up close.

Originally, Xia Mi planned to take a boat with Fu Nian to take a look, and then the two sat on the top of the torii gate to look at the sea and the starry sky, and when the tide fell at night, they walked along the exposed road. Walk back to the hotel.

If you are lazy, you can let Fu Nian carry you on your back...

But the current situation is obviously not allowed, although I am already very close to here.

But without Fu Nian's trip, she didn't want to care about torii or not.

"How many ghosts are here?"

Xia Mi's voice was clear.Like waves breaking on stones.The splashing waves gleamed scarlet in the afterglow.

"There are a total of 430 grassroots ghosts in this area. Today, there are only about 300 people gathered towards us, and most of them were executed on the spot by the Sheqi Bajia.

One hundred and four people rushed to our side. "

Sakurai Kogure's dismembered corpses exploded at the far end,
"The method of directly using dragon blood is still a little too extreme. Although they are ghosts with unstable bloodlines, the bloodlines in their bodies seem to be unable to withstand the direct impact of dragon blood directly. There is not even a dead waiter among them. Successfully completed the evolution."

Sakurai Kogure's voice is Gujing Wubo, she doesn't need to feel sorry for anything, they are ghosts, born to be ghosts in the dust.

"Is that so..." Xia Mi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Brother's strength really played a decisive role.

Let's stop here. Do their family members have records? "

Sakurai Kogure nodded.

"The matter of pensions must be handled for them."

"No need for this, they are evil spirits themselves, and the blood on their hands is also unforgivable, otherwise they would not risk death to come here to find us, they know that once the Snake Bajia finds them, it will be a dead end as a result of……"

Xia Mi raised her hand to silence Sakurai Kogure's voice.

"They are evil spirits outside, but by my side they are servants of the throne.

The king never treats his servants badly.Just like a hunter doesn't starve his falcon.

What should be given, don't miss a single point. "

Xia Mi turned her head to look at Sakurai Kogure, in the dark sunset, a pair of golden eyes were shining like the sun.


Sakurai Kogure quickly lowered his head.From this girl, she felt a different strength from that lonely man.

"Let the mountain group lead people to prepare to evacuate from Osaka. The wind group, water group, and fire group hide separately."

Feng Shui Volcano was re-integrated by Xia Mi according to the elements. Although it was said to be an integration, it was just a name change for them.

They are the backbone of the Ghost Clan, different from the mixed races in the grassroots gangs, and they are the cornerstone of the real existence of the Ghost Clan.

After that night in the Bliss Pavilion, they were the only ones left with the ghosts.

The former ghosts controlled eleven of the eighteen underworld gangs in Osaka,
But the world changed after that night,
The door of Genji Heavy Industries was opened, black vans drove out one by one, and the high-level cadres of the Snaki Bajia were dispatched in full force.

At the same time they arrived in Osaka, the gang under the Saki Bajia launched an attack on the ghosts.

There has never been such an efficient underworld war in history. Seven of the eleven gangs announced on the same day that they would switch their allegiance to the Sheqi Bajia.
The bosses of the three gangs were clubbed to death, and the last gang was declared disbanded.Overnight, Osaka became the Osaka of Saki Hachiya.

Not only in Osaka, but from the south to the north, the gangs loyal to the Sheqi Hachijia all acted under the dispatch of the Sheqi Hachijia, and spared no effort to attack the gangs loyal to the Demon Ghosts.The macaques scattered when the tree fell, and the foundation laid by the ghosts for more than ten years at the grassroots level was wiped out that night.

All that is left is the middle pillar of timely scheduling and withdrawal.But Xia Mi didn't use them, because they were full of chess pieces of the king.

(End of this chapter)

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